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1.2 War Hero Gear on PTS - Now requires BM gear :)


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This is just LOL.


So as a champion geared player, in 1.2 this is what i will have to do, to be a tad more usefull then a wet noodle in PvP, after 1.2 patch:


1) Ditch all Champ + cent gear.

2) Buy a recruit PvP set for 500K.

3) Play some non rated warzone to get 417 warzone comms.

4) Spend saved warzone comms (max 1333 after being robbed in the merc. comms conversion) + 417 = 1750 on a BM mainhand weapon.

5) Play non rated warsones for BM gear.

6) a month later, start playing rated warzones to replace BM gear for war hero gear


Thats just great....:mad:


Hmm champ is better than recruit so -1 for that, ya pretty much fail after that point...

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Haven't posted in a long time but I'm trying to wrap my head around the logic of the people complaining in this thread and I just can't.


1.) MMO pvp will never be strictly "skill" based. Someone with better gear is always going to have an advantage. If you want to pvp on equal terms, you should consider playing a genre that supports this (fighting game, shooter, etc).


2.) When you're a fresh 50 you'll have access to recruit gear which is on par with the current cent/champion gear and will be fighting in non-rated. The highest geared people that will be fighting in non-rated matches (regularly) are likely going to be mixed champ/BM geared players that still need to flesh out the rest of their BM set. Once they do it is likely they'll be running rated wzs. If anything, this will be better than it is now (less chances of a fully BM geared group rotfl stomping you).


3.) When you first step into rated wzs, yes you will likely be stomped as you build your war hero set, but that would happen if there were no BM requisites for War Hero gear anyway (People hopping in rated under-geared, getting stomped and causing frustration for their team-mates).



TL:DR: Stop complaining, if anything this process will make the pvp armor progression process easier.

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Haven't posted in a long time but I'm trying to wrap my head around the logic of the people complaining in this thread and I just can't.


1.) MMO pvp will never be strictly "skill" based. Someone with better gear is always going to have an advantage. If you want to pvp on equal terms, you should consider playing a genre that supports this (fighting game, shooter, etc).


2.) When you're a fresh 50 you'll have access to recruit gear which is on par with the current cent/champion gear and will be fighting in non-rated. The highest geared people that will be fighting in non-rated matches (regularly) are likely going to be mixed champ/BM geared players that still need to flesh out the rest of their BM set. Once they do it is likely they'll be running rated wzs. If anything, this will be better than it is now (less chances of a fully BM geared group rotfl stomping you).


3.) When you first step into rated wzs, yes you will likely be stomped as you build your war hero set, but that would happen if there were no BM requisites for War Hero gear anyway (People hopping in rated under-geared, getting stomped and causing frustration for their team-mates).



TL:DR: Stop complaining, if anything this process will make the pvp armor progression process easier.


It's already stupid easy as it is.

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1.2 will help fresh 50s get into pvp gear faster, which is great as it means I can gear up my alts straight away and farm warzones for better gear perhaps a week or so faster than pre 1.2.


However, what 1.2 wont do in any shape way or form, is make a player who hasnt got the foggiest idea about his class or objectives in pvp warzones, better. A few % of expertise is notgoing to make a difference for those people. There will still be QQ on the forums about being outgeared as people blame their gear (even the new recruit stuff no doubt) is at fault and not their -25 IQ. Good players will still make a dash for the door when pugging warzones that are full of baddies running around like headless chickens.


TLDR - In 1.2, the good players will still win regardless of gear, the bad players will still get facerolled, no matter what gear they are in.

Edited by -Alma-
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This is just LOL.


So as a champion geared player, in 1.2 this is what i will have to do, to be a tad more usefull then a wet noodle in PvP, after 1.2 patch:


1) Ditch all Champ + cent gear.

2) Buy a recruit PvP set for 500K.

3) Play some non rated warzone to get 417 warzone comms.

4) Spend saved warzone comms (max 1333 after being robbed in the merc. comms conversion) + 417 = 1750 on a BM mainhand weapon.

5) Play non rated warsones for BM gear.

6) a month later, start playing rated warzones to replace BM gear for war hero gear


Thats just great....:mad:


Welcome to true gear progression.

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1.2 will help fresh 50s get into pvp gear faster, which is great as it means I can gear up my alts straight away and farm warzones for better gear perhaps a week or so faster than pre 1.2.


However, what 1.2 wont do in any shape way or form, is make a player who hasnt got the foggiest idea about his class or objectives in pvp warzones, better. A few % of expertise is notgoing to make a difference for those people. There will still be QQ on the forums about being outgeared as people blame their gear (even the new recruit stuff no doubt) is at fault and not their -25 IQ. Good players will still make a dash for the door when pugging warzones that are full of baddies running around like headless chickens.


TLDR - In 1.2, the good players will still win regardless of gear, the bad players will still get facerolled, no matter what gear they are in.



This is totally true , not to mention that gear is quite easy to get now . You can get more than 28 bags withing 3 days of hitting 50 if you do things right. This is what I did with my shadow , he has full pvp gear now 3 days after hitting 50, 2 champ pieces and 2 centurion SETS for differenct specs. IF that isnt easy for you you are playing the wrong game.

Edited by tekhiun
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Do you really think that you deserve the same PvP gear after playing a total of 300WZ as someone with valor 75 who played 3000?


This person is a true War Hero, likes to PvP, playes PvP, helps a team a lot and commands a team. He deserves to be rewarded.


The game is about both skill and time spend. Like in real life. Nothing is for free, you gotta earn it.


Apparently you have not played alot of MMO's, This systme will change alot in given year.


But from what your saying that a guy who has leveled thru pve content is not entitled to the gear. where the player has spent hours doing missoins and paying for gear loss and buying countless stims etc to level the right way.


Bioware should have keep the valor ranking system the way it was and removed xp from PVP and if you wanted to pvp all the time then u can still at level 10 and get ur valor ranking maxx but you have get pve xp to get up to the battlemaster gear. This whining about who entitled and who is not is really crazy. It should not matter about gear anyway if you play a console game you both are on equal terms as in play so why should this be any different..

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This, incidentally, is somewhere between the cost of a single BM armor piece (2 tokens = 8000) and the BM mainhand (3 tokens = 12000) right now.


Right. So I'm not exactly following the complaints. I earn 2k WZ comms a day easy and I've yet to spend my Champ comms.


Frankly, I see no reason to get Champ gear the more I read about the changes, and I'm going to use the comms to put Kira in a full Champ gear set for PvE stuff.


I have full red gear with all advanced/master 22 mods so Champ is not a huge bump as it is.


What this tells me is that instead of wasting my comms on a Champ gear set that after 1.2 I'll be able to replace with BM in a weeks time, I can rather have my main companion in Champ gear and spend one sole week in meh gear post 1.2 and then be enjoying BM.


I'm also not upset about the way they have done War Hero. If everyone was in WZ with no gear to work toward I think they would actually give up after a bit.


I do think the pricing should come down. 125+ hours to obtain a full set of War Hero is too long. They're essentially requiring you to beat every quest in Fallout 3 twice. It's about an equivalent time sink. That's way too much if they also want their players to enjoy other aspects of the game like some PvE. As I'm not sure how one would have time to go after Rakata gear with this kind of time requirement.

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I love how all the qqr's are completely ignoring the fact that it costs a lousy 11k creds to get FULL BM GEAR


EXACTLY STOP COMPLAINING ITS EASY TO GET BM NOW. I bet this will get forgotten 3 posts down with a new QQ about getting BM gear

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It really is amazing, how Bioware keep going down and down. How can you ADD Ranked Warzones but still allow such a big difference in gear? Anyone else fail to understand why they don't want to make PvP Competative?


Its not competitive because they want you to keep your subscription. The more gear you have to grind the longer you pay them. Simple as that.

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Now requires the BM equivalent to trade in. Latest patch on PTS :)


Hah people can pvp for a week and get the whole BM set. Im sure this is going to be a HUGE deal though as this is the pvp forum and all. ZOMG IM SOOOO MAD BRO!! IM UNSUBBING 5 TIMES AT LEAST!!!!!!!!!!!

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champ is still better than recruit simply because the recruit stats are way lower.



BM gear will be really fast to get after the patch assuming they don't change the commendations per match we're currently getting. The daily/weeklies will also give WZ commendations.



Also you can trade merc for wz 1 to 1 after the patch so save up 1k/1k now and you can have 2k commendations to buy 2-3 BM pieces as soon as the patch hits.



People who play a lot will get a full BM set in under 2 weeks.

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Its not competitive because they want you to keep your subscription. The more gear you have to grind the longer you pay them. Simple as that.


Thank you! We all should know this by now. Most of us come from other MMO's. They only way the game gets better is if people keep playing. This generates money for the game. They need to keep us on the treadmill so that they can keep making the game better and keep us on the treadmill. It's the circle of life for a MMO. We knew this getting into it. Anyone who didn't is either brand new at gaming or naive.


Granted now this should have all been done at release, but it wasn't. So it is what it is. We can either choose to adapt and enjoy the game or come here and whine and cry or leave the game.

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This is just LOL.


So as a champion geared player, in 1.2 this is what i will have to do, to be a tad more usefull then a wet noodle in PvP, after 1.2 patch:


1) Ditch all Champ + cent gear.

2) Buy a recruit PvP set for 500K.

3) Play some non rated warzone to get 417 warzone comms.

4) Spend saved warzone comms (max 1333 after being robbed in the merc. comms conversion) + 417 = 1750 on a BM mainhand weapon.

5) Play non rated warsones for BM gear.

6) a month later, start playing rated warzones to replace BM gear for war hero gear


Thats just great....:mad:


Its about 8 games to get a piece of BM gear. 8 Games.


Have an entire set in less than a week. On top of that - the champ gear is better than recruit gear. So youll want to keep that.


In addition - Merc coms can be traded 1:1 in 1.2


Glad you took the time to educate yourself though, before going off on a pointless rant.

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The stats are way better than Champion. That's the whole point. He's not wrong, or trolling. He's right.


No they arent. Theyre better than Centurtion, but they aren't better than Champion at all. Each piece of Agent armor has roughly 25-30 endurance less than my Champion pieces.. for a tradeoff of 10 expertise. That's not better at all.


No way a 150 point expertise gain is going to make up for almost 3200 lost HP.

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Really no reason to cry over this. BM gear is gonna be dirt cheap. With the absence of Mercenary comms, it'll be roughly 1/3 the cost of what it used to be and requires to valor. War Hero gear isn't all that expensive either.
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My only real problem now is the supposed stat diffrence between the war hero and bm gear as compared to champ/recruit. Now currently i have the full champ set and 1 piece of BM maybe 2 if I get lucky in the next day or 2. Anyway in its current state I am pretty much on equal footing with full BM guys while fighting sure they have a small advantage but its not enough to make that huge of a diffrence in the outcome of a fight. But if I am reading this correct the new war hero stuff will put that huge gap i had to overcome when first starting back into play again.


And while yes the new Bm stuff will be alot easier to get I worry i will have to play the door mat again for at min. of 2 weeks to guys who have huge amounts of time to do the rated till they cap out on gear. Im not really gripeing mind ya I just hate the idea of being a free kill all over again even for just a short period of time. With that said I do like the idea of a more level playing field. Maybe im just being selfish /shrug but haveing to relive my first few weeks of lvl 50 again is not appealing to me.

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This is just LOL.


So as a champion geared player, in 1.2 this is what i will have to do, to be a tad more usefull then a wet noodle in PvP, after 1.2 patch:


1) Ditch all Champ + cent gear.

2) Buy a recruit PvP set for 500K.

3) Play some non rated warzone to get 417 warzone comms.

4) Spend saved warzone comms (max 1333 after being robbed in the merc. comms conversion) + 417 = 1750 on a BM mainhand weapon.

5) Play non rated warsones for BM gear.

6) a month later, start playing rated warzones to replace BM gear for war hero gear


Thats just great....:mad:



oh because the people who already have their BM gear, just rolled out of bed with a fresh 50 and it was just handed to them. Get real man, this is a MMO, which mean you have to jump threw hoop after hoop to get the best gear.

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