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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Weather and day night cycle on all Planets


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I am sure it has been said before, and Ill reiterate it again. Weather and day/night cycles should exist on all planets except for the ones listed in lore where it shant apply, Tatooine for day/night cycle but still could have sand storms...


Hoth Day/Night and Snow/Blizzard Storms

Tatooine Day and Sand Storms/Heavy Winds

Alderaan Day/Night and earth style weather


This would only add to the experiance of gameplay! Imagine fighting in the middle of one of these weather conditions or day night or combo cycles! Light Sabers and Blaster fire would or could reflect of things in the night! Lighting could have a big graphical beauty to it in some senerios!


Robes could move in the wind, capes etc.. You already have them fly up into the air when we go down elevators so I know the engine could handle it. Wind would give it a reason to move along with sound for it..


Anyway my 2 cents worth tossed into your box.

Edited by Coryph
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As I said in the "General" discussion - I'm all for this. Sure, we have more important issues but I'm all for this. Each planet would have their lore-specific day-night cycle and each mob would behave accordingly....eventually. Same with timed vendors or NPCs.


Weather, as you said, should influence planets more often. Worried about it being too dark? Don't stress. Simply darken the environment just by a level or two, just enough to still see without messing with the settings. SWG did it well, and so did Skyrim. I could still see well in Skyrim without that torch.


Time-cycles? 2-4 hour differences depending on each planet. Maybe more or less depending on the lore cycles.

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I totally agree, as it stands right now the planets dont feel alive. They really should look into adding this feature. Grass and plants moving in the wind, water waves made from wind along with your gear moving in it or being on a cliff side where wind is howling through the tunnels that lead to ledges. This would help breathe life into the worlds.



Nar Shadda could have fog and some rain it would seem like the movie Blade Runner during the weather in that movie.

Edited by Coryph
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I disagree, the fact that there will be day and night, will represent time. As time goes on in swtor, the pubs win the war. Right now, we are frozen in time, carrying out the war. Edited by LingormR
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  • 4 weeks later...
Great suggestion....I didn't even realize it until mentioned, but if you've every played Lord of the Rings on line, they have day/night/weather....wind, moving water, every blade of grass moves. It definitely adds more life to gameplay!
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A very big +1 on this for me. Bioware said this game would be ground breaking, it's becoming more & more not so. I mean as I type this reply my launcher can't update because of a network error.. yet everything else is working fine for me tonight.

The least they could do about this IMO is a planet rotation time cycle. Yeah it may not be at the top of the list atm, but it's something small that would make me want to play that much more. Like enough big projects designed to get the subs back, give us some damn small creature comforts before making new warzones that have bugs that take even more time to fix!

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I love this I'm all for it. I was thinking about it a while ago. This just has to happen its so right to do, every planet would have this and would defiantly have night and day cycles. Its one of the many things that bug me about gaming (I know this is really sad) but I want to feel like I'm in a real world, for everything to be realistic it would just make my gaming so much more fun for me. Edited by EmilyG-M
wanted to add
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I am sure it has been said before, and Ill reiterate it again. Weather and day/night cycles should exist on all planets except for the ones listed in lore where it shant apply, Tatooine for day/night cycle but still could have sand storms...


Hoth Day/Night and Snow/Blizzard Storms

Tatooine Day and Sand Storms/Heavy Winds

Alderaan Day/Night and earth style weather


This would only add to the experiance of gameplay! Imagine fighting in the middle of one of these weather conditions or day night or combo cycles! Light Sabers and Blaster fire would or could reflect of things in the night! Lighting could have a big graphical beauty to it in some senerios!


Robes could move in the wind, capes etc.. You already have them fly up into the air when we go down elevators so I know the engine could handle it. Wind would give it a reason to move along with sound for it..


Anyway my 2 cents worth tossed into your box.


I agree with op. In fact, in my sig there is a post that we have discussed this and many more issues, not only that there have been many many more threads on this topic.

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while i love the idea of day/night cycles on planets, i would hate for them to touch nar shadaa. thats a beautifully designed planet and it actually feels alive compared to the others.


Completely agree with you. I love Nar Shadaar for that reason, it just seems well done & welcoming somehow. :D

Edited by Aedey
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Bioware decided way back in 2005/2006 that TOR wouldn't use day/night cycles because they wanted each planet to have its own mood and feel to it, for example Korriban would have the sun hanging ominously over the Academy at all times, as if to represent the Emperor's ever watchful eye, keeping check on the proceedings on Korriban.


It's explicitly stated as such in the "The Art and Making of The Old Republic" book. So considering that the decision still stands in 2012 I wouldn't expect it to change any time soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree, please introduce day/night + weather.


For the record matt, if you'll notice on your thread, I agreed the idea couldn't hurt, all I said was always giving the customer what they wanted, just because they demanded it, was a bad argument.

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I like the idea and infact, it was discussed during the games development.


The HERO engine (which SWTOR) is based has this feature namely, dynamic light and environmental schemes.


I think it was a big mistake NOT to include this feature at launch, rather than say "I support this" try and give the developers reasons to include this aspect.


For example

Lighting effects add to the immesion and sense of inclusion withinn a given planet environment that creates depth to the setting and encourages a sense of wonder, adventure and exploration, this I feel is one area that this game lacks.


With timed events (like the successful Rakghoul event) it encourages planning, character interaction and co-operation - these fit perfectly into the Star Wars Universe.


For example I was SHOCKED to not see character footprints on sand, snow and mud etc....Have you ever wondered why your character seems detached from the landscape, almost floating. Little features like this really do add to the whole sense of immersion.


The game has FANTASTIC audio effects but why are these not supported by the visual appeal. The walking on snow sound effect for example is excellent, but no footprints Ehh :eek:

Edited by mat-ster
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Just to add - you would not need to have dynamic lighting effects on all planets, infact some like Ilum have 1 faint sun and a rotation speed of 66 hours. So you could simply leave Ilum alone apart from the odd snowstorm - but for the love of Yoda please add footprints in snow.
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....Im not selling a car here. I dont need to sell the idea to the devs, I dont have to convince the devs. If they are artists and if in this industry you need A LOT of imaginary power then is alot to say that we need this feature.


I support it.

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