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No more Champ bags from vendors?!


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what about ilum pvp dailies? will those give BM bags that we can open? or champ bags still?


I dont know I have mostly skimmed threw the patch notes, but I did not see anything on removing them, I would just check the patch notes.

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The buyable champ stuff is blu can't be modded and is weaker then current cent gear. Id rather be able to keep getting champ.gear. its not like it takes very long to get a bunch of champ gear.


Now new 50s will be at a bigger disadvantage since the only gear they can get is crap compared to real champ or bm geared players

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this is fantastic, I for one liked the ilum dailies/weeklies, cuz on our low pop server (colonel tobin) it made everyone go to the world pvp area, so we at least had some world pvp. Now there is no reason to go there.
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Sadly that was the point of them removing the quests, they want the place as just a casual go on your own time thing. They removed them so that they can rework Ilum and re release a new and improved version of the zone much later down the road. Edited by Sodian
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And when we say farm credits, I'm under the impression that the buy-able gear runs about 330k for a full set. So.... about two full days worth of your dailies once you hit level 50. 3 if you skip the heroics I think. Hell of a lot faster than it was before, although the gear isn't on par with current champ gear.
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Btw here is all patch notes relating to this stuff








•Players in Warzones may now flag another player on the team as potentially AFK by right-clicking their name in the Operation Group window and selecting "Vote to Kick from Warzone." Once enough team members have flagged a player in this way, the player is given a warning and a small window to begin playing or they are removed from the Warzone.

•The amount of Valor and Commendations awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone.

•Warzone daily missions while leveling have been condensed to one mission that is always equal to the level of the player.

•Players who are removed from Warzones for being AFK are now returned to their original locations (instead of to the Fleet).

•Vendors are no longer available inside Warzones.

•Credit rewards for Warzones have been rebalanced.

•The Scoreboard displayed at the end of a Warzone now displays the correct faction icons in same-faction Warzone matches.

•The Scoreboard's Objective column now correctly tracks a player's offensive and defensive objective contribution. Additionally, players now receive notification during the match when their actions have accrued offensive or defensive objective points.

•Level 50 Warzone daily and weekly missions now reward Warzone Commendations.

•New medals are now awarded to the winning team based on how quickly they win (up to 6 medals for the fastest victories).

•New medals are now awarded for offensive and defensive objective actions. There are now 6 offensive and 6 defensive medals awarded for performing Warzone-specific objective actions.

•The Warzone reward medal cap has been increased to 8.

•Rewards per medal earned have been rebalanced considering the new medals available.

•Players who earn few to no medals now have overall rewards reduced (for instance, an AFK player would receive no rewards).


Ranked Warzones


•Pre-Season One of Ranked Warzones has begun!Participate for more competitive matches and greater rewards.

•Level 50 players can queue solo or in a group of up to 8 players via the Queue Solo Ranked and Queue Group Ranked buttons in the Warzone Queue Window.

•After a Ranked Warzone has ended, your Solo Rating or Group Rating will be adjusted based on the outcome of the match and the ratings of all players participating.

•Players are rewarded Ranked Warzone Commendations based on performance; these Commendations can be used to purchase the new War Hero PvP gear.

•Players with high ratings can purchase Rated War Hero gear and vehicles. Rated War Hero gear has the same stats as War Hero gear, but has a more prestigious appearance.


Novare Coast


•The Republic and Empire are locked in a brutal conflict by air and sea on the new planet, Denova. An Imperial dropship has crash-landed near the Republic coastal base and quickly established a fortification.

•Teams need to turn the mortar cannons on the opponent's fortification to bring it down. However, both fortifications are shielded and one mortar cannon is not enough to disable the shield. A team must control at least two cannons in order to damage the enemy fortification.

•This is a majority 3-point domination map with tug-of-war style objective control.

•Control progress is saved when interrupted and can be resumed by a player on the same team or fought back by a player of the opposing team. The more players involved, the faster control shifts.

•A training simulation-themed variant of the Warzone supports same faction matches.


Alderaan Civil War


•Several performance improvements have been made throughout the Warzone.

•The objective cannons' rate of fire has been slowed down. The amount of damage dealt by the large turret blasts has been increased proportionally to maintain the same overall score rate.

•Empire-controlled objective markers now appear purple.

•Travel time for speeder bikes for the side objectives has been increased. The time it takes to interact with speeder bikes is once again instantaneous.




•Giradda the Hutt now sees to it that any player standing on the ball stand when the ball respawns are slain.

•The damage hazards deal is now a set percentage of total player health and is elemental damage.




•The Voidstar can now be played by two teams of the same faction.

•Players on the defending team are no longer placed on the speeder path if its duration would make them arrive late to the start of the match.

•The map on the loading screen for the Voidstar has been updated.

•In the case of both teams reaching the same objective in their respective attacking rounds, the team who reached the objective in the shortest time now wins the match.

•The game now ends as soon as the Round 2 attacker's progress exceeds the progress made by the other team in Round 1.


World PvP





•The Battle of Ilum daily and weekly missions have been removed from the game.


The Outlaws' Den (Tatooine)


•Quick Travel items that transport players to the hub near Outlaw's Den are now available from PvP vendors found on the Republic and Imperial Fleets.



•A Crew Skills trade vendor is now ready for business in the Corellia Spaceport.

•New items purchasable with Black Hole Commendations have been added to Corellia.

•The PvP items vendor now sells Baradium Flux, a grade 7 PvP crafting material used in the construction of Blue, Cyan, Purple, and Yellow Expertise color crystals.

•The PvP items vendor now sells a grade 6 crafting PvP box that randomly rewards crafting materials as well as Mission Discoveries and Expertise color crystal schematics.

•The Fleet commendation vendor now sells grade 6, 7, and 8 crafting material boxes that randomly reward crafting materials.

•Vendors that sell items for Marauders and Sentinels have been added to the Fleets.

•The Imperial Cantina vendors on Hoth now sell similar food items to their Republic counterparts.

•PvP vendors no longer sell Champion Bags.

•PvP vendors now sell the Recruit set, a new entry-level PvP set (for level 50 players), for credits.

•Battlemaster PvP vendors now sell Battlemaster gear pieces for Warzone Commendations.

•The Valor Rank requirement has been removed from Battlemaster earpieces and implants.

•New War Hero PvP vendors can be found on the Republic and Imperial Fleets. They sell the new War Hero and Rated War Hero PvP sets for Ranked Warzone Commendations and the equivalent Battlemaster piece.

•New Campaign vendors can be found on the Fleets. They sell Campaign gear for commendations earned in the new Operation: Explosive Conflict.

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I just read the patch notes, didnt say anything about removing Valor restriction


I am pretty sure they are. If not, with the changes to the amount of valor you receive from a warzone it should take no time at all to get 60.

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S*** Now my level 32 Shadow, which has 700 Merc Comms and 700 Wz comms wont be able to spend em on anything good once he hits 50?!?! Dag gone it!


Your level 32 shadow will likely be 50 before the changes happen anyways...I mean they're like 2-3 weeks away.

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The buyable champ stuff is blu can't be modded and is weaker then current cent gear. Id rather be able to keep getting champ.gear. its not like it takes very long to get a bunch of champ gear.


Now new 50s will be at a bigger disadvantage since the only gear they can get is crap compared to real champ or bm geared players


Buyable blue gear is much better than current centurion (a bit higher stats and almost doubled expertise) and weaker than current champ (but not so much, beacause of high expertise and new, lower DR on this stat). Full set is aroud 250k credits, very cheap. And you can buy BM items for wz and merc commendations (no valor req). Prices from 500+ to 1500+ of both per piece, with new WZ comm cap 2000.


New lev 50s will be in much better situation than they are now, if they pvped before lev 50 they will be able to buy 3 BM pieces right from the start and fill the rest with recruit gear. Currently right from the start you can buy 1 champ piece and 3-4 cent pieces, then you have to start your dailies. New system is comparable to 3 champion peices and full centurion before stepping into a first WZ at lev 50.


PS. You couldnt read about removing requirment for wearing BM gear simply because there is no requirment now. You just cannot open BM bag without 60 valor, if you would somehow get a BM piece you could wear it just after hitting character lev 50.

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Valor requirement was only removed for battlemaster earpieces and implants...everything else still requires valor 60.




is it that hard to read people... ?


no it doesn't. the other BM gear doesn't have a valor requirement.

Since the 60 valor requirement was on the BM bag/token which was only way of getting BM gear

Edited by skarr_tor
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