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I'm a clicker, wouldn't start using it any other way.

Top 2 in heals everytime, in every Wz, if i somehow is 2 it's because people are focusing me.


Skill before anything, if you suck enough to start using keybinds etc, you just suck, easy moders.

You do realize there is often only 1 healer, rarely 2 and somehow magically happens sometimes that there is 3... so GJ on top 2 heals...
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Clickers r ok. I knew one guy in wow, who was clicking almost every thing and still got his gladiator every season. Keyboard turners r the bad ones. Personally i prefer bindings.
I know a guy who did just the same. BUT, that is probably like what? 1-2% of all gladiators? at most.


If the best do it one way, it's because IT IS better. I'm not gonna tell you to click or to keybind, but there is no argument which one is better.


EDIT : P.S. "You" is used in the sense of someone else and not a specific person.

Edited by MatAuc
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I play how i want to play, Could be one, could be the other. Or... it could be a mix of both. the fact of the matter is, Who cares?


We have another thread with a division. Why on earth would someone care how someone else plays? baffeling


Im sure some of the clickers would own some of the keybinders and vice vera. Here is a simple thought, a player will play a said game the way they want to play, and is probably better playing said way. But again. who cares...really?

I used to be a clicker many years ago. Without the somewhat "peer pressure" I transitioned to keybinding. And you don't know how happy I am that I did.


Also, you post in argument thread an argument about not having arguments... How ironic.

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I know a guy who did just the same. BUT, that is probably like what? 1-2% of all gladiators? at most.
86% of statistics are made up on the spot.


Seriously though, do you have a source for that?


there is no argument which one is better.
Sure there is... it's gone on for thousands of pages in dozens of different forums.
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The real danger isn't clicker vs. keybinder. The real danger is those vs. the console-oriented game, e.g. DC Universe Online or Duke Nukem.


The games are dumbed down to the level of incompetency of the console controller. Some games have even been both and they won't let the console crowd online play with the pc crowd because the console people get destroyed.

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I have a Logitech G13 hand keyboard, thumbstick to move my character round and my main skills are used with the G13 keys but other skill not used as much I click with mouse. This works fine in PVE but not tried PVP yet
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Okay so mobs come up from behind or you need to reposition and turn. Clickers will loose out on dps all the time, no matter how good they think they are.


Right click hold and run/turn, release find mouse cursor and move to ability and then click on an ability.


Non-clickers just hold right mouse down run/turn and still holding mouse down can just fire off an ability. Also unless it is a channeled or long cast time ability non-clickers can attack on the move easier then clickers.


Sure there might be a second difference in time but in a boss fight lasting 10 minutes you could be spending 30seconds with useless mouse movement. Loosing out on dps. Unfortunately the weakest link is the lowest dps and clickers will always be there.




Anyone claiming that they are clicking most of their attacks and remaining competitive is kidding themselves.

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You could always l2p, or does being a decent player make you an "elitist" these days? :rolleyes: So many terms thrown around by people who don't understand them these days, very sad.


son, i was playing these games way before you was born. you especially have an elitist attitude. people always scream top mouse players cant be taken out by gamepads, yes they can. keybinders can't be taken out by clickers, yes they can.


it's skill not device. though you will think otherwise like all kids today.

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The real danger isn't clicker vs. keybinder. The real danger is those vs. the console-oriented game, e.g. DC Universe Online or Duke Nukem.


The games are dumbed down to the level of incompetency of the console controller. Some games have even been both and they won't let the console crowd online play with the pc crowd because the console people get destroyed.


time to go back to online child mode.



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it's skill not device. though you will think otherwise like all kids today.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Equally skilled and geared players with 1 clicking and 1 keybinding, the keybinder will always win.

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The arrogance in this thread is astonishing... If you want to keep believing a clicker will never beat you than go ahead - whatever helps you guys sleep at night...


I have no problem continuing to put boots to asses regardless of what anyone uses.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Equally skilled and geared players with 1 clicking and 1 keybinding, the keybinder will always win.


Well I'm convinced... except that your ignorant opinion is not a fact or any indication of the inevitable result.

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Some folks click.


Some folks keybind.


Some folks, I'm sure, do something different.


Some people hybrid any or all of the above.


As long as everyone is having fun, does it matter?


It is a game, the point is to enjoy yourself and have fun. If how someone else chooses to play will affect your enjoyment, go play a single player game, you'll enjoy yourself more. If how they play doesn't affect your enjoyment, why be a jerk about how they play?

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Well I'm convinced... except that your ignorant opinion is not a fact or any indication of the inevitable result.


Maybe you didn't read what I said thoroughly. I didn't say that a clicker can't be good.


The fact is that fingers are more dexterous than wrists. Keybinders user their fingers and clickers use their wrists. A keybinder fighting or healing compared to a clicker will be slower and not do as well.

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Maybe you didn't read what I said thoroughly. I didn't say that a clicker can't be good.


The fact is that fingers are more dexterous than wrists. Keybinders user their fingers and clickers use their wrists. A keybinder fighting or healing compared to a clicker will be slower and not do as well.



To heal, I have the raid frames beside my healing abilities. I've done this since WOW. I click the frame, them click the heal. Between GCDs and cast times, I never miss a heal. If you've never played this way, I'm sure it would be easy to say "OMG, that's horrible!", but trust me when I say, it works just fine.


To be perfectly honest, I heal better than a ton of the healers I get when I tank or DPS. I actually heal the entire group and keep everyone alive.

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The fact is that fingers are more dexterous than wrists.
Out of curiosity, do you have an actual source for this claim?



Keybinders user their fingers and clickers use their wrists.
not true. A trackball clicker definitely uses their fingers, and so do many mouse clickers (I don't generally move my wrist when I move my mouse).


keybinders may need to reposition their hands, which uses wrist.


so pretending that one way is purely fingers and the other is purely wrist is incorrect.


A keybinder fighting or healing compared to a clicker will be slower and not do as well.
No, the GCD is long enough so that slower is a non issue, even if they are indeed slower (and for a good clicker: they really are not any slower)
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Out of curiosity, do you have an actual source for this claim?



not true. A trackball clicker definitely uses their fingers, and so do many mouse clickers (I don't generally move my wrist when I move my mouse).


keybinders may need to reposition their hands, which uses wrist.


so pretending that one way is purely fingers and the other is purely wrist is incorrect.


No, the GCD is long enough so that slower is a non issue, even if they are indeed slower (and for a good clicker: they really are not any slower)


Trackball for the win!!!


Actually, a person with a G13 wins everything! In nationwide tests 9 out of 10 people surveyed agreed, a G13 makes your teeth whiter. Woot! :)

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I have to lol at keybinders pretending they have "skill" just because they can exploit an engine flaw.


No collision detection in a pvp game is very big fail.




You think keybinding is an exploit of a flaw in engine design? You want to run in to people in the game?

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