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hmm, I think that it's YOU who has a 18% win to lose ratio. It may means that you are rather bad.


Try to find friends to tag with. If you play alone (and poorly), you have little chance to win against teams of good players.

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hmm, I think that it's YOU who has a 18% win to lose ratio. It may means that you are rather bad.


Try to find friends to tag with. If you play alone (and poorly), you have little chance to win against teams of good players.


Everyone has the same chance of being on a similar team. It is not just me, several others have been tracking it too. We are within 3% of each other after 50 games and subtracting the huttball interactions between same faction. If three of us are doing it and have similar numbers then it has to be true.

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Everyone has the same chance of being on a similar team. It is not just me, several others have been tracking it too. We are within 3% of each other after 50 games and subtracting the huttball interactions between same faction. If three of us are doing it and have similar numbers then it has to be true.


No, everyone doesn't have the same chance of being on a similar team. If you're part of a premade you've got a 100% chance of being in a team with at least 4 premade members. If you're queuing solo, the chance will be less than that.


Three people keeping stats is nowhere near enough to mean anything statistically. Even if your 18% figure was true across all republic solo queuers, you'd then need to compare that with empire solo queuers and see if they're doing any better. Or if it's just that premades are way more likely to win, which everyone knows already.

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Server mileage may vary- on mine a large number of the 'average' pub player sloughed off of warzones so that now I see basically some various makeup of about two dozen remaining pub pvpers that are pretty much all well geared and organized with a solid number of healers.



Imperial side we still draw from a much bigger pool, thus getting a couple players somewhere between fresh 50 and centurion. Sometimes it is a close hard fought match, sometimes a stomp (depending on how many we have that are on par experience wise vs neophytes)



Ultimately it adds up to about that same percentage reversed during peak hours, though a little closer to even off-peak

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No, everyone doesn't have the same chance of being on a similar team. If you're part of a premade you've got a 100% chance of being in a team with at least 4 premade members. If you're queuing solo, the chance will be less than that.


Three people keeping stats is nowhere near enough to mean anything statistically. Even if your 18% figure was true across all republic solo queuers, you'd then need to compare that with empire solo queuers and see if they're doing any better. Or if it's just that premades are way more likely to win, which everyone knows already.


Need 3 imps who queue solo to keep stats for 50 matches and report back here.

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im just guessing your an epic fail.. 18%.....


you cant judge a performance over just a few games.. ok if you play 1000 games and win 18 of them sure.


and its 18% of YOUR games.. is it really all the other republic that suck? or is it maby another issue?

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im just guessing your an epic fail.. 18%.....


you cant judge a performance over just a few games.. ok if you play 1000 games and win 18 of them sure.


and its 18% of YOUR games.. is it really all the other republic that suck? or is it maby another issue?


That means that the stars are aligned and the planets are in their mystical orbits to create 8 republic fails every time I play. Interesting concept but I would think that would be a statistical improbability. Easy to blame one person for an entire team's loss though.

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You know what it, it doesn't freaking matter. Since I posted this, we have lost 5 more straight. Republic just does not win in warzones at all. If you say they do you are just lying.


No, it is not Republic that lose all it's match, it's you. There are several explanation to that fact :


1) You play awfully and therefore your side has to deal with an incompetent and top win being 7vs8. That is a huge disadvantage.


2) Your stuff is crap. It is quite the same thing. Someone with 0 expertise would be rolled over by a battlemaster. Without any stuff, it is not quite different for your team between having you and nothing.


3) You play alone and are at a huge disadvantage if encountering any premade team. Since there can only be 4 pickup with a premade team and 8 without, you do got twice as much chance to be in a full pickup team than with a premade.



I lose less than one wz over 30 (and with a hell of a good fight). Does that mean that imperials wins 97% of their wz ? Of course not, I just happen to tag with 3 other war heros and we got a TS channel.


Wins are not a matter of random and the very fact that you think the opposite way is part of the reason you lose that much.

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Everyone has the same chance of being on a similar team. It is not just me, several others have been tracking it too. We are within 3% of each other after 50 games and subtracting the huttball interactions between same faction. If three of us are doing it and have similar numbers then it has to be true.


As someone who usually toughs out warzones I will say that comebacks are very, very rare especially for the Republic.

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No, it is not Republic that lose all it's match, it's you. There are several explanation to that fact :



I lose less than one wz over 30 (and with a hell of a good fight). Does that mean that imperials wins 97% of their wz ? Of course not, I just happen to tag with 3 other war heros and we got a TS channel.


Wins are not a matter of random and the very fact that you think the opposite way is part of the reason you lose that much.


You are a liar.

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I spent 18% of a minute reading this thread.


I used 18% of my brain to write this response.


I burned 18 calories thinking about this topic.


The OP enraged 18% of the forum population by posting this thread.


Fact: 18% of the abilities in this game are over powered.


Every person has an 18% chance of becoming a troll later in life.


18% of forum posters do not think before they post.


18% of all statistics are true.



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You are a liar.


Well, if your base of thought is that wins and loss in wz are only a matter of luck, then I assume that I ought to be a liar.


But, try to think a little (I know it's hard). If you lose 18% of your games, then someone somewhere wins 82% of his (do you really think every imperial does ?).


I happen to think that being a healer playing along with a tank and two damage dealers all of them wearing battlemaster gear and being on ts might help me to win some wz.

But I also might be wrong and it doesn't help, if that is the case me and my team are quite lucky indeed.

Edited by Waib
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hmm, I think that it's YOU who has a 18% win to lose ratio. It may means that you are rather bad.


Try to find friends to tag with. If you play alone (and poorly), you have little chance to win against teams of good players.





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im just guessing your an epic fail.. 18%.....


you cant judge a performance over just a few games.. ok if you play 1000 games and win 18 of them sure.


and its 18% of YOUR games.. is it really all the other republic that suck? or is it maby another issue?


LOL that would be 18 out of 1000 is .018% bro not 18%

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LOL that would be 18 out of 1000 is .018% bro not 18%


18/1000 is 1.8% bro not 0.018%


but anyway... i play republic, yesterday i won 8/9 wz's and got 3 arms on ilum... today i was 11/13... so yea.... that's a much higher % than 18.


OP you are a liar! :)

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To the OP's credit, it may be the server as well.


A lot of servers saw IMPs getting much more valor and quicker dailies done, thus more gear. There is also the argument that most noobs to MMOs roll pubs.


On the other hands, many people knew that Pubs would be the underpopulated side. Many really good PvP guilds rolled on the Pub side, and imps are diluted by pure numbers. So many servers are balanced or actually Pub dominated.


Moral of the story, it's not just pubs. I'm sorry you can't win as a pub on your server, you should probably get some friends and some good strats if you want that to consistently change.

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today on my republic server i lost 3 games. i played over 20. people who blame the faction or their class usaly shouldnt be in the warzone cuz they more then likly are s keychamps and clicken baws...my fav line..."omg i woulda beat you but i draged my force shield off the bars.."
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