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p2p vs f2p


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All in all, I Prefer P2P. Microtransactions and Membership would wind up costing me more than the current $15 per-month. Besides, then we'd have too many complaints about how the Secondary Currency has better items than the membership, or when Free Players will get decent Quality items. The Community is crap as it is, I'd rather not give them any more to complain about.
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Would you play this game if it wasn't pay to play and it was free to play with a cash shop with microtransactions?


If the paid for stuff was purely cosmetic and the income from the microtransactions was enough to cover Bioware's costs, then yes.


If it's a case of pay to win, no.




But I prefer a subscription over microtransactions.

Edited by Jestunhi
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If it was along the LOTRO model...maybe. There you can "grind" your way into having "credits" to purchase things/expansions/items etc.


Aside from that, no, probably not.


Turbines other game D&D online is where they got that from. And as a long time player of it before it went F2P (nearly 5 years before the change over) the community quality went down drastically. There were more but smaller updates but the community went to ****.

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Probably not for long. It's more expensive to get the whole game experience with F2P.




FTP = Fail to Play for me. Did it once with WoT, realized pretty quick that cost of win/loss always seemed to be greater then the rewards of win/loss respectively...no thanks.

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Would you play this game if it wasn't pay to play and it was free to play with a cash shop with microtransactions?


Nope f2p a crappy games

full of hackers

none english speaking ppl..(most are brazilians etc etc)

most games are p2w

crap content/content once every 6months +


If swtor f2p i quit


p2p for the win

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LOTR online. F2P and a horrible interpretation of the brilliant books and films.


I hope to god a studio picks it up and makes a p2p one and makes it worth playing. I can dream can't i...


Lotro was P2P from April of 2007 until it switched to it's F2P/Premium model in September 2010. It's still roughly the same game, once you get past the rather invasive store implementation.


It honestly feels more like a P2P MMO with the option to not pay and still play if finances or your schedule make that the better option. Paying the monthly fee gets you so much stuff plus the monthly stipend of points that it's simply the best deal. If you can ignore how pervasive the store implementation is it's actually a solid and fun game - or was the last time I played it seriously, which ran from a couple months before Moria released until just after F2P launched. I still dabble in it, but I personally find it hard to get around their store implementation (which has become worse at this point).


Ironically, the best F2P system I've seen thus far comes from a Korean game (granted, one that is still in its infancy), the North American F2P version of Aion. You can buy some buff scrolls, some instance cooldown reset scrolls, a bunch of vanity skins, dyes, wings that are nice but have in-game equivalents, a few other items and a few pets - basically convenience and vanity items - but not one piece of actual content is locked behind any sort of subscription fee or additional purchase. That might work because the company still makes money off the Korean version, allowing for a more lax approach regarding the store, but it seems to have started well (even some EU players, who have a version run by Gameforge that is more like the hybrid Free or VIP of Lotro, are looking at switching to the NA version). No clue if such a restricted version of the micro-transaction store will remain true, but it's off to a good start, since most F2P fall squarely in the Pay to Win category, which is a direct influence on the overwhelmingly negative response most western MMO players have toward F2P.


Now, regarding SWTOR? While I have less issue with F2P than many (at least the systems seen in NA Aion, AoC Unchained, and Lotro - even with their annoying store), and believe it does have a place in the MMO industry, I don't know if the model would be all that popular with a game like this. With the story separated into planets and chapters, it could easily adopt the "quest zone packs" system that Lotro uses and follow suit with a similar hybrid model that allows for access to all via the traditional subscription price or the ability to purchase planets piece-meal. Keep the store as non-invasive as possible, and it could work - SHOULD subscription numbers fall to the point where such a system would be an increase in revenue. Unless that criteria is met, they are definitely better off sticking with the P2P model. The game either has to be created as F2P (or Buy to Play, as is the case with Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2) with the systems in place at launch and accepted by the intended audience, or the switch has to be the definitive better business move.


I'd definitely play SWTOR if it was F2P, IF the right F2P system was used.

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Being in the Army for 9 and a half years, I can some this debate up all in one word: Implementaion.


Any F2P model has to implemented properly. There are many F2P games that have implementated the model very well, and I do have fun playing STO (heck, the ships that you pay points for are really cosmetic upgrades, and the console "advantage" is minimal at best").


Truth be told, it comes down to trust. After the shortcomings of DA:2, Mass Effect 3, and SW:TOR (and comparing BioWare quality now and 5 years ago), does anyone really trust BioWare to successfully implement a F2P model?

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I have to agree with other about the implementation. There are good F2P models, and there are bad ones. And the model should never be P2W (pay to win). A bad F2P model (which is P2W in the end) is really bad bad...


Would I play SWTOR in a F2P model? Not sure, I'm cancelling my subscription because I'm bored with the game, not because of the money.


So it all comes down to the quality of the game. I played WoW and paid for it for 6 years, no problems. I also played EVE for 4 years, no issues either. So I have no problem with the subscription model, but the game better be good.

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I don't understand the problem with F2P. It seems like a downgrade, but it helped DDO survive, and LOTRO is thriving with the F2P/microtransaction system in place.


However, F2P is a move that is made for specific commercial reasons only when certain criteria in the subscription model aren't met and can't be met given what the company running the game sees each month.

Edited by Blistrich
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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't understand the problem with F2P. It seems like a downgrade, but it helped DDO survive, and LOTRO is thriving with the F2P/microtransaction system in place.


However, F2P is a move that is made for specific commercial reasons only when certain criteria in the subscription model aren't met and can't be met given what the company running the game sees each month.


I dont know if you can call having only 12 north american servers "thriving". Out of those 12 only 3 are active the rest are literally ghost towns. So ya I dont know Id call that thriving.

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I played DDO F2P. You don't want that, trust me.


I spent just shy of 5 years in game there before the F2P crap came into play. The WORST decision that Turbine ever made with the game. I used to love DDO too.


By god I hope Bioware sees the reception that even the idea of F2P is receiving here, that would be the sound of a resounding thud, and really pays attention to it. It would seem that they would lose a fair amount of players on this kind of a change and I would be one of them too.

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Nah i'd quite literally dropkick this game out of my second story apt. window if it were F2P. I've played on "F2P" game, and it just is disgusting that the amount of real money you use decides how "good" you are. Just another way for some overly rich Troll, can sit there and pwn you without the slightest bit of skill, just cause mommy and daddy give him a 500$ allowance every week.


Ruins the spirit of games, especially PvP games.



And 15 a month is seriously a pittance.

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I don't understand the problem with F2P. It seems like a downgrade, but it helped DDO survive, and LOTRO is thriving with the F2P/microtransaction system in place.


However, F2P is a move that is made for specific commercial reasons only when certain criteria in the subscription model aren't met and can't be met given what the company running the game sees each month.


DDO also lost a fair amount of its steady and long time loyal player base too. Myself is included in that. The motivation and direction of the development teams shifted gears from making good content that came out every 2 to 4 months to small snip-bits of content that barely amounted to a patch. They shifted from designing well thought out raids with huge zones that led up to them, Shavrath and my long time personal favorite the Vault of Night series come to mind (not to mention the stunningly beautiful visuals with VON6), I mean hell even though the raid was ungodly short even Gianthold's quest line was decently done compared to the complete and utter craptastic stuff (I won't even call it content) Turbine has put out over the last two years.


So F2P saved DDO, but at what cost?


Edit: Even though it wasn't high end content (well I suppose it was close to it at DDO's start back in early 06) my second favorite quest series in DDO was Deleras Tomb which was DM'd and voiced by none other then Gary Gygax who by the way I was fortunate enough to run into on the streets of Lake Geneva (and the Home Depot once) as I live just outside of there and it was his home of residence for many years till he passed on 08. Anyways even the Deleras Tomb quest line got marginalized by the F2P crap. ON another side note, Gary was one of the nicest guys I had ever met, a tad strange at first glance for most people but a genuinely nice guy.

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My problem with F2P is that it's in the Dev's interest to develop content that people don't want to play and then charge you to bypass it.


Seriously, consider any F2P out there and how they work. Put some ridiculous grind in the game and then charge you to reduce that grind.


Let's think about that in other businesses. Free to restaurants, they bring you disgusting food you don't want and you pay them so you don't have to eat it. Free to watch movies, you get lousy movies and you pay to get up and walk out.


Sorry, I would much rather pay for content I want than paying to avoid content. I can avoid content for free, simply not log in.

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Would you play this game if it wasn't pay to play and it was free to play with a cash shop with microtransactions?


There's no such thing as F2P because they are designed to get players to spend money at some point to advance their gameplay. Some are more obvious than others, but, ultimately, they are as much Pay to Play as sub based games are.

Edited by terminova
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Would you play this game if it wasn't pay to play and it was free to play with a cash shop with microtransactions?


No, if this game ever goes F2P I'm out of here; F2P kills the game no matter what.


R.I.P. LotRO and DCUO

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I think everyone knows buy to play and free to play don't really mean...free. It's like saying



with purchase of large fry and large drink and desert.

Edited by Sarfux
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