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Medpacks... are you kidding me?!?!!?!?


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IMO this is a nerf to make the Casuals game experice easier.... since medpacs are not cheap (about 20k per in my server) they decide to make it one per pull.... while all people that are competitive or 10/10 NMM actually care and spend all this credits into being a better raider 4300 heal is not game breaking... SPECIALLY AFTER ALL GLOBAL HEALING NERF!
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You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.


Do you play all the classes in PvP and play them all well? It's frequent, especially in Voidstar, to be in combat practically the entire match when playing certain classes with the state of the current game. At 50 with one skilled geared side versus another of the same some matches are practically stalemate.


The change is plain wrong.

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A you are not Biochem or B you are a cheap *** that dont buy comsumable medpacs.... on my alts that are not biochems I use medpacs on CD to help healers or my own healing pet keep me up.....


Honestly, it's almost a rare occurrence that I've had to use a medpac... let alone 2 or more in a single fight. I mostly do it to be nice. In 8-man if a healer dies I'll use it as their busy healing the tank usually, but beyond that, I've hardly needed one in PvE.


If you're relying on medpacs then you probably dont' have good healers or you're not getting out of the fire fast enough.

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We are still in discussions to restore pre-level 50 medpacs to their previous condition to avoid negatively affecting the PvE game during the leveling process for people that heavily rely on medpacs.


Please, restore at least this one...

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What about classes that can break combat by going into stealth? I.E....Assassins and Shadows?


well when you fight one, especially with the reduced cool down on the health pack you can be sure they'll be able to use theirs while you as a nonstealth class could very well be SOL. its not even that they will stealth to get the medpack but they will stealth for all the reasons they already stealth and this just means they get to always use their medpacks while others don't necessarily.

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Honestly, it's almost a rare occurrence that I've had to use a medpac... let alone 2 or more in a single fight. I mostly do it to be nice. In 8-man if a healer dies I'll use it as their busy healing the tank usually, but beyond that, I've hardly needed one in PvE.


If you're relying on medpacs then you probably dont' have good healers or you're not getting out of the fire fast enough.




In my opinion I see medpacs as a crutch. If the use of a medpac is the difference between winning and losing for you then you might be doing something wrong. As a raider I want to know that our overcoming of the encounter was due to our skill and teamwork and not if we used consumables enough or not.

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We don't want medpacs to be as important as class abilities, and we feel they should not become part of rotations. On longer boss fights, this is a trend we've seen happening, and we've counteracted this. Obviously, where needed, boss mechanics would be adjusted to account for this, but we don't really anticipate much impact for that on existing content.


DH interview:

-We’re not completely happy with the speed of some of the Operation’s fixes.

-We know there are a lot of pain points, especially in Eternity Vault with Soa.

-There are some pain points with area healing in Operations that we are addressing on the class side.


I think the better way to counteract the use of medpacs in rotations would be to focus more on the Op fixes. Just my 2 cents.

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If they do not keep the lower lvl medpacks the way they where, that would mean you will have to use your healer companion most of the time or "outlevel" the content on your way to lvl 50, such a limitation on companion choice is in my opinion not what the BW brand stands for and will make the story and solo part of the game much less interesting. A difficulty change is no way of correcting this issue since the game would be patheticly easy for those using the healing companion or being a healing class if they reduced difficulty on solo content.


Anyway, that`s my 2c


I agree with your perspective. And considering I leveled a trooper to 50 just recently and did the class mission well after the recommended levels (due to a lot of warzones) ... that's not really a fun way to have to do things.

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As a full rakata sniper I disagree with this change.


Instead of nerfing players, you should be looking to buff others or increase the pve mobs if medpacks are a huge problem. Which I dont believe they are.


F.E. the hm soa fight in ev will not be doable with this medpack change in its current form.


Jumping down from the platforms in hm and waiting for the sorc aoe heals to hit the ground, if im forced to use 1 medpack the chances of someone dieing before we get to the bottom is extremely high.


Also when players have to run out and explode the lightning balls 2-3 times each phase, medpacks are the difference in life and death. So the soa fight will not be doable with this medpack change given the conditions of the current live version.


This x 1000. It's one thing if it's surrounding a mechanic that individually you can/should avoid but the amount of damage taken during the platform phase is unavoidable. Now I can look forward to WAY too much time spent on HM Soa attempts or bringing in another healer at the expense of a dps class.


New medpack cooldown = Bad decision.

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In my opinion I see medpacs as a crutch. If the use of a medpac is the difference between winning and losing for you then you might be doing something wrong. As a raider I want to know that our overcoming of the encounter was due to our skill and teamwork and not if we used consumables enough or not.


Soooo... medpacs are a crutch in a raid? :eek:


What else in your esteemed opinion is a crutch? Gear?

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Until the stealther pops a medpack, force stealths and pops another medpack, then you will be crying NERF!


There's still a 90-sec CD on the medpak meaning he can't do that. Also, how does the CD work? Does the cooldown work the moment you get ooc? If that's true, then stealthers will have virtually no big advanatage except to restart their cooldown on their medpac... which will be ready in 90 seconds now.

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No you don't, your getting out of combat mechanic is completely broken.


Quoted for extreme emphasis!



Especially when you add in that companions seem to be randomly agroing things. (FYI Tharan's use of Holiday seems to be creating some serious wt* moments.)

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Soooo... medpacs are a crutch in a raid? :eek:


What else in your esteemed opinion is a crutch? Gear?


Shouldn't quote people if you don't understand what was said.


To clarify, The USE of medpacs as they currently are can be seen as a crutch IMO. I'm one of those who thinks ones skill and teamwork should be the determining factor of success, not how a consumable item is used.

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Soooo... medpacs are a crutch in a raid? :eek:


if a raid isn't balanced around them? yes. medpacks are for those oh crap moments where you might have made a mistake, if you need more than 1 per fight then either your healers fail, or you do...

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Do you play all the classes in PvP and play them all well? It's frequent, especially in Voidstar, to be in combat practically the entire match when playing certain classes with the state of the current game. At 50 with one skilled geared side versus another of the same some matches are practically stalemate.


The change is plain wrong.


You do realize that this affects your opponent too? The playing field is still even, we just don't 'need' to use a medpack every 90 seconds. If you are in combat for longer than that then you are not getting targeted or have great healers.


Dying is also another way to reset combat.

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To those who say medpacks are a crutch and agree with this change, have you actually done all 10 of the hm's-nightmare versions of ops on live ?

Can you fathom only using 1 medpack during them ? HM-nightmare SOA ?


Do those and then tell me u dont need medpacks....


also with this change it will force ops guilds to bring another healer and take away a dps class making the fight longer in the process, so please think before u start clapping ur hands in praise.

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