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Patch 1.2 sprint


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It is exactly the same advantage type as a speeder


no real difference


they should leave it at 14, I will even buy 10th level


But for 1st it should be a legacy unlock, don’t just hand out stuff at first level that we play to achieve skills like sprint.


( on the positive side I like just about everything else I have read about 1.2 )

Edited by Dayln
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I think it should not be changed as well. The starting zones, and even the core worlds are designed differently than the later zones where you need it.



It's not game breaking that you get it earlier. Now if they were giving mounts out earlier I can see it being a problem.

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I don't understand why you just wouldn't up the base walk speed. Everyone just leaves sprint on anyways... I suppose maybe a balance for PvP or combat in general. But if everyone goes 10% faster then no one does...... ;)


This question has come up a few times, and the most likely answers are


a) because they want to keep the speed slower in combat. While it may not seem like a big deal, it may a big difference in certain encounters and boss fights.


b) Various other abilities and vehciles are based off a percentage of your normal run/walk speed: changing the base run speed may affect those abilities as well.


c) Some datacrons may be easier to get without sprint turned off.


Ultimately it's a basic rule of software development - if you have two options that provide the same results, go with the option that has the least downstream effects elsewhere.

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This is only true for the 10-16 zones, though. The 1-10 zones are fairly compact.


Making it a level 10 ability would make more sense. You don't really feel the need for Sprint until you're making those long walks through Kaas City anyway.


I agree with this. Having it at level 1 is silly IMO and is like a slap in the face to those who had to level until 14 to get it. However.. if it was a legacy unlock then this would make sense. The ones who have played long enough to have the legacy unlock would deserve a nice perk.

Edited by Valkirus
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I agree with this. Having it at level 1 is silly IMO and is like a slap in the face to those who had to level until 14 to get it. However.. if it was a legacy unlock then this would make sense. The ones who have played long enough to have the legacy unlock would deserve a nice perk.


I’m not all that worried about the "slap in the face"


it isn’t that, if that bothered me then I would be complain about the lower of the cost for speeder licenses.


It is that when playing a new character there are "big moments" that you look forward to.


There is one around 10th ( light saber for light saber users for example ), another at 14th, another at the end of the second planet ( ship ), and one at 25th


I wish they would not take away the one at 14th by handing it out at 1st

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I’m not all that worried about the "slap in the face"


it isn’t that, if that bothered me then I would be complain about the lower of the cost for speeder licenses.


It is that when playing a new character there are "big moments" that you look forward to.


There is one around 10th ( light saber for light saber users for example ), another at 14th, another at the end of the second planet ( ship ), and one at 25th


I wish they would not take away the one at 14th by handing it out at 1st


but the abilty to RUN should not be one of those...

if every living being can only do about three things, one of those is running.

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but the abilty to RUN should not be one of those...

if every living being can only do about three things, one of those is running.


Then call it something else if the word "sprint" bothers you, because you can already run ( and turn it off and walk ) at 1st level now.

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Then call it something else if the word "sprint" bothers you, because you can already run ( and turn it off and walk ) at 1st level now.


no, no...

the only current options available before lvl 14 are a painfully slow walk and a leisurely JOG.

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The Sprint ability is now available at level 1.


( sigh )


Don’t do that... I like nearly everything about patch 1.2 but this


If older players want sprint earlier for their Alts then make it a legacy unlock so they can do so that way.


But don’t just hand out things that our characters look forward to like sprint.


Leave it at 14, something to achieve, not just a hand out like a piece of candy


You still have something to look forward to. Now instead of sprint it's the temporary speed boost.

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I also think Speeder skill should be available to purchase from your TRAINER at level 10 IMO (same prices)


New players wouldn't be able to afford it right off becuase of the 40k pricetag... but alts would.


Hate not having my speeder until 25. Once was enough.



Luke Skywalker had a speeder while he was a level 1 farmer. :(

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Wow.... just WOW :eek:


This reminds me of Game Testing when they said "We are going to increase the amount of XP from levels 1 - 10" and people went nuts saying "You're making the game easy mode..." Geez.. it's levels 1 - 10 it's not the end of the world.


I have been playing on the PTS and since I can't copy my character across, you have to start at level 1. Even though the starter planets aren't as big as some of the other ones, it makes the running back and forth back and forth so much more easy. It doesn't seem as tedious as it did before. And anything to make the game less tedious IMO is a GOOD thing.


And the only reason people were looking forward to lvl 14 was BECUASE they were tired of all the slow running. There are plenty of other abilities one can look forward to as well as new skill tree's for advanced classes and NEW abilities

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The Sprint ability is now available at level 1.


( sigh )


Don’t do that... I like nearly everything about patch 1.2 but this


If older players want sprint earlier for their Alts then make it a legacy unlock so they can do so that way.


But don’t just hand out things that our characters look forward to like sprint.


Leave it at 14, something to achieve, not just a hand out like a piece of candy


Oh, this troll post again...

Seeing a few of these around trying to brew up a flamefest.


Don't feed him folks.

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Oh, this troll post again...

Seeing a few of these around trying to brew up a flamefest.


Don't feed him folks.


I list a valid complaint, and one that every single person I know personally that plays the game ( talking several dozen ) agree 100% with


I am not threatening to quit, I am not demanding a change.


Just expressing my disappointment with this change


You need to grow up, it is ok for me to express disappointment with a change.


I have complained about very little else with this game as I consider it by far the best MMO on the market today


Not everyone that disagrees with your position is a troll

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I agree with this. Having it at level 1 is silly IMO and is like a slap in the face to those who had to level until 14 to get it. However.. if it was a legacy unlock then this would make sense. The ones who have played long enough to have the legacy unlock would deserve a nice perk.


Your slap in the face argument is silly. MMO's are constantly changing, you can't possibly tell me people who have already reached max level or are past 14 are gonna yell "What the hell man, I had to wait!" That's just a childish thing to throw a tantrum over something so petty.


People are impatient to say the least, some would die of boredom between those long walks 1 to 14. The level 1 Sprint would be a nice addition to new players. It would be a slap in the face for them to have to wait till 14 to obtain sprint, and till they finish Act 1 to unlock their legacy to give sprint to their alts. You already have a 50 I'm sure, so why have a grudge?

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lol, complain about this??? How about...if you want to wait until Lv14 to use sprint, THEN DONT USE IT UNTIL Lv14.


Let the rest of us sane individuals be.


The leveling process in this game is the dryest, worst experience I've ever had in an MMO. I don't need it to be any longer.

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Lol! People saying it's a slap in the face because newbie get sprint at level 1. Seriously? Grow the eff up! How does a lowbie getting sprint at such a low level directly affect you? It doesn't!

You're just complaining because you think people are getting something for free that you had to "work hard" for. But really, anyone can get to level 14 in just a few hours so it's really not that big of a deal.


I like the idea because now I can re-roll new characters and not have to groan going from speeder 3 ranking on my main toon to slow-walking on a new alt.

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I agree with this. Having it at level 1 is silly IMO and is like a slap in the face to those who had to level until 14 to get it. However.. if it was a legacy unlock then this would make sense. The ones who have played long enough to have the legacy unlock would deserve a nice perk.


So by this logic, BW should never make any changes, improvements, or fixes to the leveling process or any other part of the game. They should ignore feedback from players and testers on how to improve the game, because doing so is a SLAP IN THE FACE of everyone who had to live with it before the fix or change.


The game's only four months old. It's not like you've been spending years leveling up characters at slower speeds. Get over yourself. The only argument against this seems to be "I wasn't able to sprint, so nobody else should be able to", which is a pretty lame argument.

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Making sprint a legacy unlock doesn't make sense to me. You will have lvl 1s running around with sprint and others without. At level 10, Black Talon/Esseles will groups will be segregated by sprint. Legacy level 10s in WZs will have it, while others won't. None of these things are major. But once you go ahead and give it, there is no reason to "tier" it.


Frankly, I think the whole I idea of sprinting non-stop is silly anyway. How many times did you ever see Obi-wan sprint somewhere? What they should have done is "shrink" the world and scale a brisk "walk" mechanic accordingly, with "sprint" as cooldown ability. A lot of the "open world" is redundant anyway (since there really isn't any exploration). Then if people want faster travel, you use your speeder when you unlock it, or taxi.

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There is one around 10th ( light saber for light saber users for example ), another at 14th, another at the end of the second planet ( ship ), and one at 25th


I wish they would not take away the one at 14th by handing it out at 1st


Are you really comparing getting your class weapon, ship, and mount to being able to run slightly faster? The others are items that make you say "Yesss!!" - especially if you like the look of your weapon/ship/mount. The weapon and ship provide some class favor, and in many ways define the class. Running faster is just running faster.


Making the game easier, is not makeing it better.


It is too easy now


And being able to Sprint at level 1 does not make the game easier. It has no effect on combat. More time consuming <> harder. Faster <> easier. The 'meat' of the game: the combat, quests, etc. are not any harder or easier based on run speed, especially since you can't sprint in combat anyway.

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I am saying that it is something that all my young characters have looked forward to, something they wanted to achieve.


I do get it that you may want it earlier with your alts.... great... make it a legacy unlock


But I would rather them not take away the things we ( and when I say we, I am saying everyone in my guild and every single person I know that plays this game who all agree with me ) look forward to achieving.


I’m not saying it is a game breaker, I am not saying it ruins anything, I just wish they would not take this away and hand it out at 1st level

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