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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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We're not talking about Heroic Missions on Corellia. That post dosen't adress any daily missions in the least. They aren't adding new Heroics, they're planning on continuing class story arca.


It's good that you're starting to move on from this, but I'd say that keeping your subscription just to complain is obessing, at least to some degree.


Funny you should say that.


Last night I killed all of my characters and gave away 591,000 credits to the only other guy at the Imperial Space Station on Thana Vesh.


Yeah, there was only one.


I have deleted the game from my computer and now I'm trying to figure out how to close my account.


I am having a blast playing MLB 12: The Show.


This game was a disappointment from the start, and I am only getting more disappointed with every stupid thing these guys say.


So, good bye.


And good luck.


I think you're going to need it.

Edited by BWHORN
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my only complaint are the they dont make sence points. like the clip shows a bh using his jetpack to fly. then a jedi being able to fly like superman because dad used a jetpack *** is that crap. i could see a bh using an autocannon since dad was a trooper and taught him to use betsy or if mom was a jedi sis can use a lightsaber if she has no force ability something that makes sence. not ok dad used tech so now im superman. thats like saying i watched iron man on tv now i can fly. he used a suit he couldn't fly with out it. the legecy gear awsome idea love being able to pass down my stuff to my new classes. makes sence force ability if above were force sensatives ok ill give you that one if my bh dad ca nteac hmy smuggler to use a rocket launcher or a mini flamethrower to keep guys away from him cool i can deal with that. but to go from i use a jetpack to my jedi can fly no sorry not buying it Edited by deltadeath
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Funny you should say that.


Last night I killed all of my characters and gave away 591,000 credits to the only other guy at the Imperial Space Station on Thana Vesh.


Yeah, there was only one.


I have deleted the game from my computer and now I'm trying to figure out how to close my account.


I am having a blast playing MLB 12: The Show.


This game was a disappointment from the start, and I am only getting more disappointed with every stupid thing these guys say.


So, good bye.


And good luck.


I think you're going to need it.

Considering you think this game was a disappointment from the start you may need some luck as well in finding games that will meet your expectations. Good bye to you then, only time will tell if you actually mean that or if you'll keep hanging around here still.

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my only complaint are the they dont make sence points. like the clip shows a bh using his jetpack to fly. then a jedi being able to fly like superman because dad used a jetpack *** is that crap. i could see a bh using an autocannon since dad was a trooper and taught him to use betsy or if mom was a jedi sis can use a lightsaber if she has no force ability something that makes sence. not ok dad used tech so now im superman. thats like saying i watched iron man on tv now i can fly. he used a suit he couldn't fly with out it

It's called suspension of disbelief, it's what we employ when, for example, playing the JK class and seeing all the other JKs running around doing the things that apparently only your JK could do. I'm in no way saying that you should believe the jedi can fly through some super power, just believe that she actually has flight rockets like the BH.

Edited by Runeshard
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Considering you think this game was a disappointment from the start you may need some luck as well in finding games that will meet your expectations. Good bye to you then, only time will tell if you actually mean that or if you'll keep hanging around here still.


Actually, the fun I have been having playing MLB 12: The Show made the decision easy.


So, I haven't had difficulty finding a game that met my standards.


I was starting to forget what actual fun felt like.


Right now I am just sitting here waiting for them to disable my account.


I called them on the phone and they seemed very reluctant to close my account.


Hopefully soon I will fall silent because I can no longer sign in to my account.


Either that, or I will grow increasingly angry that they have failed to close my account like they said they would.

Edited by BWHORN
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Actually, the fun I have been having playing MLB 12: The Show made the decision easy.


So, I haven't had difficulty finding a game that met my standards.


Right now I am just sitting here waiting for them to disable my account.


I called them on the phone and they seemed very reluctant to close my account.


Hopefully soon I will fall silent because I can no longer sign in to my account.


Either that, or I will grow increasingly angry that they have failed to close my account like they said they would.

Yes you mentioned MLB 12: The Show, that is why I said "games", i.e. plural.


Are you telling me that unless you have no way of accessing your account you are incapable of staying away?

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Hmmm so should I wait to level my main to 50 until 1.2 hits?


I have an alt on another server, os I can jsut level him up for now, just wondering if anyone knows if we should wait or go ahead with hitting the level cap now instead of right after 1.2 .

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yeeaaah right.


what i saw till today is freekin me out. seriously guys?????

mixing the talents from class to class and even mixing the races is just a stupid and bad idea.

there is a history to that game and you guys just can't do whatever you want. an imperial agent or a bounty hunter is using force abilities???




and a pure blood sith plays a jedi or a trooper??? thats the big hit with legacy system and you are even proud of it???

if a pure bloods son or daughter betrayes the side and go republic the father would hunt him/her down and kill mim/her only through pure pride.

and if a member of a force sensitive family goes bountyhunter than because he isn't force sensitive. i can track und hunt down people as sith as well. but if i can use the force as lets say bounty hunter why would i risk the overheating of my weapons when i can shoot with lightning.


i don't konw, i just don't get it what should be fun on that system. epic battles rise between different charakters like the fight between boba fett and darth vader or like jango fett against obi wan.

that fight wouldn't be epic anymore if obi wan had also a jet pack and jango will use force telekinetic don't you think.


that would be for me a reason to quit the old republic because this system is just plain stupid. according to the gameplay to the lore, to everything.

what happens is the game becomes a huge senseless sponge where everybody can do everything.

why should i play other classes then?? thats the reason to play it. a chalange!!!! to explore something new.


but what i saw in the trailer you guys posted gives me the creeps. a jedi with a flamethrower???

you really managed it to get every fun out of the game. the list is that long so i stay only to that point. all i do is playing the classes through their story because thats just the only thing that makes fun at all.

if its not buggy, its just not fun to play or senseless like for example the crew skills.


i am very disappointed in that. i just keep on going playing my story lines through. for that i love you. the voice over story telling class lines are amazing and either thrilling or just fun to play.

long live the casual players because for mmo players this game just don't have anything if the legacy system like it is comes.


I agree with the Sith Pureblood thing, but other than that I don't see why there wouldn't be other races who might prefer the other side. The Miraluka for example. There was a Sith Miraluka in KoTORII. Despite having their planet destroyed, some might still prefer the Sith. As for the force powers, they specifically said they weren't made to be powerful. They have HUGE cooldowns and they're not really strong. It does damage, but it's more like a social emote. So I'm totally ok with the update. In fact, I'm actually excited about it. And I'm sorry you don't appreciate anything other than the main story. In fact I love everything about this game....except for their decissions on Revan >.> But the crew skills, story, flash points, group questing, pvp. It's all great. The only thing I wish Bioware would work on is space combat. Being a SWG player I'm disappointed by the rail shooter mini game. But that's off topic. Cheer up bro. 1.2 won't be bad.

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To all the whiny crybabies;


Diversity and more customization options in this game are a good thing. One of the things I don't like about this game (coming from SWG) is the lack of options across the board. I really want to do a smuggler kick to the balls to anyone who whines and cries and says that it's not "canon" to have a "trooper with force powers". (or pick your mish mash of classes)


Firstly, it's incredibly stupid to have a world populated by only 8 frigging different types of characters and be so limited. SWG was great because it added a dimension of realism. If I wanted to make a Ranger who operated a baked goods store and also freelanced as a hairstylist I could freaking do it! Not saying that there are a lot of those I come across in the Star Wars movies/novels/comics/toons etc, and not even that everyone wants to play that type of character, but the simple truth is that those types of support characters are essential to the story.


I absolutely hated when they bastardized SWG and made it into a dumbed down version for the short-attention-spanned 12 year-olds. (It actually was pretty close to this game lol but there were still more class choices - sad) They tore those options away from those players who didn't want a full-blown fighter class. But hey, it wasn't "Sat Warsy" enough and it confused the little kids, so we catered as we always do. I welcome more options in class choices/skills/cross-class/clothing/armor and even fricking hairstyles.


Secondly, if you want to quote "canon", there are tons of examples of characters who weren't only one class (by this game's example). Luke was a great example. Moisture farmer/tinkerer/droid mechanic/pilot/"trooper"/Jedi etc etc. He even - gasp - used a blaster in Jabba's palace (but I'm not sure how he equipped it because it CLEARLY would have stated on the item in his inventory that he couldn't use it...) GROW UP MORONS!!! Oh, and PS, this is the OLD REPUBLIC - there aren't ANY movies from GEORGE FRICKING LUCAS set in the period 3000 years BEFORE A NEW HOPE!! Get over it!


For those who want to cry about having 10 level 50s and there just isn't anything else to do and they're bored? How about you get out of mommy's basement and go get a job and a life? How about that? Instead of spending 14 hours per day on the Goddamned game, get off your fat asses and go outdoors for once. If you burned through all 8 storylines in three months, it's not the dev's fault - it's the pathetic players who have nothing better to do. I have ONE character approaching 50 and a couple in the mid 20s - I'm a casual player and I'll get lots more enjoyment from this game in the months ahead. You ruined it for yourselves *******es.


Oh, and I welcome as many customization options as they can throw me. I'll take more armor/clothing options, cosmetic options, skill choices and even different colored underwear. I'm going to proudly make a Sith-Jedi-Trooper-Dancer-Chef-Choreographer - just to piss you idiots off.


Good day!

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I agree with the Sith Pureblood thing, but other than that I don't see why there wouldn't be other races who might prefer the other side. The Miraluka for example. There was a Sith Miraluka in KoTORII. Despite having their planet destroyed, some might still prefer the Sith. As for the force powers, they specifically said they weren't made to be powerful. They have HUGE cooldowns and they're not really strong. It does damage, but it's more like a social emote. So I'm totally ok with the update. In fact, I'm actually excited about it. And I'm sorry you don't appreciate anything other than the main story. In fact I love everything about this game....except for their decissions on Revan >.> But the crew skills, story, flash points, group questing, pvp. It's all great. The only thing I wish Bioware would work on is space combat. Being a SWG player I'm disappointed by the rail shooter mini game. But that's off topic. Cheer up bro. 1.2 won't be bad.


I agree, except about the part about sith pureblood (haven't done the revan thing yet myself).


It's just strange that people think the purebloods can never ever defect. There are examples of sith going over to the republic and at least one example of a sith pureblood doing so. There will always be those that are different and some of those will manage to escape or defect or whatever, without falling to all that "the family would hunt them down" nonsense.

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To all the whiny crybabies;


Diversity and more customization options in this game are a good thing. One of the things I don't like about this game (coming from SWG) is the lack of options across the board. I really want to do a smuggler kick to the balls to anyone who whines and cries and says that it's not "canon" to have a "trooper with force powers". (or pick your mish mash of classes)


Firstly, it's incredibly stupid to have a world populated by only 8 frigging different types of characters and be so limited. SWG was great because it added a dimension of realism. If I wanted to make a Ranger who operated a baked goods store and also freelanced as a hairstylist I could freaking do it! Not saying that there are a lot of those I come across in the Star Wars movies/novels/comics/toons etc, and not even that everyone wants to play that type of character, but the simple truth is that those types of support characters are essential to the story.


I absolutely hated when they bastardized SWG and made it into a dumbed down version for the short-attention-spanned 12 year-olds. (It actually was pretty close to this game lol but there were still more class choices - sad) They tore those options away from those players who didn't want a full-blown fighter class. But hey, it wasn't "Sat Warsy" enough and it confused the little kids, so we catered as we always do. I welcome more options in class choices/skills/cross-class/clothing/armor and even fricking hairstyles.


Secondly, if you want to quote "canon", there are tons of examples of characters who weren't only one class (by this game's example). Luke was a great example. Moisture farmer/tinkerer/droid mechanic/pilot/"trooper"/Jedi etc etc. He even - gasp - used a blaster in Jabba's palace (but I'm not sure how he equipped it because it CLEARLY would have stated on the item in his inventory that he couldn't use it...) GROW UP MORONS!!! Oh, and PS, this is the OLD REPUBLIC - there aren't ANY movies from GEORGE FRICKING LUCAS set in the period 3000 years BEFORE A NEW HOPE!! Get over it!


For those who want to cry about having 10 level 50s and there just isn't anything else to do and they're bored? How about you get out of mommy's basement and go get a job and a life? How about that? Instead of spending 14 hours per day on the gosh darned game, get off your fat asses and go outdoors for once. If you burned through all 8 storylines in three months, it's not the dev's fault - it's the pathetic players who have nothing better to do. I have ONE character approaching 50 and a couple in the mid 20s - I'm a casual player and I'll get lots more enjoyment from this game in the months ahead. You ruined it for yourselves *******es.


Oh, and I welcome as many customization options as they can throw me. I'll take more armor/clothing options, cosmetic options, skill choices and even different colored underwear. I'm going to proudly make a Sith-Jedi-Trooper-Dancer-Chef-Choreographer - just to piss you idiots off.


Good day!


wow dude. i sence the anger in you. have a fruit roll up and relax. switch to decaff lol

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1. Stacking crowd control abilities can really screw things up.


2. We have 8 character slots (1 for each adv class) I play Empire only, so I guess I'm out of luck. 10 character slots maybe? Please? I already have all 8 characters created and leveled somewhat, 3 lv50's with the 4th 1/2 done, rest in the teens.


3. I like the concept of customizing abilities. Sort of 'create your own class' (not really but you know what i mean)


4. Legacy is overall a good feature to add, and it's fairly unique. I think maybe make some other minor changes to make players happy would be time well spent too. Little things like the following:


a. hide companion helmet.

b. always assist on my target preference for companion.

c. not lock people out of a flash point if they die at the last boss with no one to rez so that they get no loot.

d. make social outfits have medium and heavy versions so that 6 of 8 adv classes arent screwed out of using them.

e. make guild members invitable to a group from the guild screen

f. give rewards for world kills in pvp (this is vital to server population on pvp servers)

g. on pvp servers, there should be NO restricted areas on contested worlds.


I could go on, but, you get the point. The little things add up.


Overall I love the game, Legacy is going to be fun to play with. I look forward to it.

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how is joining a guild selfish?

not going to argue over the legacy system we all are going to be stuck with it anyways when it does come out.


i really have to explain this again?


oh well heres hoping you are smart enough to understand it this time...probably not since you didnt the first time i already said it.


joining a guild isnt selfish...thinking only in terms of grouping and guilds is.

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Legacy will be AWESOME, even though it does seem unrealistic to give a jedi knight a flame thrower I think that the idea of having races playable on either side sounds like i would make the story more interesting, like on the covers of some star wars books it will show Luke using lightning a Sith Pureblood would probobly be a mix of light and dark force if it was a Jedi.


What I would really like to see is a little bit more character customization. Becaues there aren't enough playable races, I would like to see a Nautolan (aquatic tentacle race I googled it) or maybe a gungan (jar jar binks but I would prefer a gungan with a deeper voice). Or maybe some cross-breeding of the races would be interesting, because if the father is Chiss and the mother is Sith Pureblood I would like to see a blue, red-eyed, person with the face structure of a Sith-Pureblood.


Also they should include a way to customize your voice. The voice of a character is a crucial part to the Star Wars movies, Darth Vaders deep robotic voice, Yoda's wise/gravely voice along with his messed up scentences make the characters a lot more interesting. And when to players of the same class get in to a group conversation and they have the same exact voice it doesn't make any sense.

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Legacy will be AWESOME, even though it does seem unrealistic to give a jedi knight a flame thrower.

It's certainly not a matter of being realistic.


When you have thousands of billions of living creatures in a galaxy everything is possible. Even a Hutt trooper or a Sith Jawa fighting hunting rancors in pink pijamas with a cue-tip.


Now what this legacy system does is removing the uniqueness and iconic feeling of the Advanced Classes.

Do you see Vader, Palpatine or Dark Maul using a flame thrower in combat?

I don't.

It's simply not iconic. It makes them look weaker because they need tricks. Meaning the force isn't sufficient.


You can certainly find a great background story to explain how your character inherited such force skills. Still when most others characters around you do the same, it doesn't look epic anymore. It's no more an exception but a standard.

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To the serious MMO players who are upset at the new legacy system: Yes the new legacy system will alter the traditional MMO dynamic in that it will blend and even possibly erase the lines between classes. But there are lots of MMOs out there with this class system. From the beginning SWTOR was marketed as a different style of MMO as it centered more around story than any of its competitors. It would be unfair to expect it to live up to classic MMO expectations when it was designed and marketed as something completely different.


To those who have qualms about it being possible for a Sith's son/daughter betraying the empire and joining the republic without being hunted down and killed: While it is very unlikely that this would happen in the star wars universe, it is a fundamental plot point for each class that the players character is 'special'. As a jedi consular you are 'stronger in the force at 4 than I (yuon par) was at 14' (not an exact quote, please forgive me its been a while since i started my consular). As a trooper you graduated top of your class in every subject. It is easily plausible for someone of such talent to escape imperial space at the age of 15-20 and defect. The trooper companion elarna dorne is an imperial defect and is indeed still alive as well.


To those casual players who play SWTOR because its fun and based in star wars: You guys really got the best end of the legacy system, its new, interesting, and allows for a new story mechanic never seen before in a MMO, so just enjoy the ride


(And to answer your question, humans will gain access to more gear and whatnot as you progress, but obviously will not gain any new classes. Hopefully this will not be the last update to the legacy system and humans will get more benefits in the future)

Edited by kwanzatree
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Personally I am mixed on this - one sense I see some cool things come out of it. On the other hand I sure hope the 'force' powers are tamed down tremendously.


But since I was dumb and did a 4/4 split on the primary server I play - could you allow for us to cross faction next? If that was indeed the case, would make more sense of a sith Jedi than just some strange wierd story of how a sith baby somehow found its way into the ranks of the Jedi.


Someone that last sentence just appeared too wrong and like an oxymoron - Sith Jedi.



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