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Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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If you are going to equate playing video games to being a soldier in a real combat zone then we're clearly never going to see on the same page.




Get in touch w reality. You can either spend x minutes getting y currency, or choose to spend MORE time to get LESS rewards. 999/1000 times you spend the 5 extra minutes left being stubborn in a Warzone and still lose the game.


But hey at least you get to be Leonidas on Bunker Hill defending The Alamo in your mind.


I'm done tapping the glass, fish will be fish.


First, to address the personal jab there: I don't think I'm Leonidas. I have had my own military record, and that's that. I'm not disillusioned. I know what I have, and have not done. Unless you've had people trying, and in some cases nearly succeeding, in killing you - just keep those thoughts to yourself.


I have not personally attacked you, nor will I. I will however respond to and pick apart arguments that I do not agree with... and as such:


You clearly missed the point. The point is that regardless of RL or video games, the mentality is the same. There are huge differences to be sure (whats at stake etc), but the mentality is no different.


Training at an MMA school when we did jiu jitsu we were supposed to pair off and spar. I being relatively new to jiu jitsu walked up to the blue and purple belts and asked them to roll with me.


They of course questioned the white belt asking to roll with them...


I replied by stating "I will learn more from rolling with you guys than I will by rolling with another white belt."


Simple fact of the matter is you can't improve by playing people who aren't as good as you are (i.e. you're dominating a match). You learn more from adversity, and that's just how it is.


If you can't see how any of these different comparisons apply, then you're really just not willing to consider anything besides your opinion. In fact, I'm 100% sure you aren't doing anything more than trying to discredit an entire post by simply picking out one aspect you disagree with.


You highlighted my comparison, disregarded where I spoke of it's relevency, and completely ignored my references to the commendations you covet so much.


When you face a team that is obviously winning, you should be doing what you can. It's that simple. You are rewarded for it both in your personal skill increasing, learning new ways to improve your tactics, and you get your commendations.


Since you're big on the mathematics:


Ending a game a minute or two early (saving 120s? really?) gets you no closer to your goal mathmatically. Either way you go back to a queue, and half the time quitters quit as they always do, only to end up rejoining the exact same match they left.


Your arguments are just fail, and it really seems like you're just trolling people's responses at this point since you already know there are very few supporters for you here.

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What you don't understand that quitting is the what the 'winners' do here. We swallow our pride, take the loss when we know we've lost a match and requeue again. We gain more valor and commendations at a quicker rate than you, allowing us to acquire gear quicker and more efficiently, which in turn allows us to win more Warzones.


Reminds me of StarCraft(RTS) players that hide buildings and re-expand when you've already destroyed their main base and expansions.


Don't understand the point. Why do you even need that gear and valor? You could just quit or surrender then requee until victory with no gear at all.

You are trying to convince others that the most good and true game is a "I'm a winner" game. If not then quit and try again. You are definitely not a good soldier :) I will report such players soon after the patch sorry.

Not everybody plays for farming equip and titles as fast as possible. Some minutes less or more don't do any difference for the vast majority of players here.

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i can understand what the OP means.


a slow loss is better/more rewarding than a fast win any day.


But if it's one of those games where you are just getting rolled by a good group, to the point that your team only manages 5 kills the entire game, then yea..those I can see just giving up on. All you are doing is feeding the other team. Even worse in huttball when they score 5 points then hold the ball.


Try to win but dont be farm bait

Edited by Luciferhawke
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Don't understand the point. Why do you even need that gear and valor? You could just quit or surrender then requee until victory with no gear at all.

You are trying to convince others that the most good and true game is a "I'm a winner" game. If not then quit and try again. You are definitely not a good soldier :) I will report such players soon after the patch sorry.

Not everybody plays for farming equip and titles as fast as possible. Some minutes less or more don't do any difference for the vast majority of players here.


No, I'm arguing against quitting, and just letting them win. Valor doesn't matter. I don't care if someone is geared or not. I don't care if I get 20 valor or 200 valor. I'd rather see a match through and do all I can to have fun, and if possible win.


Having half the people standing around in a match as soon as they think it's "impossible" to win is what I've been arguing against in this thread. And trying to claim that a CAN DO attitude and ANIT-QUITTING stance makes a poor soldier... well... that'd be laughable. So yeah, that's all I've got to say about that.

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of course I'm going to cap. I have self respect and I'm not a P(female sex organ). If you like to run and hide at your one turret you have capped that's your prerogative, but don't expect the rest of us to be little B(female dogs). Just cause we can't win doesn't mean I can't get some satisfaction knowing that I killed that guy guarding turret and capped over his dead body.
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I can tell from alot of these posts players have never faced a hardcore premade with a fresh 50 PUG


When that happens, and the premade really knows what they are doing; you're screwed.


I'm not saying don't try, but you will probably get 3 capped.


And in the event they leave a single base open and you haven't earned a single point.


Why would you delay the game by capping a base?


Go kill whoever you can without capping.


People who generally believe there is still hope! and we can win this at this point are totally delusional.




You can't win a warzone by yourself it Requires... now pay attention: A team with gear... and a team that listens.



It's a new concept i know, but try to understand

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I can tell from alot of these posts players have never faced a hardcore premade with a fresh 50 PUG


When that happens, and the premade really knows what they are doing; you're screwed.


I'm not saying don't try, but you will probably get 3 capped.


And in the event they leave a single base open and you haven't earned a single point.


Why would you delay the game by capping a base?


Go kill whoever you can without capping.


People who generally believe there is still hope! and we can win this at this point are totally delusional.




You can't win a warzone by yourself it Requires... now pay attention: A team with gear... and a team that listens.



It's a new concept i know, but try to understand


The point.... you missed it. Premade or not. I will attempt to cap/kill/maim/stop the other side until the time runs out. That is how the game was meant to be played, not roll over and take it up the bum because you are a sore loser.

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The ideal situation is to hold left and right, not mid.


near the end if players are losing they bum rush mid and decide they can take it, knowing this, most opposing sides winning will throw the best players they have at mid and have the weaker ones hold left and right, not even having to do anything.


So, push left first, then right, if you're losing.

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I don't think either side will come to any agreement.


One side is time management vs having fun.



I suppose it's like call of duty where you go around knifing people.


The other players hate it, but it's alot of fun for the individual.



I can understand that, I just don't respect it.


I suppose i deserve it for queueing solo.

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I don't think either side will come to any agreement.


One side is time management vs having fun.



I suppose it's like call of duty where you go around knifing people.


The other players hate it, but it's alot of fun for the individual.



I can understand that, I just don't respect it.


I suppose i deserve it for queueing solo.


The time management side generally can respect players who have a good reason to "never give up". We understand that there are exceptions to every rule, and not to overgeneralize or deal in absolutes. But the "never give up" side can't seem to acknowledge mathematics and statistics because it would probably cause them too much cognitive dissonance. Some can concede that the reward rate is faster but many others are in denial.


Majority of posters in this thread don't even read the thread title, or think that we're talking about when the score is 600-550 or something.

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First, to address the personal jab there: I don't think I'm Leonidas. I have had my own military record, and that's that. I'm not disillusioned. I know what I have, and have not done. Unless you've had people trying, and in some cases nearly succeeding, in killing you - just keep those thoughts to yourself.


I have not personally attacked you, nor will I. I will however respond to and pick apart arguments that I do not agree with... and as such:


You clearly missed the point. The point is that regardless of RL or video games, the mentality is the same. There are huge differences to be sure (whats at stake etc), but the mentality is no different.


Training at an MMA school when we did jiu jitsu we were supposed to pair off and spar. I being relatively new to jiu jitsu walked up to the blue and purple belts and asked them to roll with me.


They of course questioned the white belt asking to roll with them...


I replied by stating "I will learn more from rolling with you guys than I will by rolling with another white belt."


Simple fact of the matter is you can't improve by playing people who aren't as good as you are (i.e. you're dominating a match). You learn more from adversity, and that's just how it is.


If you can't see how any of these different comparisons apply, then you're really just not willing to consider anything besides your opinion. In fact, I'm 100% sure you aren't doing anything more than trying to discredit an entire post by simply picking out one aspect you disagree with.


You highlighted my comparison, disregarded where I spoke of it's relevency, and completely ignored my references to the commendations you covet so much.


When you face a team that is obviously winning, you should be doing what you can. It's that simple. You are rewarded for it both in your personal skill increasing, learning new ways to improve your tactics, and you get your commendations.


Since you're big on the mathematics:


Ending a game a minute or two early (saving 120s? really?) gets you no closer to your goal mathmatically. Either way you go back to a queue, and half the time quitters quit as they always do, only to end up rejoining the exact same match they left.


Your arguments are just fail, and it really seems like you're just trolling people's responses at this point since you already know there are very few supporters for you here.


Don't let him get to you. He is just trying to validate his arguement by saying "you are talking about real life, this is a video game" the only thing that was missing in his statement was a "your mom" refrence to make it all the more valid:rolleyes: Keep fighting and thank you for your service (ex sailor myself)


Ive been in an Alderaan won with 5 points left thanks to a 3 cap. Never give up. Never surrender because those are the matches you remember.


Something similar happened last night. we were loosing, they got all 3. some people rage quit*****cough***OP****cough*******, the imps got cocky and when the new people joined, we ended up taking back all three and holding for the win. we had 25 points left, not as cool as 5, but still cool:D





Dude, i have voted you MVP a couple of times:D

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The time management side generally can respect players who have a good reason to "never give up". We understand that there are exceptions to every rule, and not to overgeneralize or deal in absolutes. But the "never give up" side can't seem to acknowledge mathematics and statistics because it would probably cause them too much cognitive dissonance. Some can concede that the reward rate is faster but many others are in denial.


Majority of posters in this thread don't even read the thread title, or think that we're talking about when the score is 600-550 or something.


Hmmm. "You disagree with me, therefore you are stupid and illiterate."


Even if it is impossible to win without a 3-cap, my preference is to try to win back turrets. I'm pretty sure I understand all the issues, including the math and statistics.

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Hmmm. "You disagree with me, therefore you are stupid and illiterate."


Even if it is impossible to win without a 3-cap, my preference is to try to win back turrets. I'm pretty sure I understand all the issues, including the math and statistics.




This is why i use the term warzone troll

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