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Medpacks... are you kidding me?!?!!?!?


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I just don't see how this change should really matter. I've gotten through all HM/nightmare endgame operations without using medpacks even ONCE multiple times in 1 boss fight. So it is pretty dang doable on that front.


For pvp, I use medpacks but how often do you not get out of combat in pvp after like 90 sec? You can do it -- for those claiming a bug, I've never experienced it and that would be more an issue with the bug than the change...


Finally, soloing -- I just lvled a toon to lvl 50 pretty much solo. Never used a medpack more than once in any fight (or needed to). If your pet is pulling or you chain pull, whatever, just stop doing it. And yes, because it was an alt, I sped through material so was 2-3 levels under each planet. Made the game harder, yes, but still very doable.


I just can't imagine ever missing or noticing this change lol. Who stays in combat for that long anyways and why??

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This is one of the worst threads on the PTS forum.


This change just simply makes sense. Using multiple medpacs in a single encounter leaves the door open for LoSing bosses, chugging medpacs, avoiding enrage timers, etc. etc. etc. etc.


This thread is filled with tinfoil hats and rivers of tears. Over medpacs no-less...

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It is a PVE change, it is a good change, and if you really need medpacks as a crutch for any aspect of this game, you need to step up your play a bit and you'll find it a non-issue.



a PvE change, that together with other healing nerfs because of PvE will make it even harder to stay alive as a healer in PvP....



So, to make PvE content harder they destroy PvP. Nice!







(and yes, I often use my medpack several times without ever going out of combat, because, as a healer, especially in voidstar, there is always someone to heal (but, in 1.2, I wont be alive for 90 seconds, so perhaps this change doesnt matter anyway... ))

Edited by Tigalo
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This isn't a 'learn to play' issue like you seem to think it is.


The game has problems determining when a fight ends. Agro problems with pets (companions.) Not to mention class fights that drag on and on, unless you are over level for them.


Not to mention the party mechanics, that can't tell if one player is in combat or if everyone is. (Simply put the methods for determining that state is is outdated.)


I solo a lot, I also end up fighting things 2-4 levels higher than myself all the time. I use the medpacks. I much prefer them to be left alone especially when underlying game mechanics are being messed with and classes adjusted.


Doing both the medpack nerf and the class nerf/buffs at the same time is not a rational plan of action.


It's clearly not well thought out.


Medpacks don't exist, nor should they exist, as solutions to 'fix' bugs with the game.


And while I feel Bioware does a poor job in getting bugs corrected in a timely manner, bugs are a separate issue.


I also solo lots of stuff in this game and rarely ever use medpacks or other biochem consumables (I end up selling stacks of them to the vendors as they tend to fill up my inventory). They aren't needed. And that includes soloing all class stories at levels where the challenge is dealing with all the misses against bosses 3-4 levels higher than me.


I'll concede that given all the changes being made in 1.2, it could be argued that the risk of making all these changes at once is a bit high.


However, most of the posts against this change aren't asking for it to be implemented subsequent to all the 1.2 class changes to mitigate the risk, rather they are posters going on about how medpacks are REQUIRED to play the game and should never be limited.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Really.I guess my jugg tank with biochem is useless. Guess ill play my Merc instead of my tank. Oh ya, my merc got nerfed to.

Every time i get over nerfs B/W proves how bad their decisions can be. Cant even program boss encoun I ters. If their programming was worth a rats *** i wouldnt need medpacks as much.

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This change just simply makes sense. Using multiple medpacs in a single encounter leaves the door open for LoSing bosses, chugging medpacs, avoiding enrage timers, etc. etc. etc. etc.


Please tell me how using a medpack relates to avoiding an enrage timer?

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Imo it's a good change.


Let me start by saying that ofc the bugs needed to be fixed a long time go etc. etc.


Now apart from bugs on, let's say Soa, in HM or NiM ops do you really need more than 1 medpack per boss?

I don't, and no I'm not a hardcore raider or have any skills or whatever. Just avoid the damage, learn the mechanics & have decent people around you.

Should be fine (as long as bugs don't spoil the fun)


Also in pvp, i rarely use a warzone medpack, and if i do it's as a last resort. So I don't really see it ruining pvp either.

Ofc I will be harder for the healers with the nerfs and all that, but that just means your team needs to work better together to make it work.

Is it ruining the game? No

Is it making the game harder? Thank god yes

Edited by Stealios
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Imo it's a good change.


Let me start by saying that ofc the bugs needed to be fixed a long time go etc. etc.


Now apart from bugs on, let's say Soa, in HM or NiM ops do you really need more than 1 medpack per boss?

I don't, and no I'm not a hardcore raider or have any skills or whatever. Just avoid the damage, learn the mechanics & have decent people around you.

Should be fine (as long as bugs don't spoil the fun)


Also in pvp, i rarely use a warzone medpack, and if i do it's as a last resort. So I don't really see it ruining pvp either.

Ofc I will be harder for the healers with the nerfs and all that, but that just means your team needs to work better together to make it work.

Is it ruining the game? No

Is it making the game harder? Thank god yes


I agree that other than buggs i as a tank don't use them much BUT when buggs put out a healer they are there to help that last little push to offset them and i got one more point it may be hard to follow.


In my guild warrior tanks have been super lucky with rakata drops, all of us have a dps and full tank set of gear and i eveb have a third set now. However inquiz gear never drops in 2 months we have had maybe 2 drops and as such my healers dont have the juice to keep me up in NM ops. So these reusable medpacks are keeping me alive on heavy hitting fights like jarg& sorno. I use these 3-5 times a fight to supplement what my healers cant do. What do we do now?


My point is that i think B/w is obligated to fix things like RNG stopping progression and encounter breaking buggs with SOA before taking away our crutches. We deserve to have working legs.

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Please tell me how using a medpack relates to avoiding an enrage timer?


Because if an enrage will 2-shot a person, but you LoS the boss and chug medpacs, you can take 1-hit, LoS the boss, medpac, wait for medpac CD, repeat.


This is just one example of how infinite medpac use *could* be used to exploit an encounter. Removing infinite medpacs just nips those issues in the bud.

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I agree that other than buggs i as a tank don't use them much BUT when buggs put out a healer they are there to help that last little push to offset them and i got one more point it may be hard to follow.


In my guild warrior tanks have been super lucky with rakata drops, all of us have a dps and full tank set of gear and i eveb have a third set now. However inquiz gear never drops in 2 months we have had maybe 2 drops and as such my healers dont have the juice to keep me up in NM ops. So these reusable medpacks are keeping me alive on heavy hitting fights like jarg& sorno. I use these 3-5 times a fight to supplement what my healers cant do. What do we do now?


My point is that i think B/w is obligated to fix things like RNG stopping progression and encounter breaking buggs with SOA before taking away our crutches. We deserve to have working legs.


the issue here...sounds more like you're doing content you shouldnt be doing. for whatever reason, you shouldnt be doing nightmare ops given the lack of gear on your healers.


this would be like if i were upset BW took away something that helped me clear planets 4 levels earlier, and now i cant...you know, until i actually gained those 4 levels lol.


your ultimate (and separate) point about fixing bugs and stuff first is more valid.

Edited by The_Balt
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the issue here...sounds more like you're doing content you shouldnt be doing. for whatever reason, you shouldnt be doing nightmare ops given the lack of gear on your healers.


this would be like if i were upset BW took away something that helped me clear planets 4 levels earlier, and now i cant...you know, until i actually gained those 4 levels lol.


your ultimate (and separate) point about fixing bugs and stuff first is more valid.


So.. our mercs, snipers, tanks, dps operatives are all Nightmare geared and capable, our healers are all columi geared so they are hardmode geared. How is that right,? Should we just run hm ops. Because RNG is stupid?

There arent even options to purchase Rakata gear. We just keep running the zones and telling our healers "sorry" no loot for you again. And because of no loot for you, no progression for the guild.

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This change is ridiculous. I've never seen these limits in any MMO I've played.


What about the PvE people who like to try to content before the recommended level or do heroic 4's with two people etc?


Really those were the most important times I used med packs. Other than that it was just when my group took an AoE and the healer is topping of the tank so I pop a med pack and now you can only do this once? It's lame.


I don't like it.

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So um, Eternity Vault platforming anyone? Fail.


If you have to use a medpack on the way down your ops is a fail. sorry hate to say it but your healers and your organization on the way down have to be poor. Just saying.


Now i can see this only once per fight being a real issue on other fights that are longer and require total dps to work. BUT this is with gear pre 1.2. I will have to see what the changes to cul and rakata gear are post 1.2 and how it works on ops.

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If you have to use a medpack on the way down your ops is a fail. sorry hate to say it but your healers and your organization on the way down have to be poor. Just saying.



So because not everyone is as good as you and your team, you feel it's ok for everyone else to be gimped. The majority of people talking about these ops being too easy have not had the pleasure of being in a group that isn't part of the world firsts, participates in the guild summits, and are the only people actually in the PTS.


Seriously, these changes are being catered to the top 1% of players, and without little crutches here and there, the majority of people will never see operations beyond normal mode.

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You know why they did it, right?


It's because of "PATCH 1.2 - CREDIT SINK!"


Combined with the nerfs to healers, this restriction of medpack use will cause more deaths. More deaths means higher repairs. It doesn't make the game challenging (it makes it more annoying though), it's yet another credit sink thinly veiled under the cover of 'game balance'. :rolleyes:


Search your feelings, you know it to be true...


Thats a good theory but honestly I think it is inaccurate. During the guild summit I believe or something like that they said 84% of the player base had less than 1 million credits. Credit sinks are fine as is. I doubt this was implemented for that reason

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If you need harder content, buff the enemies. Don't nerf the players. It only sows discontent.


But that is the path to stat inflation! Once you have started down that dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny!

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