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Huttball.. do people think scoring gives you a reward or something?


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Something I just cannot understand in Huttball - why the hell won't people pass the ball? It baffles me.


I'm not even talking about in general where people insist on running when passing is much faster - I just was in a match where I sacrificed my own kills/medals/score/etc to make sure I was in a good passing position as often as possible - as people ran up onto the ramps towards the first upper fire traps, I'd be down on the ramp below jumping up and down, or on the other side of said firepit doing the same. My defensive CD's and force speed ready to take the ball and sprint over the line for a score.


But no. They stand there looking directly at me as they die. After I ran over the line, I'd force cloak so they could do a pit run, calling out in ops I was there, just run RIGHT OVER and pass up.. nope, they run through all the other team and fire traps trying to make it themselves.


It's not even a matter of CC.. if someone is chain CC'd and dies - well that sucks but they can't help it. However I can see them moving around while they get beaten to death.


I'll even run OVER the line and stand there as someone with next to no health slooooooowly tries to make it over, only to die centremetres away from scoring.


I have no problems with giving up my own stats to help the team win.. but when I give them up only to have my team ignore me efforts and ultimately lose it drives me insane, to the point where now if people aren't passing the ball around by the 5 minute mark, I go off and get my 4 medals.


So.. is there a reason for this OTHER than 'people suck at PvP'? Cause I can't think of one.

Edited by Sparcrypt
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not everyone is as awsome as you are. also cannot pass when CC'd or stun locked. with the crappy camera zoom not panning back nearly far enough all we can see is the 7 enemies beating on us and cannot see 'you' standing on a ledge above or behind us. that or maybe they just don't like you spamming "pass, pass, ***... why are you noobz no pass" so they're ignoring you
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not everyone is as awsome as you are. also cannot pass when CC'd or stun locked. with the crappy camera zoom not panning back nearly far enough all we can see is the 7 enemies beating on us and cannot see 'you' standing on a ledge above or behind us. that or maybe they just don't like you spamming "pass, pass, ***... why are you noobz no pass" so they're ignoring you


Clearly didn't actually read my post. Thankfully I'm not so rude and read all of yours.


1) I pointed out the times it's driving me insane is when I'm literally standing in positions they CANNOT MISS. If you are on one side of the fire and I am on the other, you can see me.


2) I also pointed out the them being CC'd isn't their fault, however if someone is moving forwards, they are not CC'd. If I get CC'd with the ball and there are a bunch of enemies, I immediately pick someone to pass to and spam the pass button. It might work, it might not.. but I sure as hell don't go 'oooh CC wore off and I'm at 3% health! Time to keep running and ignore the guy jumping up and down in front of me clearly wanting the ball!'


3) If me saying 'On the ramp in front of you, pass' is 'annoying' - get the hell out of team based PvP. If you can't keep an eye on ops chat, especially when you have the ball, then that is something you need to work on.


4) Camera zoom - go preferences/controls/camera section and push it out to 100%. If that's not far enough to see someone right in front of you.. well I don't know what to tell you.

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Three reasons for this phenomenon...


1) They're dense (aka, clueless)


2) They're just plain bad


3) They don't care and are trying to be the hero.


All three are equally frustrating to deal with.


The solution of course is to quit plaing with PUGs, plain and simple.

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Noob: "Pass me the ball so I can run ahead with it!"


Me: "No, you run on ahead so I can pass it to you."


Whose side are you on anyway? I'm not passing it backwards.


Whats worse are the ones who run ahead.. then keep going! I get people running with me, then when the bad guys arrive they keep going.. I think 'awesome, get ahead and I'll pass... wait why are you still going? I can't pass that far.. come back.. seriously.. oh I'm dead'.

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Dude I have made some wicked passes....not to brag but some behide the back over two lvls epicness.Ok maybe not that great but some great ones kinda wish I a ran vid on them now.


I'm talking 4th quater 30 secounds on the clock me with 5 guys pulling on me....make Dan Marino roll over in his grave type stuff.


Speaking of Dan I am a slinger so I got about as much running speed as he does so I know when to pass its all I think about when I got the ball I'm a pass first player.

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Something I just cannot understand in Huttball - why the hell won't people pass the ball? It baffles me.


I'm not even talking about in general where people insist on running when passing is much faster - I just was in a match where I sacrificed my own kills/medals/score/etc to make sure I was in a good passing position as often as possible - as people ran up onto the ramps towards the first upper fire traps, I'd be down on the ramp below jumping up and down, or on the other side of said firepit doing the same. My defensive CD's and force speed ready to take the ball and sprint over the line for a score.


But no. They stand there looking directly at me as they die. After I ran over the line, I'd force cloak so they could do a pit run, calling out in ops I was there, just run RIGHT OVER and pass up.. nope, they run through all the other team and fire traps trying to make it themselves.


It's not even a matter of CC.. if someone is chain CC'd and dies - well that sucks but they can't help it. However I can see them moving around while they get beaten to death.


I'll even run OVER the line and stand there as someone with next to no health slooooooowly tries to make it over, only to die centremetres away from scoring.


I have no problems with giving up my own stats to help the team win.. but when I give them up only to have my team ignore me efforts and ultimately lose it drives me insane, to the point where now if people aren't passing the ball around by the 5 minute mark, I go off and get my 4 medals.


So.. is there a reason for this OTHER than 'people suck at PvP'? Cause I can't think of one.


with my sage i have pulled countless ball carriers to top catwalk with low health in hoping they will pass me the ball so I can force run and jump last fire pit. But no they continue plodding along until a Marauder jumps to them and kills them. The worst yet was when I pulled a Sentinel to me i ran through the fire so he can pass to me but instead he turns around and force leaps back into pit to kill someone. And with my Trooper Commando I constantly own the Catwalks and will have a Ball Carrier leap to me with low health and instead of passing they continue along until they die. So I understand you frustration. Im pretty sure some people don't even have the pass ability bound or on hotbars.

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Depends. IF they're under attack by a lot of targets they can be distracted.


Sometimes They are trying to pass and it won't seem to let them. This happens to me sometimes it should let me pass but it won't. Maybe I'm being interupted?


They are CC'ed.


and yeah lots of people are just dense to the whole passign thing.


If they tend to be dense you can do one of four things.


1) Assist as possible by protecting them, killing and ccing thier opposition.


2) Control middle, and play defense aka kill the opposing Ball carrier.


3) band head against keyboard in frustration


4)try queing up with friends or other good players

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I'll be spamming in chat "pass pass pass pass", the guy dies after 9 minutes "sry bro I was stunlocked"


Yeah, okay. Unfortunately, there's no way to make MMO players try to think. My favored strategy is to yell at them to do something, then praise them or just not yell when they finally do. This sometimes works, but usually doesn't. On the up side, the opposing team is just as likely to have people who don't care as your side is.

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In the beginning, I didnt realize that passing doesnt work well when you try to click on a character vs. the area around them ... haha ... and new players panic and get tunnel vision.


Before the game starts is a good time to announce where you'll be and yes, being in someones LoS is very helpful. I guess a bad "pass" keybind and panic could be reasons why, or ya, you just get paired up w/ a bad team. Try to find a guildie or friend and team up together instead. Sometimes 2 ~ 3 good players can win it all.

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What I hate is when you throw the ball to me right as I "Rescue" you over the goal line and the ball misses me cause you throw it in front of me... I TELL THEM EVERY GAME NOT TO THROW ME THE DAMN BALL. /rage.


I usually run the ball when I can but if I see a possible pass I throw it. I don't like running the ball anyway but there are times it's given to me and I'm terrible at throwing it(even with max zoomed camera) and never get to throw it by the time I line it up, I'm usually stunlocked or dead.

Edited by Ainrehtea
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Agree, some of us work odd hours and deal with pugs or nothing. Last night I saw one of our team camping the ball. Everytime someone would score, he would grab the ball, try and score on his own and never pass the ball. It got to the point where the healers would stop healing him. Sadly, there is no way to fix stupid. Everytime I see someone never passing this popps in my head.




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Some people are just bad...


Was in a huttball earlier where a jugg was surrounded by 4+ people getting pummeled I was on the top ramp wide open for a pass with my force speed up and to my surprise HE SAW ME! but did he pass with his sliver of life? no he interceded to me with no health and proceeded to stand there, marauder leaped and killed him in one shot and threw it away. I wanted to punch him in the face as if he would have passed instead of do what he did do we would have had a guaranteed score as I had every single cooldown up.


Stuff like that is what makes me hate swtor pvp more than anything else... even as a premade right now you can still be stuck with 4 other guys who are just horrible.

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In the beginning, I didnt realize that passing doesnt work well when you try to click on a character vs. the area around them ... haha ... and new players panic and get tunnel vision.


Before the game starts is a good time to announce where you'll be and yes, being in someones LoS is very helpful. I guess a bad "pass" keybind and panic could be reasons why, or ya, you just get paired up w/ a bad team. Try to find a guildie or friend and team up together instead. Sometimes 2 ~ 3 good players can win it all.


Oh, exactly. I always try to stun and pull enemies around people who need to pass, because I know they're flipping out under the pressure.



What I -really- hate is when you have the ball and you're trying to pass to someone, especially stealthers, they either stay in stleath or run A MILE away and get out of your LOS. Normally for me, they do both! So annoying.

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I always pass when I can and it will help my team. The majority of times my passes are good. It's the one in like 25 times that I have almost no health and I can't turn around fast enough to pass (usually happens across a fire pit) that everyone starts sending me tells about what a d**k noob I am. People only remember when you screw up, and not all the times in the same round that you scored.
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1) People want to be the "hero" and score, even though who scores doesnt matter, and even if simply having possession will win the game. I cant tell you how many times a hero shows up and loses the game for everyone.


2) People try to pass when its too late. They dont understand the game enough to recognize a "high risk" situation and can easily get stunned to death, rooted in fire, or simply wait too long to throw.


3) People think that passing 1 ft. isnt worth it. When you die, you lose possession, or the ball goes neutral. When you throw 1 ft. or 20 ft, you maintain possession provided the ball isnt grounded (thrown into empty space) or you throw it directly to/on an enemy.


4) People are probably "clickers". You cannot physically throw the ball as fast as someone who uses hotkeys if you are clicking "throw" and then moving your mouse to the target. When im in a "jam" im constantly spamming "G" which is my throw bind as well as spam clicking the ground to where I want to throw, over and over. The moment the stun or w/e drops, the ball is thrown. When you have to click twice, you will probably have 1 or 2 chances at the most.


5) People just arnt looking. They have the ball (or sometimes they dont even know they have the ball) and all they look at is the goal line. They arnt looking up... they arnt looking to the side... and the definitely arnt looking behind them. They get the ball... they run towards the goal... its called tunnel vision.




That's Huttball. I long time ago before the forums got wiped I wrote this whole strategy guide for Huttball. I basically said that you should play with the mindset that you cant do any damage to the other team. All you have to do is form the most efficient chain to get the ball from the middle to the goal using as little running as possible. Pulls, leaps, sprints, and passes. That is Hutball.


Only advanced tactics require teams to hold the center, or to have dedicated carriers, or to have stealthed recievers. In 90% of Huttball matches, you'll really just have to pass your way to a win and dont need to concentrate on anything else.

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Don't worry, very soon there WILL be an award for scoring! They just haven't implemented a medal for it yet.


Ahh yes, can't wait for the days when that person wants that medal and though they could pass to one of seven members at the goal line, they instead stand waiting for the fire to go down with 8 enemies (even the enemy healers) DPSing them down to nothing. (of course, the standard "Resolve sucks! I was at full and still got stunned" excuse will come out when they die)


mmm, I can't wait till they put in more INDIVIDUAL based awards for something that should be a TEAM effort. I do enjoy how 8v8 (aka Team vs Team) somehow translates into "ME ME ME!" by the so called PvP development team.

Edited by _Kayko_
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Nothin u can do man.. sometimes u get a team that works great together. Sometimes u get that team that stands in middle and dps's the whole entire game. Even after i get my wins for the day i always try to win over pat the meter just becasue i would expect other on my team to have the same curtousy. As a warrior i never really pass unless it makes sense to or near death. Having intercede and force leap tends to work better than pass unless i know who i'm passing to. But ya just say a little prayer each time u hit the que(works for me sometimes)
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4) People are probably "clickers". You cannot physically throw the ball as fast as someone who uses hotkeys if you are clicking "throw" and then moving your mouse to the target. When im in a "jam" im constantly spamming "G" which is my throw bind as well as spam clicking the ground to where I want to throw, over and over. The moment the stun or w/e drops, the ball is thrown. When you have to click twice, you will probably have 1 or 2 chances at the most.


This is a big one. For better players, this is probably why the ball doesn't get passed often. I admit, I have the ball on my sidebar and manually click it.

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Some people are just bad...


Was in a huttball earlier where a jugg was surrounded by 4+ people getting pummeled I was on the top ramp wide open for a pass with my force speed up and to my surprise HE SAW ME! but did he pass with his sliver of life? no he interceded to me with no health and proceeded to stand there, marauder leaped and killed him in one shot and threw it away. I wanted to punch him in the face as if he would have passed instead of do what he did do we would have had a guaranteed score as I had every single cooldown up.


Stuff like that is what makes me hate swtor pvp more than anything else... even as a premade right now you can still be stuck with 4 other guys who are just horrible.


So I'm a guardian, sometimes it's easier for me to jump to someone then to pass up. I manuelly click my throw icon (I think I need to change it to a keybind, just not sure where to put it.). <shrug>

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Ajora, from the server The Swiftsure, refused to run to the goal lin efor a pass (he was about 5m away) because "I only have 2k life left and didn't want to be killed". So he ran away.


It was a 1-0 game at the moment. Funny that he still got 3 mvp votes. People in this game are just bad.

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not everyone is as awsome as you are. also cannot pass when CC'd or stun locked. with the crappy camera zoom not panning back nearly far enough all we can see is the 7 enemies beating on us and cannot see 'you' standing on a ledge above or behind us. that or maybe they just don't like you spamming "pass, pass, ***... why are you noobz no pass" so they're ignoring you


Probably. Although if you are spec'd tank I see no reason why you can't go coast to coast with the rock. especially if you have s healer trailing you.

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