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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Why not keep sending Emails out?

Don't wanna


Why didn't you just tell us when we would get by email not the you "might"?

See previous answer


Why am I posting this?

You're a troll


Why are people upset?

They're a troll


Why are people hating?

We are all trolls


Why are people bragging that they got in?

Wouldn't you like to be a troll too?

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If trolling wasn't invented, it would have been here big time.


I have never experienced so many self centred, instant gratification demanding kids collected together.


I'll contact my blizzard buddies. They should open up a can of Panda's.

That's should get the attention of all those whiners.



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Why are you not sending out these waves of invites until everyone is invited. Why are you stopping the invites so early today? It is only 12pm PST. Seems like it should be a steady stream of invited until you have made it through everyone.


I am not sure I want to play on a PVP server anymore. I was thankful I could get in on day one so that I could stay ahead of the pack when it came to getting the name I wanted and getting levels so that I don't get constantly killed by higher levels. Now I am worried that I will be coming in behind others and will be at a disadvantage.


I have played around 20 MMO games and was there for beta or launch of about 10-12 of them. None of those have ever had a pre-launch system as messed up as this.


I hope my name is still available or I will really be upset. I would love a public apology. Something along the lines of "sorry we did not anticipate this must interest in the game. because of this we were forced to do a wave system. we are very sorry for any inconvenience this might have cause in your enjoyment of the game."

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Na, I'll post the SS of the cancelled order. If I'm going to pay monthly for a service, I expect to be in on day one, I don't care if it's called early release.


Sorry I'm not going to make all my guys named CharacterX because I had to wait three to five days to get in.


It should be a FFA first day like EVERY other game in history, not one other game has done it like this, ever.


Well good for you that you can cancel your order then, since you havent payed for the game yet and still expect to have the full rights to the game. And if u have to name your characters in weird ways that just goes to say you have a verry bad imagination and probably name em stuff like Jedi/Sith killer or aragon or along those lines wich every kid think is cool.


Just fed up with all the whine about how unfrair it is,. just deal with it, life aint fair.

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ok.... i don't really get it i mean the wave thing fair enough but didn't they stop us keeping our beta toons because it would give the beta testers an "unfair advantage" over the people who didn't manage to get a beta invite? but really if you think about it the just screwed the beta testers since the first 5 waves will be atleast level 15-20 by tomorrow morning.


just food for thought =D


keep up the good work let haters hate bioware :p

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I'm choosing to believe, based on no evidence whatsoever, that Bioware will relent and add more waves if this thread reaches 1000 pages. At least obsessively checking this thread will give me something to do now that I'm not obsessively checking my email.


Or I could, you know, work, like I'm probably supposed to be doing right now.

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why are people treating early access like we should be grateful we are even allowed to play???? Early access has been done by other mmos. bioware isn't reinventing the wheel here.


They are just trying to please couple hundred thousand early orders with early access while the rest of the people who waited to see how the game is being made and specifics of the game before preordering the game are being punished. If you wanted to test your servers using staggered you should have done that IN BETA (which you did)... Did you loose the data? Did someone fall asleep and not pay attention to spikes on server usage... OR Did the data really telll you that you can't let more then JULY PREORDERS IN OVER A DAY without having your servers crash??? seriously a week before launch and your servers can only handle a Preorders made over a month?????


Another thing... I know you want to consolidate threads but when you have an important thread like update early access thread which is adding 20 pages at once.... how are you seriously going to read any feedback???

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well this is awesome...put my early access code in on 8/17 no email today...but have seen multiple posts from people who ordered a month ago, and their playing...what happened to first come first serve? did they just get rid of that concept and not tell anyone? and i beta tested twice, spend SEVERAL hours filling out bug reports and so forth, got an email thanking me for my support and they couldnt have done it without us blah blah...if you want to thank me, give me access!!lol o well hopefully tomorrow will be better
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Rustane said - You sad people are the 1%


Is he an idiot or just plain stupid. I would say the fans who are unhappy with the way Early Access is panning out is close to 60% or even more. I see more threads/posts of people complaining rather than praising the Early Access right now.

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