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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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There are objective measurements you can use:


None of which have any bearing on your subjective assessment of "best". It's an opinion by definition.


Candle in the Wind, by Sir Elton John, is the best selling song of all time. Get it?

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There are objective measurements you can use:


- sloppy and loose combat vs. tight and responsive

- large areas of silence vs. ambient music that persists throughout

- lack of social and multiplayer systems and tools vs. the exact opposite of that

- etc.


you know what i think your right, swtor is good and going tobe better.

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Tbh its fact, name another mmo that has everhad more active subs?


Arh so we are back here. Like someone says, Is justine bieber great because he gets lot of views on youtube and sells loads of records. No, of course not. You even said it yourself. To his fans he is. But this is an opinion.

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McDonald's is a great restaurant using your logic.


American Idol - great


Bieber - great




BTW, just because something is a financial success doesn't mean it is a great product.


Pet Rock - great marketing gimmick - stupid/useless end product.


Are you 16?


Try this


Pink Floyd - great


Seinfeld - great


Pizza - great


See what i did there. Long term sucess.

You named "fads". A 7 year sucessful mmo is not a "fad".

Not on my level.

Edited by Parali
rude, already warned
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There was story and immersion in WoW as much or more so than TOR, except TOR has digital actors read the dialog to you... that certainly does not improve my gameplay, as a matter of fact it breaks immersion because it's not "me" talking and leaves nothing to my imagination. I'd much rather read the highlights of my goals and then fill in the blanks through adventure.


Are you sure you played WoW?


Because story and immersion are definately NOT what I remember from my years of playing it. Like I said I admire WoW for what it was, not what it's becoming, but that doesn't mean i'll put on rose coloured glasses and imagine things were better than they were.


There was no, zero, nada immersion in WoW that I remember, and story? Pfft, I doubt even 1% of the Lore or Quest text was ever read by most players.


To suggest there was as much or more story & immersion in WoW than in SWTOR is just ludicrous. If you want to debate sensibly i'm happy to continue but if your not going to take it seriously theres really no point.

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Are you sure you played WoW?


Because story and immersion are definately NOT what I remember from my years of playing it. Like I said I admire WoW for what it was, not what it's becoming, but that doesn't mean i'll put on rose coloured glasses and imagine things were better than they were.


There was no, zero, nada immersion in WoW that I remember, and story? Pfft, I doubt even 1% of the Lore or Quest text was ever read by most players.


To suggest there was as much or more story & immersion in WoW than in SWTOR is just ludicrous. If you want to debate sensibly i'm happy to continue but if your not going to take it seriously theres really no point.


Im guessing in vanilla, you were lost in brd.

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Both look like crappy 2.5D games released before 2000. Wait, one is, actually.

If I wanted to play a game with 15+ years old Isometric graphics, I'd play Ultima Online, which is superior to any Diablo game without breaking a sweat.

Edited by Korrigan
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I think the OP and person he quoted is 100% spot on.


I know I personally wont be quitting the game anytime soon, but if these features were in at launch then a lot of my friends might still be playing too.

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What is always amusing in those threads is that all the people praying Blizzard like if it was their god are still paying a SW:TOR subscription, since you can't post here without an active subscription. Says a lot about putting your money where your mouth is, doesn't it?



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I think the OP and person he quoted is 100% spot on.


I know I personally wont be quitting the game anytime soon, but if these features were in at launch then a lot of my friends might still be playing too.


I don't know, I really wanted to love this game. But the locked in linear zones, stale play style, useless companions at max level, and even if it doesn't mean to the game "feels" like wow. Which I've said it before I don't understand what kind of player SWtor wanted to attract by making a game that feels so much like wow, but missing important elements.

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There was no, zero, nada immersion in WoW that I remember, and story? Pfft, I doubt even 1% of the Lore or Quest text was ever read by most players.


And who's fault is that? The players. There was a all kinds of stories that tied zones together, recurring NPCs, etc. If you bothered to pay attention.


To suggest there was as much or more story & immersion in WoW than in SWTOR is just ludicrous. If you want to debate sensibly i'm happy to continue but if your not going to take it seriously theres really no point.


TOR lacks immersion completely. How can you be immersed when you're constantly jarred from cut scene (pause mode) to battle? The whole experience gets entirely in the way of immersion.

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I don't know, I really wanted to love this game. But the locked in linear zones, stale play style, useless companions at max level, and even if it doesn't mean to the game "feels" like wow. Which I've said it before I don't understand what kind of player SWtor wanted to attract by making a game that feels so much like wow, but missing important elements.


i have no idea in essense of what you are refering to by linear zones being bad or stale play style but what on earth are you refering to when you state that companions are useless at max level ?

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What is always amusing in those threads is that all the people praying Blizzard like if it was their god are still paying a SW:TOR subscription, since you can't post here without an active subscription. Says a lot about putting your money where your mouth is, doesn't it?




Sub to TOR has long been cancelled... still posting though.

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What is always amusing in those threads is that all the people praying Blizzard like if it was their god are still paying a SW:TOR subscription, since you can't post here without an active subscription. Says a lot about putting your money where your mouth is, doesn't it?




Most people are still only in their first real paid month of play time for SWtor, So no the fact that people can post really isn't a good indication of them putting their money were their month is. A few months down the road you might beable to make that argument.


And a few people here understand wow is past it's time, I do.

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i have no idea in essense of what you are refering to by linear zones being bad or stale play style but what on earth are you refering to when you state that companions are useless at max level ?


Companions are completely unavailable to you in all forms of end game, except open world PvP.

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Companions are completely unavailable to you in all forms of end game, except open world PvP.


So what about crafting and gathering, companion quests and companion affection gaining ?

Edited by Shingara
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And who's fault is that? The players. There was a all kinds of stories that tied zones together, recurring NPCs, etc. If you bothered to pay attention.


The funny part of this post is that everything you said WoW has is in ToR, just done better if you bothered to pay attention.

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i have no idea in essense of what you are refering to by linear zones being bad or stale play style but what on earth are you refering to when you state that companions are useless at max level ?


Once you hit 50, and engage in PVE content or PVP your companion can no longer accompany you. These aspects are traditionally what is focused on at max level. They can still assist you crafting and such, however I am let down by they focus on companions all the way up to 50 and the let down of not being able to utilize them.

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