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Hitting stealthers once just to keep them in combat?


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LOL Cool Head has zero points.


I'll admit, because of your ridiculous and silly arguments, I pretty much assumed you were some talentless monkey-thing that spec'd halfway up heals and halfway up damage, so I threw in a spec based entirely on reading the talents and having a basic idea of smuggler abilities. Never played a scoundrel above level 16.


This one better? :p



Edited by Grubfist
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Survival is the issue here. Look at the number of deaths as I am sure Bio Ware is doing.


When you have Scouldrels as the highest class killed that indicates a problem with Stealth.


There is a good reason the least played class is the least played. This is number one reason.


Highest class killed, least played. Gee, that doesn't sound broken at all lol!

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i play an assassin.. and i don't care if they want to keep me from stealthing or not, its just an inturrupt... if they cant tag you to keep you from going stealth, you can't inturrupt their casting or abilties... fair enough right?





1. Interrupt.


2. Dirty kick.


3. flash grenade.


4. interrupt again.


5. I have no energy and all my interrupt stuns are on CD =(

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I'll admit, because of your ridiculous and silly arguments, I pretty much assumed you were some talentless monkey-thing that spec'd halfway up heals and halfway up damage, so I threw in a spec based entirely on reading the talents and having a basic idea of smuggler abilities. Never played a scoundrel above level 16.


This one better? :p




I use the same spec for PVE Hard Modes as PVP. PVP is not my thing but I have 80 valor today.


That spec is doable but giving up Scramble as Dirty Kick is useless against Elites in PVE.


So when we get Dual spec I will use that spec you posted. But not until then.


That does not fix that I spend most of a PVP match locked out of Stealth.


The 8 second rule for out of combat is broken in this game. They need to fix it plain and simple.


I have had PVP matches where I never once could stealth. That proves it is broken.

Edited by Metalmac
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I highly doubt your quote is word-for-word, I would like a link from your source, please. I'm sure the idea of the quote is similar, but I feel you may have paraphrased it, so I would like to check the source to be sure.


Just going back on my comptuer to find the quote, it was discussed in the operative sub forum here :





Here it is "word for word"

You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


Still, we are NOT getting out of combat in 8 second UNLESS the one we did hit dies or the one who hit us dies.


If none of those two situation happens then we are randomly put out of combat.


And I am saying this like, NOBODY hit me and I hit NOBODY ELSE, I don't have HoTs or DoTs (even though they are supposed to not refresh this status anyway), I am hidden somewhere and I can get stuck in combat for like 30sec + easily



It's just so random, it's annoying as hell

Edited by Bocherel
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A stealth class should use cunning to avoid beeing seen, if you get seen all the time you are too close to people, i allways shoot on a stealther just to reveal him whenever i see him :)


So... you don't finish the job?

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Hitting stealthers once just to keep them in combat?

Absolutley nothing wrong with that.


I would like to see some kind of sprint and shadowstep for some 'in combat' action, but its up to BW how to run their buisness. If they dont wont people to play dps operatives, we wont.

Edited by Maxkardinal
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Pressing one button shouldn't totally negate a class defining ability. You should be able to run away, use LoS and actual skill rather than simply tagging someone and taking away a large amount of their effectiveness, defensively and offensively. If you are not touched for a solid 8-10 seconds you should be able to go back into stealth. That is by no means unbalanced.
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Your argument does not fly.

I have 79 Valor right now and have stood many times using Cleanse 8 times and the DoTs are still there and can not be Cleansed at all.


use dodge then with the ability you get at lvl 24 (lucky dodge) i have never had a problem with this and vanish after.

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Your argument does not fly.

I have 79 Valor right now and have stood many times using Cleanse 8 times and the DoTs are still there and can not be Cleansed at all.


use dodge then with the ability you get at lvl 24 (lucky dodge) i have never had a problem with this and vanish after.


The problem is not vanish (I even get stuck in combat after a vanish lmao)


It's the mere fact that we get stuck in combat for FAR too long despite being inactive and not being hit

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Heavy armor wearers can wear their heavy armor whenever they want, healers can heal whenever they want if they aren't interrupted or OOM, so yes, unless it's in combat (which, gasp! Involves actual combat meaning actually fighting whom you are in combat against) and vanish is on CD.


Heavy armor targets can be attacked whenever you want. Healers can be attacked whenever you want. Stealthers...wait no this doesn't apply to someone stealthed since you can't see them. Apples and oranges, I give this a C- for effort.

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What everyone needs to keep in mind in these types of discussions is that there is no right or wrong.


The OP has expressed his personal opinion and even though some of us disagree with him, that doesn't make him "wrong". So please stop being condescending and calling him a troll.

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What everyone needs to keep in mind in these types of discussions is that there is no right or wrong.


The OP has expressed his personal opinion and even though some of us disagree with him, that doesn't make him "wrong". So please stop being condescending and calling him a troll.


LOL, awesome sig

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I say we let Stealthers stealth when ever they want but remove all of their abilities that stun others. It's far more frustrating being locked down while a stealther takes 70% of your health.


Let my Stealth probes as a bounty hunter Be a permanent effect centered on me so if any stealther comes with in 3 meters I can see their outline and target them.


Let my sorcerer Have a static field that does very small Dot damage when anybody gets within 3 meters


Then let Stealthers stealth when ever problem solved.



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I say we let Stealthers stealth when ever they want but remove all of their abilities that stun others. It's far more frustrating being locked down while a stealther takes 70% of your health.


Let my Stealth probes as a bounty hunter Be a permanent effect centered on me so if any stealther comes with in 3 meters I can see their outline and target them.


Let my sorcerer Have a static field that does very small Dot damage when anybody gets within 3 meters


Then let Stealthers stealth when ever problem solved.




Spectacular idea!

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It's an exploit since if you enter combat with someone your intention should actually be to fight them. Since they're out of stealth you could finish them off. If they're smart they won't commit vanish to being on CD (unless the situation actually called for it).


If you are far enough away or if they target someone else after a few seconds you should be out of combat. Running away to a secluded area just to restealth just makes you (and the class) less useful.


hes trolling

this cant be true

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So now clever use of game mechanics is exploiting?


God those FPS kiddies will never stop to amaze me.


Show me where in some sort of official manual /dev notes/or something that says that making a teammate able to stealth and capture a point without breaking stealth is part of game design. If so then I'll retract the statement. If something is not designed to work a specific way and gives a player an advantage then yes it is an exploit. Why is this "feature" not available to all stealthers and not having to do a series of 3-4 steps with another stealthed teammate? Certainly this would be an even more incentive to keep a closer eye on the turrets/doors and use the scans even more often.


Metalmac > My post wasn't really referring to stealth healers being overpowered. There are so many people on these forums complaining and requesting buffs/nerfs, I'm surprised that hasn't been asked yet. And the example of an assassin + healer taking on 7 people is pretty ridiculous. I've never ran into this on Ilum or in any warzone. Though not to say this can't happen but those 7 opponents must have been undergeared and possibly inexperienced.

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Semi-related sidenote: I can't believe more people haven't spoken up about Georg's comment here:


It usually takes me a solid 15-20 seconds of doing absolutely nothing, getting hit by absolutely nothing, to drop combat. Once in a while it can take as long as 40 seconds, or longer.


I've sat at the beginning of a void star after the doors were bombed for the rest of the game in combat because the juggernaut who had 3 healbots was still in combat running around and 5k smashing everything in existence. I had accidentally tagged him in the first fight, and since he didnt drop combat, neither did I.


So that was 5 minutes of being in combat, rendering Georg's comment moot.

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I say we let Stealthers stealth when ever they want but remove all of their abilities that stun others. It's far more frustrating being locked down while a stealther takes 70% of your health.


Let my Stealth probes as a bounty hunter Be a permanent effect centered on me so if any stealther comes with in 3 meters I can see their outline and target them.


Let my sorcerer Have a static field that does very small Dot damage when anybody gets within 3 meters


Then let Stealthers stealth when ever problem solved.




Unless the scoundrel/op has their sneak buff going, you can see a stealther from ~10 meters away. And you dont even need your ******** stealth scan, you just gotta tab and blaster fire and "bam" dead scoundrel.


Powertechs/vanguards can see us from 20 meters lolol


Stealth in this game is such a joke. As is Scoundrel/Operative dps.


our entire purpose to bioware is to use distraction to interrupt a heal, and our ridiculously high resolve generating stuns to keep healers busy for a few seconds so the "Real" dps can do work.

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