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Have you been begged yet?


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Well I started playing mmo's in the 90's Been running a guilds as gm with a member number around 1000 active members.


In general people ask for help ( Guilds main objektiv is to help there fellow man and thats been the general policy true the mmo community for many years)


O if any one ask for help from me I help them and that goes for ingame or IRL


(that goes even for homeless people as there isnt there fault they have no home or work there is there gov. fault)


I played alot of mmos the most known are SWG, Dark Age of Camelot, ENB, WOW, WAR, Ryzom, Neocron, Lotr, Potb, EVE Online.


In EvE Online its consider that its the guild who pays for every ship or item the member need.


O and in eve o I hade a little hobby sitting a newbie starter zones and giving people 5 to 20 mil credits as gifts to help them get started in eve.


That people still play eve and yo get help from them if you need help soo if you help someone its a 99% they will help you when you ask for help I dont call it begging!


Its a investment !

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Had one in republic fleet, level 11 asking a thousand questions in general chat. Some people really were patient and helping. When the levels and speeder use came up he instantly started shouting for money, non stop, yelling character names for money or to buy him a speeder. Went on and on.


I have to agree with previous post though what irritates me most are these "blind" invites I get to group. Literally out of nowhere without word one an invite pops up on my screen. I will decline and more times than not get some pretty ugly whispers.

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Yeah I get those all the time. It's not much of a deal though. I get 1000 credits for $60? lol I would spend a $100 for 2.5 million thought. lol It's been a pain getting credits playing solo with BW bs repair bills playing late night and can't find a group. :mad:


It's people like you that keep the farmers in business and annoying the rest of us who actually go out and earn our credits.


@ OP: No I have never been begged for anything in this game. I have seen people asking in general chat for credits. This one person is always asking for credits so they can have enough to get to the next planet. Makes me wonder what they are buying if they can't afford 100 credits to fly any place. I think most of my server has them on ignore at this point.


I have been asked to help and have had 'blind' invites to group.


Most of the time I am grouped with my hubby and once in a while I will get a tell from someone saying to leave my group so they can invite me to their's. I just LOL them with a smile and go on about my business.


If I get a blind invite while by myself, I declne it and go on. If they say anything, my reply is always "You should have asked me first and I would have helped you."

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I dont help ppl that send tells directly to me but... if i see someone in general chat asking for help with a class quest or another quest, I usually do send em a tell with my lvl and ask if they would like my help or someone in thier lvl range, i just try to be friendly and ask them to pay it foreward if they get a chance. i believe that this helps to build a better community.


now with that said i never Give creds or gear to anyone outside of my guild... and even then its only gear, i will not give handouts to random ppl, half the time they will just sell it for creds as part of a cred farming scam for C4M scam

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I have been begged to run through annoying quests and flashpoints and to pvp but always by friends so it is ok. I did get begged by a Guardian to duel... I gotta tell you two tanks that don't do squat for damage makes for an interesting duel...


If you do get random strangers begging you for stuff though here is a method I have carefully crafted for just this situation. Kick them in the head. Yay problem solved.

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Yes I've had people ask me to give them credits, I usually just ignore them.


I don't mind being asked for help, I will help if I can.


What I dislike is group/guild invites cold, "without first saying something" I find this rude.


Guild invites in this manner are not a big deal because they can be blocked in the UI,

however group invites would need to be blocked and unblocked, whenever grouping is or is not needed, therefor I just leave it unblocked and refuse all cold group requests.

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Never, not any of those things. I don't even get tells very often. The last time I remember getting a tell from someone I didn't know was almost two months ago..! I think they were asking me something about sorcerers..
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It hasn't happened to me, but it would be naive to think that SWTOR is free of begging.


I'm really curious if any of you have been begged for the following:


1) Has anyone begged you for credits?


2) Have any low-level players begged you to run them through low-level flash points?


3) Has anyone begged you to join their group or guild?


How do you handle those situations if and when they occur?


1. No. If they do that I just refer them to go level or do a mission.


2. No. I normally only group with friends and guild members.


3. No. For groups I stay in my guild or with friends.


No. For my guild my guild leaders have rules you have to abide by before they are allowed to join so that will not be problem.

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1) Has anyone begged you for credits?

Yes, if you count those mails you get every week or so titled Hi My Friend, take single cred (hey, its free money) + /report spam. I have yet for some random person to ask me for creds in any other way tho.


2) Have any low-level players begged you to run them through low-level flash points?

No, I have been asked to help them find the way from where they were on a planet to where their class quest said them to go...

On the other had I am guilty of asking a higher lv to run a FP with my group when we needed a healer or tank, but only to guild members and I have only done this when trying to run Red Reaper AND only after trying to find a healer or tank for a while.


3) Has anyone begged you to join their group or guild?

I responded to a LF dps for (Flash point), turned out the guy just wanted to start a guild. I have seen a few people spamming in fleet chats trying to get people to start a guild with them, I'm fine with spammers who are trying to recuit people for their guilds but this is a little much.

The few times that I have recieved out of the blue group invites I have been on the fleet either looking for a fp group or pvp so I accept to see what they want, but most of the time its not so I tell them to ask first next time and leave. Why would people do this in the first place anyway?


How do you handle those situations if and when they occur?

First off I will admit that I hit 50 on my first char a few days ago and after about a day of trying to get gear on my own I did ask my guild to help me get some gear, pop'ed an anyone up for a HM? once, then when back to trying to get gear on my own.

There is a difference between asking for help and begging. Asking for help consists of asking for help once and if declined just drop the converstaion and move on. Begging as I see it is just asking for something again and again, then again the LF X M for XXXXXXXX spamming in general chat is a form of begging so we are all guilty of that.

When asked for help I try to find out what they need help with then try to find out what they have tried to do, then if I am near by to them I help them most of the time unless they are over lv'ed or if I have done it before in which case I give them advice then move on, except for the time stated in the answer to question 2 when I was in a good mood and felt like helping someone in need.

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I've never had people ask me for credits. I do get the drive-by group invites and I have auto invite decline on so I can automatically ignore them. I don't mind grouping and I HAVE grouped with people asking for help. But to just invite me and not say a word is out right rude.


Now on the flip side, I DO go to the Fleet and ask in general if someone can help with a class quest if it's kicking my butt. But if I'm say in my 30s, I always ask for someone who is also in their 30s to help give me some extra dps and I don't just stand there and let them do the work. I jump in and help too.


I did help this low level guy do a flashpoint on my 31 BH and he was 13. But once he asked, I volunteered and ran it twice with him. Hey, quick and easy social points.


When I DO look to see if there are higher levels on a planet that MIGHT be willing to help me out, usually only on class quests, I send them a polite email asking if they'd be willing to help me. If I don't hear anything from them because they're afk or ignoring me, I don't bother them again.


But when *I* am the one looking for help, I think the max I ask in general is 3 times and not straight in a row like rapid fire, I tend to wait a few minutes and if no one psts me, I just rage at myself and go back and kill stuff or do space missions to get some leveling done to finish the quest myself.


I don't mind people asking for help or sending me a tell and asking to join their group. Spamming me or auto inviting me without asking is what makes me ignore them.

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1) Has anyone begged you for credits?

a: No.


2) Have any low-level players begged you to run them through low-level flash points?

a: Considering Black Talon/whatevertherepubliconeiscalled is the only FP that gives the most Social points, on my server it is incredibly easy to get a group together.


3) Has anyone begged you to join their group or guild?

a: No.

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they need to put donation bins on the starter planets where you donate useless/unwanted eq.


so often i end up selling stuff i don't want/need and just want to give it away to lowbies.


can make it so that stuff that comes out of the donation bins have zero credit value when sold.

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I haven't had anyone beg me for credits. I had someone ask me to leave the guild I'm with and consider signing with a new guild (which I highly considered doing since their guild has more active players than the one I'm with, but I turned them down politely).


I have had MANY tell/whispers about running quests and flashpoints with people. I know it's because I'm playing a level 50 Jedi Sage that's healer specced. I get a lot of, "Hey, can you run [insert flashpoint/quest name] with me/us and be the healer?"


IF I'm not busy on another quest already with other people, I'll usually go ahead and do the quest/flashpoint and heal. Why not? Isn't that kinda the spirit of the game in the first place?


I am never rude when someone asks me for help. I remember what it's like to be a noob or to be low level and need help. Then again, I also haven't had very many people who were rude or annoying to me. I think my ignore list has 2 people on it in total and both of those were idjits in the chatroom who were spouting hate.

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1) Has anyone begged you for credits?


2) Have any low-level players begged you to run them through low-level flash points?


3) Has anyone begged you to join their group or guild?



1) Can't say that I've run across this.


2) This one is particularly irritating to me, even if it's a friend or something. It reflects an attitude towards the content that I think hurts the game overall -- ie, "it doesn't matter how I accomplish something, as long as I can get through it." I personally hate having high-level characters escort me through heroics, FP's, etc. For me, the thrill comes from taking on the content in a way that it's challenging to me and, thus, more fulfilling when I/we are successful. I can't stand when people offer to log onto their higher-level alts to help overcome a difficult obstacle. I realize they're often just trying to be nice, but they are literally taking 90% of the fun out of it for me.


3) Unfortunately, I have been borderline on the begging end of this equation. It's been really frustrating trying to put together PUGs for group content. I've resorted pulling up /who and whispering people who look like they might fit what we need to fill out a group with a copy and paste request. I feel bad every time I have to do it, but I often have very little choice.


I have a few level 30-40 toons on various servers (hopped around trying to find one without population issues; haven't been able to yet) and have yet to join a guild because the way I have always operated in MMO's is to do group content with people until someone invites me to their guild. It's nice that way because I feel wanted and needed, and I have the chance to measure the competence of at least an officer in the guild first-hand through clearing content with them (refer to my emphasis on wanting to clear content in such a way that it's challenging). Anyway, this all means that I'm denied lots of opportunities to play the game how I'd like to if I constantly struggle to get a group together. Hence my resorting to whisper-recruiting tactics.


One neat thing about this game that I have started doing is to offer to show someone a datacron if they agree to come on a heroic with me. Say, if there's one near the heroic area. It has worked a few times, and as far as I know is unique to SWTOR...

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Haven't noticed any begging yet. Sometimes people ask for help in general, but I don't consider that begging...it's when they start spamming and/or whispering ppl for help that it crosses over from asking to begging.
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