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Huttball.. do people think scoring gives you a reward or something?


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We are indeed forgetting there is a world of difference between a game with vent and without vent. Using vent is precisely where PvP shines in the mmo world. I haven't got round to it because all my guildies have been 50 for yonks and I'm only a paltry 46 casual player. I've mentioned in Huttball - oh if only we had voice chat more than once.


Being able to type instructions in such a fast paced game is very limited, I try when I can but usually can't in time. Pass up - works the odd time. Hutts a pretty small playing area there's always some range attack coming at you.


And yes OP to date as far as medals are concerned there has been no real motivation other than the general intention to do the wz as it was designed to be done. I've topped the medals charts plenty when even getting stuffed 5/6 - 0. And that was without intentionally trying, others intentionally ignore the whole point of Huttball and just go after kills. This apparently will change next patch with something for scoring and rated.

Edited by Elmuerto
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While I try to pass, you have to keep in mind that not everyone deserves the ball. When you pass to someone who then runs the wrong way. . . . when you pass to someone that just sits in the same spot and looks for the next opponent.


Sure, some players are ballhogs, just like in real life. Some players are also so terrible it might be better to just hope you can solo the match.

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While I try to pass, you have to keep in mind that not everyone deserves the ball. When you pass to someone who then runs the wrong way. . . . when you pass to someone that just sits in the same spot and looks for the next opponent.


Sure, some players are ballhogs, just like in real life. Some players are also so terrible it might be better to just hope you can solo the match.


Not even just that, but you don't really want to pass to certain classes, say a commando unless they are near the goalline. You don't want to pass to a fresh 50 either no matter how good they are as they get dropped 2 sec after getting the ball. Nor pass to the only other guy in the middle of 6 enemies, it'll either be intercepted or they just burn him down too, better just bump it nowhere let it rest and the rest of your team should get it again, unless they are badies which isn't rare sadly.


There are a ton of tactical chooses to be made in hutball. But when it comes to passing, if you want to make yourself useful besides healing/guarding the carrier then get away from the enemy and get forward, past the fire or on the goalline whatever. Separation and advancement are the keys to a good passing game.

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several factors play into this.... first and foremost, if you dont play huttball ALOT... you dont have the pass button in an easy location to conveniently hit... and if its not convenient, you usually die trying to find it before you can ever pass the ball. Not making an excuse, just stating facts. Second, who doesnt want to be the one who scores the winnig goal? were you not ever a child and played a ball game and felt great catchingthe winning touchdown or hitting the gamewinning home run? Edited by JaddynnStarr
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several factors play into this.... first and foremost, if you dont play huttball ALOT... you dont have the pass button in an easy location to conveniently hit... and if its not convenient, you usually die trying to find it before you can ever pass the ball. Not making an excuse, just stating facts.


This is a good point.


My first few Huttball games, I though that passing was a targeted ability, so I would select my target, mash "B" (my hotkey for passing the ball. "B for ball" seemed like a good way to remember it), and swear prodigiously at my screen when nothing happened.


Even after I figured it out, it was still a challenge. This was before my Commando got Kolto Bomb, so I had a grand total of one other ranged AOE, Mortar Barrage, which I rarely used in PvP. So I wasn't just learning how to pass the ball, I also had to learn how to use the AoE targeting system in the fast-paced, constantly moving, frequently focus-firing or stun-locking, domain of PvP. If you're new to PvP, especially if you're not used to being focused fired, the situation's a little overwhelming. Panic-inducing, even. Not a great place to learn a new skill.


I think it took at least a week before I could pass the Huttball proficiently. And I still occasionally have trouble, especially when I try to pass from a lower level to a higher one, or from a level surface to a ramp that's sloping away from me (situations that require setting the targeting reticle on the very edge of your target surface).


So even though it's frustrating when a teammate doesn't make an obviously helpful pass, it doesn't upset me, especially if I suspect he or she is still learning the game.

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If you have the ball with <30% health, and you refuse to pass to someone right next to you.


You're stupid.


If you refuse to pass, when someone is a better suited class.


You're stupid


When you don't pass when you're still auto running forwards.


You're stupid.


I can go on, and most end with the same thing. Alot of BC'ers in Huttball are just terrible, I've seen Ops try to ball run when I've been right next to them on my Assassin (Sprint over active fire(From the top catwalk) and Shroud over the line), I've seen Tanks guard a DPS, when carrying, instead of Guarding them while they carry. I've seen a level 14 hero want to run the ball, straight into fire no less, instead of passing to me at the ledge ahead in perfect los.


Oh and having read a post



mash "B" (my hotkey for passing the ball. "B for ball" seemed like a good way to remember it)


I use X, as in X marks the spot where it lands ;p

Edited by ilovethepink
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If you have the ball with <30% health, and you refuse to pass to someone right next to you.


You're stupid.


If you refuse to pass, when someone is a better suited class.


You're stupid


When you don't pass when you're still auto running forwards.


You're stupid.


I can go on, and most end with the same thing. Alot of BC'ers in Huttball are just terrible, I've seen Ops try to ball run when I've been right next to them on my Assassin (Sprint over active fire(From the top catwalk) and Shroud over the line), I've seen Tanks guard a DPS, when carrying, instead of Guarding them while they carry. I've seen a level 14 hero want to run the ball, straight into fire no less, instead of passing to me at the ledge ahead in perfect los.


Yes yes, hutball has the biggest L2P curve in the game and people just don't care. Best you can do is pay close attention to those that know what they are doing and work with them when your grouped up.

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not everyone is as awsome as you are. also cannot pass when CC'd or stun locked.


You can almost always pass when "stun locked". Obviously not when in a stun but between stuns. Just spam your pass hotkey and your mouse button frantically and you almost always get the pass off between ccs.


This is one of the reasons why clickers really suck. I tried playing PvP with a mate who clicks and... it's really frustrating when he can't do passes that are easy for anyone who actually keybinds throw the ball.

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I cant tell you how much "voice" helps when you're up against a good team. We just recently had a 5-5 scoring game which came down to last possession as time ran out and im going to say that our VOIP secured us the win.


At aprox 30 seconds left, we had possession and were under lots of pressure. I broke off from the crowd and went to mid. I then said in TS that he could ground the ball if he needed to because I was here waiting. Mind you, this is 30 seconds left...



Well, my point was it (voice) makes less difference in Huttball than on other maps or other PvP games.


Since you phrased it like you did, I feel the need to clarify, that I almost always run with a full group and ofc we are using voice.


But at some point I realized, that Huttball is similar to Soccer in the required coordination - you don't have to actually talk to coordinate. It rather comes down to each and every team member constantly assessing the situation and adjusting accordingly. This encompasses positioning, use of cc, choice of target, awareness of the positioning of enemy plaxers, etc.


In the scenario you described, decent team mates would have secured mid anyway. It's something many players oversee in my experience, but I always keep track of my team's health bars, especially the BC's. At least this is what I do and observed other players doing the same - if you are out of position or lack the cds (e.g. pull) to help on the front and ofc when BC is low, position yourself in mid in case the ball gets grounded.


If I would have been the BC, you wouldn't have had the need to tell me, that you go for mid - I would've seen it on the map and grounded the ball myself. Especially when I trust on you being a decent player and not of the 'ignore ball, keep padding dmg'-kind.^^


I know that voice makes everything easier and there certainly is no reason against - I just noticed that it isn't as necessary as in other game modes and found that noteworthy.


When you need to plan and discuss something verbally, your reaction time is much lower than spreading the responsibilities over the whole team.


The combined situational awareness of the team > voice coordination


Everything that is relevant to laying out your next step is visible all the time to you, so you do not need to convey the information to your team mates as you would have to on the other maps and their visual barriers.


When you say this would be true against 'bads only', I have to say it's quite the opposite - voice is only needed, when grouped with 'bad' team mates.^^


But maybe I am just stating the obvious here.

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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'm not even talking about in general where people insist on running when passing is much faster


I usually pass the second I get the ball, because 4 goons try to focus me down.


Reasons why I don't pass the ball:

a) I don't see anybody and when I stop to look around usually it's too late. BE IN FRONT of ball holder and don't scream in chat to pass, when I don't see anyone.


b) I can't reach the player, because he is too high or too far.


c) Because I'm CCed to death

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I don't pass because 50% of the times I've passed, they:


1) don't come out of stealth so the ball is just wasted.


2) move out of the way of the ball target.



J/K I pass as often as possible, just wanted to point out sometimes the receivers also play badly.

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  • Why don't people ground the ball, ever.
  • Why do people run the wrong way despite the GIANT ARROWS pointing the right way.
  • Why do people attempt to solo run the ball directly into the enemy team when there is 30 seconds left in a tied game.
  • Why don't people have pass bound to a hotkey.
  • Why don't sorceror's pull the ball carrier.
  • Why do people white bar the ball carriers resolve on ramps or the middle of no where.
  • Why don't people move to the middle for the rebound when they see your team is about to score.
  • The list can go on forever...


The answer is simple: They are bad.

No amount of leadership, explaining what they should be doing, or screaming is going to fix it. No matter how you approach the problem they will either not care, or think you are being a jerk and won't listen to you. There is no solution, there is no hope for people who are bad.


Let's face it - this game isn't really that hard. If you can't do it right you have some kind of mental deficiency.

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Let's face it - this game isn't really that hard. If you can't do it right you have some kind of mental deficiency.


I strongly disagree. That's the same assumption that leads people to declare that games are a mindless waste of time.


For an experienced player, this may be easy, but that player has a whole set of skills that were developed over time and practice. Watch a new gamer, even one who is very accomplished in other areas, and talk to them after they finish playing. Even simple things, like moving around, are challenging. It'a amazing how much we take for granted.


Throw in extra layers of pressure and complexity, like the fast pace of PvP, and the high expectations of your teammates, and the challenges can become overwhelming. It's like asking a perfectly healthy non-athlete to put on pads, join the starting lineup of a college football team, and play perfectly on the very first game.

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Should be obvious, no?


The game doesn't tell you how passing works, and there's no way to test it out or practice until you actually get the ball.


Passing mechanics can be awkward for people who aren't keybinding & mouse turning, given the mechanics are similar to AoE style targeting & not a matter of clicking on a name plate & pressing the ball ability.


The nature of the map makes it difficult to see who is nearby and in range. The minimap doesn't help, because it doesn't account for stealth and LoS.


At first glance, Huttball looks like a typical Capture the Flag game, which people have been playing online for ~15 years. CTF games do not usually involve active passing of the "flag," so even experienced online players don't think to do it.

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I've wondered this as well. I think they do believe they get a medal or something if they score. I heal so I watch nearly every run and heal the ball carrier....it's stupid sometimes. Some tank spec idiot will take like 5 minutes trying to run with the ball the entire way when others are set up to receive a pass.


Usually that person dies too because the entire team is on them.

Edited by Paralassa
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Should be obvious, no?


The game doesn't tell you how passing works, and there's no way to test it out or practice until you actually get the ball......


There is a giant tooltip that pops up the first time you enter Huttball explaining how it works. Also when viewed in your abilities.


Not sure what else you wanted BW to do.

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Should be obvious, no?


The game doesn't tell you how passing works, and there's no way to test it out or practice until you actually get the ball.


Passing mechanics can be awkward for people who aren't keybinding & mouse turning, given the mechanics are similar to AoE style targeting & not a matter of clicking on a name plate & pressing the ball ability.


The nature of the map makes it difficult to see who is nearby and in range. The minimap doesn't help, because it doesn't account for stealth and LoS.


At first glance, Huttball looks like a typical Capture the Flag game, which people have been playing online for ~15 years. CTF games do not usually involve active passing of the "flag," so even experienced online players don't think to do it.


Very well said, DayFax!

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It just comes with experience I guess. I was pretty terrible about this when I first started. But, now, I think I got a feel for it.


Best time to pass?


You are getting focused


You see a buddy that's past the next obstacle


You're a sniper/gunslinger


These basic rules are all you need, I usually tell my team this if it seems like they are inexperienced

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There is a giant tooltip that pops up the first time you enter Huttball explaining how it works. Also when viewed in your abilities.


Not sure what else you wanted BW to do.


There's a huge gap between the passive learning that comes from reading a tooltip and the active critical learning that comes from practice. Until I tried passing the ball in a game, that tooltip didn't make a lot of sense to me. I suspect that I am not alone.


To help people learn the mechanics of Huttball, I would love to see a practice ball in each starting area that disappears 5-10 seconds before the game starts. A little practice throwing the ball would be a great way to start every match.

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good post OP!

I deal with this stuff DAILY, multiple times. There's no way to justify what so many people have been doing.


However, people have gotten better about passing the ball, still happens daily tho.

It's the "nobody runs ahead of me part so I can pass" part that happens nearly everytime I get the ball. lol I know I'm a great scorer, but still it'd make my job so much easier if people ran ahead. They always fight behind me. Then there's the group of people who fight in front of the fire pit. Not a single person runs across fire, even when it's down. I'll be running up the ramp, getting ready to pass, but no, everyone stands in front of the fire pit.

I have a feeling that the same people who complain about Huttball, and say it's unfair, are the same people who do things like this.

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I think it's mostly due to two reasons.


1 - They are casuals who don't understand the game yet.


2 - The AOE pass mechanic is awkward. It would be more user friendly if you could just click a team mates portrait then click pass.

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Something I just cannot understand in Huttball - why the hell won't people pass the ball? It baffles me.


So.. is there a reason for this OTHER than 'people suck at PvP'? Cause I can't think of one.


Hutt ball isn't exactly PvP. Many players play it like its pvp and end up dying holding the ball. Many similar BGs of other games you can't really "pass" the flag like in HB so many players get lost as to what they are doing in these matches. At least that is how it appears to me.

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Because observing ones environment and planning ahead is what makes a great PVP'er Great. The people who can't do this aren't that good in pvp though.


So i think it's less of a "You suck" issue but more of one that they don't think as a PVP'er should. These people are usually the PVE guys who just focus on one boss with possible adds, no other factors.

Edited by micnevv
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