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Should I roll this class? Pending 1.2


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I'm trying to decide between gunslinger and DPS commando (not a fan of healing). I see a lot of QQing on this forum, but then again all the forums look like this post-1.2 notes.


My question for DPS mandos: ARE YOU HAVING FUN?


How is the gameplay? How is the damage? How is the complexity and flow of rotation? How rewarding is a kill? How's survivability/utility?


I'm coming from playing a mara (I know, glowstick noob) but I love the complexity of the rotation and level of processing that goes into the class. And it's extremely rewarding as the difficulty quickly separates the baddies from the okay maras.


Anyways, I'm coming to these forums for some Ranged DPS advice: you guys or gunslingers?

Edited by trevah
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My question for DPS mandos: ARE YOU HAVING FUN?

It's gonna sit on the shelf. This is not what we were told we were getting. But then it appears non glowstickers are second rate citizens here, and third rate if they are also republic.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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nothing is more satisfying than laying down a mortar volley and killing 10 weak targets before they even get a chance to get up, or throwing a sticky grenade at someone at the beginning of a fight while he panics and then falls to the ground once it explodes while you full auto the guy next to him into oblivion.


in WZs, being able to build gravity vortexes on someone, then burst them down with demo round and high impact bolt makes you feel pretty powerful. and few things are more satisfying than getting a killing blow with stockstrike.


assault is loads of fun with DOTs, but i'm still trying to figure out a way for it to be better than gunnery.



the nerfs to commando are minimal for DPS: a 10% reduction to two staple skills, gunnery survivability and utility, but the a boost to the high end gunnery burst DPS could make up for it.

the major nerfs to commando are all in the healing, so if you don't heal, commando could still be a fun and worthwhile class post 1.2




all of that said, i'm really loving my gunslinger as well (i like saboteur with a dash of dirty fighting). lots of bleeds and explosions. my kind of fun.

Edited by oaceen
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nothing is more satisfying than laying down a mortar volley and killing 10 weak targets before they even get a chance to get up, or throwing a sticky grenade at someone at the beginning of a fight while he panics and then falls to the ground once it explodes while you full auto the guy next to him into oblivion.


in WZs, being able to build gravity vortexes on someone, then burst them down with demo round and high impact bolt makes you feel pretty powerful. and few things are more satisfying than getting a killing blow with stockstrike.


assault is loads of fun with DOTs, but i'm still trying to figure out a way for it to be better than gunnery.



the nerfs to commando are minimal for DPS: a 10% reduction to two staple skills, gunnery survivability and utility, but the a boost to the high end gunnery burst DPS could make up for it.

the major nerfs to commando are all in the healing, so if you don't heal, commando could still be a fun and worthwhile class post 1.2




all of that said, i'm really loving my gunslinger as well (i like saboteur with a dash of dirty fighting). lots of bleeds and explosions. my kind of fun.


Thanks man. I was actually looking at MM for gunslinger as I love me my burst.


Any other input?

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The nerfs to DD commandos arent as harsh actually, so you would go wrong with them. Are you going to do mostly PVE or PVP? Because having talked to the good gunslingers on my server theyre pretty much unhappy with their current state in PVP so i wouldnt really recommed rolling one for WZs. Their damage is high, but too easy to shut down. But so is the gunnery commando :) Your call! Commandos got some handy knockbacks as opposed to the gunslinger and even assault is doing okay in PVP. If i were you, id pick the commando
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Gunnery commando is fun enough for me AND easy enough. I'd pick commando as a nobrainer.

^ coming from someone who's playing both gunnery commando (war hero) and sentinel (only lvl33 atm, still doing quite good with all these frakload of abilities)

Edited by Paralassa
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My opinion of the class:


Gunnery is powerful but boring.


Assault is fun but weak, you basically gotta run for your life in WZ. Now I love kiting classes from other games, but my Assault Commando drops way to fast to any other class. I cant go toe to toe with anyone it seems, I will have to ALWAYS use terrain, kiting, LOS, range to win a fight because the dmg is slow but steady. Also it seems you run out of Ammo very quick with Assault. If I were a developer I would make Assault have more stuns, and/or more escapes and definitely something to keep ammo up. At this point the only reason to play Assualt is cause you like the playstyle, but is dying in wz fun? lol.


Medic is a solid healer and I have enjoyed the survivablty. But I must say I feel way more powerful on my sage healer than on medic. Sage can run away when they need to, medic has to stand there and get beat down.

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nothing is more satisfying than laying down a mortar volley and killing 10 weak targets before they even get a chance to get up...


where are you finding 10 targets all standing w/in radious of mortar volley? I would say 3 is more like it, maybe 4 at most. I agree mortar volley is cool against weak targets, but that's about it. it's not really viable in a pvp setting, and doesn't do much against stronger targets.

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where are you finding 10 targets all standing w/in radious of mortar volley? I would say 3 is more like it, maybe 4 at most. I agree mortar volley is cool against weak targets, but that's about it. it's not really viable in a pvp setting, and doesn't do much against stronger targets.


i think you're looking way too much into this.

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Tbh this is the most simple and boring class Ive played in any MMO (and Ive played alot of them).


With the nerf with 1.2 this class really has nothing going for it, so I would definitely not roll one if I really wanted to start a new class in this farse of a game.

Edited by Niconogood
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i think you're looking way too much into this.


No, I think you are just exaggerating way too much. I don't want the OP to be mislead is all.


Also, don't think you are going to just roll into pvp and mop the floor w/ demo and grav round.

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I don't want the OP to be mislead is all.

maybe you could have posted your concerns to the OP from the beginning instead of directing everything to me?

just a thought.


Maaaan, so what class should I roll if I want viable ranged DPS? That isn't blahblahsorc


if you're worried about the nerfs to commando ranged dps, i wouldn't. the major nerfs to commandos are entirely tied to healing (as i said earlier).


in my first post, i just said things that i loved about commando, i didn't necessarily mean you can faceroll everything in the game. you can't. and no one class should be able to.


really you should play what looks fun to you. if you're looking for the best of any particular class, it's likely going to change at some point with new patches/updates/nerfs/buffs/etc. as the game progresses, so you should stick with something you love.



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This is my first MMO, but I love my Commando. Right now it's at lvl 50, about 16700 HP, valor at 63.


Really love the WZs -- especially the way that AoE of Concussive Charge is able to sweep casting Imps away from a door or turret. Also love teaming with another commando and killing 1, 2, 3 imps and then noticing that everything got quiet as the guys in front plant a bomb on the door.


Worst thing: getting chain CC'd and killed before getting a lick in. Doesn't happen all that often, but is a real drag when it does.

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Bro go gunslinger, its fairly complex and more so than an annihlation mara, I was a mara and I found it easy dont know what the big fuss was about. The gs requires planning and energy management is pretty strenuous but he dmg output is good now and its getting buffed in 1.2 and they're getting a healing debuff and fixing cover, go gunslinger over commando, case closed roll one now.
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My opinion.


If you want the more complex rotation then you will want to go for the Assault spec tree. You will hear people moan that it has no DPS this is simply not true. Most likely they aren't using it to the fullest of it capabilities. Meaning if they are treating it like the "Gunnery" tree then yes it doesn't have a spam ability you have to work with the skills and cooldowns. I've been able to consistently hit near the 300K mark and sometimes over with it. Easily dropping me in the top 5 damage dealers. Sometimes top depends on the match and this is in the 50's WZ's.


The "nerf" as they call it will hardly affect my playstyle since I don't for the most part rely on any of the turret skills available to the commando. In certain situations I'll drop a few but not enough that the nerf would make any difference to me. The rotation isn't as complex as the Maras but few are. You need to be an accomplished pianist :)


I love my Mando. I have a tonne of fun with it. I've taken out every Imp class solo nad even a few times come out on top in some 2 vs 1's. In open world you'll be successful in even larger lopsided matches.


So all in all if your looking for some fun roll a mando assault tree.

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Reserved power cell => Plasma Grenade => Molded Plastique => Incendary Round => High Impact Bolt => Explosive Round. After this I may use a Full Auto depending if I've caught the attention of the person I'm attacking. As well opening with the plasma grenade can be dangerous if a mara or other melee class is bearing down on you, since it's channeled. So use it depending on the situation. If he is though start with a cryo grenade he'll have to use his resolve if he doesn't want to get hit by it.


After that get moving and use hammer shot to build a bit of ammo back. If your on the move rely on your instants. The CD's on Plastique and HIB aren't really that bad and you will notice that they are usually ready when you need them, HIB being the longest. One rule: Always be firing with hammer shot if skills are on CD if your not your not applying any damage. And manage your ammo of course.


As well with the DOT dependency of this tree, even if you lose a fight many times the other guy won't get to go far before he dies, especially if you get a MP on him just before you die. Nothing more gratifying if you lose than watching him run away only to explode a few seconds later.


For Dmg;


Plasma Grenade will do between 950 - 1200

Plastique will do between 1900 - 2700 (seen higher)

Incendary Round around 950

HIB will do about 1500 -3000 (seen higher) As well your HIB will hit them about the same time as the Plastique goes off fo a nice chunk of health.

Explosive Round for about 950 - 1250


Total opener dmg Low end: 6250 without factoring ticks witch usually go for between 400 - 650

Total opener High End: 9100 same without factoring ticks.


This of course is just the high and low numbers I see pop up in the matches I've been in. Of course depening on their defense you may do more you may do less

Edited by Brandoe
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i was doing IR > AP > HIB > HS > HS > HS > HS > HS until everything came off CD


i only use plasma grenade with reserver powercell, but only when there's several targets in a close area.


i still use FA because it's a nice attack for dmg vs ammo cost, but it pretty much never procced ion accelerator. i never even bothered with charged bolts. i felt hammer shot was more worth it since it had so many chances to proc plasma cell




i'll keep trying and see how it goes. i really like the idea of assault, but end up having a lot more success with gunnery.

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Chuck in Explosive round. It has the same ammo cost as IR especially after your opener since the target will most assuredly be on fire. don't discount 1K instant damage from your rotation. I've also mapped reload to my "R" key kinda like an FPS LOL.
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