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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Yes this isn't officially the launch, however... I understand the rage of the people who are going to be playing PvP servers, because when Launch day does roll around, there are going to be level 50s, easily, who will be going around ganking people. It isn't that hard to grasp this. Thankfully that isn't my concern as I am mostly here for the PvE and such, but I can understand the reason behind the rage.


And yes, I agree. Bioware are being morons for only sending 5 waves a day. If they get a mob, or if their phones NEVER stop ringing, they will know why.

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If i recive the mail while i am at work ( 20km from Home ), in the middle of the working day, i will RAGE AND KIEL the boss...


And tomorrow you will see on the Tg's:


Young Padawan Killed his Master.. Police points the finger on Bioware.


Gn guys. :D

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some of my guildies alredy got an invite but since there are no eu servers up yet they can play on some us servers vile they wait.


Eu servers are up, my guilds playing now, the eu servers are listed in the usa servers as N/A

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Off topic, yes. Epic, yes.


Just to quell everyone who didnt get into EGA.


•Space Combat – We will continue to add missions to the space game. We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way... for now the details will have to remain under wraps.


Did anyone see this?

ZOMGZ, i hope they mean open space...

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I seriously dont understand what all the self entitlement is about... You will all be in by the date of LAUNCH, anything before that is a gift. Just like they didnt have to let alot of you into beta either. In fact Im all for them shutting down the servers till then just to shut you all up...
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This is very annoying considering I preordered and and entered my code on the 21st july and loads that did the same after the 21st are now im game and I am not its rather frustrating. Also CS are not responding to mails or even posts in the supposed CS forum. Edited by Apem
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Not really sure what the fuss is about, the have pretty clearly said in the advertising and interviews that the head start was "up to 7 days" I think most of the advertising mentions "up to 5 days". The earlier you entered your pre-order code the earlier you get an invite.


I pre-ordered last week so am not expecting an invite until the weekend.


To be fair, as it is a new MMO launch I am not really expecting a huge amount of stability and solid playtime until after Christmas, but that is speaking from experience of many other MMO launches!



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