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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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I won't say this game failed yet. It's missing LOADS of stuff, and all the denial in the world doesn't change that wow is the better game in most ways, but I wouldn't call it failure yet. Of course, I also won't say, "it'll grow" because folks say that about every MMO, and after the new new car smell wears off, people start leaving.


But the fanbase for this game can't argue very well, that is for sure. Comparing this game to wow at launch to see if it'll survive the CURRENT market just shows how hopless most of this community is, but not much can be expected from starwars fanboys.


Me, I'm enjoying it so far, but I can tell the content won't last at this pace if they don't pick it up. MoP is added loads of stuff to do outside of grinding heroics, make raids much more accessable to the noob population and harder for the hard core, loads more PvP variety in the BGs, a better achievement system, pet battles, challenge modes, scenarios (which is way better than the worthless heroic quest system in place) and other goodies.


From a realistic perspective, looking at the history of MMOs, this game probably will go free to play by the 2nd year, no amount of fanboyisim on the either side can change history, or the fact that many features are lacking. But it's only been 3 months or so, I still think it's way to early to call this game a failure.


Also don't under estimate the power of starwars fanboyism. Blizzard fanboyism is an ant compared to the elephant that is starwars fanboyism. They could change abosolutely nothing and still make a profit from the die hard starwars supporters. WoW had to fight to earn and keep it's player base, ToR's is a given, regardless of good/poor quality.


Wow functionality is better in terms of the tools available provided by the game and not add ons but thats only due in the main part to many years of live development and the impact of specific addons to the game. Things like scrolling combat numbers, ah enhancement, quest helper, dungeon maps.


But seriously what is missing in the game now that isnt being developed for it. LFG tool is coming, they are creating there own UI editor that even wow doesnt have, ranked pvp is coming. they have a whole diff mmo genre in swotr when you look at space which can only be expaned on, combat logs is in 1.2.


Acheivments will be coming as they are partly built into the legacy system now and warhammer had a great achiev system and was made by mostly the same people.


Guildbanks are in 1.2, target dummys are in 1.2, a mailbox and gtn all though neutral is in 1.2 and will be on your ship.


As for if it will grow, well its grown to nearly 2 mil and thats defo not something to be ashamed of, but are people expecting this to hit 10 mil playerbase. in 7 years who knows but everyone knows that an mmo dont realy get going till its 1st expantion or a year down from live release. If 1.2 is anything togo by though 1.3 1.4 and 1.5 will expand and increase the fiunctionalty and playability gods knows how much compared to now.


But thinking it will be f2p is just wishful thinking on the most part by alot of people, never going to happen in this decade.

Edited by Shingara
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They opened with 9 classes instead of 8, many, many dungeons and, most importantly, upwards of three zones per level bracket to choose from. The simple fact that you could level three different characters on the same faction and have three different leveling experiences is a massive advantage over SWTOR - especially when the game is in its infancy and all there is to do is level a main and alts while endgame gets sorted out.


He's very wrong about the amount of content added for FREE as well. Every content patch adding raids (most of which were far superior to the expansion released raid), dungeons, dailies, crafting enhancements, battlegrounds (most of them), PvP ranking, new gear, new storylines. I had a boatload more stuff to do when WoW came out than I did when SWTOR came out.


9 classes with specs that weren't viable (pally tanking or dpsing was an oxymoron and there are a slew of other examples). 3 leveling experiences? If you mean to say 3 different looking zones in which to level, you'd be much closer to the reality. Most patches released battlegrounds? What? Only 4 of the current BGs were released as patches. And 3 of those came about AFTER the initial WoW launch (which had none). Not every content patch in Classic released raids. Out of the 12 major content patches during Classic, only 4 of them released raids. The first NEW raid (after launch) didn't come out until 9 months afterward.


You had a boatload more stuff to do when WoW came out? Really? My guess is that you started playing BC. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you were a Wrath baby.

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He's right when he says there is nothing to do. The free 80 is new perk of recruit a friend.

And to be fair, swtor did launch with more toys. If you say otherwise you are a liar liar pants on fire.



Well, here's the choice. Lets go to a world where it's logical to compare wow of 2004, to swtor of 2011.


So, Warcraft released with 2 - 40 man raids, 2 10 man raids (UBRS/LBRS), 18 or so 5 man dungeons, 7 classes with an at the time and a unique class for each faction. 8 unique and visually different races. Multiple leveling paths for each class, allowing for two-three characters to level without doing the same quest twice. Content that required not only a large amount of gear, but keys/attunements to the raids and faction reputation to complete them, keeping people busy for months, even when they played 12 hrs day 6 days week. Not to mention a nearly perfect combat system, thousands of unique models and tens of thousands of items to find. Then you also had the complete macro, UI modification system along with a use-able combat log.


Star Wars was released with 2 16&8 man operations, dozens of flash points, 3 battlegrounds, space combat. But they only had 4 unique classes, each class had 2 advanced specs with 8 races that all look almost exactly like each other. a horrible combat system with no macro or UI capability, no combat log (Even though was in beta). Railed questing outside of unique class quests. Railed space combat. Operations that can be completed in quest gear, with no need or reason to upgrade through end-level flashpoints. PvP gear that can be earned through battlegrounds.


Voice dialog in quests is not content.


You know though, the thing that ruined my star wars experience wasn't the quest dialog, railed worlds, pvp or railed space combat.


It's the absolutely horrible combat.

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And it is just as easy to form a group on swtor as it is to form a group on old wow. infact its easier on swtor as you can label yourself as lfg, what ye do is start chatting in general and say lfg. If your complaining about no lfg channel there is one on nearly every server created by players, ask on your fleet what the channel is called and join it.


That LFG flag is a joke that no one uses. I'm flagged constantly, but every group I've gotten into I had to get by fishing in the fleet.


More importantly, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT WOW WAS LIKE ON LAUNCH. No on in wow is using an LFG chat channle, they just use the queue, something alot of players in the beta were saying needed to be put in for years.


It also wasnt quicker to lvl from 1-60 in van wow then it is to lvl in swtor from 1-50 to think so is rose tinted glasses, the raids themselves took freaking hours if at all they were finsihed before everyone had enough.


This is 100%. Wow in classic took way longer to get to 60 than it took to get to 50. Really I can get to 50 in Tor in the same time it take took to get 40 in classic wow.


And dont get all misty eyed about how long the raids lasted in van wow, they lasted because only about 15% of the playerbase actualy completed them unlike now where wow raids if they are to tough get nerfed so every hillbilly can complete it, just look at the buffs and legendery farce going on there right now to see that casing point.


Less than 1% still ever clears heroic content. In fact, ulduar, heroic ICC, and all heroic tiers of cata all broke the record for longest time it took to for one guild to finally clear the content. Heroic content on WoW last ages longer than nightmare content on ToR. Clearing the easiest setting doesn't mean you've cleared the easiest content. Again, you should really quit making things up.


To the crafting, the crafting never really gave worthwil items in wow apart from consumables. No crafted item could compare to d1.5 t1 nor t2 and definatly no weapons were crafted better then the raid weps.


Crafting in classic provided the entry level raiding gear. Every teir of content in LK and cata, released 2 plans for every crafting profession that was always on par with the raid gear. Every time new plans come out, there is always a big line of people waiting to get their hands on the mats, and often paying top dollar to get their hands on the gear. Again, you are just spitting out more BS.

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We know all about your bum sitting adventures by now, they sound truly fascinating if you're bound to a wheelchair and don't like to interact with people much. Good thing this is another game, another place, where only the threads might fool you sometimes. And now, to the game(s)!



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Oh my, you're really making an attempt at making me laugh out loud?


They opened with 9 classes instead of 8, many, many dungeons

That much is true, still doesn't hold a candle to the 16 classes available in TOR.


and, most importantly, upwards of three zones per level bracket to choose from.

You're not counting the starter zones, are you?


The simple fact that you could level three different characters on the same faction and have three different leveling experiences

Zone 1: bring me 10 boarsnouts

Zone 2: bring me 10 wolftails

Zone 3: bring me 5 boarsnouts and 5 wolftails


Anything else vastly different? Not really, even this missions aren't really different, since virtually nobody actually reads the mission text: people just click accept without even reading, and start killing the mobs that have an indicator on their nameplate that they might drop something you need for a mission. And this was the case on day 1 already. Ashenvale suffered from constant spam asking where to find Buzzbox XYZ, simply because people don't even read their questlogs, and just click accept and then see where the stuff they need is going to drop.


is a massive advantage over SWTOR - especially when the game is in its infancy and all there is to do is level a main and alts while endgame gets sorted out.
WoW Vanilla endgame at launch? Some raids almost nobody did, because they got stuck in Scholo or Strath, hoping to get some rare blue thing to drop and wonder why it gives them some 14 points in Fire Resistance.


He's very wrong about the amount of content added for FREE as well. Every content patch adding raids (most of which were far superior to the expansion released raid),

And just how many content patches did you see in WoW? How regular? Bioware is already pumping out content patches faster than Actiblizzion does now, which in turn is much faster than Blizzard did during Vanilla, since they actually cared for bringing some quality back then, while their modern content patches are 99% reskin quality. By the way, NOT every content patch added a raid, only a few of them did.



Even less of those were added, instead they nerfed down some raids and turned them into regular instances.



Were never part of Vanilla


crafting enhancements,

Apart from adding some new recipe drops to instances, not much was changed about crafting during Vanilla.


battlegrounds (most of them)

3, no less, were patched in during content updates, since they didn't even exist at launch.


, PvP ranking,

Which was basically removed again at the end of Vanilla


new gear,

Uhm, that's a given, that's more or less standard for content updates.


new storylines.

*cough* *splutter*


I had a boatload more stuff to do when WoW came out than I did when SWTOR came out.

So, by listing all the stuff added during content updates over a timespan of 2 years, you're saying you had more to do when WoW came out? You're actually listing all the stuff you COULDN'T do at WoW launch. Unless you started playing something like 2 years AFTER WoW was launched. :rolleyes:


Basically, TOR launched with an amount of features more comparable to WoW 1.7 or 1.8, and they're already working on an amount of features to get it comparable to WoW 2.1 while we're still only a few months into the game.


I get it, some people just don't like it that some strong competition to WoW finally arrived. But why do such people post here instead of play the game they obviously care more about (for reasons that are completely beyond me)

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Not in terms of storyline and questing. But if you are talking about the "dead world" wow is pretty much the same way. Go on a medium or heavy server and go to a mid level zone anytime of day. I guarantee on most occasions you will not see more than 20 people there. Maybe BW made a mistake by showing the number of people that are in your zone. Its always smacking you right in the face that their are only 15 people in your zone, its actually kind of annoying in alot of ways, as soon as i get my hands on the custom UI that is the first thing im going to get rid of.


Also the fact that wow zones are connected makes a difference in the sense that you will see people flying overhead that may just be passing through or something, but you honestly cant make a starwars game with connected zones (planets) the planets are obviously going to be instanced that is the only play with a star wars MMO.


Why can't we make a star wars game without instanced planets? Don't we have spaceships to explore the galaxy as and when we please? (oh wait...)

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9 classes with specs that weren't viable (pally tanking or dpsing was an oxymoron and there are a slew of other examples). 3 leveling experiences? If you mean to say 3 different looking zones in which to level, you'd be much closer to the reality. Most patches released battlegrounds? What? Only 4 of the current BGs were released as patches. And 3 of those came about AFTER the initial WoW launch (which had none). Not every content patch in Classic released raids. Out of the 12 major content patches during Classic, only 4 of them released raids. The first NEW raid (after launch) didn't come out until 9 months afterward.


You had a boatload more stuff to do when WoW came out? Really? My guess is that you started playing BC. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you were a Wrath baby.


You assumed my statement in two paragraphs was about release WoW and it wasn't. Go back and read it more carefully. Implying that the only difference between same level zones in WoW was appearance and that somehow SWTOR is better because it LACKS those zones is plain foolish. The stories were different in each zone, the look was very different and mobs were different. The experience going through each was unique.


My account was created Nov. 27, 2004 and yes - there was more to do at WoW release than SWTOR.

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That LFG flag is a joke that no one uses. I'm flagged constantly, but every group I've gotten into I had to get by fishing in the fleet.


More importantly, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT WOW WAS LIKE ON LAUNCH. No on in wow is using an LFG chat channle, they just use the queue, something alot of players in the beta were saying needed to be put in for years.




This is 100%. Wow in classic took way longer to get to 60 than it took to get to 50. Really I can get to 50 in Tor in the same time it take took to get 40 in classic wow.




Less than 1% still ever clears heroic content. In fact, ulduar, heroic ICC, and all heroic tiers of cata all broke the record for longest time it took to for one guild to finally clear the content. Heroic content on WoW last ages longer than nightmare content on ToR. Clearing the easiest setting doesn't mean you've cleared the easiest content. Again, you should really quit making things up.




Crafting in classic provided the entry level raiding gear. Every teir of content in LK and cata, released 2 plans for every crafting profession that was always on par with the raid gear. Every time new plans come out, there is always a big line of people waiting to get their hands on the mats, and often paying top dollar to get their hands on the gear. Again, you are just spitting out more BS.


The 1st part is false, i use it and get groups by using it. So what if no one uses the lfg in wow now. is that a good or a bad thing when it comes to comunity playerbase. And where did i state anything about it being in wow or the butterfly fairys nightmares. seriously off the high horse, if it dont work for you but works for others there is possibly a reason behind it.


As for the heroics in wow lasting longer, is that due to token grind and reward from said tokens or quality of the heroics, when i left wow heroics had come to be a speedrun, get in and out as fast as possible and just get the tokens, the gear was vendor trash.


Also the crafting didnt provide the entry lvl raiding gear, the dungeon gear provided the entry level raiding gear. the off chance that you got one of the named weps from either ubrs or the similar was pure fluke at best.


As for the recipies providing from lk etc yes they did but how many crafters got them, how many were made and sold at reasonable prices. next to none. and once the token system came in it was little to no point of buying nor creating them as people churned through the content so fast it was pointless beyond twinking alts.


as for the insults, keep them coming, i enjoy it when peeps try that tactic to create a flagable post.

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That LFG flag is a joke that no one uses. I'm flagged constantly, but every group I've gotten into I had to get by fishing in the fleet.


More importantly, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT WOW WAS LIKE ON LAUNCH. No on in wow is using an LFG chat channle, they just use the queue, something alot of players in the beta were saying needed to be put in for years.


Great, people just use the thing that so many have called the destruction of the WoW community. Can we have more, please?




This is 100%. Wow in classic took way longer to get to 60 than it took to get to 50. Really I can get to 50 in Tor in the same time it take took to get 40 in classic wow.


You're definitely right on that one. Of course, grinding out a level or two to open up new quests or grinding from 58-60 because the later zones (Silithus, EPL) had no real questing at all was super fun, right?

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so what everyone got to keep a title what has nothing todo with rank. if you knew what the ranks meant you would understand that and the weekly ranking system to increase or decrease your rank.


And the ranks wernt like the founder title, they were there as earned ranks not given for free with specific gear tied to the rank and only one grand marshall or what ever the horde version of it was.


What are you trying to get it? We did get to keep the titles. Yes I know how the rank system worked. And when we moved on to BC, everyone got to keep their original PvP titles to show what rank they had. Not only that, but people who held the rank to this day are the only people allowed to transmog their gear to have the grandmarshal and high warlord gear, as well as keep their title. Yes, you are dead wrong about saying they just got rid of ranks you fought to keep. Everyone got to keep the title showing what rank they were, and have exclusive rights to transmog that gear.


As for the 3 zones, they were the starting zones for lets take ally for example, dwarves,gones share, night elves own and humans own. each kept to there own but mostly you just went where your mates were and no one went back to do old zones as it was near pointless unless you were a lore junky or later in the game going for loremaster.


The guy was saying that you had 3 quest paths to take. That an alliance player could quest northward from dwarf/gnome area, a human player can quest southward from human area, and a night elf can quest southward from his area and have a completely different questing expereince 1-60. He's not talking about starter zone. Why are you using starter zones to attack his point? That had nothing to do with that.


you fail.


Honestly, it wasn't bad enough stabbing yourself in the foot the first time? You have to come back give it a twist as well? It's better to keep your mouth shut and look like an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.

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Unlike WoW, where every class has a strength or weakness against multiple classes and strategies, which usually results in people calling hacks, dev favoritism or some other excuse to cover up the fact that the person who beat them either got lucky or knew enough about his class to not die outright. If your class is weak against someone, find their class killer and work with them.


Your saying this like its a good thing.


I'm sure if the devs had to do it again they would adopt this model that ToR is using.

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Your saying this like its a good thing.


I'm sure if the devs had to do it again they would adopt this model that ToR is using.


Eh it's kind of resting on the fence. I'd probably do more PvP if people would work together more often rather than just run out the gate and do their own thing.

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I hope they close this thread.



If people like their old games better then they should play them. If people like this game better they should play this. Whatever makes people happy.



For me swtor is good fun. Wish it had orvr like war but blaster rifels are good stuff.




seriously i wish people didnt feel the need to come to the forum and bash this game to justify returning to the other games they have years of time invested in.


I honestly wonder if any game could ever be good enough to convince some of the wow fanboys to give up the characters they have years of play time on.

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It really depends on what the player wants to play. SW and WoW are two totally different beasts in both gameplay and theme.



Most of my friends play WoW, and I've tried over and over to continue to play. It is just SOOOO boring for me. I've made it to 65 and quit, then my friend gave me an 85 so I can raid with them...and I quit again. Recently tried to start it again, but yet again quit.


I've been playing SW non stop since release and have yet to be bored.


All in all, some people are going to hate SW...and some are going to hate WoW. Depends on the person.

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You assumed my statement in two paragraphs was about release WoW and it wasn't. Go back and read it more carefully. Implying that the only difference between same level zones in WoW was appearance and that somehow SWTOR is better because it LACKS those zones is plain foolish. The stories were different in each zone, the look was very different and mobs were different. The experience going through each was unique.


My account was created Nov. 27, 2004 and yes - there was more to do at WoW release than SWTOR.


First of all, only a very small percentage of people care about the storyline in the zones in WoW because most people don't bother reading the quest text. It's in no way interactive and if I wanted to do any of that, I'd read a book. Second, I never said anything made TOR BETTER. I merely said that your assumption that it was a different leveling experience is rose tinted. Third, if you're not talking about release WoW you must be talking about expansions of WoW, in which case the similarities end until TOR puts out an expansion. Fourth, your account wasn't created in '04, if it was, you wouldn't be talking this nonsense. There was definitely not more to do at WoW release. No hardmodes/heroics, no battlegrounds, no dailies, two raids, a few more dungeons, no world bosses. Bigger continents and a "fresh" leveling experience, alt-wise, isn't more content especially when the bash you're putting on is that the only thing to do in TOR is to level alts.


Now, bring some REAL arguments to the table or just go away.

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lol, is this "compare.com" really still taking place in the forums,


K, here's the deal -



A Car Manufacturer launches a new Car, lets call it the KOTOR 9000, it's a good car, nothing fantastic, but does the job, its been given all the hype by the marketing guys, fancy adds on the television, on the internet, glossy adds placed in the auto press, the full works.


A bunch of free test KOTOR 9000's are shipped out to all the auto press guys, the big Auto mags, Top Gear, you get the picture, a bit of cash is stuffed into brown envelopes and accidendtly gets left on the drivers seat, yeah you get the picture, lol


Then, something strange happens,


The Car Manufacturer states to the auto press that their new KOTOR 9000 can ONLY be Tested and Compared with Cars that were built and launched 6-7 years ago.


Failure to comply with the Manufactures wishes on this matter will result in no more free test Cars being provided, and therefore also a conspicuous lack of brown envelopes appearing on drivers seats,


The Auto press at this point are like - "Really ?, we are not allowed to test it alongside Cars that are on the market today, the latest models ?, are you for real ?"


Car Manufacturer - Yep, for real dudes.


Auto Press - "Ok, we gotta find a bunch of 6-7 year old cars, and do a test with this brand spanking new KOTOR 9000, hmmm, I wonder which car will win, lol"


Is your brain thinking - "hang on, something not right here ?"


Yeah, its called Fanboy Marketing, and its nonsense,


Any Car released today has to be compared and tested alongside other Cars that are also on the Market TODAY, regardless of their actual base design age,


In other words, when Ford send you the latest greatest new Ford Focus to test, it's gonna get tested alongside the latest greatest VW Golf, NOT a VW Golf that was made 6-7 years ago.


And more to the point, that latest and greatest Ford Focus, has to compete with all the other latest and greatest Cars on the market today which just so happen to be aimed at the same market audience, if it can not, then people are gonna say - "Hang on, this is a bit crap"


And thats what happens when you release a product into the marketplace, Fanboys, please take note ok.



That means -


SWTOR 2012 is competing with WOW 2012




SWTOR 2012 has to be compared with WOW 2012


Regardless of whether you like that fact, or not.




Yes, people are comparing SWTOR to WoW as it is now; however, your analogy's comparison is incorrect. Comparing SWTOR to WoW in it's current state is more akin to racing a brand new stock, off the lot car against a car that's been around for 7 years and has all the tweaks/upgrades needed to get the highest performance possible. Obviously, the car with all the tweaks and upgrades is going to (all other things being equal) stomp the crap out of the brand new, off the lot car with only stock options, in the short term, but, in the long run, the new car stands a very good chance of competing with the older, upgraded/tweaked car once it is also upgraded and tweaked.



And yes, you should be sorry, for posting that ill-conceived bit in the spoiler.

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What are you trying to get it? We did get to keep the titles. Yes I know how the rank system worked. And when we moved on to BC, everyone got to keep their original PvP titles to show what rank they had. Not only that, but people who held the rank to this day are the only people allowed to transmog their gear to have the grandmarshal and high warlord gear, as well as keep their title. Yes, you are dead wrong about saying they just got rid of ranks you fought to keep. Everyone got to keep the title showing what rank they were, and have exclusive rights to transmog that gear.


The point of the ranking system was a competative stance on who was the best on the server, a title does little for that beyond back then you were that good when the ranking system stopped. Who cares about transmog btw all that shows is the limited viability on custom looks wow had up until now. Now i wonder why they put that into the game at this point. They wouldnt be doing there old tricks of 'borrowing' content ideas from other games again would they. now where have i seen custom gear before.......


The guy was saying that you had 3 quest paths to take. That an alliance player could quest northward from dwarf/gnome area, a human player can quest southward from human area, and a night elf can quest southward from his area and have a completely different questing expereince 1-60. He's not talking about starter zone. Why are you using starter zones to attack his point? That had nothing to do with that.


The starter and the secondery zones were the only real single path per race/races in the game, after that they were shared paths of mostly go get me 20 rabbits ears. only places they really deviated was close to top end when you got des, ferals etc which were largly ignored.


Honestly, it wasn't bad enough stabbing yourself in the foot the first time? You have to come back give it a twist as well? It's better to keep your mouth shut and look like an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.


yup keep going. you failed so do the insults bit to try and make yourself look good.

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I dont think anyone expected for SWTOR to be better than the current WoW 3 months in lol. I also think most adults dont care if SWTOR is better than in WoW, or if WoW is better than SWTOR. It looks to me that SWTOR is a still a work in progress. I think they released this version because they had to at this point. I mean we are talking about Bioware and EA here, they are not going anywhere lol. They could float this game for a decade if they absolutely had to. People say SWTOR is dying... **** man, it was just born 3 months ago XD Go look at the WoW sub chart. See where it peaked and then you will see how foolish it is to predict a games future 3 months in.
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You're not counting the starter zones, are you?


I can roll a night elf and go to Elwynn Forest or Dun Morogh to level. From level 1. Can't do that in SWTOR. You're locked onto your starting planet until they let you off. Once you are off, you're stuck doing the same series of planets every time you want a new character.



Zone 1: bring me 10 boarsnouts

Zone 2: bring me 10 wolftails

Zone 3: bring me 5 boarsnouts and 5 wolftails


Anything else vastly different? Not really, even this missions aren't really different, since virtually nobody actually reads the mission text: people just click accept without even reading, and start killing the mobs that have an indicator on their nameplate that they might drop something you need for a mission. And this was the case on day 1 already. Ashenvale suffered from constant spam asking where to find Buzzbox XYZ, simply because people don't even read their questlogs, and just click accept and then see where the stuff they need is going to drop.


A) How is that any different than "destroy 5 of these things" and then when you get there and kill a mob its suddenly "hey, while you're there, kill 15 of these guys and 20 of these guys"?


B) I read my quests. I enjoyed the story. Just because you didn't doesn't mean everyone is like you.


WoW Vanilla endgame at launch? Some raids almost nobody did, because they got stuck in Scholo or Strath, hoping to get some rare blue thing to drop and wonder why it gives them some 14 points in Fire Resistance.


Vanilla instances were epic and fun with guildmates and friends - raids and dungeons alike. The only downside was class specific loot.



And just how many content patches did you see in WoW? How regular? Bioware is already pumping out content patches faster than Actiblizzion does now, which in turn is much faster than Blizzard did during Vanilla, since they actually cared for bringing some quality back then, while their modern content patches are 99% reskin quality. By the way, NOT every content patch added a raid, only a few of them did.


Regular enough to keep things interesting. The only time I got genuinely bored between patches was at the end of Wrath because ICC was out WAY too long before Cataclysm. I never said every patch had a raid - I said every patch had something whether its new dailies, new BGs, new quests, new raid, new dungeons. Except that stupid voice chat patch. That sucked. I didn't think people needed me to spell things out so much.



Even less of those were added, instead they nerfed down some raids and turned them into regular instances.


Number is a moot point - they were added and free of charge. If you read carefully, I'm referencing the SECOND statement of the person I originally quoted when he said you almost got nothing in the free content patches.



Were never part of Vanilla


Wasn't talking about vanilla.


Apart from adding some new recipe drops to instances, not much was changed about crafting during Vanilla.


Wasn't talking about vanilla.


3, no less, were patched in during content updates, since they didn't even exist at launch.


Wasn't talking about vanilla.


Which was basically removed again at the end of Vanilla


Wasn't talking about vanilla.


Uhm, that's a given, that's more or less standard for content updates.


Tell that to the guy I was talking to about not getting anything for content updates.


*cough* *splutter*




So, by listing all the stuff added during content updates over a timespan of 2 years, you're saying you had more to do when WoW came out? You're actually listing all the stuff you COULDN'T do at WoW launch. Unless you started playing something like 2 years AFTER WoW was launched. :rolleyes:


My first paragraph was about Vanilla. My second was about ALL content patches since then. Make sure you read the entire thread and know where you're coming into the conversation. It'll help keep things clear and understandable.


I get it, some people just don't like it that some strong competition to WoW finally arrived. But why do such people post here instead of play the game they obviously care more about (for reasons that are completely beyond me)


Its as competitive as Rift, FF-XI, WAR, Conan, CoH, and GW. I post here because I enjoy discussion and hope to have it with people who don't feel the need to take any negative comment about this game personally. Still looking for that discussion.

Edited by aznthecapn
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You're definitely right on that one. Of course, grinding out a level or two to open up new quests or grinding from 58-60 because the later zones (Silithus, EPL) had no real questing at all was super fun, right?


Silithus wasn't completed, blizzard even said so. no one played silithus until they added AQ.


EPL though, was HEAVILY developed. To say that there was no real questing in EPL shows that you didn't pay attention to what you did in warcraft and is just making things up.

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