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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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A Darkness Falls PvPvE type dungeon. It would need to be gated by some mechanic that encourages a capture and control type of PvP. You already have a commendation system in place so it shouldn't be that hard to tweak it for something similar to DAOC DF...aka Emerald/Sapphire/Diamond seals.ATM there is no real reason to actually "Win" in PvP...even WZ's except for the rated ones.



I am just spit balling here but lets say Ilumn is taken by the hutt Cartel (lvl 60 Elites + Champs) because they discovered tech from some ancient race buried there. So these elites and champs are guarding the portals/doors/gates to the area and you must capture X amount to be able to enter the Whatchamacallit Ruins of Awesomesauce <now known as the WRA>. Within the WRA is powerful tech/ lore from the <insert ancient uber here.> Just like DF from DAOC though if the other side captures enough of the gates/doors/maguffins they get control and only they can enter the WRA.



This of course is a very very very rough outline. You guys get paid to make this stuff ;p I just comment on what I wanna play.

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Definitely need better diminishing returns mechanics. The pvp in Swtor is somewhat of a joke unfortunately. More focus on resource management as opposed to who has the most expertise and the most CC cool downs. Skill should play a factor imo.
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Remove expertise. Make pvp rewards cosmetic/vanity items. As it is, time is rewarded, not skill. Even ranked warzones will be skewed until

Everyone gets their gear. A set of replacement gear can switch out what you wear for warzones with a "pool" of stats to adjust based on your ac.


Also, ask this question in the game itself, because the forums and twitter are a vocal minority, and I'd you make changes just based off the few opinions here in writing, you might piss off the majority of paying customers. (I.E. most people here hate expertise, but if 90% of players in the game like it, you'll just lose subs by removing it to appease us.

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Realm versus Realm.


Take the best features from DAOC and Warhammer Online and implement them.


agree x1000. You can even use walkers and such instead of siege engines.

I was so hoping that was the intent with ilum. That actually bugged me more than Ilum being broken.


Real RvR pls.

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I am making the assumption that most players do a little of both pvp and pve. An open zone that allows for a battle every 4(insert some other time frame) hours, the winning faction members receive a buff to their primary stat, or perhaps some consumable that does similar. This way PVE/PVP players would have more incentive to PVP at least in this zone as it would provide them a distinct advantage in operations and other warzones.


The reward could also be monatary/discount at vendors 'till next battle/social reward usable 'till next battle etc.......

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How about a que system that's based on Valor? Remove the level 1-49 and 50 brackets, and have brackets based on Valor instead. You could have brackets based on valor 1-20, 21-40, 40-50, 50-60, and 60+ or whatever was feasible. This way, you're always fighting players on or about your skill level.


You can't reach higher valor levels without hitting 50 first, so hardcore pvpers don't have to worry about a lvl 13 bringing down their group. A lvl 50 in full PvE gear who's never PvP'd would be OP, but that wouldn't last long (as he would quickly move to the next bracket), and he could quickly earn his PvP gear without being dominated by those in full BM gear.



Also, a PvP zone on every planet would be kinda fun (sort of like the zone in Tatooine). Model it like Ilum where you would kill players / complete objectives for a level-appropriate pvp box. If more players get used to PvPing as they level, maybe more would PvP at 50.



Last but not least, a way to make ALL of Ilum attractive, not just central: Can we have mercenary boxes/chests at the Northern/Southern stations? maybe more people would venture there, and it would give people something to do while waiting for a WZ when there's 20 of the other faction at central. (and not having to leave/come back in to re-receive the valor buff would be HUGE!!!!)

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Realm versus Realm.


Take the best features from DAOC and Warhammer Online and implement them.



It would be great but without a 3rd realm to help offset pop imbalance it wont work...unless they do a Hutt Cartel realm be it a NPC or true PC 3rd realm. For those of us that played WAR we know how quickly a massive pop imbalance ruins RvR without a 3rd party to keep things honest.

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what does 1.2 offer me as a open world pvp'r? I dont care about wz's. We need pvp bases on other planets.


Why pvp bases on other planets besides ilum would pay off.


1. Placing pvp bases on numerous planets would give open world players something to do. (outlaws den and ganking lower levels is not objective based or "good pvp")


2. Placing pvp bases on other planets would help with faction imbalance and heres how.


example = 30-50 imps camping ilum base.


Republic player = well i cant do anything here im going to the tatoine pvp base and see whats going on.


Right now its just do wz's 24/7 and thats it. Believe it or not theres people who dont want instanced pvp. If your a person thats wants instanced pvp so be it.


As of now i see myself unsubbing at 1.2 heres why


Sure i can change the UI (should have been in at launch)


Sure i change mods out of champ/bm gear


New gear not sure i want it looks like crap


New flashpoint/operative (meh)


Open world pvp (weve removed the ilum dailies) This is fine to be honest


Like i said though as a open world pvp'r what incentive do i have to keep playing this? I refuse to do warzones 24/7


On a final note less pr would go a long way in regards to ilum when i hear things like best pvp team and gabe saying on a live stage 100vs100 in ilum and advertising that then doing a interview saying he would like to do that really turns me off and makes me not trust you or gabe. Do u see my point? If i said to you or gabe im going to give you 1 million dollars and i give you both a 1 dollar and act like thats a million dollars wouldnt you be like hmm not sure what to make of this.


If you want people to put trust into you like your asking for james a good start would be to not advertise things till you can show them and its actually true.....

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World PVP. And by that I don't mean just a zone like Ilum. I mean real, old-school world PVP where the PVP objectives aren't the only thing driving people out into the world or zone. I miss the days where people used to set up gank groups and gank each other because so many people were out into the world that a fight was a sure thing. That used to be the real point of PVP servers. Edited by GeLopez
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Firstly, I think this is a VERY good idea of the devs to direct feedback. Hopefully you guys will continue doing this focusing on various areas of the game.


Now, to my feedback, I would like to see Openworld PVP which has meaning and purpose to the long term progression of the game developement. Along with PVE, the two playstyles could progress the world story arc and help to take the game in a more dynamic direction.


We need more dynamic elements in this game. The game worlds need to feel more "alive" and part of a grander scheme (i.e. WAR!). Where players have full control over their avatars and can affect the end result.


This doesn't just mean pvp on the ground either. This is Star Wars. The clue is in the title.

Full Control space battles for PVP and PVE could be included too.

Edited by Tarka
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No not the force stasis. Force choke and force stasis have different animations to them and im not talking about in huttball when your doing empire vs empire players and also when your targeting a jedi player you can see what ability they are using. Id like to know what skill tree gives them force choke or the ability to run and channel the pebble throw? If those are on skill trees I apologize but I was not aware that the jedi had sith skill trees Edited by chompper
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Add a super objective to world PvP like Darkness Falls in DAoC. A large dungeon containing a flashpoint and an operation. Use Ilum as a starting point to winning it. Make the bases and objective points populated with high level NPCs that players must defeat (along with the opposing faction) to capture. Make the zone tug of war style, so you can't ninja points far back away from the action. Have the NPC's scale with active population ie... the side with less players gets more NPC's to defend with. Whoever controls the site controls the dungeon, make it reset every 24-48 hours and whoever is in there at the reset stays in there flagged for PvP until they die or fast travel.


Darkness Falls was a great feature from DAoC, using the idea would give players a reason to participate in world PvP.

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Hmm... Where to begin.


I'm not going to go completely off here. I want to be structured and give good criticism to help improve the game play.


So here are my thoughts;


1. Random Group Makeup - The way the groups seem to "Randomly" pull together I think needs some work. For example: If you que up for PVP as a single player, you of course get thrown into a group. Now you can be thrown into a group that really knows what they are doing, and this of course just rocks. You go into the WZ and have a blast. You get in your kills and objectives and have a good time. Even if in the end you lose, at least your group puts up a good close fight. And that is the best. HOWEVER, more often than not, you get into a group that just does not work well together. And I don't blame the game for that (I blame the players) BUT, all too OFTEN you get put back into that exact same group with the same players again and again and again. Often for most of the night. So no matter how hard you try, a win just never comes about. This is also due to the fact that when your with that same group, you end up fighting the same opponents all night. I've had up to a 18 WZ loss streak due to this happening.


Idea: Perhaps change up the randomizer so you get put into different groups more often. So when you reque you are not automatically thrown into the same group of people again and again.


2. Random Groups Based on Gear Level - This ties into the first point. As random groups are created for PVP, perhaps some equation can be put into the code that helps to put you into groups facing opponents that are a little closer to your own gear level. Getting 3-4 shot at level 50 just seems a little unbalanced. Even when you are wearing all tier 1 epic gear.


3. Huttball Cheating - This may be something you've already addressed, or perhaps you are not aware of it as of yet. It seems that some guilds have found a workable cheat in Huttball. They que up a full group of 4 players, and then 2 others que up either together or both singularly. They do this in the hopes that the 1-2 players will be facing their guildies on the opposing side. Now what happens next is down right despicable. The 1-2 players will do everything in their power to get the ball, either by getting to it first or waiting for it to be thrown to them... But instead of running to the opposing side to score, they carry the ball back to their own side and just wait for one of the 4 guild members on the opposing team to come over to the line, and they then throw a purposeful interception right to them.


Ideas: Make it impossible for guild members to end up on opposite teams (I'd prefer it NOT be this way. I know those of us in my guild actually love pvping against each other in Huttball. Nothing is more fun than giving a good friend the smack-down.) Institute a system where a team can kick out a player for inappropriate game play during the match. Or make it where you cannot throw to a player on the other team on your own line.


4. Random WZ Picks - Give us the freedom to pick which WZ we would like to go to. TWENTY EIGHT Huttball matches in a row with only ONE win out of that is absolutely ridiculous.


Overall I find the game very enjoyable. I just feel that a few fixes are needed to create a much better gaming experience. And I am very glad that you are taking enough serious interest in the players thoughts so that you can improve our overall experience in the game.


Thank you for that!!!!

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I believe, further on, for Season 1, you guys should introduce modded/stat PvP armor that require certain ranks. I mean the achievement system as it is doesn't really let you the bragging rights... (You can't link your 3000 rank achievement in chat, nor does it appear terribly meaningful) While the rest of the team gets on the job of improving this, why not do the next logical thing, and reward (much like in PvE) those that are good, and "skilled" with better gear?
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