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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow?


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People actually >believe< assassins are overpowered.... ??


Play one. Get back to me.



And I don't mean playing tankasin with dps gear and luling at how you got 10 medals and "rocked" the enemy team when in reality you had mediocre damage, minimal heals, and mediocre protection, but added together causing a large number of medals (making medal-hunters think they ruled earth).



The only real pvp spec available for assassins is the tank-spec and some of us prefer not to be shoed into playing that specific tree (personally its the most boring tree, and although I can do pretty well with it, I play deception instead).



If anything the other 2 trees of assassin need to be fixed/buffed in some way to make them useful in pvp.

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People actually >believe< assassins are overpowered.... ??


Play one. Get back to me.



And I don't mean playing tankasin with dps gear and luling at how you got 10 medals and "rocked" the enemy team when in reality you had mediocre damage, minimal heals, and mediocre protection, but added together causing a large number of medals (making medal-hunters think they ruled earth).



The only real pvp spec available for assassins is the tank-spec and some of us prefer not to be shoed into playing that specific tree (personally its the most boring tree, and although I can do pretty well with it, I play deception instead).



If anything the other 2 trees of assassin need to be fixed/buffed in some way to make them useful in pvp.

Where did anyone state that since the class can get a high amount of medals then that makes the class OP?

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Im playing a valor 75 darkness assassin with full bm stalker gear also modded with power and surge... I played MMO´s since daoc came out and consider my self maybe a little over average skill wise, I do not face many opponents witch also have full bm gear (apperently not many on my server has it.


many many of my 1vs1' fights are very close call fights, and considering they have worse gear, I fear the day I fight only full bm geared or war hero geared chars for that matter..

simply because i think i will get my *** kicked =)


just my experince and opinions...

Edited by Zeaza
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Im playing a valor 75 darkness assassin with full bm stalker gear also modded with power and surge... I played MMO´s since daoc came out and consider my self maybe a little over average skill wise, I do not face many opponents witch also have full bm gear (apperently not many on my server has it.


many many of my 1vs1' fights are very close call fights, and considering they have worse gear, I fear the day I fight only full bm geared or war hero geared chars for that matter..

simply because i think i will get my *** kicked =)


just my experince and opinions...


This is a PvP forum, sadly no one cares about others opinions.

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Im playing a valor 75 darkness assassin with full bm stalker gear also modded with power and surge... I played MMO´s since daoc came out and consider my self maybe a little over average skill wise, I do not face many opponents witch also have full bm gear (apperently not many on my server has it.


many many of my 1vs1' fights are very close call fights, and considering they have worse gear, I fear the day I fight only full bm geared or war hero geared chars for that matter..

simply because i think i will get my *** kicked =)


just my experince and opinions...


I suggest learning your class better then.

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Which is pretty much the definition of "Jack of all trades, master of none".


I think this is the most accurate description of the shadow/sin tank I've seen in the whole thread.


Shadow tanks:

1. Only have light armor

2. Are kiteable

3. Only have 1 "burst" attack (execute)

4. Have very mediocre AOE attacks


They're NOT dps sages in guardian armor who can stun you for 30 seconds and hit you for 8k per attack.


People are still just whining that they got nerfed. Suck it up. Why not whine about something useful, like giving dps guardians/juggs better damage higher up the tree?

Edited by RockysRevenge
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I think this is the most accurate description of the shadow/sin tank I've seen in the whole thread.


Shadow tanks:

1. Only have light armor

2. Are kiteable

3. Only have 1 "burst" attack (execute)

4. Have very mediocre AOE attacks


They're NOT dps sages in guardian armor who can stun you for 30 seconds and hit you for 8k per attack.


People are still just whining that they got nerfed. Suck it up. Why not whine about something useful, like giving dps guardians/juggs better damage higher up the tree?


Shadow tanks do not have light armor and have 38-41% damage mitigation from armor alone, you should have this talented because it gives the ability spike to be used out of combat.


Sprint is amazing for anti kiting since it breaks roots and snares when used


1 burst attack that is their execute? I guess 100% crit shocks that have a 45% chance to proc another shock for 50% of the damage can't be considered burst? Or Super lightning channels that can hit pretty hard.


Wither hit's quite hard and so does Death Field... So not really mediocre at all.


Sages can stun for 30 seconds? Sages can hit for 8k a hit? WHAT game are you playing?

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Shadow tanks do not have light armor


Should have stopped reading there, but...



1 burst attack that is their execute?


Yes. I'm talking about *tank* spec. Execute is the only burst attack, unless you count project/shock, during a proc, with relics and adrenals, plus force potency, which can sometimes hit for 3k.


Sages can stun for 30 seconds? Sages can hit for 8k a hit? WHAT game are you playing?


Sarcasm is hard to understand sometimes.

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I think this is the most accurate description of the shadow/sin tank I've seen in the whole thread.


Shadow tanks:

1. Only have light armor

2. Are kiteable

3. Only have 1 "burst" attack (execute)

4. Have very mediocre AOE attacks


They're NOT dps sages in guardian armor who can stun you for 30 seconds and hit you for 8k per attack.


People are still just whining that they got nerfed. Suck it up. Why not whine about something useful, like giving dps guardians/juggs better damage higher up the tree?


And that is very false.


1. Light Armor that gives you 40-45% damage reduction.

2. Kiteable? LOL! Try playing an Infiltration to know what kiteable is. Pull, 20s Sprint that breaks snares/roots, and a perma snare on people.

3. My Projects/FiBs hit for 3-4k and my Telekinetic Throw can hit for a total of 8K.

4. Refer to 3 on FiB.

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I think this is the most accurate description of the shadow/sin tank I've seen in the whole thread.


Shadow tanks:

1. Only have light armor

2. Are kiteable

3. Only have 1 "burst" attack (execute)

4. Have very mediocre AOE attacks


They're NOT dps sages in guardian armor who can stun you for 30 seconds and hit you for 8k per attack.


People are still just whining that they got nerfed. Suck it up. Why not whine about something useful, like giving dps guardians/juggs better damage higher up the tree?


Having light armor makes no difference considering their excessive defense abilities(that currently overcompensate for light armor) and actually armor doesn't really matter too much in pvp considering the bulk of attacks pass through it.


They are also not in any way kiteable. Their Burst damage is over a greater duration of time but still very high.

Edited by LoKiei
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1. Light Armor that gives you 40-45% damage reduction.


You guys are talking about being in combat stance, correct?

Increases your armor rating by 150%

While totally ignoring this:

While active, melee bonus damage is reduced by 5%

And the fact that light armor rating+150% is still less than medium armor.


A shadow tank has less survivability than a marauder, does around the same damage as a Vanguard (and in heavy armor, mind you), and you have the gall to complain that shadows have too many CC options? It's called balance, people. You trade one thing for another. Shadows/sins have a little of everything, and all of nothing. Quit the QQ and learn to fight one.

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And that is very false.


1. Light Armor that gives you 40-45% damage reduction.

2. Kiteable? LOL! Try playing an Infiltration to know what kiteable is. Pull, 20s Sprint that breaks snares/roots, and a perma snare on people.

3. My Projects/FiBs hit for 3-4k and my Telekinetic Throw can hit for a total of 8K.

4. Refer to 3 on FiB.


yes our damage reduction is not so bad, not the best but good. Agree with you on the kiting, no one can really kite us with pull and force speed. My shocks and and FL hit that hard as well but mainly on more under geared players and with recklessness, procs, and adrenals/relics.


Now I am not really that geared out myself, I have had the worst luck with the rng so I have not been able to mod out my gear like a lot of players have done. This class has good burst when you can get procs or stacks of HD and stims/adrenals but our bread and butter the one that heals us can be countered quite easy. Are defensive cool downs are great, force shroud 45sec cd and deflection 2min cd, which is all we really have i mean darkward is pointless in pvp.


I know the class is very strong class but there are others with better defense and dps both sustained and burst. I know where people are coming from and I see both sides of the argument but I feel its not op. Call me bias I dont care, regardless of what happens ill still continue to play this class.

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You guys are talking about being in combat stance, correct?

Increases your armor rating by 150%

While totally ignoring this:

While active, melee bonus damage is reduced by 5%

And the fact that light armor rating+150% is still less than medium armor.


A shadow tank has less survivability than a marauder, does around the same damage as a Vanguard (and in heavy armor, mind you), and you have the gall to complain that shadows have too many CC options? It's called balance, people. You trade one thing for another. Shadows/sins have a little of everything, and all of nothing. Quit the QQ and learn to fight one.


No it's not. Please if you're going to at least try to downplay the hybrid build for Shadow at least post some info that's correct.

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You guys are talking about being in combat stance, correct?

Increases your armor rating by 150%

While totally ignoring this:

While active, melee bonus damage is reduced by 5%

And the fact that light armor rating+150% is still less than medium armor.


A shadow tank has less survivability than a marauder, does around the same damage as a Vanguard (and in heavy armor, mind you), and you have the gall to complain that shadows have too many CC options? It's called balance, people. You trade one thing for another. Shadows/sins have a little of everything, and all of nothing. Quit the QQ and learn to fight one.


***? really now i'm not here to support any side of this debate but how can some people post such random crap? As a darkness sin you get 150% extra armor from dark charge + 20 from eye of the storm. In full 140 gear that's close to 7k armor and provides 39.04% dmg reduction. A marauder has around 25%.


Another thing that makes me wonder is the fact that apparently no one bothered to actually remod their gear and are playing with that god awful stock bm mods/enh. Ofc you're gonna hit for 3k shock crits when you have no power and a truck load of useless accuracy and crit rating. Remod your gear properly and you'll start seeing 4-5k on light armor targets and upwards to 6k on undergeared people.


I'm not making a point towards sins being OP, but just as much i can't stand seeing "supporters" making such obvious wrong claims. From w/e pov you are looking at it darkness sins are currently one of the best pvp clases.

Edited by Cyannez
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And why don`t you pepole who complain about sin/shadow being overpowered just look at the summary after a WZ. Most shadows who do not play with a personal healer can barely reach 200k dmg 30k protection. Lot of other classes that do this much more frequently. Look at AMKSED brag video, premade with healer. And pay attention to the fact that the other classes in his group don`t die either.

Am looking foreward to patch 1.2 with ranked WZ where it will be easyer to see the OP classes

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No it's not. Please if you're going to at least try to downplay the hybrid build for Shadow at least post some info that's correct.


No what's not? And why do you keep saying "hybrid spec?" 31/0/10 is NOT a hybrid spec. Nor is 2/31/8. Those are the most common specs people run. If you're using something else, maybe you should post your build, and then we can point out to you what you're sacrificing for FiB. Personally, I'd rather spec into slow time, and if you didn't, you gave up an AOE damage+snare for AOE damage+heal. You're also gimping yourself if you're using FiB+combat technique.


You don't gain anything without sacrificing something else.

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The 5% damage reduction to melee bonus (not all melee damage, just bonus) might matter if Darkness DPS isn't nearly 100% from Force-based attack. Reduction on Assassinate hardly matters because literally no one survives two Assassinates without using a CD.


Although I certainly think Darkness is overpowered, I can't help but to get the feeling a lot of people pad their DPS by feasting on low armor classes. The class is not overpowered because it can chew up guys with no defenses like Sorcerers. A Juggernaut with Smash can do that too and they're not really considered a strong DPS class at all. It's what you do on guys who would mitigate your awesome 6K-8K Force Lightning to 0 (another Assassin or Marauder) to 1K (say any BH archtype when bubbled). There's no shortage of Marauders and Darkness Assassins, and if you actually work on trying to win the game you'd spend a lot time fighting the two most powerful classes in the game. Darkness mirror match is literally two brick walls trying to hit each other, and your numbers will suffer because the same thing that makes you overpowered shows up on the mirror match or the near mirror match (Marauders share a lot of similar characteristics as Darkness).


A Tracer Missile is only going to hit a BM Darkness Assassin or 800 or less damage, and Tracer Missile has higher tooltip damage than any attack a Darkness has besides Force Lightning and Assassinate not to mention Mercs comes with 35% armor piercing. So if you're really doing your job fighting the widely available FOTM classes, which is actually yourself, you would end up with Shock for 700 and FL for 2K and that's certainly not going to impress anybody on the scoreboard, but somebody has to be taking your evil doubles on the other side.

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No what's not? And why do you keep saying "hybrid spec?" 31/0/10 is NOT a hybrid spec. Nor is 2/31/8. Those are the most common specs people run. If you're using something else, maybe you should post your build, and then we can point out to you what you're sacrificing for FiB. Personally, I'd rather spec into slow time, and if you didn't, you gave up an AOE damage+snare for AOE damage+heal. You're also gimping yourself if you're using FiB+combat technique.


You don't gain anything without sacrificing something else.


I'm tired of posting the definition of hybrid so I'm just going to assume these people live in their own world where definitions don't take play.

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