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operatives and 1.2 (lolpatch)


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you still dont kill any tank with gear. even if your last backstab crits. you are around 18k damage. that won't even kill me.

and that happens, if your enemy is afk, not knowing what to do or terrbile.


how about that: you open, he uses his cc-breaker + kick. you did: acid blade + hidden strike, plus shiv and now you are 20 feet away, possibly rooted and he stands there with 50% hp and has more options than you have.


and stop telling us that there is a double hs proc. it can happen, it not always does!


^This kid thinks 18k from the shadows is balanced...pretty much enough said operatives thought they were the skillzors now maybe u can show us some when they get balanced and not nerfed...

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so let me get that straight. you get a free kill every 2 minutes, when the following occours: you have ALL your cds ready (stims, vanish, relic), the enemy has a cd on his cc-breaker or is too dumb to use it AND you get a double hs-proc, which is a bug that occoured next to never to a big bunch of operatives.


and with that you want to agree to the guy who says that operatives threeshot ppl all the time?

come on, you can do better!


Free kill everyone 2 minutes...CC breaker on a 3 minute CD...stop while u are behind baddie.

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Free kill everyone 2 minutes...CC breaker on a 3 minute CD...stop while u are behind baddie.


I just had to quote this for the lol factor. You just owned yourself.


First the 2 minute thing was vanish cd, second cc breaker is on 2 min cooldown (90 seconds talented on some classes (assassins/juggernaut comes to mind).

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The only problem with operatives is that you're stunned the entire time, get real people. And that's why people spit at you


Assassins opener has 2 second stun (operative 1.5), they also have their 4 sec stun Electrocute. They also have vanish, so they can pull opener x2 + 4 sec stun.


So, if you argue in favor of that nerf , you should support nerfing assasins/shadows even more, right?


You spend more time stunned vs assassins than vs operatives, also they are not wearing paper armor have a pull, knockback, sprint, trololol immunity vs everything non white dmg awesome coupled with sprint and similar if not better burst. Oh and do not forget guard, and taunts, which makes them allot better in group fights with healers around.


Assassins are allot stronger in any point of view compared with operative. And yet they remain untouched. "rolleyes"


The only reason i play operative over assassin, is that their attack animations and the dual lightsaber looks like garbage, also operative giggle (which they are takin away, noo oo :( )

Edited by Dmasterr
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I have 50 Guardian, 50 tanksin, 50 commando healbot, 50 sentinel Im known as the best guardian on my server DWC. i think i should know a little something about PvP, and when 1.2 comes out ull see me/guild on top of rated charts <jedi academy>.
I don't see "level 50 Operative/Scoundrel" in that list.


So no, you don't know anything about Ops/Scoundrels. Saying "So and so did such and such as an Op" is not being knowledgeable of the class.


All you bads keep thinking all you have to do is open up on someone and they die. Nope. The skill takes in finding the target first, and getting there in a timely manner when you're a melee class with no gap closer.


The fact that you get owned by said melee class with no gap closer proves you're just a terrible player. The reason they keep opening up on you? Because you let them. Because you're a bad player.

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I think operative changes should be tied to the DPS Trees only. Problem is they are making adjustments that effect all specs which can make balance a bit hard.


I don't see problem with saying top tier talent also does X effect from an ability to try to keep Operatives in a good position.


Healing wise, in PvP, i feel they are already the best healers, patch makes them better. (Which seems a little off compared to Sorc/Merc nerfs).


However Damage Wise I feel they will always under perform due to just their current class design. Sure they can "pick" their targets, but this requires a 1v1 scenario and the target having their break free ability on cooldown and NOT be a a class with a lot of hp. This also requires good Crit RNG also.


It's a bad design for a PvP Damage Class.


While I dislike comparisons to much for X > Y. He/SHe makes a good point on Assassins vs Operatives. Why the disparity in the two main stealth classes?

Edited by exphryl
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itt: Bads.


Very constructive and insightful , where can i subscribe?


Care to comment as why assassins are so much stronger, detailed above, yet they remain untouched?


Why would anyone bring an operative (non-healer) into rated WZ, over an assassin ???

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^This kid thinks 18k from the shadows is balanced...pretty much enough said operatives thought they were the skillzors now maybe u can show us some when they get balanced and not nerfed...


this kid may be older than you.


18k can happen every 2 minutes under perfect conditions wich rarely happens in warzones with all that ae, stuns and random ****.

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Very constructive and insightful , where can i subscribe?


Care to comment as why assassins are so much stronger, detailed above, yet they remain untouched?


Why would anyone bring an operative (non-healer) into rated WZ, over an assassin ???


I should have clarified. Anyone that is complaining about ops is terrible. They are free kills if you don't drool on your keyboard.

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poor dudes didn't even get to play the game, pretty much could have just spent the entire time eating a burrito and it wouldn't have made a difference. fair?


All I saw were terrible players standing around taking it, not breaking stuns, or using knockbacks, slows, etc... to get away. Terribads, as most people would say... which proves the point. Our class is only good against bad players and AFKers.

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Assassins opener has 2 second stun (operative 1.5), they also have their 4 sec stun Electrocute. They also have vanish, so they can pull opener x2 + 4 sec stun.


So, if you argue in favor of that nerf , you should support nerfing assasins/shadows even more, right?


You spend more time stunned vs assassins than vs operatives, also they are not wearing paper armor have a pull, knockback, sprint, trololol immunity vs everything non white dmg awesome coupled with sprint and similar if not better burst. Oh and do not forget guard, and taunts, which makes them allot better in group fights with healers around.


Assassins are allot stronger in any point of view compared with operative. And yet they remain untouched. "rolleyes"


The only reason i play operative over assassin, is that their attack animations and the dual lightsaber looks like garbage, also operative giggle (which they are takin away, noo oo :( )


1. Assassins don't have an opener

2. Operatives do frontload burst damage with consistency while assassins do build up burst with high inconsistency

3. Assassins are squishier than operatives

4. Operatives can heal in combat

5. Burst spec for assassins isnt even worth using

6. Operatives damage can't be mitigated while assassins damage can


And yes, I'm for removing as many CC's in this game as possible

Edited by Reveillere
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Players lie.


I see so much BS on every class about how terrible they are when they really aren't.


Nobody likes nerfs, I get that. Why do devs love nerfs and CC?


Why not start with a lower baseline of damage and skills and build up instead of starting and the peak of damage and continually carving the top off the mountain?

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Give us ops a stick in one hand and a glass of milk in the other, people will still cry that ops are just too good.



After Patch 1.2.

Baddie: "Oh my god they can stun"!

BW: "Oh god no, we must remove their stun too otherwise we will lose customers.."


Patch 1.3

Baddie: "WOAH they can't kill me, but they are still pretty annoying"!

BW: "Oh noes, 99.999999% of the community thinks Ops still is annoying, lets remove it".


Tbh give me a AC switch.

It takes so much more effort than ANY class to take down your opponent!

Even with the vanish - hs combo (which BTW id doable every 2 min, if specced. And if your target doesn't die from this you have successfully wasted your only real defensive CD and will now die a horrible death).


This is doable, every 2min. The only reason people cry about this is because they are stunned in the process (oh god wat is dis cc breaker u all be talking 'bout), nevermind many other classes that does this in the same amount of time over and over and over again and do not have to restealth inbetween, but ofcourse, the target can walk around.


It really scares me how bad people are and even worse, that BW listens to these people.


"OPS are OP still after 5 nerfs OMG"!!! do urself a favor and go out or something, clearly games isnt for u

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The only thing they are good for is to jump on someone that is about half health with no stun breaker and is already engaged in fighting someone else and they get nerfed lmao.


Thing is, when those ppl die, all they can think of is "damn those pesky operatives" /spit.


Not only that i am the only operative(scoundrel) that i ever see in wz (not healer), i do get about a dozen /spit on me each game, just because of what i said above.


That being said, i will probably continue to be the only operative in the game(lol), ( im surprised they didnt just remove the class entirely) , but please ...




p.s. the game revolves around warrior/guardian (both AC), and other classes better learn their place as support classes mmmk?


Actually maybe you should consider stop playing the class. I personally will stop playing my OP for the time being because i feel i really have no place in warzones, mostly hutball but the others as well. Maybe others should do that too to make Developers realise that there is somethig wrong in this picture. Ill rpolly roll a random class and have some fun till they decide to fix certain issues with the operative.

Also call me stupid dumb morron or whatever else you feel like but concerning pvp what the operative needs right now is burst and not sustained dps. Because honestly we die in so few hits that sustained dps wouldnt do us any good rly. Even before at 1.0 the class was a glass cannon you either killed someone really fast or you didnt and got rolled over in seconds instead.

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Actually maybe you should consider stop playing the class. I personally will stop playing my OP for the time being because i feel i really have no place in warzones, mostly hutball but the others as well. Maybe others should do that too to make Developers realise that there is somethig wrong in this picture. Ill rpolly roll a random class and have some fun till they decide to fix certain issues with the operative.

Also call me stupid dumb morron or whatever else you feel like but concerning pvp what the operative needs right now is burst and not sustained dps. Because honestly we die in so few hits that sustained dps wouldnt do us any good rly. Even before at 1.0 the class was a glass cannon you either killed someone really fast or you didnt and got rolled over in seconds instead.


if you aren't having fun, then yeah you should reroll. Alot of other people who play ops are though..

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1. Assassins don't have an opener

2. Operatives do frontload burst damage with consistency while assassins do build up burst with high inconsistency

3. Assassins are squishier than operatives

4. Operatives can heal in combat

5. Burst spec for assassins isnt even worth using

6. Operatives damage can't be mitigated while assassins damage can


And yes, I'm for removing as many CC's in this game as possible

1. Yes they do. It's called Shadow Strike.

2. Having to stack relics and hope for crits while requiring stealth and being hehind the target is consistancy? Maybe only against bad players.

3. Nope. Assassin's defensive abilities are better than Ops.

4. This would be like saying Deception assassins are tanks. Let's move on from this ignorant comment.

5. Yes it is. It's just that other specs are even better.

6. Yes it can.


If you remove Op's CCs then you HAVE TO REPLACE IT WITH SOMETHING ELSE. Considering that's THE ONLY UTILITY AN OP HAS RIGHT NOW. Such as, you know, a sprint.


Stop being a bad player.

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