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Huttball.. do people think scoring gives you a reward or something?


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Although by no means a scientific study, I hear more "Rotworm pass intercepted oh the disgrace!" then "Frogdogs just ripped the ball handler apart!"


Assuming your team actually has some form of healing/ball running, passing leads to more turnovers than the ball carrier dying because passing can be stopped many ways. Note that a grapple can lead to an instant ball reset on a pass (grapple the receiver before he catches the ball), and of course intercepted passes usually leads to instant resets if they're in dangerous position to begin with. Just like the real life version, passing a lot in Huttball is actually very dangerous. Running (or rather, charging) is generally a more reliable way to scoring.

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Should be obvious, no?


The game doesn't tell you how passing works, and there's no way to test it out or practice until you actually get the ball.


Passing mechanics can be awkward for people who aren't keybinding & mouse turning, given the mechanics are similar to AoE style targeting & not a matter of clicking on a name plate & pressing the ball ability.


The nature of the map makes it difficult to see who is nearby and in range. The minimap doesn't help, because it doesn't account for stealth and LoS.


At first glance, Huttball looks like a typical Capture the Flag game, which people have been playing online for ~15 years. CTF games do not usually involve active passing of the "flag," so even experienced online players don't think to do it.


The default setting for max camera zoom out doesn't help much either.

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I think it's mostly due to two reasons.


1 - They are casuals who don't understand the game yet.


2 - The AOE pass mechanic is awkward. It would be more user friendly if you could just click a team mates portrait then click pass.


I actually like the aoe style cause the observant defender can block or intercept a pass. I think a lot of people go into HB with the idea they need to kill everyone they come in contact with but this is not the case only one person MUST die and that is the opponent ball carrier.


Many people will say the healer but you stun them or los them and you can kill the runner. Hurt Ball requires more stratagy than anyother PvP match in game. There is lots to know in it like who and when to stun and how to score and defend. The PvP aspect of it takes.care of itself. Killing opponents in the center potentially creates a better defence as your team tries to score and respawners can get to the ball and stop a score.


I think a lot of players get frustrated in HB more than any other BG because they want the win more than the medals while less expierenced players go after medals thinking that will help them win.

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Last 2 games I've been in:


1) I have the ball. On the top ledge, past the first firepit. I see a sorc standing there, presumably waiting for me to pass it to them. As I pass it they jump down and run away. Pass incomplete.


2) I have the ball. I'm at the final firepit. 2 teammates are just on the other side of the firepit before they go down the ramp. I throw it across the fire to them. They both run down the ramp before it gets there. Pass incomplete.


Both times in /ops I see "what the he|| happened? You just cost us a goal."


I guess I'll just take it and score myself next time.

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I'll just point out that passing is sometimes rather hard.


Let me revisit my first 5 attempts to pass in the game:

1) Where's pass? Where...where... dead. Oh, it's been added to a random quickslot. Let's hotkey that.

2) Need to pass, gotta pass, must find player--there, that guy, click! No, not that guy, this guy--click. No, not...dead.

3) Must...passs...nobody around... Just throw ball away... *press hotkey* What?! A targeting reticle? *right click* Ohh, that's cancel. ...Dead.

4) Ok, I got this. Hotkey, reticle, left-click, whoo! ...oh, it doens't really go that far, huh. ...Dead.

5) I have the ball. I am a master. I can do this. I am stunlocked. I am shoved off of this platform. I am all alone down here. ...Dead.


So, since then, I've scored in Huttball, and I've successfully passed in Huttball, I've cloaked the ball away from would-be kills. But it isn't always as easy and possible as it looks to the guy waiting on the ball, and frankly, it might take quite a few matches for a player to learn how to pass and then figure out how to do so reliably.

Edited by Journeyer
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Last 2 games I've been in:


1) I have the ball. On the top ledge, past the first firepit. I see a sorc standing there, presumably waiting for me to pass it to them. As I pass it they jump down and run away. Pass incomplete.


2) I have the ball. I'm at the final firepit. 2 teammates are just on the other side of the firepit before they go down the ramp. I throw it across the fire to them. They both run down the ramp before it gets there. Pass incomplete.


Both times in /ops I see "what the he|| happened? You just cost us a goal."


I guess I'll just take it and score myself next time.


Lol I know right... Like when I was a fresh 50. I get the ball already surrounded so I know I'm dead. All I do is pool for someone open and pass the ball. Pass was completed and I had the ball for maybe 5 sec. Then some dude whispers to me, "need to get the ball to a better runner faster".


Lol, ok whatever. Earlier same match that guy was in position for an easy pass, on the side above the vents, as I was focused, so I wanted to pass to him. I get stunned and he move up the catwalk (on our side). So had to find him again, then its hard as hell to aim there and I knew I was almost dead. Got the ball off be no completion.


As much as people have issues witj passing, there Re just as many people that fail at it all, and some even act like they know everything.

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In my experience, the GTAOE used for passing can be a pain in the neck to use when getting beat on by the opposing team. As has been mentioned, a big factor is the fact that the camera zoom. But, even when a friendly is standing right in front of me, hitting the pass button, then moving the target to the right spot, without it going to far, is not the easiest thing to do. Especially when trying to pass to somebody on another level.


A solution might be for the ball to be thrown at max range even if the target was placed beyond max.

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Dude I have made some wicked passes....not to brag but some behide the back over two lvls epicness.Ok maybe not that great but some great ones kinda wish I a ran vid on them now.


I'm talking 4th quater 30 secounds on the clock me with 5 guys pulling on me....make Dan Marino roll over in his grave type stuff.


Speaking of Dan I am a slinger so I got about as much running speed as he does so I know when to pass its all I think about when I got the ball I'm a pass first player.


Wait, Marino is dead!?!

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I'm not so much annoyed by people not passing as I am by people failing to support the ball carrier in general.


Would it really hurt your ego so much to throw a heal or put a bubble on the guy with the ball?


Instead people run around looking for easy targets to gank or sometimes I see people that just sit there near the middle waiting for the ball to respawn when I am still carrying it!


I have a 45 Guardian that is tough as hell. When I get the ball I will tend to run for the goal only stopping to dump off to a good target of opportunity.


No I will not pass behind me. It's hard enough to even look back there when 5-8 enemies are spamming DPS on you.


No I will not pass to a smuggler 3 feet in front of me with only half a health bar. I'd rather just ground the ball


If is see an ally in good position or if I'm in real danger of getting killed in the next 5-10 seconds I'll gladly throw that ball. Otherwise I'm usually yelling at my screen for someone to throw a flashbang or a heal or a bubble while I burn through my defensive CDs trying to move the ball downfield.


When I play my sniper I follow the ball carrier. Enemies will often stupidly clump around the BC. I sometimes throw a flashbang into the crowd and manage to catch at least a couple of enemies with their CC breaker on cooldown. That one single button click often adds 5+ seconds to the BCs life. Especially if I catch the enemy on or near an incinerator.


One well timed AoE knockback can break a BC free for the score. One well targeted mez can literally guarantee scoring. Yet noone cares. They just want you to throw the ball to them so they can be the hero.


In the meantime, the BCs options, as well as our chances of scoring will be greatly enhanced if my team would just throw some heals/buffs/CC on the guy with the ball. It's not rocket science.

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I don't know why people don't pass sometimes, but there have been many times I've tried to pass to someone to have them run out of it.


Or had them run just too far ahead for me to pass it to.


But yeah, there are some idiots who ignore the pass. I don't know why.


If there's a medal for scoring in 1.2 I may need to shoot something.

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Three reasons for this phenomenon...


1) They're dense (aka, clueless)


2) They're just plain bad


3) They don't care and are trying to be the hero.


All three are equally frustrating to deal with.


The solution of course is to quit plaing with PUGs, plain and simple.


It's 3. This game is full of PvE "gods"......

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It's 3. This game is full of PvE "gods"......


Watch out, people, we've got Rambo on the team.


(although I most often see Rambo syndrome on Alderaan, when we're holding 2 turrets to win and someone decides to go for the third for whatever reason. Granted, if we lose it, the 1 person might not have made a difference, but they very well could have.)

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Watch out, people, we've got Rambo on the team.


(although I most often see Rambo syndrome on Alderaan, when we're holding 2 turrets to win and someone decides to go for the third for whatever reason. Granted, if we lose it, the 1 person might not have made a difference, but they very well could have.)


I know...I /facepalm each time some numnut runs off on their own.....math is hard. 2 turrets > 1.

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You're missing one reason, which is why I'm most likely not to pass.


4. They don't care enough to have passing keybound.


You ought to care. Its the difference between doing your daily in 45 minutes and doing it in 8 hours.

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Being in a good passing spot sort of depends what class you are, i won't pass to a sorc for example unless i know they're clear, they're just so soft i'll live twice as long with 40% health, juggs, marauders and assassins i'll release to quickly, mercs, ops and snipers i'm generally unwilling to pass to unless they're humping the goal line Edited by Adzzy
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I pretty sure after a few matches poeple understand teh rules of the game, but yes it does give a few points in objectives, and 500 xp for grabbing it, other than that passing it can be linked to some of theses reasons


There are several reasons why no pass,

1 no one got the hot key for it

2 they cant throw cause they r stunned locked

3 people are warping around u and not standing still for pass or out of range

4 maybe hoping for a little heal love from team players or help

5 Maybe they just dont like you...

6 They want to be the hero


I probably didnot cover them all, hell who really cares anyway....:rolleyes:

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the throw interface isnt great


CC messes it up


people move out of the way


cant throw when CCd


people expect you to throw to them in the most bizarre locations, most people are not owls with rotatable heads


some people shouldnt hold the ball anyway

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I have a lot of trouble with the whole passing thing myself - for various reasons stated already - getting immediatley ganked by a whole group which wether leaves me stunned or the pass ability will simply not work - getting a cursor and pointing it to another player is partly impossible as the only thing i see are the enemies around me.


Yes all true.


Incredibly high burst damage also gives you a very small amount of time to do the pass.


You do need to help the player attempting to pass by healing them, and guarding for them. If you are expecting them to pass in a seconds time when they also are trying to hit their escapes, heals, activate defenses etc. maybe you should put part of the blame on yourself in some occassions.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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