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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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Someone suggested this before, parroting for qft:


Make the stun remove ability max out your resolve bar, and (maybe) let it be useable when not stunned.


Premtively preventing a stun might be overpowered against kiters, but maxxing out the resolve bar would prevent chain cc's when you break it but still allow chain cc's if its not up.



Personally Im glad to see Expertise more valuable in 1.2 so I dont have to PvE for BIS PvP gear... frankly people saying remove expertise are not end game progression PvE and want free loot or simply do not forsee the mass QQ if you allow endgame loot available from what is essentially grinding.



Good work so far, I'm a little worried that the Sorc HP/S nerfs are the result of a combination of skewed live numbers from the FB exploit and lazyness in changing the mechanic to something else instead of fixing the exploit.

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One change I would like to see implemented in PvP.....


Load Central Assault on Ilum with resources for crafting. Increase the gathering or whatever. That would bring people to Ilum for a reason, and would generate more PvP at CA.


OR, put valor rewards and/or daily on Tattoine, load that place up with crafting material nodes, and see what happens!

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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More PVP maps. 1 is a start but really 1-2 More as soon as possible. As a new player who converted from trial I am already tired of only the 3. Granted it takes time but I would be getting another one in ASAP even after 1.2 adds one.
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I would like to see a persistent open world PVP zone that, instead of trying to balance the factions, embraces the faction imbalances. This zone would have multiple control points with different objectives: Bases, bunkers that can be captured and defended.



Based on the number of points controlled by any given faction the zone would have three separate phases: “Republic Control”, “Imperial Control” and “War”. In the control phases there would be a “dominate” faction and a “rebel” faction.



The Dominant faction would have NPC patrols (four packs of weak and standard mobs), flags posted around the zone and a weak or non-combat server wide buff for bragging rights. Cosmetic bonuses and the feeling of control and ability to express their epeen. Nothing that would allow a dominant faction to gear up faster or get more credits than the smaller one.



The rebel faction would have rebel bonuses that promote guerrilla style warfare. Things like drop ships or tunnels that can land a platoon smack dab in the middle of a base, or traps/ bombs that can be set up on the side of the road. Also hidden mortar units that can shell a bases defence from a distance so they have to break off a platoon to find and take it out. Basically tools that would break up the defending team and could be exploited by small mobile forces.



In the War phase you would have NPC’s from both factions battling it out, so that they player feels like they are part of a big war. This transition phase could be chaotic and most likely short lived on each server and could provide a weak zone wide buff for both factions. Add Champion bosses and damageable walkers that can patrol the zone engaging NPCs and Players alike.



For those that need a reason to be there, add dailies to the zone. 2 dailies for each control point; one for the defending faction and one for the rebel faction. To avoid win trading only allow a player to complete one daily per control point. The defender dailies can be something like gathering resources for the base they are at and the rebel daily can be planting listening devices or hitting local NPC patrols. The Defender dailies would be available at their corresponding control point to and the rebel dailies could all be acquired at a separate Rebel base. In the war phase no dailies will be available so that factions will focus on gaining the extra base(s)




The rebel base could be a separate area either via terrain or phasing, that only the rebel side has access to. This would be where their daily quests are given and a spawn point when then die. This base would have multiple access points to the zone, so that it would be impossible to camp the entrance. Possibly speeder bikes that take the player to various map points of their choosing. Could even be like the drop ships in Alderan.




Last but not least, let me summon the ice lord and make it epically difficult to do.

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Obviously there are two factions.


Faction one: Expertise is great because I want to have a reward for all the PVP Ive done. Why should I participate in PvP if not rewarded with more power. Also I want cross Server PvP because I often wait too long in the cue.


Faction two: Expertise is bad, I want my skill to count not my Equip, why should I participate in PvP when all it needs is a lot of grinding to rule an opponent almost regardless of skill. Also I dont want cross server PvP because It would deny any form of server community forming up.

(note: of cause there is some overlap, but reading the posts these groups lead the dscussions)

I would suggest that everybody would take a step back and look at a common goal. I think this goal should be collective fun in PvP as a server community.


Group One could be motivated to give up some (PvP) Power by offering other rewards like cool Rides for PvP Valor or Medals.


Group Two could be made more willing to join the War if PvP rewards would be offered in ways more in line with their play style. (actually rewarding Winning the game, not Kills, more Objectives other than killing players ...)


Cross server PvP should be added only with utmost care not to hurt server communities.


Rewards for PvP should be handed out but not in a way that unbalances the game and frustrates people entering PvP.


If PvP is more attractive and more people would be participating, this would benefit both groups in the end, and hopefully no cross server PvP would be necessary.


More PvP inclined players should have some incentive to team up and travel into enemy or contested territory. Defending against these attacks from the other faction can be a very community building event that forms friendships and can lead to retaliation attacks, making for a lively community.


Off cause this should also be implemented with care, so it would not unbalance the factions even more by griefing the minority party on a server too much.

Edited by Cpt_Solo
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Instanced PVP (AKA Warzones) - Just more of em. Your on the right track with the ranking systems and balancing issues, so bravo. I would love to see though a Team Deathmatch with traps like in Huttball, we all love those! Three people per team have to hit a certain kill number maybe for the win? Perhaps a team reaches a certain deaths number for a lose? Maybe a King Of the Hill style Team death match with one hill?


Open World PVP (Non-Illum) - More Crossing paths with apposing factions! I've been ganked once an ganked someone once as a 44 Sniper. Come on give me the ganking opportunity! Life time rankings for things like these as well not just Instanced pvp would be great please. I did like the idea in WoW of "Capture points" in like hellfire peninsula. That would buff your faction if you controled it. Having something like that would be great on the worlds that are contested.


Illum DUN DUN DUN - I have not experienced it personally. Yet what I gather from the forums (and I gather a lot). I had an idea when I read a post about the new 1.2 world boss. Why not have a on Illum planet only instanced pvp zone. That when signed up for pits you into the depths of Illum. Battling the opposing faction to take reach the prize, unfortunately you find out that prize is guarded by....[insert A new World Boss Here] They fight it for the gear of your choice of course. That would definitely encourage more guilds or even groups of 8 to get together an travel to Illum. Having more daily's, "Capture Points" that give buffs or items as well pvp vendor in faction camps when it is under said factions control (say 4/5 or 3/5 of the worlds events). As well as environments similar to king of the hill, team death match, capture the flag, combat race zones like the warzones but on planet maybe without an instance to go through


My thoughts

Edited by Timtimbot
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DO NOT make it so people who modded their BM gear can't turn it in for their War Hero set, that is unless you want to lose subs.


If you do this, then you are punishing players who had to correctly mod their gear because the Devs couldn't do it themselves.

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Please do not change the XP or credits earned from what you currently get doing warzones. I feel like you are forcing people into an aspect of the game (PVE) that for some players have no intention of doing.
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1) listen to the community and fix the resolve and the framerate.


2) balance all the classes, quick! sorc, bh and op are way too overpowered, a bg with only sorc and bh is a bg won!


3) create a third faction with the bounty hunters and the smugglers!!! they should be neutral and be able to choose their side! you can imagine it in open pvp : people trying to convince a smuggler or a bounty hunter to join one side or another !!! could be really great!

+ illegal trading should be only available for smuggler

+ players could make special quests for bounty hunters like "kill this guy and i'll give you 20k credits!


4) give open pvp a reason! like controling the trade and the ressources of a planet :

ilum control should for examble give acces to special sellers, could give a buff for pexing heritage, etc.


5) do never ever implement interserver bg and arena, it will kill the open pvp!!!

---> open pvp is even more fun when you know the people you face, you have met them allready in bg and you hate them! you can have a kill on sight list! it brings life on the server! on the opposite, interserver bg will make people stay in major towns or capitals and wait for them and fight people they will never meet again!!!

At least, dont implement it on PVP RP servers, please!!!!

open pvp died on wow when they implemented interservers bg, as simple as that.


6) less gear grind and stuff based pvp...


7) why can't we loot the people we just killed?

Edited by Skyrill
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Cross server Queing. Waiting hours for a match during off-times is a pain in the ***.


I also really wish they would tone down Expertise (not completely remove it unless they make BM gear trade-able for equivalent PvE gear and reward PVP in some other format, after all, people do deserve to have their hard work rewarded). I have guild mates who have gotten bored with PvP because they dominate due to their BM gear.

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1. Server wide PvP consequences. Perhaps a stat bonus to Imps or Reps, whichever controls 'x' city or planet. Basically add in some flavor that shows there is a war. No problem with balance here, because there rarely is balance in war. And there are plenty of people who like to play the underdog


2. Better medal balance (which I know is coming). As a healer that focuses on the objective, I don't get much return in coms


3. Small note but in WZs we frequently 'kill' people on our own side of the war. Perhaps that can be changed, instead of a kill, get to 1/xxxxxx life and reset. Yes it's a small note but it may make 'killing' the other side mean a bit more (as awful as I know that sounds, ha). As things stand now there is more guild vs guild animosity then imp vs rep.


4. Wookiee that can rip some arms off

Edited by CharterMonkKent
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Change the focus of "PvP development" away from warzones and concentrate more on open world PvP.


A good start would be to allow any kill of another player within +/- 1 LvL at any pvp contested location/planet count towards "kill credit" for pvp quests.

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Work on Ilum


1: Open world rvr area in Ilum

2: Several keeps defended by npcs (tough, elite, boss), owned by guilds. 10 Keeps would be awesome all over Ilum, PvE/PvP area.

3: Who has control of Ilum opens One dungeon just for their faction.

4: The dungeon must have 2 entrances to Reps and Imps can fight inside IF one loses control of Ilum

5: Dark Age of Camelot's RvR is what most pvp community wants from Swtor. Please work on it.


Thank you!

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