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[Video Guide] Tarair 2.0 - Pyrotech and the Huttball: SWTOR Mercenary PVP


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SWTOR Mercenary PVP Pyrotech Guide

Tarair 2.0 - Pyrotech and the Huttball





Hey guys!


I recently posted this Video at the PVP forums. After my last video was about the heal/arsenal hybrid specc in voidstar, this time it's a how to Pyrotech and Huttball with ingame commentary. It addresses beginners having trouble in Huttball but can also be interesting for intermediate and advanced Pyrotechs (Mercenary) or Arsenals tired of a stupid playstyle.


Below are some comparisons (these are all my impression).


Additional Notes for Usage of your Cooldowns (all depending on situation):

Instant: Heal (Rapid Scan) or CC (Concussion Missile)

Thermal Overdrive: Incendiary Missile, Rapid Scan, Fusion Missile, Death from Above

Energy Shield to avoid incoming Damage or remove Snares

Kolto Overload for small selfheal

Vent Heat asap after reaching above 50 Heat for your Heatmanagement



Content: All footage is from solo queueing and random Warzones against atleast t2 geared player.




Comparison Pyrotech: Merc vs Powertech


depends on your playstyle which one you prefer (for me its merc).

the overall dmg by merc and powertech as pyrotech is about the same. but it is a different playstyle. powertech has to go meele, while merc can stay at range.



- meele, kick, more reliable burst due to recklessness (25% crit for 15sec), carbonize, grip, (possability to swap cylinder and guard your heal), taunt


- range, heals, dispel, concussion missile, knockback


in 1v1 merc vs pt: dispel wins




Comparison: Pyrotech vs Arsenal



- Great Burst

- High Mobility

- Kiting Efficiency

- Survivability




- Low Mobility

- Awesome Nuke

- Strongest Knockbacks ingame




Short Terminology for Troopers:


Incendiary Missile Incendiary Round

Thermal Detonator Assault Plastique

Rail Shot High Impact Round

Unload Full Auto

Rocket Punch Stockstrike

Fusion Missile Plasma Grenade


Scan: Stealth Scan

Stun: Electro Dart Cryo Grenade

CC: Concussion Missile Concussive Round

Dispels: Cure Mind Purify Mind



I hope you enjoy




Edited by Paralassa
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i apreciate all your nice comments :)


@teyngodown, i modded to power/surge until i reached 100% hit (it really sucks to get the railshot missed)

so my stats are:

1570 aim

1495 endurance

408 Power (408 bonus range dmg, 717,3 bonus Tech dmg)

177 Critrating (28,42% and techcrit is 35,54%)

150 Surgerating (68,10%)

210 Accuracy (100%)

651 Expertice (12,09%)


but keep in mind: dont mess around with your original mods from bm gear since in 1.2 they will get additional expertice if they are still in your bm gear




i am looking forward to play pyrotech in rated wz because it is quite fun and according to the bodyguard changes, heal doesnt seem to be fun at all (i really dont want to pause after 2 heals and watch my heatreg. thats kinda ret_arded, although we already have an reta_rded tree :rolleyes:).

Edited by Tarairr
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After watching some of this, I have to conclude that you might enjoy Powertech Pyro a lot more than Merc. You tend to fight in melee range quite often and make use of Rocket Punch more than Power Shot.


Overall the video was alright. I'm not a big fan of pvp highlight videos disguised as "guides" but those movies have some merit as well.

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After watching some of this, I have to conclude that you might enjoy Powertech Pyro a lot more than Merc. You tend to fight in melee range quite often and make use of Rocket Punch more than Power Shot.


Tbh, I certainly agree with the mobility, but I tend to use rocket punch/shoulder charge fairly extensively as well. I think that it is worth mentioning that along with LoS and mobility, when fighting in a WZ not in a 1on1 situation, it is fairly common to come across stunned/not focused on you/bottlenecked opponents.


I think it is worthwhile DPS to remain mobile and weave in a charge and/or rocket punch, especially if B&B abilities are on cd. Why? Well, it keeps me mobile rather than pausing for the powershot cast and is a handy burst where you can come in with a RFS and then disengage in the same manner or re-apply dots/dart etc.


Whilst, merc pyro demands a lot of los and range to not get in trouble, there are also beneficial moments to get more close and personal, rather than hold back for a PS with RS chance (especially with 1.2 just around the corner). Having the two melee abilities bound on my naga is basically free dps. Especially if I am strafing someone and can slap out a punch as I pass.


Not necessarily something to do all the time, in all situations, but certainly not restricted to PT Pyro alone imo.

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