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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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Given that we did not kill him in FE, I have no issue with seeing him make another appearance.


Me neither. In fact, I'd expect it because that's what makes character feel more epic... the "so, we meet again!" syndrome. You have a personal tie to them. That's why it works narratively and some players will never understand that.

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I read it... I didn't see any "defining moments" that made him who he is, or what he is. I got a lot of "Meh" out of it. However, the first rule of good characters is it takes some time to care about them. So maybe his time is coming.
Two things:

1) I doubt you read it all between the time I posted and the time you answered.

2) Your answer is not surprising, since the opposite would have you admitting you were wrong and that Malgus has a long and intricate story, which is something one just can't do on an Internet forum ;)

Edited by Korrigan
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But you know what? It's STILL more actual fun to play.


Aren't you the one earlier that said something about 'subjective' and I shouldn't say one is better than the other?




Enjoy your pandas and pokemon, m8.


I personally don't see the appeal to it, but to each their own.

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Aren't you the one earlier that said something about 'subjective' and I shouldn't say one is better than the other?




Enjoy your pandas and pokemon, m8.


I personally don't see the appeal to it, but to each their own.


Then we're back to the start: fun and variety :)


Currently missing in certain games.

Edited by Lethality
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Well, I will give you the dungeons. I absolutely hate that Blizzard does this, but they do it because there's demand due to nostalgia there. But I hate it and I don't do them.


Rag though was a different thing... he was back in a new, forward-progressed story and you fight him in his realm. Fairly epic, I might add.


So does that mean we should never see Darth Malgus in future TOR expansions then, or would you considered that "re-hashed"?


I see no problem if it fits in the progression of a story, ie.. Rag in the elemental plane (he was never "killed" in MC, just banished to his realm). If it's just to say "hey, we turned a 20 to a hardmode 5 now" then no. As far as Arthas vs Malgus (I assuming you are meaning Arthis and not Bolivar as Lich King), he was a major character from the Warcraft days and had about 5 years of development, Malgus can reach that kind of epicness (along with others) as long as it is allowed to developed naturally and given time.

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Me neither. In fact, I'd expect it because that's what makes character feel more epic... the "so, we meet again!" syndrome. You have a personal tie to them. That's why it works narratively and some players will never understand that.


But you just said that he doesn't have any story and is basically a waste of character space....now you look forward to his return?



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But you just said that he doesn't have any story and is basically a waste of character space....now you look forward to his return?
I'd stop answering if I was you - I can't say why since I want to respect the forum rules, but trust me, you waste your time arguing with some of the people here. Edited by Korrigan
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Maybe its not WOW.


If you say SWTOR is more varied than WOW then how would you know you seem to be on here more than ingame by the looks of it.


Some jobs are more boring and less time consuming than others.

Unfortunately, I can't play while here. I can use the internet, though.

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But you just said that he doesn't have any story and is basically a waste of character space....now you look forward to his return?




He doesn't have an epic story - yet. It takes time to develop them. Once we see him again, it will feel more epic because we have a history with him.


This is what you and others give no credit to Blizzard for and will never, ever understand. They do take the time - years in advance - to begin creating characters and lore and story that we will care about. I would say they are more painstaking about this kind of thing than even BioWare.

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I'd stop answering if I was you - I can't say why since I want to respect the forum rules, but trust me, you waste your time arguing with some of the people here.


Backhanded remarks will get you in just as much trouble... people aren't stupid. So, yeah.

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I hate to beat a dead horse too much, but the obvious fight going in the MMO space right now is between WoW and SWTOR.


When SWTOR came out there was a vocal minority arguing that what SWTOR is now is better than WoW at release. They reasoned that SWTOR offers more to players than WoW did at release, their comparisons are often driven towards saying, "yeah - SWTOR did this wrong at release, but WoW did it worse when it was first released." The argument relies on the idea that developers cannot compete with 10 years of ongoing development, that features and content in WoW now was developed over 10 years.


This is of course all rubbish, and Blizzard seems to get that:




Whilst the criticism is certainly in keep with Blizzard "post-competitor release PR machine", he's damn right. He couldn't be more right if he tried. I do not PvE... at all... aside from raids I run with my guild. Why? Because finding a group is so very tiresome, especially considering that in most MMOs today the feature to find a group easily is center stage. A lack of Dunegon Finder is a big thing, a big omission, something that should be in 1.2. We're not getting it in 1.2, that's obvious, and we'll get it at some point in the future, but it's such a big thing that SWTOR is half a game for not having it.


That's a bit part however. 1.2 goes a long way to bringing SWTOR in line with modern MMOs, as opposed to being 10 steps behind them. Bioware obviously knows that they are competing with WoW now, not WoW at launch. 1.2 and 1.3 are likely to add in pretty much every major feature that WoW has on SWTOR, and we're likely to see more in the way of gameplay variety coming in the future.


I'm not suggesting that Bioware should be trying to emulate WoW. I am saying that Bioware should be looking at WoW and other MMOs and seeing uniform features - like dungeon finders - and saying "yeah, that's something we should have had at launch, and something we should get into the game asap." And it was foolish of Bioware to release the game in the state it was in. Whilst it's certainly an accomplishment to have made SWTOR, it's also a testimony to the failures of the team. I'm hopeful - as are many others - that they've come to realise their folly.



Well said Indelible and I found this posted on Community Q&A by a player named "Shampoo" that really captured the SWTOR's current situation. Sorry in advance as I had to cut an paste it ............



Read this first: A summary of this story may be found at the very bottom of this post.


But for the masochistic...



The old Republic Desperately needs to control subscription Hemorrhage resulting from Excessive player Sprawl Across Low Population, Ghost Town Servers.



It's sad to see an MMO in it's infancy look dead and barren like the Mohave, with the healthy servers acting as Las Vegas, where lucky core players conquer content and sanctuary is provided for those willing to level up an entirely new character.


The prior character they worked so hard on that now sits like a lone, browned cacti surrounded by miles of cracked, dry earth and infinitely long Warzone queues with a dehydrated PVE community on the cusp of death, the only trading post being a GTN that rattles like a can full of five pennies.


These proud comfortably populated towns have, since the free month, been gradually reduced to dust and dried up pastures. The few who remain leave their homes only to be disappointed with the lack of opportunities for an accomplished adult.


The free month and launch hype migrants have come and gone, and the settlements which remain are distant but serve to remind us of what our hard work could have resulted in. Instead, we grovel alone or break bottles in taverns.


The amount of players on these communities combined, however, sport a population several times that that of the thriving and densely populated top five locations. Many refugees are rerolling into the big cities, dropping out altogether or leaving the desert for familiar yet less adventurous pastures.


...but ToR isn't the Mohave, is it? I don't know, it's become a bit hazy like smoke filled taverns under lonely Nevada skies.


Things may not change, the towns could dry up like so many did after the great westward migration picked communities dry like vultures on the stringly carcass of a lone wandering buffalo.


We could watch as players leave en masse towards supposed mountains of gold and lush farmlands, areas myself and my people don't much care for. IF we had working cars, trains, busses or even bikes we'd make our way to Vegas, Lancaster and even Victorville.


Perhaps what would really be most wonderful, though, would be a way to band our distant communities together and form cities in our beloved desert! Thrive without relying on places like Vegas. If folks find a way to rebuild in those cities, that's great! But whispers of unity stop the quicksand from pulling our towns into complete limbo.


Whispers and rumors of cluster convergence and allegiances. A way to thrive again without losing one another. Day after day we lose more--and when one family member leaves, the rest are sure to follow.


We desperately need a catalyst, or at least an upfront plan to stop the destruction of our communities in our beautiful desert as the sun beats down on us, sweating up our backs and remind us each day may be our last. As homes are evicted it's only a matter of a month or so before we become extinct and leave the Mohave altogether, after years of loyalty since the founding years of our adored town-steads.


So when the next wagon arrives and I hitch the horses I hope to take said carriage towards a summit to discuss matters of unity, so our communities can thrive amongst one another and the bleeding can stop and our friends can return. So that water may return to dry, crackled lips of lost vagabonds who seemed to have forgotten what being home felt like.


In this open letter to the SWToR devs, I ask to have a more formal response on the urgent server population issues.


Yes, I have read the post concerning the labor allocation and effort towards enabling server transfers. Said post is A. not easily accessible, B. indicates a time frame that may just bleed the game dry. What good is new content when the majority of players don't have others to access it with. I'd give up my legacy levels to play the game I felt was advertised in a heartbeat.


Like so many MMO gamers, I choose these types of games for achieving goals with others. Regrinding legacy is not a gamebreaker and can be added later after the bleeding has slowed.


MMO players are throwing in the towel, even ardent defenders of the game reserve this as a primary concern--this should have been the first issue addressed, no matter how laborious of a task it is.


Server emptiness looks, plays and appears bad. It cripples MMOs, and is actively turning people away in droves--making the problem even worse. Posts can be found on the issue across MMO news websites, communities and the general chat within thousands of player fleets within the game.


The Old Republic is unhealthy because of server and player sprawl and they dance around questions pertaining to planetary level restrictions? Laughable. It's like they want their game to fail.


Hell, if they have to, they should just allow players to move characters and have legacy be wiped. I could care less about legacy and I know I'm not the only one. Legacy enabled transfers could be implemented later AFTER the damage control. At least then I could occasionally play this MMO with someone.


Just like you don't stitch up a muscle-deep limb wound before applying a tourniquet, you cannot wait until things like legacy carryover is worked out to fix the most glaring flaw this product is wounded by


The bleeding must stop before the closing procedures allow for more comfortable living. A temporary solution must be enacted lest we wish more capable men and women to follow their countrymen to live all new identities (read: characters) within already bloated super-cities.


This sort of cyclical bleeding of players from low pop servers isn't necessary. Allocate resources to ensure a fix of any kind happens before it gets too late.


Pathetic that there's no easy to access place to find information about this. Probably because they don't want headlines to include a bit on dying server populations.


It would ultimately be good for retaining... regaining and garnering new subscriptions to actually make the game worthwhile again for the majority of the playerbase who are scattered on completely dead servers in what is supposed to be a "massively multiplayer" game.


Fix this now as it actually is getting too late. Before new operations, before customizing clothing or tinkering with professions and class balance.


This forum represents a minority of people, many of whom are established in the MMO community and have groups to play with. That being said, the other million+ of your paying subscription base do not post here.


Most of us who don't regularly post have already left or will soon. This can all be attributed to lack of players to adventure with. There's no excuse that this isn't coming with 1.2, allocate the resources if you want the game to succeed.


Stop bull******** about classes lacking interrupts and planetary level restrictions when so many of us don't even have much of a game to play at all. It's just offensive.


So frustrating. Worst part is I so badly want the game to survive because the fundamentals are damn fun--but for many of us the most rewarding gameplay in MMOs come from what their name implies. Playing with the masses.


Plug the sinking ship, Bioware--stop prancing over micro level balance issues and officially announce the transfer feature that is supposedly in the works so my friends come back.


The real PR disaster would be an EA shareholderholder meeting reporting an unsustainable business model because of poor resource allocation.


I've seen a lot of MMOs die for neglecting these same issues.


Good towns.. too bad hard times brought 'em to the grave.


Lastly, though I am not a Blizzard fan, they must have really done something right ... lets face it, currently 10 + million subscribers, granted they lost 2 million subscribers over the last 18 months, so they were 12 million plus subscribers at the peak of the game.


SWTOR has so much potential, but unfortunately BW cant seem to keep up with all the "leaks" within the game, so the ship seems to be sinking in which SWTOR started with 1.7 million subscribers. They have lost 600k over the last month and the lost subscriptions are just continuing. You would think that BW would be more proactive with the community in discussing the large issues ... not that we are working on it and will advise in the future.

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Blizzard could release the next expansion using stick figures and it would still be more polished than SWTOR.


They aint even in the same league.


I would love BW to prove me wrong but im still waiting for them to fix that daily quest in ilum for 4 months.

Edited by its_them
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Blizzard could release the next expansion using stick figures and it would still be more polished than SWTOR.


They aint even in the same league.


I would love BW to prove me wrong but im still waiting for them to fix that daily quest in ilum for 4 months.


It took Blizzard longer that to fix one of the early paladin class quests.

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SWTOR popularity comes from the first two words in it's title. If this game didn't have that IP tie in it wouldn't be anywhere near as popular as it is.


IMO Rift is still the best well made MMO and had one of the smoothest and feature filled launches for an MMO. Unfortunately no one likes it because it's a clone of WoW and really, why would you jump from Facebook to G+ when all your friends are already on Facebook.


WoW will always be the big dog, not just because they have a well made game, but because they have successfully integrated their other IP's with it. Why buy Diablo3 when you can sign up for a year of WoW and get D3 for free for just a few bucks more? This type of cross-promo is huge as it keeps subscriber numbers up for the MMO even if you're not bothering to log into the game.


Why couldn't the same had been done with MassEffect3? Huge opportunity missed there IMO.

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