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Legacy race unlock is implemented poorly(constructive)


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Seriously dont ''cry'' over unlock system its great... if you lvled 1 character to 50 you should have 2 million credits by now EASY...


I lvled 1 char to 50 on 1 server have 600k there and only did 5 days dailies


On this 2nd lvl 50 char i have 450k already after 3 days being 50


Lvling my 3rd Char that has 140k on lvl 24 already!


Its so easy you are just so lazy :)

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So you agree that after leveling 4 characters to 50, and being given unlocks I don't care about, (because after all these characters were around 30 at the minimum when bioware decides to announce that the character race you get to 50 with gets unlocked) that I should still have to level yet another character to 50 or spend a week worth of free time grinding credits?


Yes i agree, because it is a fair option for everyone. they put a mechanism in place so ALL players could get the species/class combo they wanted as long as they work for it. let's be honest here, if you had 4 level 50's it wouldn't take you a week to scrape up 1.5 mil. if it does you are definitely doing it wrong.


You implied that I should have known that the species I play will affect what reward I get.


You may be able to tell, but I think that the current unlock system is bad, so I would not have assumed it would work out like this. I can't imagine a large part of the community wants to play the same race again after looking at it for 50 levels. If, after getting to 50/paying 1.5 mill, the race you unlocked was random, would you be ok with that? And doubles are possible :p

That's what it feels like I'm getting.


Most people don't even see their characters race! With all the hood and helmets. I go through great lengths to see most of my characters and companions, buying orange medium armour jedi circlets for companions, etc.


I guess it's my fault for playing the game and not holding off making alts.

I didn't think I'd have to worry about this out getting a reward I don't want to the tune of 5 mill credits.


I'm guessing you really don't care about these unlocks though do you? Always play humans?


I didn't imply anything that is what you inferred from my statement. i had no clue what legacy was because they would never say anything about it until a few weeks ago. i play this game with my wife and she got mad at me because i wouldn't make any alts. we had to go to a new server just to play another set of toons. i am in total agreement that BW effed up big time with the notification of what the legacy system entailed.


i care about the unlocks greatly hence why i waited to create any alts. i never play humans. to me that is the dumbest idea unless you are doing it for RP purposes. i play this game as a form of escapism. why would i want to play a species that i already am? in every rpg i play i never play a human i don't see the point.

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I propose allowing more ways to unlock races than already having played one. Even if it's more difficult or costs more at least people won't be forced to preplay a race.


Pretty sure you can unlock any race for 1.5m credits.

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Yes i agree, because it is a fair option for everyone. they put a mechanism in place so ALL players could get the species/class combo they wanted as long as they work for it. let's be honest here, if you had 4 level 50's it wouldn't take you a week to scrape up 1.5 mil. if it does you are definitely doing it wrong.




I didn't imply anything that is what you inferred from my statement. i had no clue what legacy was because they would never say anything about it until a few weeks ago. i play this game with my wife and she got mad at me because i wouldn't make any alts. we had to go to a new server just to play another set of toons. i am in total agreement that BW effed up big time with the notification of what the legacy system entailed.


i care about the unlocks greatly hence why i waited to create any alts. i never play humans. to me that is the dumbest idea unless you are doing it for RP purposes. i play this game as a form of escapism. why would i want to play a species that i already am? in every rpg i play i never play a human i don't see the point.


This can go on an on.

I have never argued the point that that is a fair way to unlock the races. I am arguing the point that for the same amount of work everyone should get something they want. In WoW I spent weeks doing dailies to get a Nether drake. It's something worth working for. But if 70% of the way through that Blizzard decided to announce that your class determined what colour drake you get, and as a Shaman I get Pink, that would have been ridiculous. As is this.


If you can't understand that then forget about it.

This game offers you so many choices, I think any point where they don't give you that choice is against the whole idea of the game.


I only made a Human because I had made everything else, and couldn't get another race to look different from my other characters and to my liking.


So, as Bioware decide to give me 5mill of stuff I don't want, (not everyone, some people get exactly what they want for no extra effort, a minority I would think though) I will probably end up not playing some race combination I want, Twi'lek bounty hunter, Red and Black 100% light side Zabrak consular, but something that I have available, because grinding for credits isn't worth it for me, and any credits I do get would be much better spent on the game affecting unlocks. Mostly because I feel I shouldn't have to make up for a system lacking forethought.


I totally would be fine with only existing characters above a certain level getting a choice. Because as I said, I would have made my characters differently if I had known how this worked. I don't see how it's different from a respec actually. When they change something in the game that affects a decision you would have made, they give you a chance to change that decision.


I think I'll go make a thread about that right now :)

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First off let me preface that the idea of more race class combinations is a good thing. But there is an inherit flaw in the way race unlock works.


According to the video you can unlock races for classes IF YOU HAVE A CLASS WITH THE RACE ALREADY AT 50. That is the flaw for a two main reasons.


They also said you can unlock the races with in-game credits. So far, you're not off to a good start.


1: Many people make alts to be different. They have played one thing and want something different. Forcing a person to play one race on another character they may not care about is not a good way to get them to play that race on the character they do care about.


Again, they've said you can buy the race unlocks. Also, for some of us, there's only one race that's really appealing. In my case, it's the Pureblood.


2: It punishes people who made common race choices like human, cyborg, and zabrak. Currently people may have a lvl 50 character with a common race and will have no meaningful race unlock because this system was not in. It means being forced into leveling yet another 50 to even get a race unlock first


Cyborgs can't be every class, and there are different kinds of zabraks. Also, once again, you can buy the race unlocks. They also said that certain races are unlocking stat bonuses, I think humans get a presence buff.


For some it will be fantastic. For others, including myself, it will mean nothing. I played my Zabrak Sith Warrior to 50 with no regrets while waiting for this fabled unlock to try and play a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter. Now that is not even possible without first playing a class I do not care about as a Twi'lek.


Said it several times already.


I propose allowing more ways to unlock races than already having played one. Even if it's more difficult or costs more at least people won't be forced to preplay a race.



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I don't really care about new race and class combinations. Since there are no racial abilities, its all just fluff.


New races however are needed.


Why exactly would cyborgs, humans, miralians and miraluka have the same hair styles and scarrification? It seems really lazy and I feel cheated.

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They also said you can unlock the races with in-game credits. So far, you're not off to a good start.


Said it several times already.

That has also been mentioned by many others in this thread already.

If not reading available information is a crime, you too sir, are guilty.

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Why exactly would cyborgs, humans, miralians and miraluka have the same hair styles and scarrification? It seems really lazy and I feel cheated.


I think the number of options is limited enough.

And there would be lots of people who would want the Mirailan hair on a human, and vise versa. You can't get the signature items (Mirailan geometric tattoos, Zabrak Tattoos) so that is good enough.

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I think the number of options is limited enough.

And there would be lots of people who would want the Mirailan hair on a human, and vise versa. You can't get the signature items (Mirailan geometric tattoos, Zabrak Tattoos) so that is good enough.


I'm fine with races SHARING some features, but there need to be more uniques within shared areas...if that makes any sense.

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This can go on an on.

I have never argued the point that that is a fair way to unlock the races. I am arguing the point that for the same amount of work everyone should get something they want. In WoW I spent weeks doing dailies to get a Nether drake. It's something worth working for. But if 70% of the way through that Blizzard decided to announce that your class determined what colour drake you get, and as a Shaman I get Pink, that would have been ridiculous. As is this.


If you can't understand that then forget about it.

This game offers you so many choices, I think any point where they don't give you that choice is against the whole idea of the game.


I only made a Human because I had made everything else, and couldn't get another race to look different from my other characters and to my liking.


So, as Bioware decide to give me 5mill of stuff I don't want, (not everyone, some people get exactly what they want for no extra effort, a minority I would think though) I will probably end up not playing some race combination I want, Twi'lek bounty hunter, Red and Black 100% light side Zabrak consular, but something that I have available, because grinding for credits isn't worth it for me, and any credits I do get would be much better spent on the game affecting unlocks. Mostly because I feel I shouldn't have to make up for a system lacking forethought.


I totally would be fine with only existing characters above a certain level getting a choice. Because as I said, I would have made my characters differently if I had known how this worked. I don't see how it's different from a respec actually. When they change something in the game that affects a decision you would have made, they give you a chance to change that decision.


I think I'll go make a thread about that right now :)


If what i bolded and underlined is what you are arguing i don't see how you even have an argument. Everyone has to do the same amount of work to unlock non-traditional species/class combo's. i've leveled a sith pureblood to max level. so the only species i can use across all classes is a pureblood. if i want a miralan for a non-traditonal species/class combo then i have 1 of 2 options to work to get it, level a miralan to max level or pay for the unlock.


so please explain how other people don't have to do the same amount of work? because if that is your argument then it is a fail argument.

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The only thing that bums me out about this is that if I had known it was going to be like this I wouldn't have leveled multiple 50's as human...


and also...I'm wondering; since I want to level every character to see all the stories, which I believe BW encourages...without more toon slots, I'm gonna have to delete some 50's I worked hard on, and if I do, will I even be able to keep the benefits I unlocked from leveling them? /sigh I sense lots of wasted time ahead...

Edited by Solabysz
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If what i bolded and underlined is what you are arguing i don't see how you even have an argument. Everyone has to do the same amount of work to unlock non-traditional species/class combo's. i've leveled a sith pureblood to max level. so the only species i can use across all classes is a pureblood. if i want a miralan for a non-traditonal species/class combo then i have 1 of 2 options to work to get it, level a miralan to max level or pay for the unlock.


so please explain how other people don't have to do the same amount of work? because if that is your argument then it is a fail argument.

Sigh . . .

I really feel like saying that if you read my whole post and still don't get it then never mind.


But one more try. I thought of an easy way to explain my problem.


You unlock a race in one of two ways.

1) Level a character to 50. Choice is made at character creation.

2) Pay 1.5 Mill credits. Choice is made when purchasing.


I have 2 characters close to 50, but I lost my choice because the system wasn't decided or announced at the time I made my characters. I want my choice. My informed choice.

We get a respec as part of 1.2 so we can make an informed choice. And a respec costs a lot less than 1.5 mill, even at 50 I would think. Correct me if I'm wrong.


So I'm saying when I have done my work getting to 50, I want my unlock and my informed choice. And I think I deserve that. The same way people deserve respecs when they change the skill trees.

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I have 2 characters close to 50, but I lost my choice because the system wasn't decided or announced at the time I made my characters. I want my choice. My informed choice.
Exactly, and that's why 1.2 should include a free race change for all your characters, or at least all characters over level 30 or something like that.
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and also...I'm wondering; since I want to level every character to see all the stories, which I believe BW encourages...without more toon slots, I'm gonna have to delete some 50's I worked hard on, and if I do, will I even be able to keep the benefits I unlocked from leveling them? /sigh I sense lots of wasted time ahead...


They have stated that once you have unlocked something it stays unlocked. So if you delete all your level 50 Humans you will still get the Presence bonus.

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Exactly, and that's why 1.2 should include a free race change for all your characters, or at least all characters over level 30 or something like that.

Exactly what I think! Or let people with those characters get to choose their unlocked race.

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My guess is that totally new species will be bundled as part of a game expansion.

I don't think that will merit a whole expansion as your race doesn't really mean anything, only that if you aren't Human or Cyborg you are an Alien for some conversations.

I guess once subscriptions drop a bit they will introduce other human like aliens with class restrictions then you'll be able to unlock them the same way.

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So, if he is one of SWTOR magical 1%.


1%? most lv50's can make 1 million in two days just off dailies. Its not hard to come by in any way shape or form. If you account for the 50's bracket only, its more like 70% of the total maxcap population. if there not at level cap than honestly they do not matter anyways.


But according to your math i guess i am the 0.01% considering have 20mil+ (not including sellable stockpiled commodities) spread between all my alts.

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1%? most lv50's can make 1 million in two days just off dailies. Its not hard to come by in any way shape or form. If you account for the 50's bracket only, its more like 70% of the total maxcap population. if there not at level cap than honestly they do not matter anyways.


But according to your math i guess i am the 0.01% considering have 20mil+ (not including sellable stockpiled commodities) spread between all my alts.


How many hours a day are we talking here? And using how many 50s? Including FP and PVp dailies? I heard from an experienced MMO player that doing the non-FP and PVP dailies it takes a couple hours and nets about 200k

Just curious for another opinion and the details.

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and also...I'm wondering; since I want to level every character to see all the stories, which I believe BW encourages...without more toon slots, I'm gonna have to delete some 50's I worked hard on, and if I do, will I even be able to keep the benefits I unlocked from leveling them? /sigh I sense lots of wasted time ahead...


If you want to unlock those races, then yes. You'll have to delete a character to level some different character that already gets that race to 50, then create the alt you DO want using the newly unlocked race.


So, presumably you'd need to make two new characters. (or just buy the unlock, and go straight into making the character you REALLY want)


Or just realize that the whole species thing is sort of silly unless you really ARE trying to RP a family, in which case presumably you've already unlocked whatever species it is that your family belongs to.


As far as I can tell, that's the only point to the lvl 50 unlock thing. So you can RP a same species family legacy. From what I've seen, (and me personally) most people rolling alts pick different species for them, and don't WANT to double up. So the lvl 50 unlock is fairly pointless.

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They should at least add a discount to the price for higher legacy levels or something then.


Should someone with legacy level 20 and two 50s (who are both common races) be as restricted as someone who just hit legacy 5?


Honestly, the earlier discussion from the guild summit had led me to expect a sufficiently high legacy level would be enough on its own. I'm not swimming in credits. Sure, I could go spam stuff to earn cash, but I'd rather that my legacy level alone would be enough to let me do an oddball combination.


Probably the biggest issue here is cross-faction races. It's particularly unreasonable to expect a imp player to roll a republic char and get to 50, just to unlock Miralian for their imperial chars. They need to consider this some - hitting 50 is not trivial.

Edited by Randomness
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I have to agree with alot of poster before me, that current unlock of species is completely flawed for existing characters. Specially for anyone with 2+ of same species BEFORE info came out.


Really agree with idea of 'free choice' to anyone with a Chapter 2+ character as of announcement of unlock system getting a token for 1 racial unlock of their choice. But all future unlocks will be bound to race hitting lvl 50.



Also really thing some 'Legacy' options should be account wide, IE racial unlocks but others like buffs should be Server Legacy locked. Something I hope the Devs look into, this will only encourage 'altoholics' which with 'raiders' are the core customer base of any MMO as they will be longest most faithful subscribers.

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Also really thing some 'Legacy' options should be account wide, IE racial unlocks but others like buffs should be Server Legacy locked. Something I hope the Devs look into, this will only encourage 'altoholics' which with 'raiders' are the core customer base of any MMO as they will be longest most faithful subscribers.




I personally don't like having cross faction toons on the same server (no easy way to move items/creds between them) ..so having the race unlocks being account wide would make this system useful for me.

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