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p2p vs f2p


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LOTR online. F2P and a horrible interpretation of the brilliant books and films.


I hope to god a studio picks it up and makes a p2p one and makes it worth playing. I can dream can't i...


This is mainly what puts me off f2p.


Many people say this should be f2p, but hell if it was we wouldn't have patch 1.2 etc and hell given all the noobs and trolling 50 year olds with no lives who think they know the ins and outs of a gaming studio, bioware has done a bloody good job so far and i have high hopes for what they bring to the table in the future.

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I would be happy if SWTOR would become f2p (at least if they do it reasonable and don't turn it into a pay to win game), because then more of my friends would play (players are also content!) while currently many have already stopped playing, since the game is not worth the 15 bucks a month in their eyes.
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I would not continue to play SW:TOR if it used any transaction model other than the current one. F2P games aren't free, almost always cost more than P2P games, and generally give advantages to the players who happen to have the most real-world money. **** that.
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Would you play this game if it wasn't pay to play and it was free to play with a cash shop with microtransactions?


Stop drinking skooma and post on forums. Skooma+forums = bad

Edited by Phenyr
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You know, I don't really have a problem with F2P games. If done properly, they can be quite entertaining and those "Pay to Win" elements don't exist. Again, that's only if it's done properly. For me, though, at the end of the day paying zero dollars and zero cents to play a game is always a plus.


However, you do get what you pay for and a P2P game will be vastly superior to a F2P game. It's a trade off, really. You can play for free, but with less quality (accompanied by things like excessive "gold spammers" and things of that nature) or you can go P2P for much better quality overall.


Personally, I prefer the latter.

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The F2P model is ridiculous. They bait you with the promises of, "free game time! Endless gaming! Client is for free! $15 a month? fuhgeddaboudit!"


Next thing you know, you're getting beat on by some dude with gear from their micro transactions shop. You're getting hit by his $15 dollar sword, stomped on with his $10 boots, slapping you like a monkey with his $5 gloves, rubbing your face in his $15 leg plates and SAYING IT WITH HIS $20 CHEST!


Worst part is that your friend is leveling up faster than you because he payed for a premium service that boosts his xp by 200%.


Sure you can just NOT spend a dime, however, you're human, we feast on competition even if it is a game. You're gonna get tired of getting beat on in pvp, you'll buy gear and rejoice! And then you buy more... and more... and more! It's like my mom in IKEA, you just won't stop lol.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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Free to play is heroically applauded by children.

That's an argument only children use...


I played DDO F2P. You don't want that, trust me.

What's wrong with DDO? I still think it has some of the best quests I have ever seen in an MMO, sure it is all instanced, but most quests are so much more than just kill mobs. All my money I put into that game was well invested (only 50 Euro, but I got entertaining for quite some time).


Reasonable f2p is the future, sure some f2p games have done horrible mistakes in the past, but that doesn't mean that the basic idea has to be bad.

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That's an argument only children use...



What's wrong with DDO? I still think it has some of the best quests I have ever seen in an MMO, sure it is all instanced, but most quests are so much more than just kill mobs. All my money I put into that game was well invested (only 50 Euro, but I got entertaining for quite some time).


Reasonable f2p is the future, sure some f2p games have done horrible mistakes in the past, but that doesn't mean that the basic idea has to be bad.


DDO was fine, other than the very bland combat. My issue with it was that the quests, a lot of them anyway, were from the store. Having non-consequential things come from the store, like cosmetic junk, is fine, but having to deal with the store for content is tipping it too far for me and most other people.

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Would you play this game if it wasn't pay to play and it was free to play with a cash shop with microtransactions?


Probably not. I've tried F2P games and hated them. Almost very game I've experienced that was F2P has had normal game content creep into a pay basis, making microtransactions an necessity not an option. And new content designed to influence microtransations.



These companies are for profit and greed wins out over what is best for the player.

Edited by Deyjarl
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DDO was fine, other than the very bland combat. My issue with it was that the quests, a lot of them anyway, were from the store. Having non-consequential things come from the store, like cosmetic junk, is fine, but having to deal with the store for content is tipping it too far for me and most other people.

Sure, it's not perfect, but to buy some adventure packs is still much cheaper than to pay a monthly sub, because you get it permanently. And since you get the basic game for free it is like buying a box for any other game to get content, so I fail to see how this is any worse than to buy the box for a game and have then to pay 15 bucks on top of that each month. And it is even possible to get those adavanture packs for free... but you have to grind Cryptic Points for that.

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