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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


go play a different game i dislike people like you

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To all those that disagree with my posts, i can't stop you from creating a turtle game.


But you need to realize some people are unable to follow direction. So i would prefer it to be over faster it's humane.

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


Actually, unless I have my 4 medals- I'd rather get the easy two from defender- frankly, if the other team is good enough to 3 cap/ ours is terrible enough to be 3 capped, might get 75k damage, 2.5k hit, but may not be getting the kills, and as a non-healer/protector like a sniper/mara, those 2 defense medals might be the only path to 4.



I do agree though with your sentiment if I already have my four though- which I rarely ever don't get- but I've seen a surprising number of matches where half my team has 2 or 3 after being stomped.

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Never give up, never surrender!


couldn't of said it better myself. what if the allies gave up after they epicly face plamed a Dieppe? "Oh well, good game, we give up" ect. But they didn't and won WW2.


1 time we were losing civil war, all 3 turrets against us, 600v400 and all of us kept dog pilling one turret at a time until we ere in the lead! (we won too so THERE :jawa_tongue: )

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Keep fightning is admirable, but sometimes there is a reason you a behind 4-0 or 425-150. If the other team is a premade full of BMs or runners & jumper, you just might not have a chance no matter how much you want it. I don't want to give up, but if none of your teammates want to work together and all you are doing is being farmed, well, I will just go sit and let the time run out.


I wonder if this crazy level of imbalance will chance with the new rated warzones.


At 425-150 I will charge a group of 3-4 with one goal in mind, to test myself to see if I can take out 1 before I go down. Most of the time, I dont. But it is awesome when I do.

Sitting back and doing nothing brings 0 entertainment. Jumping in the mob and killing one to have a pub spit on your corpse, or pulling someone in the fire just before they score 6-0...is priceless.

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Never give up, never surrender!


Plan #1: win match


If this fails....


Plan #2: Find a way to come back from losing


If this proves impossible...


Plan #3: Find someone on the opposing team to kill over and over, specifically searching them out, until they are afraid to turn their lights off at night for the fear of dieing!



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I do not even try to win anymore I que for a warzone press auto run and go you tube. I play sniper and they really have no place in a PvP where mobility is needed. In all 3 warzones you need to be able to move fast and DPS I cannot do that. So auto run it is.
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At 425-150 I will charge a group of 3-4 with one goal in mind, to test myself to see if I can take out 1 before I go down. Most of the time, I dont. But it is awesome when I do.

Sitting back and doing nothing brings 0 entertainment. Jumping in the mob and killing one to have a pub spit on your corpse, or pulling someone in the fire just before they score 6-0...is priceless.


I understand what you are saying, but as a Gunnery Trooper I am quite depended on someone tanking. Charging even 2 people is almost a certain death sentence. But I get what you mean :p

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^ This.


The "let them win" crowd needs to stop queuing.


I completely agree man. **** all this grind for gear, stat chasing ********. just play the wz out, its fun. I dont care if it is 400 - 15, im gonna still try and take the objective just for fun. all these wow players are ******** on what videogames are all about.

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Beyond that some of us are not losers and will always be trying.


agreed, its people like the OP that probably leave the warzone if they cap 2 right off the bat, or if the other huttball team scores before he does.


my in game ignore list is getting bigger and bigger because of these quitters. eventually ill be in a warzone where they're trying to call an incoming, and i wont hear it. not my fault.


and depending on their response when i send quitters a PM asking why they left. ill hold a grudge, and go out of my way to afk in a warzone where they're on my team. . .or let the other team get the node because they think im not looking

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


I will never give up the fight and I will always try to cap a base. Firstly, I vastly enjoy fighting. Secondly, my philosophy is "If you're going to lose, kick 'em in the nuts and spit in their eye", and thirdly, I have seen a level 50 game go from losing with a 3-cap to winning with a 3-cap and the final score being 50-0 us.

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ITT: A bunch of internet try-hards that like to prolong inevitable losses because they think they're hardcore. If it's going to be a loss, and you have your 4 medals, quit being a futile/scoreboard hero please.


if all it takes is the bare minimum to satisfy you. then have at it. im not here to tell you how to play the game. but dont tell me how to play the game either.


you're probably the type to trade kills on ilum because 'its faster and more efficient' too

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you're probably the type to trade kills on ilum because 'its faster and more efficient' too


I never kill traded, but I don't care if others do. Not going to spend several hours longer doing a daily quest in a video game "out of principle." If they want to be time efficient, more power to them.

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Brb thinking you're Braveheart in a video game.




You folks need a real life, taking games too serious...it's a game...if u wanna quit then leave the war zone. The rest of us will continue to play the GAME...



Edited by Irishbrewed
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ITT: A bunch of internet try-hards that like to prolong inevitable losses because they think they're hardcore. If it's going to be a loss, and you have your 4 medals, quit being a futile/scoreboard hero please.


I am sure this mentality has worked out great for you in real life too.

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ITT: A bunch of internet try-hards that like to prolong inevitable losses because they think they're hardcore. If it's going to be a loss, and you have your 4 medals, quit being a futile/scoreboard hero please.


This guy understands.



Can we be BFFS?

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If i'm on a losing match that is clear we wont win i don't care. The rest of my side can sit on a turret all they like but i'll still dive headlong into 8 people for the duration of the match if i have to, i play to PvP not to count medals.
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I'll be that guy who's still capping... sorry bud, but unless it's 400 to 100 there is still hope. Especially when they think they have it in the bag and run off leaving bases unguarded to chase kills... (happens all the time on my server)
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