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PUG healers how do you handle the abuse?


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I want to roll a healer because I want to get in a group quickly. My tank hasn't gotten a HM FP group in about a month in the Mind Trick server so I want to reroll Sith healer. Only problem is, I don't like people saying to me "OMG you su*k!" or ppl dropping group because of me or people constantly spamming "heal heal heal" etc. because this will make me literally cry.


How do you guys do it in PUGs? :confused:

Edited by xioix
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There are a couple of options open to you.


1/ Find a Friendly Tank. Build a good relationship, only group with said Tank


2/ Run the group from start to finish, Outline what is and is not possible for you to heal through, explain that you won't heal through stupid. Mark all targets, explain kill order etc.


3/ Group with a Healing DPS to cover you if you aren't good enough to Solo heal what you are trying to do.



Most of all, Don't take it so seriously. It's a game. If it is not fun for you. don't do it.


I've had my fair share of pugs.


First Pug. we wipe for some reason, every laughs, we run back, kill dude, get phat lewt, everyone is happy.


Second Pug, we wipe for some reason, Blame gets thrown at everyone, It starts to get abusive, game stops being fun. I thank the group for their time, and go and do something else.


The best thing you can do is find a solid group of like minded people who play the game they way you like to play, Form a Guild, and run with them. Expecting anything close to sanity from a PUG is plain madness. Just relax and let the chaos that is healing pugs flow over you :).

Edited by RomerioLopez
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There are a couple of options open to you.


1/ Find a Friendly Tank. Build a good relationship, only group with said Tank



This times 1000 if you don't have a thick skin. Seriously, once they say something negative towards you and the tank responds positivly about you. It will likely end right there. As silly as it may sound, no one back talks a tank in pugs....unless they want to wait another 45 min for another pug tank.

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This times 1000 if you don't have a thick skin. Seriously, once they say something negative towards you and the tank responds positivly about you. It will likely end right there. As silly as it may sound, no one back talks a tank in pugs....unless they want to wait another 45 min for another pug tank.


It's strange that the Tanks always end up with the respect. and the Healers always take a back seat.


I think it is just a perception thing. The DPS can see the tank standing up there whacking things, so the blame tends to shift to the Healers.


But I agree, a Pug Healer has to have the Thickest skin of anyone. If being abused by random internet strangers brings you to tears, Perhaps healing pugs is not for you.

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ive been a pug healer in the mask of nihlus server and never had a problem with any negativity all the groups ive been in sometimes were bad but we never badmouthed or anything but the majority have been good and easy maybe just give it a try and do your best and dont worry too much xD
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to not have a bombardment of negative feedback you have to have a voice yourself. dont argue with your group before pulls ask them how the pull is going to work should you cc, watch certain mobs damage output, mechanics of a boss fight etc. find everything you can about a fight if you know the fight already voice what you know a lot of people will say they know the fight then stand in fire. give yourself the edge to healing and not wiping by simply speaking up. if you wipe ignore the yelling and complaining and pick urself up and try again. if the backlash from a wipe is to heavy add the players with the bad attitudes to your ignore list drop group and find another. but the most important rule to pugging imo is have a good attitude yourself when you wipe start the convo before the others by laughing it off ive found many will follow you and ignore the bad apples. your tank will be your best friend in most cases if you sense a bad attitude from the tank dont bother cause he will either hold the dps back from complaining after a wipe if hes good or he will lead the rebellion/ healer head hunt
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I pug in all the time in vrook Lamar


I get in the group - heal - say thanks for group and leave


Usually the worst groups you'll ever get is black talon groups. Fresh 50's think they can handle it


Just make sure you are well geared before you go and if you wipe here's how you tell who's fault it is (boss battles)


Tanks fault - Boss keeps attacking dps and heals causing a wipe or doesn't use defensive cool downs which shows when a tank dies in 8 seconds


DPS fault - boss enrages or they get one shot (don't interupt)


Heals fault - tanks hp slowly and surely declines till death or a dps is being killed by adds and receives no heals or simply not enough of them


From personal xp don't ever blame a tank because it's never there fault. No seriously it isn't, they know what there doing and they are doing it right. When they randomly cause a wipe tanks instantly post so sorry for the wipe. Healers are the same exact way, if you ever think your the reason your group wiped apologize - it does wonders. Dps... They blame everyone else. Some will even ask you why you didn't heal through a boss enraging 0.o - I've done that a few times though on bt - when Padawan enrages if tank can keep her on him and burn all cool downs you can keep them up


Players are friendly in this game and if you let them wipe they'll be ok with it and help you out. But if you let them wipe more than 3 times it's going to get ugly


I'm full a full columni healer so it's usually me teaching other players what to do lok

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This times 1000 if you don't have a thick skin. Seriously, once they say something negative towards you and the tank responds positivly about you. It will likely end right there. As silly as it may sound, no one back talks a tank in pugs....unless they want to wait another 45 min for another pug tank.


This too - I have my Frinds in PvP and in PvE with a solid number of tanks on my server. I never wait for a tank in pugs because someone is always happy to go with me. Tanks are honestly the best guys out there. If you keep them alive they'll be your friend and back you up all the time. Seriously go que for PvP - follow a random tank and heal him the whole match - I guarantee he'll send you a whisper thanking you and then you are well on your way of becoming Frieds

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There are a couple of options open to you.


1/ Find a Friendly Tank. Build a good relationship, only group with said Tank


2/ Run the group from start to finish, Outline what is and is not possible for you to heal through, explain that you won't heal through stupid. Mark all targets, explain kill order etc.


3/ Group with a Healing DPS to cover you if you aren't good enough to Solo heal what you are trying to do.



Most of all, Don't take it so seriously. It's a game. If it is not fun for you. don't do it.


I've had my fair share of pugs.


First Pug. we wipe for some reason, every laughs, we run back, kill dude, get phat lewt, everyone is happy.


Second Pug, we wipe for some reason, Blame gets thrown at everyone, It starts to get abusive, game stops being fun. I thank the group for their time, and go and do something else.


The best thing you can do is find a solid group of like minded people who play the game they way you like to play, Form a Guild, and run with them. Expecting anything close to sanity from a PUG is plain madness. Just relax and let the chaos that is healing pugs flow over you :).


/signed. As a healer, the best thing you can do is find a tank to pal around with. It should also be noted that the more you run with a tank, the more you can guess what they're going to do in any given situation so you know what heals to use when.


Also, it's a good thing to get in the know of the fps and what fights come up. 1) so you can explain the fight to everyone, and 2) so you can mentally prepare yourself for what level intensity you're going to need to get through any 'difficult' bosses. I say the first, because if you're the knowledgable person in the PUG, you can tell people what NOT to do before the fight. So, if a dps stays in a red circle and gets fried, you have a decent defense of saying "hey- those red circles. remember to avoid them next time cause I can't heal through them" or something like that.


I'm not saying you need to prepare a court case or anything, but once in a while you get pugs that assume that tanking 1 add while the group has to deal with the other 7 in which you have to heal your op/fp through it is totally fine and if you can't heal through it, you're a "garbage healer". That's never fun for anyone. So just know your fights, make sure they're explained, and if they get mean on you, you can explain what happened objectively.


No PUG is perfect, and i try and make a practice of never pugging an op because you really need some cohesiveness and coordination of either 8 or 16 like minded people to really get an op done well. In my experience, the best chance of finding that is in a guild. But, as far as FPs go, you'll get a great PUG and you'll get crappy ones. Just the luck of the draw.


But as they said- don't take it too seriously and just do your job. I assure you if you can keep your group up, they'll keep you around. And before you know it, that PUG you ran with will actually become a party of friends that get together to have a good time in the flashpoints- and you'll be an integral part of that team.

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This too - I have my Frinds in PvP and in PvE with a solid number of tanks on my server. I never wait for a tank in pugs because someone is always happy to go with me. Tanks are honestly the best guys out there. If you keep them alive they'll be your friend and back you up all the time. Seriously go que for PvP - follow a random tank and heal him the whole match - I guarantee he'll send you a whisper thanking you and then you are well on your way of becoming Frieds


This is funny because for me it's absolutely true. As a PvP tank if I get a solid healer on me I always will thank them in /ops at the end or at the very least give them a MVP vote. Good healers make great friends for a tank.. so the feeling is mutual.

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Make sure you let them know what you can and cannot do. It took a while for my tank to understand that I only have one mobile heal, so it's not easy for me to chase/heal him in huttball. (Sage)


Every time someone has given me crap, random tanks and DPSers have always stood up for me. Do your job and others will have your back:)

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It's really simple.. If people you are PUGing with are being jerks- QUIT playing with them.


If they have to find a new healer midway through a FP a few times- they won't act like that anymore. If they're being really obnoxious jerks- take them to very middle of the FP and then drop them. How many time have you seen, "need healer for last boss of ____" - yeah... never join that group.


Same thing goes for WZ - you're a healer - not a proctologist.


D-bag behavior is the reason why healers are often very hard for a PUG to find. Because it takes all the fun out of playing the healer.


BTW- 2 healers a dps and a tank can beat the enrage timers in HM's just fine. In fact it is stupid easy. And it's a blast for the healers, who get the throw out some dps for a change.

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Don't PUG...avoid the a**hats that you might have to group with.


Disagree. Healing random pugs is on of the most entertaining things you can do in an MMO.


It's easy to heal a static guild group when everyone knows which order to kill each group of mobs, and which order to kill individual mobs within each group.


Its much more fun when the Tank Pulls a group AND the sentinel you are with pulls a different group, and someone else is knocked back into a third group, And you are running around madly trying to keep everyone alive.


Not all pugs are bad, and not all bad pugs are abusive. But all abusive pugs are bad :).


If a pug is geared enough but wiping, its normally easy to see why, just use some CC or smarter tactics


If at any stage anyone in the group abuses you in any way that you take seriously (even if they claim it was meant as a joke), then either kick them, or leave group. I can't stress this enough. It is a game, It's meant to be fun.


Also, If the wipe/death was your fault. Accept responsibility. I've zoned out and just slipped into my solo DPS rotation a couple of times, resulting in deaths of team mates. A quick "My Bad, Zoned out... Perhaps I should just heal from now on" and we move on.

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I have been healing with quite a few PUGs.


1) make sure the team only moves as fast as you can keep up. This usually depends on the gear level of the team members. Weaker gear = lower stats = harder time. I'd also note given how many folks want to Fast Run, there is a tendency to jump from one engagement to the next without everyone being fully healed/recharged. Nip that in the bud as quickly as you can.


2) make sure you don't have non-tanks acting like tanks and causing you to have to heal more than necessary.


3) be prepared to withdraw if you end up with a group that will simply not listen or will not behave in a manner to support success.


I agree running with PUGs can be fun and rewarding. It's also good for the game.


It's a shame if patch 1.2 goes thru as coded, we may have fewer healers or less effective healers in the game.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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I have been healing with quite a few PUGs.


1) make sure the team only moves as fast as you can keep up. This usually depends on the gear level of the team members. Weaker gear = lower stats = harder time. I'd also note given how many folks want to Fast Run, there is a tendency to jump from one engagement to the next without everyone being fully healed/recharged. Nip that in the bud as quickly as you can.


2) make sure you don't have non-tanks acting like tanks and causing you to have to heal more than necessary.


3) be prepared to withdraw if you end up with a group that will simply not listen or will not behave in a manner to support success.


I agree running with PUGs can be fun and rewarding. It's also good for the game.


It's a shame if patch 1.2 goes thru as coded, we may have fewer healers or less effective healers in the game.


But the ones who are good will be even more valuable so im ok with it

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I tell silly DPS players about themselves. In a recent group, DPS weren't following the tank's lead and breaking my mezz constantly. After the first complaint, I tore into this guy. Besides showing him what NPC marking looks like, I explained the terribly difficult to understand concept that hitting the mob the tank is taunting means I only have one person to heal.
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Not to toot my own horn or anything but toot toot mother****er.


I get no abuse for my skills, I'm probably one of the best healers on the game, though I do get attempted "abuse" for all the abuse I give my tank/failer .. sometimes even my DPSers if they aren't doing their role properly .. So it works for the other way round aswell, so if you do go for being a healer, just remember I'll be abusing mofos in the roles of your abusers so we're even :D

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