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Do you like the amount of Stuns and Snares?


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I don't think CC is overpowered, and I think resolve is a good idea.


My problem is that no two CC's are the same for resolve...


knight/warrior stuns only fill up 2 bars of resolve each, yet last 4 seconds. Smuggler/Agent stuns fill up 5 bars of resolve, and last 4 seconds.


The AOE afraid mezz that breaks on damage that sents/maras have only fills up 2-3 bars of resolve, while smuggler/agents flash grenade fills up all but a little tiny sliver of resolve.



I think that for resolve to be effective, all incapacitating effects should generate exactly the same amount of resolve, enough to where you can only be stunned twice.

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I don't mind the amount of CC it adds some element of strategy and awareness (where to stand to avoid getting knocked off the ramp, when you should use your cc-break etc). The biggest problem I have with it is the lack of a good mechanic to prevent stunlocks.


Resolve isn't a bad idea but it's a bad implementation. It doesn't work on snares and it only prevents new CCs if your bar fills up. It doesn't break the current CC (at least that's how it seems to work for me). Often it just doesn't seem to work consistently.


The one thing I thing I think should be a high priority is modifying resolve to prevent long term (>5 seconds) CC during combat.


For example the CC-break in WoW also gave you 2 seconds of immunity (if I remember correctly). The STWOR ability should do the same.


I have been chain stunned rooted snared for more than 15 seconds. The only reason I lived is I had a healer healing me and I was a tank.



CC's are a bit out of line as of right now IMO.

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I don't mind it, but I would very much like to see roots being affected by resolve. I have more than once been rooted in place for the entire duration of the resolve and then cced all over again. Edited by Mystcard
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It seems a little over bearing at times. I'm fine with snares, but with all the knockbacks, stuns, mez's and roots (which aren't on any kind of resolve system) it gets rediculous.


The thing people saying, "WoW has more CCs" don't realize, is that the vast majority of those CCs were either guaranteed to break on damage or had a good chance to break on damage. There were also only a cuple classes that had knockbacks and they had to spec deep into a tree to get it.


Here it's just stun > stun > die.

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I'd much prefer having a very small selection of cc, knockbacks and the like and *no* resolve and no general cc escape button for all classes.


I really don't understand the decision to hand pretty much every class a vast selection stuns, ccs, snares, immobilizes and knockbacks and then invent this clumsy mechanic to try to limit the use of them. Why not just have less of that stuff in the first place?

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2 problems with CC in this game...


1 If my Res bar is full *** AM I STILL IN A SNARE...the fact that this isn't fixed yet makes my want to punch little puppies.


2 (And not a big deal) I always felt a trinket should give your toon a VERY SHORT window of immunity,


The second is my opinion... THE FIRST IS A JOKE! a VERY BAD JOKE! Put snares on res bar b4 i have a meltdown on da keys!


4shame BW 4shame

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im in control of my character more in wow than in swtor due to CCs being counterable, dispelable, interuptable, or having abilities (other than trinket) that negates a CC.


as to the topic at hand, there are too many stuns. snares are fine, much more mild than what im used to in wow.


I quit right before the Arthas patch in WoW, so they may have changed it after I quit, but the stunlocking in that game was stupid. Yes there was diminishing returns, but good teams/players knew how to abuse it. IIRC, DR resets if you're not hit with the a similar categorized CC for 18 seconds. On my mage, I could poly someone for 10, than 5, than 2.5. Once that guy became immune, my warlock partner could fear for 10, fear for 5, fear for 2.5. After only 6 more seconds, I can do my poly chain again on the same player.


In TOR, two 4 second stuns will fill resolve, so you're never more CC for more than 8 seconds at a time. When your bar is full, your now immune to all cc (roots and snares are not CC. Just like how interrupting spells aren't CC). In WoW, people were able to abuse how only some CC shared diminishing returns.


People ***** about how snares in TOR aren't affected by resolve, but neither were most of them in WoW. For example, a shaman can essentially frost shock a player and keep them PERMANENTLY slowed to 50%.


BTW, CC in TOR CAN BE CLEANSED. It's not BW's fault that most people are either too dumb or too lazy to do so.

Edited by Paralassa
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Personally I think there is far to many cc abilities in this game.


I think they should work one of two ways:

1. Lots of cc but also have lots of ways to break cc.

2. CC should be rare but extremely hard to break so it becomes very tactical and a skill to know when to use it at the right time.


I'm playing a shadow at the moment and with no real gap closer, force speed on a 30sec cool down really doesn't cut it, I find it almost impossible to get to a target especially at the moment on the au server where Imperial teams have a minimum of 4 sorcs and 2 BH's.

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BTW, CC in TOR CAN BE CLEANSED. It's not BW's fault that most people are either too dumb or too lazy to do so.




....even though a few actually do.


You see the problem here is that a select few can poop out CC's all over the place.


Some of the abilities are limited...yes...but still...the ammount flying around is just...PLEH !!!


And some of those abilities is not building resolve NOR is it affected by resolve.....heck...you cant even use your "anti-CC" ability on them.


....and on top of that you also have all the bugs attached to the system...and hacks/cheats.

Edited by PeeWee-DDV
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I quit right before the Arthas patch in WoW, so they may have changed it after I quit, but the stunlocking in that game was stupid. Yes there was diminishing returns, but good teams/players knew how to abuse it. IIRC, DR resets if you're not hit with the a similar categorized CC for 18 seconds. On my mage, I could poly someone for 10, than 5, than 2.5. Once that guy became immune, my warlock partner could fear for 10, fear for 5, fear for 2.5. After only 6 more seconds, I can do my poly chain again on the same player.


In TOR, two 4 second stuns will fill resolve, so you're never more CC for more than 8 seconds at a time. When your bar is full, your now immune to all cc (roots and snares are not CC. Just like how interrupting spells aren't CC). In WoW, people were able to abuse how only some CC shared diminishing returns.


Spot on.


When you're facing a Rogue in WOW... let's see, how long are you controlled... first 8 seconds with a whack on the head (breaks on damage, and some classes can break it without using a trinket, but its a very potent form of control still) ... 6 more seconds through DR... 3 more seconds.... and then DR immunity for that specific CC.


Great, a total of 17 seconds so far.. and then there's the true stuns coming in... 6 seconds... 4 seconds.. 2 seconds...


Frankly, people get held a lot longer in WoW with lot more serious consequences.



In SWTOR, two stuns and you're immune for about 20 second intervals.



People ***** about how snares in TOR aren't affected by resolve, but neither were most of them in WoW. For example, a shaman can essentially frost shock a player and keep them PERMANENTLY slowed to 50%.


Again, spot on.


People really need to try fighting against a WoW frost mage with melees, and then come back and see if SWTOR roots and snares are bad.



BTW, CC in TOR CAN BE CLEANSED. It's not BW's fault that most people are either too dumb or too lazy to do so.


And once more, correct. There are stun breaking buffs which you can apply to another person.


If you are getting chain stunned and focus fired, then you are fighting against multiple players. Naturally, that means you should be fighting with your own teammates, who should be either attacking/mezzing enemy nukers to break the focus of fire, or healing you, or breaking you free from the stuns.


It's nobody's fault but you're own (and your team's own), if you are the person getting focused by enemies without any backup.

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....even though a few actually do.


Well obviously, the only really threatening situation concerning stuns, is when you are being attacked by more than one person in a chain of CCs for around 8 seconds and getting bombarded with so many attacks that your life bar just blows up in a matter of seconds.


The enemy's got a teammate beside him. Then you should at least have someone around to break their focus fire by either attacking them, or CCing them - if not being able to heal or cleanse.




You see the problem here is that a select few can poop out CC's all over the place.


Some of the abilities are limited...yes...but still...the ammount flying around is just...PLEH !!!


All classes more or less have 1 stun, and 1 sleep. The only class that has more than that would be immortal/defense jugguardians, with two true stuns.


In the end, the amount of CCs are the same for your team and the enemy team. If they are using way more CCs than your team, then it's your team's problem, not the game's.




And some of those abilities is not building resolve NOR is it affected by resolve.....heck...you cant even use your "anti-CC" ability on them.


So snare/root the enemy as well, and you're even. What's the problem?



....and on top of that you also have all the bugs attached to the system...and hacks/cheats.


I've experienced perma-stun bug. It is a rare thing to happen.


During the past months I've seen one speedhack.


Other than that, with the exclusion of some clipping/stuck bugs, I've not seen anything so weird happening so often to arouse suspicions of regular hack use.


People talk of hacks all the time in these forums. Among them, I'd wager only about 5~10% are really telling the truth. I know better than to trust the rest 90% of "HAX!" reports. :rolleyes:

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There is way to much in the game. it is quite ridiculous when the lockout to it takes ages to cooldown and in pvp its a pain in the behind.


If there were little to no cc, my guardian would be an unstoppable machine of death and destruction. Honestly, if I have a pocket healer that cleanses me and keeps me up, and I can maintain 100% uptime on my target, it's just ridiculous.


Melee would be way too strong if we removed most of the cc in this game. In fact, melee trains are already really good and quite unstoppable currently.

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...Melee would be way too strong if we removed most of the cc in this game. In fact, melee trains are already really good and quite unstoppable currently.


...but ...but ... what of all the complaints that ranged-melee balance is off and it entirely favors only ranged classes, and melees are nothing but victims to CC??? :rolleyes:


Surely, it cannot be possible that a significant portion of the PvP player-base is generally clueless, and have serious L2P issues...!!!??? :D :D :D

Edited by kweassa
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I like the variety and strategy involved to hold back a rez'd group while you are capping a door/node.


However, in all honesty I only have 3 opinions regarding the cc's:


1.) Knockback + Root is terrible and OP. I am not sure why they only allow this to one class. I should be able to Harpoon and root for 5 seconds as a counter than.

Or interrupt and silence for 8 seconds. All just dumb ideas.


2.) NO CC should last more than 4 seconds max. Let them last as long as they want in PvE but for PvP 4 seconds is more than enough time including chain stunning/slowing someone.


3.) Everything should effect resolve. Slows/Stuns/Mezz/Channeling/Charges/ all should be adding to a players' resolve bar.


I would like to see a mix of DR + Resolve but probably not going to happen.

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I like the variety and strategy involved to hold back a rez'd group while you are capping a door/node.


However, in all honesty I only have 3 opinions regarding the cc's:


1.) Knockback + Root is terrible and OP. I am not sure why they only allow this to one class. I should be able to Harpoon and root for 5 seconds as a counter than.

Or interrupt and silence for 8 seconds. All just dumb ideas.


2.) NO CC should last more than 4 seconds max. Let them last as long as they want in PvE but for PvP 4 seconds is more than enough time including chain stunning/slowing someone.


3.) Everything should effect resolve. Slows/Stuns/Mezz/Channeling/Charges/ all should be adding to a players' resolve bar.


I would like to see a mix of DR + Resolve but probably not going to happen.




Channels (at least Force Stasis/Choke) add to resolve, as well as leap.

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The enemy's got a teammate beside him. Then you should at least have someone around to break their focus fire by either attacking them, or CCing them - if not being able to heal or cleanse.


Ever done a pug WarZone ? You know....queued up...SOLO ?!

In sooo many WarZones at least half the gang is just fooling around minding their own business....they dont care that you are minzed by a sneaky 5 meters away.

I always try to mingle with my team....but when so many of them just WONT pay attention to their surrounding teammates....then its just hopeless.






All classes more or less have 1 stun, and 1 sleep. The only class that has more than that would be immortal/defense jugguardians, with two true stuns.


What are you smoking ? Scoundrels and Operatives gets the 3 second knockdown deep in the backstabbing tree....3 flippin seconds that doesn NOT build resolve and CANT be escaped with your anti-CC.


Assassins gets an ability called spike (spinning kick or something on Shadows) that can be used out of stealth if specced for tanking...at least 2 seconds lying on your face...just the same as with the other backstabbers.


In the end, the amount of CCs are the same for your team and the enemy team. If they are using way more CCs than your team, then it's your team's problem, not the game's.


In the end....if you are pug'ing you might end up with a team filled with lots of different CC....or you simply wont....so....pointless argument....sorry dude.





So snare/root the enemy as well, and you're even. What's the problem?


My god...you're right....except...that...my favourite class/AC doesnt have any roots or snares....or the snare is attached to a lame RNG deep in a certain tree.

But dont worry...I do get your point...I'll just roll a Farce user like so many others have :rolleyes:




People talk of hacks all the time in these forums. Among them, I'd wager only about 5~10% are really telling the truth. I know better than to trust the rest 90% of "HAX!" reports. :rolleyes:


Just because YOU doesnt experience much doesnt mean that others dont.

But Im not gonna talk much about hacks....last 3 threads I read talking about it just got deleted while reading them.

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I do not mind stuns, mezzes, CC, knock backs... but when it comes to being stunned and mezzed... it really sucks when you are in one perpetual chain mez/stun for damn near 30 seconds.


This is the progression I see:


Stun for 8 seconds

Stun again

(break free from incapacitation using a skill)

Immediately stunned again for 8 seconds




Honestlt it really does suck to no end that EVERY class has a stun, mez, knockback. I understand it's awesome to have for PVE, but for PVP it's kind of insane!

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