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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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I've noticed it's typically the huttball favored classes that bring this mentality to the other WZ's.


The particular classes that excel in huttball, quit the other wz's at the drop of a hat, or just sit on the one node they have praying the next match is huttball.

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I don't mind loosing, some one has to loose some times right ? - fact is when your up against a strong side, and impossible to kill, and they have all the turrets, or your left with just the one, people very quickly become depressed, and the morale breaks. This soon turns into accusations and arguments on that team. The whole system falls apart, and the team essentially has already lost anyway, because their spirit and will to fight on is gone.


When this happens, people do not see the sense in going out to try and farm anyone, if they can't kill the enemy players in the first place, this is not cowardice, its just plain common sense, that you don't what to go out and get farmed yourself. Knowing thats all you are going to be, is a farm pig.

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this thread 4tw, i hate people wasting my time by taking turrets back if we're mathematically going to lose. In fact, if they only have 2 turrets, but the win in hand, I encourage the opponents to take #3 as well.


Do I need to remind everyone that you willingly joined the WZ queue for "FUN".

Yes! that totally underused word "fun".

It's surprising how many people forget that they are playing a game.

If you are farming for commendations and gear, organise a winning team and do it that way, if you queue solo, you risk getting that team that just can't quite match the other faction in skill/gear.


So in all fairness, stop the wretched QQ, it makes you look silly

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You should play to win, if you can't fight anyway. These "just lose" types are the worst papers out there. I'm not there to farm medals and valor only, I'm there because I like fighting others. What are you there for? More efficient valor gains? I couldn't care less about medals or giving my opponents valor. I'm there to compete. People that give up so easily or want to gain valor quicker by losing fair enough, but don't expect me to agree with a defeatist attitude, just quit the warzone so you are replaced with someone useful/helpful.

I dunno how people can even consider this the right thing to do, it's laughable really.

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Experienced another three cap for an epic comeback this morning.

I'm thankful for the lazy players who assume games are over.


Yea I've won a handful of warzones after people quit in the first minute or so, only to have them replaced by players willing to try and win. That's always a good feeling :)

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I've noticed it's typically the huttball favored classes that bring this mentality to the other WZ's.


The particular classes that excel in huttball, quit the other wz's at the drop of a hat, or just sit on the one node they have praying the next match is huttball.


How did u know what they were thinking?


I call bs on this sorry. This is not restricted to certain classes. There are losers/whiners/quitters and they play every single class.


You just sound bitter because your not very good at huttball, no offense but that's how it comes across.

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How did u know what they were thinking?


I call bs on this sorry. This is not restricted to certain classes. There are losers/whiners/quitters and they play every single class.


You just sound bitter because your not very good at huttball, no offense but that's how it comes across.


I know the idiots that's why.

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it wouldnt surprise me if it's true... people that preach stupid attitude usually are the lames in the game


and try to convince others to do the same so they dont feel too guilty because they are alone ruining the experience of the other 7 teammate with the give up attitude


honestly whoever agree with this mentality i really hope i will never have you in my team and if u leave the name down i can make it a reality i am willing to drop any minigame i see your name in my team


i did it sucessfully in AOC to quit every minigame where a notorious whiner was in and i am going to keep up the good old tradiction.

Edited by Pekish
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it wouldnt surprise me if it's true... people that preach stupid attitude usually are the lames in the game


and try to convince others to do the same so they dont feel too guilty because they are alone ruining the experience of the other 7 teammate with the give up attitude


honestly whoever agree with this mentality i really hope i will never have you in my team and if u leave the name down i can make it a reality i am willing to drop any minigame i see your name in my team


i did it sucessfully in AOC to quit every minigame where a notorious whiner was in and i am going to keep up the good old tradiction.


Funny thing... My husband and I have gotten to the point of /Addignoring all the freaks, the whiners the yellers screaming at you to STOP and camp a node or whatever they feel they need.


I don't pay this game or any game to conform to someone else and how they play. I pay my sub to play the way I feel I would most enjoy it. And quitting or cussing people out isn't they way I do it. My addignore list is longer than my friends list.. giggle but thats just me, and I am sure others do things differently. Im just saying.... If someone doesn't like how a specific person plays... debating who is right isn't ever going to fix that persons attitude or behaviours.

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Why do people who give-up as soon as they aren't winning even bother playing?


Seriously, what are they pvping for? presumably it's not enjoyment or they would stay in.


Presumably they are grinding for BM gear that they will never use as they don't actually enjoy pvp.

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ignoring is not enough i just dont want to play with them... since the option exist to leave i just do it and after a while i noticed at least on AOC that other people was doing the same


and after no more then 3 weeks i never saw that person on-line anymore


maybe he rerolled or changed name but i assure you i never met anyone else with that attitude so perhaps he learned and changed name and attitude


Ignoring is just ignoring the problem not solving it if you quit everysingle time you see someone that is a jerk you send a clear signal and many other will understand if u just ignore them nothing is gonna change because i cannot know if u are ignoring him or not so you dont give a clear example


if only they would have balls to write the name of their character as i did many post ago... the fact they don't because they know is super lame what they are doing they are just trying to justify themselves on forum and trying to convince other to do so.... so they dont feel alone in beeing shamefull

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honestly whoever agree with this mentality i really hope i will never have you in my team and if u leave the name down i can make it a reality i am willing to drop any minigame i see your name in my team


i did it sucessfully in AOC to quit every minigame where a notorious whiner was in and i am going to keep up the good old tradiction.

You just don't seem to get it, still. We WANT you to drop the warzones if you're going to continue to try after the game reaches the "unwinnable" point. We WANT as many people to drop the game as possible, at least after we've reached our 3 wins for the daily. We WANT you to drop/give up as soon as possible, especially when our task shifts to the 3-kill daily. We want to complete the 3-kill daily task in the shortest amount of time possible, without having to box-hunt in Ilum. 120s warzone completions > 15m completions, so by all means, please leave after you find yourself in the same queued WZ we are in. You seem to think you're penalizing us by doing so. As I said, you just don't get it.


Once your 3-Win daily is done, quantity > quality. Quick games > long, close games, especially for people who are on a tight playing schedule, and don't have the time to play 10 15-minute games every day.

Edited by olagaton
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lol @ people who pvp for fun.


thats precious


So is this interpretation of why you pvp correct?


You don't pvp for fun, therefor you mustn't actually enjoy pvp. Yet you participate in an activity you don't enjoy, so you can acquire gear so that you can perform better at the activity you don't enjoy???

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So is this interpretation of why you pvp correct?


You don't pvp for fun, therefor you mustn't actually enjoy pvp. Yet you participate in an activity you don't enjoy, so you can acquire gear so that you can perform better at the activity you don't enjoy???

Personally, I pvp to progress my toon, perfect my skill, challenge myself in the limited time I have. Do I have fun in PvP? Yes, if there is something to fight for, but it's not the reason I PvP. Ilum is broken, so WZ's are the only option atm. And in WZ's, once a loss is guaranteed, they lose their value, so on to the next asap.

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you

I hate defeatists. People who throw up their arms, wave the white flag, and declare themselves defeated at the first sign of possibly losing.


Game isn't over 'til the game is over.


These are the same people I typically see as having contributed the least in every winning warzone I play in, coincidentally. Or is it a coincidence? Doubtful.


I had a guy tell me today that there was no point in trying to recap a point when we were going to lose because it would just, "let us get farmed." I then asked him, "So? Do you lose anything, and them gain anything, by you dying more?"


Of course not. There's no additional gain past 4 medals, and anyone not with 4 medals by the end of Voidstar/Alderaan either joined the game late, or they didn't really contribute enough anyways. So why complain about "getting farmed"? As if dying more in PVP warzones gives the opposing side more credits, experience, etc after 4 medals.


Some folks just can't get past their own egos enough to realize that it's okay to die in a game.

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Personally, I pvp to progress my toon, perfect my skill, challenge myself in the limited time I have. Do I have fun in PvP? Yes, if there is something to fight for, but it's not the reason I PvP. Ilum is broken, so WZ's are the only option atm. And in WZ's, once a loss is guaranteed, they lose their value, so on to the next asap.


Well yeah, if you are in a situation in Alderaan where your choice is 3 cap to win or slowly lose, you have two choices. Organize a real attempt to win or collect your medals..


Even I collect my medals if the match I'm in is so dismal there is no hope of victory. But never before the point of 3cap or lose, and I always give 100% until then.


However, what I have seen before, and what truly boils my blood, is when the entire team gives up and does nothing but complain when the game is still feasibly winnable (I've been on teams where over half just give up even when the score is like 580/460.. still anyone's game if people try).

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Well yeah, if you are in a situation in Alderaan where your choice is 3 cap to win or slowly lose, you have two choices. Organize a real attempt to win or collect your medals..


Even I collect my medals if the match I'm in is so dismal there is no hope of victory. But never before the point of 3cap or lose, and I always give 100% until then.


However, what I have seen before, and what truly boils my blood, is when the entire team gives up and does nothing but complain when the game is still feasibly winnable (I've been on teams where over half just give up even when the score is like 580/460.. still anyone's game if people try).

It boils my blood when those people say things like, "we're gonna lose, so may as well just camp our point and get our defender medals." I reply by saying, "you know, you get medals by trying to win, too, right?"


We should be able to kick those turds.

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If we are straight getting wooped then I wont bother playing the WZ and instead just try to get big healing or dps numbers. If its to where we are getting stomped and I cant even get a shot or heal off I will start the semi-afk mode and do the least amount necessary to stay in. I use this philosophy in every WZ unless its still winnable because then ill still go 100%.
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Well yeah, if you are in a situation in Alderaan where your choice is 3 cap to win or slowly lose, you have two choices. Organize a real attempt to win or collect your medals..


Even I collect my medals if the match I'm in is so dismal there is no hope of victory. But never before the point of 3cap or lose, and I always give 100% until then.


However, what I have seen before, and what truly boils my blood, is when the entire team gives up and does nothing but complain when the game is still feasibly winnable (I've been on teams where over half just give up even when the score is like 580/460.. still anyone's game if people try).

That's annoying to me too, but that's not what the OP is talking about, and I'm willing to bet that 99% of the people opposing the OP are under the assumption (because they didn't read, or understand it accurately) that his post is talking about quitting the moment the opposing team 2-caps or the moment their situation looks unfavorable, which it absolutely isn't about. He's talking about like 8 minutes in when the game is out of reach because they have been 2 or 3-capped for long enough that it would take a true miracle to come back.

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


This was a common mentality when I was playing battlegrounds in WoW. A lot of times it would happen before the game even started, with people saying, "We're playing against a premade, just let them win."


In order to launch SWTOR, you have to hit a button that says 'play'. And that's exactly what I intend to do.

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I have mixed feelings about giving up in gotta-3-cap situations but sometimes prefer to do so. It really bugs me when we are down 400-190 and someone caps mid and the other team turtles at right. Long, slow loss. Ugh.


( needing mid for the three cap is slightly different becaus of the longer speeder ride and you should still try! )


Huttball is different. The time investment of trying to score a goal is pretty minimal especially against a good team that has you 5-0.


Voidstar is getting fixed, thankfully.


Ultimately I feel the problem is how well we are rewarded for losing. You get way better rewards for losing quickly than for winning slowly. According to some.

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You just don't seem to get it, still. We WANT you to drop the warzones if you're going to continue to try after the game reaches the "unwinnable" point. We WANT as many people to drop the game as possible, at least after we've reached our 3 wins for the daily. We WANT you to drop/give up as soon as possible, especially when our task shifts to the 3-kill daily. We want to complete the 3-kill daily task in the shortest amount of time possible, without having to box-hunt in Ilum. 120s warzone completions > 15m completions, so by all means, please leave after you find yourself in the same queued WZ we are in. You seem to think you're penalizing us by doing so. As I said, you just don't get it.


Once your 3-Win daily is done, quantity > quality. Quick games > long, close games, especially for people who are on a tight playing schedule, and don't have the time to play 10 15-minute games every day.


then give me your in game name show me u have balls... i will 100% sure drop every time i see you so you will start mini in 7 perhaps if someone wont take my place and u most probably loose anyway and you will waste even more time till you will understand what a looser mentality it is and most probably just give up and leave the game


^_^ i am waiting for the name of every and each one that support this lame attitude

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