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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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1000... yeah!



Blizzard has nothing to fear from BioWare or SW:TOR.



This game is not made for a vast amount of players.




No, they are killing themselves just fine.


They should worry about their devs...killing WoW quickly.

Edited by Azzras
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That's your choice and I respect it, but from what I've heard Tera is a giant Korean grind fest.


If you're focus is on leveling and not about the 'game' then I have to agree. But then again if the combat is enjoyable then I'll not notice the grind. I guess it depends where the gamers focus is.


I have no doubts that a korean to western ported game (remember TERA has been released for almost a year and a half now) will result in what we percieve as a tough leveling curve. But then again the exact same thing was said about Aion which was another successful korean to western port and the western version of the game was changes to make leveling easier. I expect TERA to do the same to increase the appeal of it within the market.


Ultimately, a grind fest which is fun due to the combat mechanics is better than an easy leveling game where you're not getting much satisfaction from the combat itself. ie. TOR.

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The now WoW is dropping subs like Niagara Falls drops water. (Sorry, the best analogy I could come up with...lol)


same could be said about sw tor if you look at how many unhappy people the game has currently


they just havent dropped there sub because 1.2 hasnt came out yet so they can see the reality of the fact it isnt going to be the miracle patch they expected

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Until a competitor comes out and bests it in one or more ways, just like WoW did when it came out!


I'm an MMO fan, I would like nothing more than to see the next-gen evolution of this genre finally come around.


Not looking close enough.


Do a bit more research on WoW and see exactly how -little- it 'revolutionized' MMO gaming. There's a reason why people called it Franken-MMO for a loooong time after its release.


SWTOR has just as much, if not more, innovation than WoW, and I think it hits the nail on the head a lot better.

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Great! another book starring one of the most uninteresting people in the Star Wars universe! Awesome sauce!


My god, it's going to feel so good when

my Inquisitor sends that loser flying off the platform into his own oblivion. I should write a book about that myself! I'll call it:


Star Wars: The Old Republic - It's Not the Fall That Hurts, It's the Sudden Stop

Just like I farmed the Lich King Heroic in WoW... Arthas, the Lich King, beaten by a random assembly of pretty weak adventurers.

It's the fate of every MMORPG villain, my little green friend (with Palpatine voice - he knows about it!) ;)

Edited by Korrigan
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So as they fixed the exploit for the graveyard camping how exactly do you suggest that bioware stops one lot of players talking to another to arrange to meet to exchange kills for valor ? how is that the fault of a bad design of illum.


Bad design isn't necessarily easily fixable, or fixable at all. Sometimes the only true and permanent "fix" is to scrap the whole thing and start again from the ground up, and that's clearly not feasible here. So BioWare is doing what it can to mitigate the problems by fixing things as they find it. This is the correct approach in this case, but it doesn't change the fact that the initial design was flawed.


Think of it this way: the disease is a flawed design, but there's no cure for the disease that doesn't also kill the patient. So the best you can do is treat the symptoms.

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1000... yeah!



Blizzard has nothing to fear from BioWare or SW:TOR.



This game is not made for a vast amount of players.


Oh yeah, performance issues are thing of the past on the PTS.


WZ lag is gone...at least for me and many others it seems.


Try for yourself if you don't believe me.



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Bad design isn't necessarily easily fixable, or fixable at all. Sometimes the only true and permanent "fix" is to scrap the whole thing and start again from the ground up, and that's clearly not feasible here. So BioWare is doing what it can to mitigate the problems by fixing things as they find it. This is the correct approach in this case, but it doesn't change the fact that the initial design was flawed.


Think of it this way: the disease is a flawed design, but there's no cure for the disease that doesn't also kill the patient. So the best you can do is treat the symptoms.


No sorry but that is quite laughable, how do you stop exploiting, you punish it harsly. so please tell me that the exploiting that was done in illum couldnt be done in winter in wow, you cant because it could. the only difference is reward and the punishment handed out by bliz for such infractions. As player behaviour of such actions cannot be stopped unless there is either no communication between players on the game or over the web which is impossible or players have no way to meet other groups in pvp then the only way to stop such action is punishment.


beyond this the only other remedy to fix illum is to transfer it from an open world pvp area into a battleground zoned area where you have no idea as one side which server group from the opposite side you would face.


Punishment for exploiting has nothing todo with design, only how the exploiting has been done within the design to the level of punishment handed out.

Edited by Shingara
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Agree and WoW is handing out free 80's like candy. That tells me the big dog is scared of the new big kid on the block.


Myea I had a scroll of ressurrection in my mailbox with : 1 char boosted to lvl 80. Free server/ factions transfer to whatever faction/ server my friend is playing on and so on.


Ofcourse Blizz is scared of losing their piggybanks at the moment since they are trying to found their new project "titan" I believe it was called.


But WoW feels like its just monkeying after already existing games for now.

Take the "new" pet battles for example and armoring on mounts and what not. Dont tell me you arent thinkin of Pokémon or that old Show from the 80´s Dinoriders when you hear that.


It just doesnt feel appealing to cling on to. I have been trying Swtor now since release, There have been improvements but the game is still to choppy when it comes to combat. Abilities not triggering when pressed. Targeting in PvP warzones jumps from the one im currently beating down to someone that throws a dot on me for some reason making me frustrated and trying to tab target back to the guy that I was previously killing only to find him healed up.


The thing people are comparing with atm like the dungeon / raidfinders/ flashpoint / operationfinders are just a convenient tool to have. Its nothing that is 100% needed in my oppinion.


There are still buggs, and glitches and for some reason doesnt Swtor use the hardware to its maximum. Battle on Ilum is one example where theres too much going on in-game for some reason that drops everyones FPS down 80-95%. And after reading the new patchnotes They are only going to give you a option to check called awareness level " A new preference, "Awareness Radius," allows players to adjust the number of characters displayed on-screen. Reducing this setting can improve performance in crowded areas on low-end machines." Probably a thing that will be fun when we cant see the guy standing infront of us beating us in the face and we cant see him.


Bioware have still not released any "optimal" driver setting to either Ati / Nvidia to help out with the game running better. ( I could be wrong about this one but today the 28th of march when I searched on Nvidia / Ati I couldnt find any trace of it).


Sorry to say but I dont think I will resub when this subscription runs out, because the game still feels unfinished. The combat still feels clunky and I could direct to another link showing examples of this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=227621


I am a Star Wars n3rd when it comes to down to the chase, I really like the Voiceacted Pve content ALOT. But the combat is still 95% of this game and to have it not satisfy me is bugging =(


I am in Beta for a FPSMMO thats going to be released this year FOR FREE. Free 2 download and Free 2 Play. Pm me if your interested and I can direct you on a youtube video to show some more. But I´m still looking for this new Mmo that can take my mind of things and show me a great online experience with possibly new online friends.

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There are still buggs, and glitches and for some reason doesnt Swtor use the hardware to its maximum. Battle on Ilum is one example where theres too much going on in-game for some reason that drops everyones FPS down 80-95%. And after reading the new patchnotes They are only going to give you a option to check called awareness level " A new preference, "Awareness Radius," allows players to adjust the number of characters displayed on-screen. Reducing this setting can improve performance in crowded areas on low-end machines." Probably a thing that will be fun when we cant see the guy standing infront of us beating us in the face and we cant see him.


On the PTS, I and many others have noticed that performance is greatly improved.


I encourage you to try it.


It takes a very short amount of time to lvl to where you can cue for WZs.

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Well, I give the OP one small tiddle of credit......if you want your thread to be popular on this forum and gain over a thousand posts..... insert the words WoW and SWTOR and create a false premise about which one is better. And the forum populace will take it from there. :)


Beyond that though, this entire topic is a waste of forum space. The conversation does not matter. It's simply endless circular debate fest between people who like SWTOR and people who do not, with the occasional alleged neutral party chiming in here and tere. It's been done to death already, but I guess it is a predictable and regular as the "I'm quitting threads, so I will persist I am sure.

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On the PTS, I and many others have noticed that performance is greatly improved.


I encourage you to try it.


It takes a very short amount of time to lvl to where you can cue for WZs.


Performance is indeed greatly improved on the PTS though old bugs are back that are crippling. GCD failures and Abilities not going off. Quite a few animation failures, etc. but at least it looks pretty and seems to be running smoother.

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Well, I give the OP one small tiddle of credit......if you want your thread to be popular on this forum and gain over a thousand posts..... insert the words WoW and SWTOR and create a false premise about which one is better. And the forum populace will take it from there. :)


Beyond that though, this entire topic is a waste of forum space. The conversation does not matter. It's simply endless circular debate fest between people who like SWTOR and people who do not, with the occasional alleged neutral party chiming in here and tere. It's been done to death already, but I guess it is a predictable and regular as the "I'm quitting threads, so I will persist I am sure.


Which is why this thread hasn't been locked imo.


It is a fun debate, though.



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Performance is indeed greatly improved on the PTS though old bugs are back that are crippling. GCD failures and Abilities not going off. Quite a few animation failures, etc. but at least it looks pretty and seems to be running smoother.


Report, report, report, PLEASE report these bugs so they don't slip through the cracks and make it live.

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Not looking close enough.


Do a bit more research on WoW and see exactly how -little- it 'revolutionized' MMO gaming. There's a reason why people called it Franken-MMO for a loooong time after its release.


SWTOR has just as much, if not more, innovation than WoW, and I think it hits the nail on the head a lot better.


That's the Kool-Aid talking.


WoW beat everything before it, and was beat everything since. Not sure how else to explain it.

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Just like I farmed the Lich King Heroic in WoW... Arthas, the Lich King, beaten by a random assembly of pretty weak adventurers.

It's the fate of every MMORPG villain, my little green friend (with Palpatine voice - he knows about it!) ;)


Yeah... Malgus still sucks as a character, though. lol

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Yeah... Malgus still sucks as a character, though. lol
You just forgot "in my opinion" :)


This said, I agree partially... Satele Shan > Malgus.

And the real enemy isn't Malgus, but the Emperor.

Edited by Korrigan
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On the PTS, I and many others have noticed that performance is greatly improved.


I encourage you to try it.


It takes a very short amount of time to lvl to where you can cue for WZs.


I noticed this immediately upon creating a new character. The UI is much more responsive, the graphical stickiness seems, for the most part, to go away. The current ui must be terrible on client side performance.


That said, I'm still waiting for them to fix the 30000000 bugs on Soa and Pylons.


Patch 1.2.1

- Fixed a bug with clicking the "lock" button that caused the entire pylon to lock even if the wheel that was locking wasn't wheel 4. Hopefully this will actually stop the encounter from being impossible to complete on some attempts, but probably not.

- Fixed the bug where segments of the floor never fell into place during phase transitions on Soa, resulting in the entire raid being stuck on a platform with nowhere to jump. Now if that happens speeders will spawn that can be ridden to the next safe platform. At this point, there's a 50/50 chance they'll spawn on a different platform than the one people are stuck on.

- Orbs will no longer despawn on phase change, since that wasn't working anyways, they'll now chase people from platform to platform while Jaws music plays in the background. We gave orbs jump animations and they now take falling damage while trying to chase players. We found instances where the orbs would teleport to players but that shouldn't happen too often.

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Blizzard has always done a good job of copying the good parts from their competitors and then polishing them so that they fit in seamlessly. In their upcoming expansion they are copying the incremental gear upgrading of orange armor into their endgame gear progression and independent loot rolls from story-mode operations into their LFR raids.


Perhaps more tellingly Blizzard is not following SWTOR's lead and making their talent trees bigger, getting rid of LFD/LFR, removing addons/macros or adding restrictions to transmogrification. With these Blizzard is happy with the direction they've chosen, and that should give SWTOR devs pause.


This leaves full voice-acting as the one unique thing SWTOR has over other MMOs. This might give SWTOR one or two year's lead over future competitors. That sounds really good in theory, but you have to remember that WoW has maybe 5 year's worth of improvements to their live game lead and they still struggle to keep people playing.

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