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Thought on Why Ranked Warhero Gear is Flawed


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I think that the Rated War Hero should have augment slots(unfilled by default), with the unrated lacking them. This keeps the goal of boosting crafters alive, but still rewards the 1800 rating with cosmetic gear that they can immediately use, but are not required to use.
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I think that the Rated War Hero should have augment slots(unfilled by default), with the unrated lacking them. This keeps the goal of boosting crafters alive, but still rewards the 1800 rating with cosmetic gear that they can immediately use, but are not required to use.


That was what I was thinking too. That or have a vendor that puts augment slots in an item, or (the best solution):


Have synthweavers and armormechs able to create augment implantation kits.


Problem solved.

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I think that the Rated War Hero should have augment slots(unfilled by default), with the unrated lacking them. This keeps the goal of boosting crafters alive, but still rewards the 1800 rating with cosmetic gear that they can immediately use, but are not required to use.


Simple as this. QFT

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That would make the ranked gear worthless to anyone not a crafter, and it would make it not worth anyone's time to RE one piece of gear 10 times just to make it a viable reward.


The "problem" you bring up with the crafted gear is irrelevent because crafting gear will still be a way to min/max for people who don't get a high enough rating for the rated gear. Also, if there is a style that appeals to someone who has that rated gear, nothing is stopping them from picking up that crafted gear for style.


On the other hand, the way things currently are (or what you suggested) severely cripple the practicality of even having the reward in the first place. The gear is not even with crafted/lower level PVP gear as was requested by the community not interested in rated matches, but is in fact worse. It's, as I said, backwards and self-defeating to have a PVP reward that isn't as good as the regular gear.


I do like the idea of having augment slots being attachable by crafters, that someone else mentioned earlier. But, given the fact that BW has been largely ignoring that request, I doubt we'll see that any time soon.


I can see the problem with using the RE system, maybe a schematic that can be purchased with Rated WZ commendations instead?. As long as the orange piece still requires high rating to equip and mods are BoP, this would allow crafters to make the appearance but only those who have earned the ranking can wear it.


I don't think it's fair to dismiss crafters concerns as irrelevant. A thriving in game economy needs BIS gear to come from other players. But I do agree that the current setup makes earning rated gear pointless.


Now someone mentioned they were adding vanity slots, this would solve the problem completely, but I don't think it will be in 1.2.

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I can see the problem with using the RE system, maybe a schematic that can be purchased with Rated WZ commendations instead?. As long as the orange piece still requires high rating to equip and mods are BoP, this would allow crafters to make the appearance but only those who have earned the ranking can wear it.


I don't think it's fair to dismiss crafters concerns as irrelevant. A thriving in game economy needs BIS gear to come from other players. But I do agree that the current setup makes earning rated gear pointless.


Now someone mentioned they were adding vanity slots, this would solve the problem completely, but I don't think it will be in 1.2.


I don't think I'm dismissing them as being irrelevent, I just don't think they have to have their hand in everything. For instance, cybertechs don't craft ALL speeders.


If they were just to add an augment slot to this gear, crafters would still attract the clientel of people who aren't interested in showing that armor and want to look different. They would also attract people who don't try to get ranked Warzones. That's a significant portion of the population.


I think the better solution, would be to add a crafting kit or the ability of armormechs and synthweavers to add augment spots to gear. That way crafters would still be in the loop.

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BTW the dev post said that any gear can be re-ed by the respective proffessions- and have a chance to learn the schematic for said item as an orange shell. That to me means that all? Gear including rated can have this done till it crits. While this would be stupifly tedious I kinda like it... stacking rakata/exotech items in hopes this is true for some cool armormech recipes to make some dorra billz on
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You raise a good point...this is one of those many "lose/lose" situations for developers in an MMO, because they can't make everyone happy.


Their crafting system was seriously ripped, especially armor-wise, for months, because none of the items you can make with it were desirable at end-game, with the exception of BioChem items and Magenta Crystals probably.


They're trying to answer the call with something that's a rarely used, often flirted with concept in MMORPG's - viable end-game crafting. The result is potentially (not sure the status of augment slots on the War Hero Gear) invalidating PVP rewards, which would then be worn for *only* cosmetic reasons, and never in battle for seriously competitive players.


I guess the flip side is that if they do give Augment slots to the War Hero gear, with how accessible it is, they will probably have crafters up in arms that they created this new system and then gave people a way around having to buy the crafted goods - which they will surely take - and that it's a slap in the face of crafters.


Welcome to the world of rage that is the modern MMORPG.

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god, this is gonna be a pain in the *** to get top gear again if im gonna have to get all orange augmented gear....only way to keep pvpers from switching to it would be forcing warhero mods to only work in pvp gear, or something to that effect. Other wise orange gear is going to be by far the better option with augments + warhero mods, armoring, enhancements
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The easiest solution would be to let Synthweave/Armormech craft Augment slots on preexisting gear. If this system goes live the way it is where it forces everyone to abandon their prestige gear for crafted oranges, I'm unsubbing out of principle. That would just show a complete lack of foresight on BW's part which would be inexcusable to me. After a certain level of incompetence it just becomes insulting.
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