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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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Specifically in warzones, I've been noticing more and more dps shadows and assassins, relying on Combat Technique/Dark Charge. This grants them the ability to be get 150% more armour among other things. It seems to negate the need for a tanking tree as a result (again, specifically for PVP), since their survivability is so much higher now. With that being said, their main rotation remains the same, unaffected by what stance they are in.


In fairness, this could be implemented for all the higher tree skills you get (not the passive ones), but for example, if an Assassin wanted to use voltaic slash I think that person should have to be in the surging charge stance. And likewise, to use wither the person should be in the dark charge stance etc.


Also fixing resolve.

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all we need is base bosses at bases that you have to kill and capture the base. There should be a quest that you get that when you kill the base boss and capture the base you get a champ bag/bm bag and some valor and credits.


capturing the bases depending on how many bases your side is controlling gives you a bigger valor bonus in open world only not warzones (this should be done this way to encourage more open world pvp)

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In PVP when a player is 'marked' or 'tagged' by an opposing player the tag should expire if either player dies.


As a healer, in PVP, once I'm marked it just becomes a series of gang *****. Every time I rez and go back to the fight all the opposing players drop everything to kill me. It's the only ability that persists through death and puts healers at a serious dis advantage.


And while you're at it, Purge should remove beneficial effects from enemy players.

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If i could make one change, it would be something to do with crowd controlling. In my opinion crowd control in Warzones are a tad too much, with the amount there is going on it often makes the fight feels slow paces as one is constantly rooted or stunned. This is probrably due to almost all classes having a stun, snare effect, interrupt or something like that. In some cases this removes to ability to use smart tactics such as fake cast, which is a technique i loved to master in another MMO. But due to almost all classes having an interrupt with such a low cooldown its just too unpredictable to be able to master it in any way.


I think there are several ways to diminish the effect of CC for the better. While i would prefer make classes more diverse in what they have to offer, ie remove stuns/interrupts from some classes i know that probrably aren't going to happen although i would love to see less homogenisation than there currently is. A solution could be to either make expertise affect the duration of CC effects, or make resolve function as a kind of diminishing return, ie 0% resolve equals 100% cc duration and 50% resolve would for example equal 50% cc duration.


In short, less Crowd Control more pewpew

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A Practice Huttball Court where you and your team can practice have skirmishes and even host matches. Possibly with the option of spectators.


Also the idea of having a kick the ball mechanic that increases the range of your throw huttball but puts you in a penalty box for a minute or so effectively giving the other team a power play.

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In my opinion the resolve system is one of the biggest mistakes BioWare did with SWTOR. I would really love to see the resolve system removed and a simple dimishing return system added. In it's actual state the resolve system is very intransparent. One don't know which CC ability adds how many resolve to the bar.
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I would like to see more small scale PvP as well. 'Arenas' if you'd want to call them that.


3v3, 4v4 or something. They could still be objective based tho. A voidstar type, compact objective based. Like 'Rush' in Battlefield series for instance.


Why I'd like to see this, is that 8 man is a BIG team. Finding dedicated players would be easier, as would be balancing issues.


...Then again, 16-man larger scale warzones wouldn't be bad either, as more 'fun' than actual 'balanced and competitive'.


And yes, cross server PvP...Ladders could show both server, and global ranking (so you'd still get to know the guys at your server)-

Edited by SneiK
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Similar to what is in Warhammer, I would love for PvP "lakes" on each planet, most especially to add some open world PvP dynamics for PvE servers. Some of the best open world PvP I've experienced in my MMO gaming has been on a core server in WAR, hunting other players down in the PvP lakes.


However, this change might not be possible without changing a lot of the layout of the planets, so my second most wanted change in PvP is the complete removal of the Expertise stat. PvP stats are a very bad move, and only promote grinding gameplay where gear overshadows skill. People will sit there and worry more about gaining medals in Warzones (to get the end result of more valor and better PvP gear) instead of actually trying to win the match.


I agree-- something similar to Warhammer's "lakes" would be great. Three outposts located across a planet- control over the 3 would allow you to go to a fortress like base. Which in turn if people are successful would give a server wide xp/valor buff for a few hours or something like that. In it's current form I don't even bother going to Ilum.


I originally wanted to post about crowd control. I guess a variation on diminishing returns, or temporary immunity for like abilities used within a certain time frame would be helpful. Right now I just feel like I can be cc'd to death.

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I'd have CC duration scale with the target's current amount of resolve.


ex. Resolve is at 90% -> stun lasts 10% of its duration


This wouldn't change the resolve gained for using an ability. It would only affect the duration of the ability.

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Remove Expertise.


This x 100000000000000


Having characters that hit 15% harder than you do and take 15% less damage than you do.. right when you hit 50... that isn't exactly fun.


Just drop the expertise and keep the overall stats of the armor on par with PvE gear.

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My first issue. What ever timer or what ever is on the doors in voidstar is insane. I can get on the speeder and to the drop in east west points sooner in alderaan than those stupid doors open (even with the 3 second delay). I feel like the timing and mechanics of it are just off.
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James, as i feel for now PvP in this game isn't really have the same influence and impact i hoped for as you had trough out the story when you leveld out. I would love for a future patch/expansion that you made PvP worth doing, make you feel that you own the galaxy with your friends and guildies.


You could always add Guild vs Guild and things like this back and forth but there really is no leaderboard for all this! I want to feel i have established something trough out all my work, i want people to recognize me and my guild. Perhaps also want to vengence me. What made WoW as good as it was in vanilla was that people really hated the opposite faction, they griefed slaughtered and made friends meanwhile they all had the same goal.


I dont really feel that the Empire and Republic really have any issue together when it comes to PvP. Nothing makes me want to PvP them exluded the gear i could earn by also fighting my own men.

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Cross-server queues. I can't count how many times I have waited hours on my server only to arrive in a warzone with 4-6 players on my team while the opposing team has 8. Usually giving just enough time for another player or two to arrive before the match times out, so we're forced to play out the remainder of a match that is now unwinnable because of our initial handicap starting with too few players.


Server population seems to get worse and worse every day, and I play on two of the relatively more populated servers. It has gotten so bad now that my guild members have begun cancelling their subscriptions, and my guild is now down to approximately 3 active members with varying schedules. Cross-server queues would also solve the problem of never being able to find groups for flashpoints and operations. As it is now it has been impossible for me to find any flashpoint groups at all for weeks, literally. So that leaves me with only solo questing and a VERY occasional warzone to play. It's really no wonder so many players are leaving the game at this point, what good is a multiplayer game when players are spread so vastly across so many servers and zones that it becomes impossible to ever put any groups together?

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Make Resolve give you 100% CC immunity whilst it's in action, against Snares, Knockbacks and Roots (Even from charges etc) . It currently doesn't do this and despite my resolve being on full I get Rooted and snared which can become very annoying.
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This x 100000000000000


Having characters that hit 15% harder than you do and take 15% less damage than you do.. right when you hit 50... that isn't exactly fun.


Just drop the expertise and keep the overall stats of the armor on par with PvE gear.


This! PvP is awesome sub50. Expertise kills it

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