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Where is Ilum PvP?


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I'm level 50 for almost 3 weeks now and completed all Ilum quests and I do the dailies on.. well... daily basis, too.


I've yet to see a PvP flagged Imperial or any zone that flags me. None of the quests tell me where to go for it but everybody is talking about an Ilum PvP.


There's a huge zone on the map out of my reach. Thought of it as an Imp only zone. But I couldn't find any quest or anything that lead me there.


Where is the Ilum PvP happening? Or is it just not happening? Or does it happen several times a day and I'm missing out because I log at nights mostly? I'm sure missing something but please forgive my noobness and help me.

Edited by Farho
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I miss the original ilum... where imps and republic hung out and got some chat time in while swapping objectives.


It's sad but I do miss it, prior to the first changes I actually liked playing republic as there would always be 20+ imperials waiting for a pub to show up and get there dailys/weeklys done.


After the initial change it became a zerg fest and a headache, it was almost like a chore to do your quests out there.


Now it's just a ghost town, if they changed the damn thing back to the way it was at least the planet would have a purpose outside of daily quests and a couple flashpoints.

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I sorta like what it is now. When I'm collecting armaments, there's usually one or two enemies there, and sometimes I'm the only Repub on Ilum! (low pop server).


But it makes for some good one-on-one PVP action. I finally get to do the ganking I didn't see when leveling.


That said, I haven't been 50 for very long and only ever experienced the craziness that was ops vs. ops a couple times before.

Edited by Stenrik
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Ya i miss the old Ilum, where people exploited the game to acquire rank 60+ as fast as possible.


I miss how of 40-50 people perhaps 3-4 of us (about the same amount of people that are actively fighting now(in the ghost town it has become)) perhaps 3 of us would actually play the game as intended rather than joining the circle jerk.


And god Forbid we actually tried to break up the circle jerk for some real pvp. "*** WE TRADING!! WE ARE TRAADING NOOB!!! OMG SCRUB GET A LIFE! GO PLAY A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER #%$&---- Joe is Kill on sight everyone!!!!"


But seriously the only thing anyone should be missing is the off hours when trading wouldnt get established and 20+ people were using teamwork and some form of strategy to defeat the opponents.


A combination of Ilum traders (exploiters/cheaters/morons with half a brain) and BW is what caused this zone to go into purgatory not BW alone.


Congrats on your Rank 80 though.... you guys earned it!!!

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Ya i miss the old Ilum, where people exploited the game to acquire rank 60+ as fast as possible.


I miss how of 40-50 people perhaps 3-4 of us (about the same amount of people that are actively fighting now(in the ghost town it has become)) perhaps 3 of us would actually play the game as intended rather than joining the circle jerk.


And god Forbid we actually tried to break up the circle jerk for some real pvp. "*** WE TRADING!! WE ARE TRAADING NOOB!!! OMG SCRUB GET A LIFE! GO PLAY A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER #%$&---- Joe is Kill on sight everyone!!!!"


But seriously the only thing anyone should be missing is the off hours when trading wouldnt get established and 20+ people were using teamwork and some form of strategy to defeat the opponents.


A combination of Ilum traders (exploiters/cheaters/morons with half a brain) and BW is what caused this zone to go into purgatory not BW alone.


Congrats on your Rank 80 though.... you guys earned it!!!


After the latest patch recently, thankfully everyone has a chance to gear up by just playing 10 wzs each day(win or loss) and now during lvling its quite possible to reach the valor rank 50 before 50 and then get the last 10 at lvl 50.

If it wasnt for that it wouldve been unthinkable to be have a mix of centurion and champ gear on more than 1 char.

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I'm not convinced the game engine can handle mass open world PvP. The few times I got into 16 vs 16 battles on Ilum the framerate and latency was pretty poor. Plus in large scale battles being a melee class is a death sentence because the ranged enemies will take you out before you can even get close (ever been focus-fired by 16 people at once? you're dead before you can push a single button). SWTOR just isn't designed for large-scale open world PvP. IMHO You'd need a state-of-the-art gaming computer and you'd need to play a ranged class to do it.


I'd stick with the Warzones. The devs should just give up on trying to have open world PvP IMHO.

Edited by MorgonKara
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I'm not convinced the game engine can handle mass open world PvP. The few times I got into 16 vs 16 battles on Ilum the framerate and latency was pretty poor. Plus in large scale battles being a melee class is a death sentence because the ranged enemies will take you out before you can even get close (ever been focus-fired by 16 people at once? you're dead before you can push a single button). SWTOR just isn't designed for large-scale open world PvP. IMHO You'd need a state-of-the-art gaming computer and you'd need to play a ranged class to do it.


I'd stick with the Warzones. The devs should just give up on trying to have open world PvP IMHO.


I have no idea frankly, but WoW with Wintergrasp had full raids(40 man) on both sides at the very least, up to a max of 100-200 players I think?

And that seemed to work fine usually. Even Tol Borad in Cata wasn't all too bad.

So it should be possible but considering that Swtor in general has a higher req. than wow might be another reason. Granted people's pcs have gone up in specs over the years so any lag or what not wouldve to be a server related problem. I suppose they'll just have to figure out something, but untill that happens no more Ilum or any other look alike Ilum, either get it right during a test period or something or just not put into life game.

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I miss the original ilum... where imps and republic hung out and got some chat time in while swapping objectives.


It's sad but I do miss it, prior to the first changes I actually liked playing republic as there would always be 20+ imperials waiting for a pub to show up and get there dailys/weeklys done.


After the initial change it became a zerg fest and a headache, it was almost like a chore to do your quests out there.


Now it's just a ghost town, if they changed the damn thing back to the way it was at least the planet would have a purpose outside of daily quests and a couple flashpoints.



And the puttering around pretending you didn't know how to flip objectives and watching them get anxious until they finally just kill you.

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I'm not convinced the game engine can handle mass open world PvP.


You're not? Hell, I was totally convinced the first time I went to Ilum and ran up to the Republic base and saw about 20 Imps fighting about 20 Reps. My FPS went from about 30 FPS down to about 4 FPS and stayed there until I got out of range.


Then I spent days doing all the "fixes" for my high-end machine and went so far as to set up a ramdrive. It got a little better 15-20 FPS but the hitching was still a major problem.

Edited by Ozzone
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