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BW, you absolutely must roll back the zero credits for WZs nerf


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Have any of you knuckle heads even considered the possibility of it just being bugged or they got their values wrong in the code? Obviously getting zero credits was not their intention as well as I doubt getting over half a bar of xp was not intentional either. So take a chill pill.


and to be fair, any change lowering the amount of credit we are getting when you are getting max of 5k credits per 15 mins to begin with seems a bit strange and over the top anyways.

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So.. BW... What happened to peoploe can play they game how they want? What happened to leveling through PvP? Guess I can no longer do that since I wil make almost no money to afford my skills much less anything else.
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is this for real ?? what's the idea? to force people to do the boring dailys ???? I even thought 5000 cc was too little, compared to what you could win doing pve, even nerf it more ??? you know good pvp'ers need to wast a lot of money to optimize their equip, trees, etc ! pve only needs to pay repairs ! -.-
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I vote No... Plz BW do not force people to experience content they have no desire to. I am sure a lot of people play this game exclusively for PVP or PVE. Those players should not be FORCED to participate in a part of the game they dont enjoy much. FAILURE!!.


No ones asking to get rich.. just enought to train while leveling or craft when at max level.

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awwww, you mean you gotta go out and play the main game that they worked so hard on, thats a shame.


Playing a game tends to be what the player feels like doing in the game. If they don't like the things to do in game then they tend not to play it. So in other words if people aren't enjoying the "main" portion of this game, but still play some parts of it, logically you would think they would adjust the main portion of the game, not destroy the aspects that players already enjoy.

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What the hell.


I use the credits given by the warzones to buy med packs (that I use during the warzone since the PvP heal stim has a longer cooldown than regular med packs so they get used too - 1500 credits each and I use 1-3 per match) and prototype str/power stims that persist through death. I use maybe 1 a day before starting warzones and they're 15-20k on the GTN.


My net credit gain through warzones is basically zero. I use just as much as I earn.


Now you're messing that up, and why?

Edited by EternalFinality
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*** is this????


The "rebalance" for WZ credits earned will be none?


Who the heck came up with that one?

I spend waaay to much time on these forums and I cannot not recall ONCE seeing a thread from some QQ'r saying "BW I make way to much money in WZs please nerf".


I love pvp (its got its issues but thats another thread) but I suck at it, kinda... I can spend 60k a day on medpacs and the WZs are currently my only source of endgame income for the most part.


I guess I could use the pvp packs but those cost comms and I save my comms for gear...


I'm not poppin medpacks like tictacs or anything but I use about 3 or so per WZ, times that by maybe 20 WZs a day at 1500 creds a piece....I need money!

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5k credits for a win is nothing compared to what you get for PvE content, why is it being reduced? I don't have the time to grind dailies so I can pay for HM and Ops repairs. One of the things I liked the most about this game was that you actually got some credits for PvP warzones and quests.


I don't see the sense in this change. If I can't afford to craft or repair without changing my playstyle, then I won't sub for another month. I'll wait to see how it is on live before making decisions though.

Edited by Noollig
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Playing a game tends to be what the player feels like doing in the game. If they don't like the things to do in game then they tend not to play it. So in other words if people aren't enjoying the "main" portion of this game, but still play some parts of it, logically you would think they would adjust the main portion of the game, not destroy the aspects that players already enjoy.


Well said

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I have to say if this change is actually going through and not a bug, I will simply quit. I already average about 3 hours a pvp a day not because I want to, but because that is how long it takes to complete my damn dailies. Naturally I much prefer PvP so I do prioritize the dailies over say PvE dailies, I'd honestly prefer to do both if possible.. Again though, PvP can be extremely time consuming.


When I read the "re-balancing" I assumed we were getting MORE credits since you can get 250k in less than 3 hours doing dailies versus getting about 60-70k pvping for 3 hours. I just don't get some of these decisions. Nothing about leveling through pvp or 50 pvp credit earnings was game breaking or even close to it.

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I guess it depends on how much you play as you level, but there are dailies in that equation as well. I wouldn't know for sure because I don't level solely through PVP so I'm out of my element but I do know that there was a discussion about how leveling only through pvp may have been too fast. Apparently BW agrees. If you're getting half XP and Half credits then the credit to XP ratio is still 1:1 and so the amount of gold you make per level wouldn't change. It would merely take longer. (This would mean that you WOULD in fact have enough money to train, assuming you have enough money to train currently)


Leveling only through PvP is, in fact, significantly slower than questing. With the proposed increases in experience gains and decreases in credits earned through warzones, the idea that people will not have enough money to train skills, let alone purchase the new gear available for credits, becomes a very legitimate concern.

Edited by Lord_Infernus
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Given the time available to play, the decrease in warzone credits, requirements to buy new armor and weapons, and the necessity for PvE gear for non-PvP encounters, this game is beginning to look like a huge time sink that I cannot afford. However, I will wait and see. Edited by Bamajawn
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What is really the point of this change? Honestly... is BW trying to enforce PVE? This makes no sense. Let people use the software product the way they want. Is BW trying to prevent strict PVPers from getting rich? Why? PVP gear is bought with tokens, not cash.


The question I'm getting at is... there must be a reason this is being entertained... what is the real thinking? Say people DO get rich from PVP.... why do we care?

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This is literally gamebreaking. It cannot go live. It is just an awful, awful change no matter how you look at it.


For 1-49 PVP:


This change literally means that any time you spend in PVP from 1-49 gimps your character if you don't have a level 50 alt to funnel you credits. With all the changes you will get 10 levels in the time it takes to get a single piece of PVP gear, and you will get zero credits. You wll not be able to pay for skill training and you will be constantly using gear that is 10+ levels out of date. Every time you level you will get worse because of the way bolster works.


For level 50 PVP:


You are forcing anyone who wants to craft into PVE. You cannot afford to send your characters out on crafting missions while you PVP if you get no credits from PVP.


It is just a mind bogglingly stupid change. If you want to LOWER credit gain - particularly at level 50 - that's ok (within reason). But you can't ELIMINATE it.


Nobody is asking to get rich from PVPing. The current rate at 50 may be higher than it needs to be.


But we need enough credit gain from PVP to pay for skill training leveling up, and we need enough credit gain at 50 to pay for sending out companions.


Stopped right there, because that pretty much sums it up. I agree with your entire post though.

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Or just que for PvP from an area with dailies and do PvE dailies while waiting for your que to pop? I honestly doubt they are going to give near-zero credits for PvP


Yes, that will really reduce the number of times you have to load a huge planet, good plan.

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