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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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To be honest, I'm kind of bothered by people saying that certain companions seem more bisexual than others, it's really not that simple in practice. None of the companions (unless I'm mistaken) have stated their orientation so all you have is a big question mark most or all of the time.


Yes. This exactly.


Jack from ME2/3, mentions a threesome she was once involved in (until mutual betrayal happened) - and thereafter everyone insists she's bisexual. Um. Jack is apparently straight, kids (or just not attracted to Fem!Shep, either way she's SOL if she wants a relationship with Jack). And Kaliyo reminds me very strongly of her.


Yes, it would not be very surprising if she turned out bisexual. But I am not putting money on it.


By the same token - I'm not making any assumptions on any of the companions simply based on their current behaviour either. This whole thing with sexuality not being clear? It works both ways.

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I can see it with Corso as well, and his sort-of coming-out might involve Corellian whiskey and him saying how great the captain's rear looks in those pants.

I'd buy that. No, seriously, I would. Corso is my number one "target" for SGR adventures, from current companions at least, and one reason why I really want to know more about when or how, since I want to know whether he's in or not. *crosses fingers*
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I know that Bioware is going to put these romance options in, so I'm not really all that worried.


The only thing that I really really hope for is that Vette has a SGR arc. Very soon after making my Sith Warrior I realized that she would be way too adorable with Vette, so I just decided to stop playing until they were in. It is one of the storylines I am most interested in so I hope the romance arcs are in relatively soon.

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Jack from ME2/3, mentions a threesome she was once involved in (until mutual betrayal happened) - and thereafter everyone insists she's bisexual. Um. Jack is apparently straight, kids (or just not attracted to Fem!Shep, either way she's SOL if she wants a relationship with Jack). And Kaliyo reminds me very strongly of her.


I would say Jack is bisexual.


FemShep was unable to pursue a romance with her for some odd reason (my guess is that s/s romance was pulled from ME2 at some point but she was a planned option). There are also heterosexual characters that FemShep can't romance (like Vega in ME3) but they are no less heterosexual b/c of that game mechanic.


There's a difference between saying someone is a bisexual character (or should be) b/c they 'feel' like they would be bisexual (which I agree is wrong) and saying someone is a bisexual character b/c they've actually slept with people of the same gender. If I tell someone I've slept with my own gender, I should expect them to conclude I'm not straight.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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I would say Jack is bisexual.


FemShep was unable to pursue a romance with her for some odd reason (my guess is that s/s romance was pulled from ME2 at some point but she was a planned option). There are also heterosexual characters that FemShep can't romance (like Vega in ME3) but they are no less heterosexual b/c of that game mechanic.


There's a difference between saying someone is a bisexual character (or should be) b/c they 'feel' like they would be bisexual (which I agree is wrong) and saying someone is a bisexual character b/c they've actually slept with people of the same gender. If I tell someone I've slept with my own gender, I should expect them to conclude I'm not straight.


Let me throw this at you. What if I told you that in my life I've slept with people of both sexes? You'd say, "oh, you're bisexual". It would be at that point I'd laugh and say, "Nope, I'm lesbian."


Would you then conclude I'm confused?


A lot of people in this world have slept with both sexes. This does not make them bisexual. Maybe it makes them a little flexible, maybe it took that experience to sort out their sexuality for them, maybe they did it to hide or deny their actual sexuality (and believe me, that last (hiding and/or denying) is the experience of many a homosexual). But sexuality is far more than three modes of being, especially when you consider asexuals, transsexuals, pansexuals, genderqueer, and other non-cis-hetero sexualities.


Maybe Jack's experiences in that threesome helped her sort out her sexuality, and her conclusion was that she is straight?


The real truth here is that unless her writer or creator steps forward and sets it in stone (either by telling us, or having Jack herself tell us in some way), we don't know what her sexuality is, and her past lovers have no bearing on what her sexuality actually is.


Anyway, I suspect this post is going to end up just being deleted. I'm going to copy it and put it elsewhere for safe keeping.

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Let me throw this at you. What if I told you that in my life I've slept with people of both sexes? You'd say, "oh, you're bisexual". It would be at that point I'd laugh and say, "Nope, I'm lesbian."


Would you then conclude I'm confused?


A lot of people in this world have slept with both sexes. This does not make them bisexual. Maybe it makes them a little flexible, maybe it took that experience to sort out their sexuality for them, maybe they did it to hide or deny their actual sexuality (and believe me, that last (hiding and/or denying) is the experience of many a homosexual). But sexuality is far more than three modes of being, especially when you consider asexuals, transsexuals, pansexuals, genderqueer, and other non-cis-hetero sexualities.


Maybe Jack's experiences in that threesome helped her sort out her sexuality, and her conclusion was that she is straight?


The real truth here is that unless her writer or creator steps forward and sets it in stone (either by telling us, or having Jack herself tell us in some way), we don't know what her sexuality is, and her past lovers have no bearing on what her sexuality actually is.


Anyway, I suspect this post is going to end up just being deleted. I'm going to copy it and put it elsewhere for safe keeping.


i agree with the above: sexuality really is like a rainbow- an entire spectrum from one end to the other.

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Let me throw this at you. What if I told you that in my life I've slept with people of both sexes? You'd say, "oh, you're bisexual". It would be at that point I'd laugh and say, "Nope, I'm lesbian."


Would you then conclude I'm confused?


No, b/c I am in the same boat XD


I understand it's way more complicated in real life, but I wanted to make the point that there's nothing wrong with concluding a character could be bisexual based on knowledge presented in-game (in-story, whatever) of them having same-gendered relations while by contrast, concluding a character could be bisexual based on....well, nothing more than a 'gut feeling' is a different story.


You could still be wrong of course, but I don't think someone can be criticized for making that judgement.


So, basically, I want to say there's a difference between thinking Kaliyo is bisexual based on a few things in game that point to her having/desiring sexual relations with other females vs. thinking Elara is bisexual based on a 'vibe' or whatever.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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There's a difference between Jack and Tali. Jack says flat out she's not interested in switching teams. Tali's conversation abruptly cuts off right where the romance starts without any explanation.


Sure anybody can be anything but some of us would like to know rather than making these random guesses based on snippets of conversation. :)


Edit: Though that can be a lot of fun as well. :p

Edited by Luhrsen
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Sure anybody can be anything but some of us would like to know rather than making these random guesses based on snippets of conversation. :)


Edit: Though that can be a lot of fun as well. :p

Indeed it can. The sexuality discussion is fascinating - seriously, this is one of my favorite topics - but I don't want to see any of these posts get deleted, so I'm going to try to drag things a bit more firmly on topic. Eh heh heh.

So, basically, I want to say there's a difference between thinking Kaliyo is bisexual based on a few things in game that point to her having/desiring sexual relations with other females vs. thinking Elara is bisexual based on a 'vibe' or whatever.

This is one of those things that's really hard to tell. While sexuality is part of what makes people who they are, it's really only determined by itself - there's no other factor that determines a person's attractions. It's just part of who people are. And since we're given so little to go on for the companions - all we know about them, we get from various scenes within the missions - it can be difficult to ferret out that particular aspect of their lives.


To stick with Elara as an example: I don't know how she'd define her sexuality, but if she developed feelings for another woman, I could see her coming to accept them. She's been through all kinds of changes in her life, so accepting a change that's on a more personal level might be easier for her. Therefore, as long as it's done well, I'd have no trouble seeing her as bisexual.


As for Kira, the reason I have no trouble saying she could be bisexual stems from her being an open and unconventional kind of person. It seems like if she felt something for someone, she'd accept it and do something about it, even if it was something new to her. Like I've said, she really seems like the type to develop feelings for someone regardless of their gender. Or maybe just the JK. :)


And I think Mako's bisexual purely because of her greeting to the Bounty Hunter right at the start. Male or female, Mako might as well be saying, "How you doin'?" :D Then again, this might just be because she's written to be a love interest, and some things come through regardless of the PC's gender. I could say much the same about Corso.


I apologize if anything I've said is offensive; 'twas not my intent. As much as I like discussing this, it can be difficult to find the right words sometimes. :eek:

Edited by MusedMoose
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At this point, I'll just be happy when it arrives.


Whatever Bioware chooses to do, and who they choose, or who they choose to create, it will be well worth the wait.


I may not get who I want, (but if I do that's good too), but for that.....I will always have my head canon.



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To stick with Elara as an example: I don't know how she'd define her sexuality, but if she developed feelings for another woman, I could see her coming to accept them. She's been through all kinds of changes in her life, so accepting a change that's on a more personal level might be easier for her. Therefore, as long as it's done well, I'd have no trouble seeing her as bisexual.


As for Kira, the reason I have no trouble saying she could be bisexual stems from her being an open and unconventional kind of person. It seems like if she felt something for someone, she'd accept it and do something about it, even if it was something new to her. Like I've said, she really seems like the type to develop feelings for someone regardless of their gender. Or maybe just the JK. :)


And I think Mako's bisexual purely because of her greeting to the Bounty Hunter right at the start. Male or female, Mako might as well be saying, "How you doin'?" :D Then again, this might just be because she's written to be a love interest, and some things come through regardless of the PC's gender. I could say much the same about Corso.


I apologize if anything I've said is offensive; 'twas not my intent. As much as I like discussing this, it can be difficult to find the right words sometimes. :eek:


Nah, I agree with you that pretty much anyone could be open...I don't see why not.


Of course, they will only select a limited amount of romance companions for this :(

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I'd buy that. No, seriously, I would. Corso is my number one "target" for SGR adventures, from current companions at least, and one reason why I really want to know more about when or how, since I want to know whether he's in or not. *crosses fingers*


See I favoured Corso for an SGRA from beta when I first played smuggler and he was the one companion I'd been really hoping for, but having recently got round to levelling my Bounty Hunter I'm now really really hoping they make Torian an SGR. He's so sweet an interesting and he offers to cook for me xD.

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Please please can we get a rough (even very rough) estimate on when to expect any same gender content?


I've got a main and an alt I can't play until same gender content is introduced so I'd love a (no matter how rough) estimate of when I'll be able to start playing my characters.




My vote is down for romance arcs and same-gender flirts being written in from level 1.


For me, I am ok with never. But thats just me. :rolleyes::)

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@Mused: The comment about seeing Kira as bisexual because she's open-minded and unconventional is more or less what I was speaking of. It's a fairly common [i[belief[/i] that bisexual people are sexually open and abnormal in thinking. In reality I think you'd find plenty of bisexuals who are more or less average joes and janes, not particularly atypical in thought process or behavior. You'd also find plenty of "open minded" people who happen to only be interested in the opposite gender, despite not being "closed minded."

I'll also add that your wording makes it sound like sexuality is a choice rather than uncontrolled inclination, enough if you didn't intend so.


So far as Jack goes, I think the bit about being manipulated by the couple was just that - Jack was experimenting in this time of her life, trying to figure who she was and what she's going to do with her life, and in the process she was used by people. The point was that people took advantage of her which led to her conclusion that people are only out for themselves.

I may as also remind that not all participants in a more-than-two encounter need to go both ways.

Edited by Ohmygah
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@Mused: The comment about seeing Kira as bisexual because she's open-minded and unconventional is more or less what I was speaking of. It's a fairly common [i[belief[/i] that bisexual people are sexually open and abnormal in thinking. In reality I think you'd find plenty of bisexuals who are more or less average joes and janes, not particularly atypical in thought process or behavior. You'd also find plenty of "open minded" people who happen to only be interested in the opposite gender, despite not being "closed minded."

I'll also add that your wording makes it sound like sexuality is a choice rather than uncontrolled inclination, enough if you didn't intend so.

Hmm. I don't think I expressed my thoughts about Kira very well; looking back at what I wrote, I'm not sure if I even agree with myself. That's what I get for posting about a tricksy topic when I'm tired, I suppose. :o I'll just say I have no trouble seeing Kira as bisexual and leave it at that.


I do want to clarify a few things, though:


I did not, in any way, refer to bisexuality as "abnormal" or "atypical". Those are your words, not mine. When I referred to Kira as "unconventional", I was talking about her personality, not trying to define her sexuality. Also, I do not in any way think sexuality is a choice, and looking back on my post, I don't see how you got that from what I said. I believe I was pretty clear when I said this:

This is one of those things that's really hard to tell. While sexuality is part of what makes people who they are, it's really only determined by itself - there's no other factor that determines a person's attractions. It's just part of who people are.

I really don't see how that, or anything else I said, would lead you to believe I thought sexuality was a conscious choice.

So I've not been by, or played, for a few months now; can we be gay yet?

Not yet, sadly enough. Patch 1.4 is a possibility, but there's been no confirmation.

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See I favoured Corso for an SGRA from beta when I first played smuggler and he was the one companion I'd been really hoping for, but having recently got round to levelling my Bounty Hunter I'm now really really hoping they make Torian an SGR. He's so sweet an interesting and he offers to cook for me xD.


I bet Corso could cook up a nice wholesome meal as well. He just strikes me as the homely type. :p

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Not yet, sadly enough. Patch 1.4 is a possibility, but there's been no confirmation.


More than likely we will have to wait till they extend the class story arcs, or when they introduce more companions, until then gotta keep the discussion going. ;)

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More than likely we will have to wait till they extend the class story arcs, or when they introduce more companions, until then gotta keep the discussion going. ;)

On the plus side, we learned at the guild summit that SGRs are coming with the story update. And what was mentioned in the E3 promotional video for this year? The story update. So it's coming! ...somewhen in the next six months. :o


But hey, I've enjoyed the game plenty for almost six months, I'm sure I'll keep liking it for at least the rest of the year. :)

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I think when they do create SGR's they need to create something in the character creation screen or something in the legacy system that will allow you to choose your sexual preference. Not only will this prevent flirt options from popping up with almost every npc you run into, but will also add an even greater rpg element to the game. If you create a new character, you can choose your preference as part of the creation process and that will allow companions and other npc's to be flirted with depending on your preference which will add greater variety to the game. This will also allow for greater character depth so your character can be a better representation so far. Of course extra dialogue will have to be made to come with the addition of SGR. That's how I see it being done. Someone's going to take this the wrong way. I can feel it...:( Edited by Aurbere
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