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Can't wait for all the FOTM Marauders to hit 50


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Good snipers are the anti-marauder atm, can't charge them, can't interrupt them; can only use force vanish offensively to get in range and hope they don't knockback + leg shot you.


Yep, just have to use grenade + leap, and then los till stealth is up.

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I think there is some confusion here.


Can a mara take out a sent? Sure, especially if they get the drop on them.


But a sniper has all the tools necessary to shut down a mara, especially one they see coming, and there are flaws in trying to use your CC to stop a sniper from casting.

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never gone against good mara? my guild <Jedi Academy> on DWC has all premades on farm I've faced the half rakata/bM snipers that will truck people but if u 1v1 them right its always an easy kill we have too many counters for ambush the cast bar is to long i didn't even throw in transcendence to run behind pillars either:rolleyes:


All premade on farm? Even most pugs don't lose to JA anymore now that the average pug is past the green gear stage.

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Anni/watchman was buffed slightly.... for one we get extra focus on force leap without going into combat.... I'll miss 80% speed, but i'll trade it for the extra focus I couldn't spec for before, and a buffed master strike. Besides, most of the randoms will probably go focus(rage) when they fail at doing dots properly.... granted I haven't seen the current marauders/sents doing it either, though I can only tell when they're on me. Edited by OdamanPrime
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Good snipers are the anti-marauder atm, can't charge them, can't interrupt them; can only use force vanish offensively to get in range and hope they don't knockback + leg shot you.


qft they can cc you and melt your hp away really fast. i always pop adrenal/relic/medpac and most of my good CDs to beat this one on my server who is geared and absolutely melts everything in his crosshairs


anyway, the great thing about marauders is they suck *** in the wrong hands. you wont see nearly as many FOTMers 50 and geared. I've even had a couple 'marauders suck' moments along the way

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I would feel that a spammable 50% snare would stop the pillar humping. Even if De-Gauss takes off my Snare it's easily re-applied. I can Charge every 12s, you can't De-gauss that fast. It's just as easy for me to pillar hump until Charge is back, apply a snare, and work on you from close range.


4m snare vs. 10m snare. You won't be in melee range until I come for a Stock Strike to try to finish it unless I screw things up. You might not run into many people running Plasma Cell though. Almost no Vanguards run it on my server. Everyone like Ion Cell. You can't kite in Ion.

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qft they can cc you and melt your hp away really fast. i always pop adrenal/relic/medpac and most of my good CDs to beat this one on my server who is geared and absolutely melts everything in his crosshairs


A good marauder/sent will not lose to a sniper/gunslinger. Sometimes it can get close if you don't have an adrenal up and they do, but even then they lose. Then again I don't vanish on inc, I do it after the kb. I hear los helps to get on them initially, if not then there's usually an idiot hanging around them to leap to.

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4m snare vs. 10m snare. You won't be in melee range until I come for a Stock Strike to try to finish it unless I screw things up. You might not run into many people running Plasma Cell though. Almost no Vanguards run it on my server. Everyone like Ion Cell. You can't kite in Ion.


Once I leap in I can apply the snare instantly, and with my leap on a 12s CD, I just pillar hump until I can hit you. It works both ways mate :)

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A good marauder/sent will not lose to a sniper/gunslinger. Sometimes it can get close if you don't have an adrenal up and they do, but even then they lose. Then again I don't vanish on inc, I do it after the kb. I hear los helps to get on them initially, if not then there's usually an idiot hanging around them to leap to.


And if you can't leap to them, you're stuck eating Ambushes and Leg Shots.


As I said, good Maras and Sents will beat BAD Snipers/Gunslingers (Read: 90% of them) but when you meet up with a bad one, you die.

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If you can't leap to them you los and come in when they're not targeting you, you might consider rebuke+saber ward on inc as well..... don't forget pacify. Dot and choke, if they're immune then cycle through cds until the barricade drops and then do it.


I guess i'm assuming you're anni/watchman and have decent crit.

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Again, these population numbers are all classes, not all 50's. Of all classes created, what percentage do you think are level 50. There are a ton just saving names.


Why would there be more than any other class if that were the case? What about maurader makes it so appealing as an avatar to reserve names?

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If you can't leap to them you los and come in when they're not targeting you, you might consider rebuke+saber ward on inc as well..... don't forget pacify. Dot and choke, if they're immune then cycle through cds until the barricade drops and then do it.


I guess i'm assuming you're anni/watchman and have decent crit.


Even then, a KB-Leg shot or a Flashbang-run-leg shot makes all our attempts at offense worth nothing. Their dodge CD's and high damage hurt us too. Sniper vs. Marauder is a DPS race, but Snipers have 100% uptime on us while we can't even get close to it.


Like I said, good sniper>good marauder

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A good marauder/sent will not lose to a sniper/gunslinger. Sometimes it can get close if ....


I totally disagree.


Sniper vs. Marauder is a DPS race, but Snipers have 100% uptime on us while we can't even get close to it.


this. I mean you can win but from my experience, against an elite sniper/gunslinger, you need to pop consumables/relics/UR/force camo/saberward/obfuscate etc. etc. and hope they die first. oh and you want to twist ccs to knock them out of cover

Edited by HBninjaX
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Marauders have all the tools to take out a PT/Vanguard. Obsfucate kills RS, might hurt RP but I'm not 100% sure, and dots bleed them dry. PT's are very squishy, so missing 1-2 RS's hurts a LOT. PT's have a LOT of frontload burst but Marauders negate it very well. From my personal experience, Marauders eat PT's and Vanguards alive.


I may be skeptical, but I am very open to be proven wrong.


EDIT: And of course Snipers can kill us, they're our hard counter.


No, you're right. That other guy is on drugs.


The only way I've found of beating mauraders is to attempt to kite them. Even then with their stupid 99% damage shield you have to kite them for a really long time and considering they have charge/sabe throws/scream it's not exactly the most effective. It is however WAY more effective than trying to go toe to toe with them.

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That's what I understand these new Marauders will be doing, super easy prey :)


My starting rotation is the same


Charge>DS>Battering>Rupture>Assault(Or Force Choke depending)>Annihilate.


After that I mix in VS's along with my defensive CD's, Offensive CD's, and I keep my Rage above 5 for the next Anni. I hit Ruptures and DS's when they come up and make sure the Ruptures don't clip, BA when I'm 5 rage or under, Smash in AoE, build Fury with SS. I try to coincide 3 stack DS+Rupture+Berserk+Force Choke if I can for extra damage with no chance of it being dispelled.


It's not really hard, but it is complicated and changes with each situation. More-so than a lot of the faceroll classes I've played in this game


Your not entirely off base.


You do need more buttons on your hotkey bars to effectively play the class as compared to say a sorcerer. The difficulty in playing this class doesnt stem from some mystical skill thats required though.


IMO its two factors.


1. Your damage is reliant on timing your rage builders, and your reactive strikes where the game does not always give you great audio or visual signals that a given event has occurred (ie its hard to see you have low rage/focus, and very difficult in a hectic combat to realize you just parried


2. Your melee, and you have to focus on what skills to use when, maintain situational awareness, and move in order to stay in melee range of your target.


PS opening with charge is often a mistake, unless you have no other way to close saving your charge for the inevitable knockback is often a much better choice. Nothing worse than having a full rage bar... a half dead opponent and getting burned down after a knockback while waiting for your charge to refresh.

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Your not entirely off base.


You do need more buttons on your hotkey bars to effectively play the class as compared to say a sorcerer. The difficulty in playing this class doesnt stem from some mystical skill thats required though.


IMO its two factors.


1. Your damage is reliant on timing your rage builders, and your reactive strikes where the game does not always give you great audio or visual signals that a given event has occurred (ie its hard to see you have low rage/focus, and very difficult in a hectic combat to realize you just parried


2. Your melee, and you have to focus on what skills to use when, maintain situational awareness, and move in order to stay in melee range of your target.


PS opening with charge is often a mistake, unless you have no other way to close saving your charge for the inevitable knockback is often a much better choice. Nothing worse than having a full rage bar... a half dead opponent and getting burned down after a knockback while waiting for your charge to refresh.


You can't leap a target in cover. Force Camo is your gap closer here.

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While I'm happy for your success in a class transition, you have to understand that this isn't exclusive to Marauders. Level 40+ toons (of any class) have far more combat options and abilities to utilize over other players which can (and does) result in domination. Some classes can even do this from earlier on (My 30-ish PT basically has all his abilities and Pyrotech just wrecks face). The level 50 ball-game is kind of another hurdle that you have to jump over.


I've seen a lot of people complain about doing well in PVP but then bombing as soon as they hit 50. They'll blame it on gear, class, whatever, but really it's just the abilities and talents that were making them so much better than lower levels (as well as more experience from playing longer). It's not like the 1-49 bracket where the ability difference is so large that as a level 49 Marauder you can 1v2 (or even 1v3) a bunch of lower level Marauders by having a bunch of cooldowns and talents that they don't. As soon as you ding 50, you'll get a moderate wake-up call and have to re-adjust, because everyone else will be on equal footing with you and then some (because of gear and having more experience with level 50 PVP).


I think you completely missed the part where he said he shifted over from a BATTLEMASTER LVL 50 SORC.


Hes clearly played in a 50 environment and is aware of the scaling of classes as you proggres through levels in PVP.

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You can't leap a target in cover. Force Camo is your gap closer here.


True, or predation speed, but my point was more that you shouldnt burn your gap closer early, you might need it to get back to your target after a knockback.


I find the biggest mistake new maras/sents make is not applying their snare immediatly, and burning their charge to initiate contact, only to be knocked back before they can do much in the way of damage.

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True, or predation speed, but my point was more that you shouldnt burn your gap closer early, you might need it to get back to your target after a knockback.


I find the biggest mistake new maras/sents make is not applying their snare immediatly, and burning their charge to initiate contact, only to be knocked back before they can do much in the way of damage.


I forgot to mention there that, if it's a ranged class, I will run up and begin with BA>DS>Rupture>Assault up to 6 Rage and then Anni.


I charge first against certain classes (Out of stealth Ops/Sins, other Marauders, ranged enemies on ledges

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These new marauders ARE pretty hilarious. 50-100 k dmg even when they are level 30 plus. I don't even know how it is possible to suck this bad.


Maybe that is what happens when you played a class that hit 1-3 buttons while standing still and actually thought that was a "skill class".


My favorite is the ones who say "this class sucks at low levels". Lol no it doesn't. If anything? It is stupidly OP at low levels, because you hit like an absolute truck. Sentinel was by far the EASIEST char to level I have played. Not as far as gameplay, as far as zero downtime and just trucking through mobs.


Let me let you in on something FOTM players. If you aren't hitting 300 k plus by level 30? You aren't going to do better later on. You are going to do much much worse. Why? Because you are going to have to play sorc/sages who actually have roots on knockback and who auto mez you when their shield breaks, and snipers/slingers (your 100 percent hard counter) with a clue. Who else will you see? Metric crap tons of tank specced shadows/assassins (the class that will be FOTM after these people fail at marauder/sent, which is insane because there are already way too many of them).


If you can't handle the amount of buttons at 30-40? You are absolutely going to get clownstomped at 50.


Can't wait to see you at 50 (if you ever make it that far without nerd raging and putting a keyboard through your monitor/rerolling).


BTW annihilation/watchman got nerfed. Carnage will be our raid spec. Force sweep? Should be awesome against baddies, and we might dual spec it for pug wz's. The whole reason we are annihilation/watchman to begin with? So that we can have uptime on GOOD players that actually know how to kite and not blow all their cc at once lol.


BTW on GOOD pvp servers (not the rp pve crap servers people play on), people don't stand together to get forcesweeped...

Edited by biowareftw
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Got my marauder to 30 already- nothing but domination in WZ. Sure, I'm only 2 or 3 on the dps charts most of the time- but it's impossible to lose 1v1 fights, in fact, against a sage I can charge him at 30% health and still guarantee a kill. 1v2, 1v3 still gonna get at least a kill or two without effort- taking side turret alone, unable to pin down.



Ya, marauders are the most OP class in the game, no question there. Only way to stop me is with a team effort- and frankly if they're wasting their team on me, means everyone else on my team's getting free caps.


With the upcoming buffs this is just going to get better. BW has no clue what they're doing, but that's ok- WoW made their melee extremely OP too, just following in the footprints.

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Got my marauder to 30 already- nothing but domination in WZ. Sure, I'm only 2 or 3 on the dps charts most of the time- but it's impossible to lose 1v1 fights, in fact, against a sage I can charge him at 30% health and still guarantee a kill. 1v2, 1v3 still gonna get at least a kill or two without effort- taking side turret alone, unable to pin down.



Ya, marauders are the most OP class in the game, no question there. Only way to stop me is with a team effort- and frankly if they're wasting their team on me, means everyone else on my team's getting free caps.


With the upcoming buffs this is just going to get better. BW has no clue what they're doing, but that's ok- WoW made their melee extremely OP too, just following in the footprints.


If you think the melee are op in WoW when I DOMINATED that stupid game on a frost mage for YEARS? You are the most delusional person on earth.


BTW LOL at you playing on a RP realm and talking about pvp. Can't wait till you scrubnubs have to play cross realm warzones against GOOD players. Being the best pvp player in a RP/PVE realm is like being the coolest 40 year old guy at the club.


You know...these are the people that stand together to get force sweeped REPEATEDLY... I might actually have to dual spec focus when cross realm comes out, just to lol cleave all the morons standing together.

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These new marauders ARE pretty hilarious. 50-100 k dmg even when they are level 30 plus. I don't even know how it is possible to suck this bad.


Maybe that is what happens when you played a class that hit 1-3 buttons while standing still and actually thought that was a "skill class".


My favorite is the ones who say "this class sucks at low levels". Lol no it doesn't. If anything? It is stupidly OP at low levels, because you hit like an absolute truck. Sentinel was by far the EASIEST char to level I have played. Not as far as gameplay, as far as zero downtime and just trucking through mobs.


Let me let you in on something FOTM players. If you aren't hitting 300 k plus by level 30? You aren't going to do better later on. You are going to do much much worse. Why? Because you are going to have to play sorc/sages who actually have roots on knockback and who auto mez you when their shield breaks, and snipers/slingers (your 100 percent hard counter) with a clue. Who else will you see? Metric crap tons of tank specced shadows/assassins (the class that will be FOTM after these people fail at marauder/sent, which is insane because there are already way too many of them).


If you can't handle the amount of buttons at 30-40? You are absolutely going to get clownstomped at 50.


Can't wait to see you at 50 (if you ever make it that far without nerd raging and putting a keyboard through your monitor/rerolling).


BTW annihilation/watchman got nerfed. Carnage will be our raid spec. Force sweep? Should be awesome against baddies, and we might dual spec it for pug wz's. The whole reason we are annihilation/watchman to begin with? So that we can have uptime on GOOD players that actually know how to kite and not blow all their cc at once lol.


BTW on GOOD pvp servers (not the rp pve crap servers people play on), people don't stand together to get forcesweeped...


I'm not sure who you are informing on your FOTM secret. Most of the "Baddies" don't read the forums...ever. Marauders are not complicated. Anyone who figured out how to post here, can figure them out with time.


On "good" pvp servers? what? Again you are talking to the forums, where many people have played better for a lot longer than you. That is the golden rule, there is always someone better (ha! i did what you did, that is me letting you in on "stuff"). There will always be a time when people stand together, either focusing a target or working to defend /defuse / assault an objective. Get real dude.


Sigh, these younger/newer-type posters are really easy to prey on...

Edited by FormulaOne
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