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When is exploiting in Voidstar going to be fixed?


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The gap that is placed precisely to be the exact distance able to be jumped and even has a speed boost right there for no apparent reason? Yeah, not an exploit. Or do you really think they forgot to connect the two force field barriers? Edited by ViperI
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The only thing BioWare neglected to do was put a big sign over the gap saying "try jumping here!".





  • It's not terribly fair class-wise (since only SI/JC can do it, and JK/SW/Vanguards/Powertechs are the only ones in a position to take advantage of others trying to do it).
  • It's difficult for most randoms to counter.
  • It should probably be re-examined/modified/removed at some point.


But it is not an exploit.




(edit: correction)

Edited by jdi_knght
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The only thing BioWare neglected to do was put a big sign over the gap saying "try jumping here!".





  • It's not terribly fair class-wise (since only sorcs/sages can do it, and JK/SW/Vanguards/Powertechs are the only ones in a position to take advantage of others trying to do it).
    Half the classes in the game can do it, so I tend to disagree with this.
  • It's difficult for most randoms to counter.
    Difficult not really, you know how many times I have done it and had people just standing there running around while I planted? They just arent being spatially aware. I have followed the other team jumping the gap countless times to counter them doing it.
  • It should probably be re-examined/modified/removed at some point.
    If they do they do, but if not oh well.


But it is not an exploit.


To sum it up I think its more people need to pay more attention and stop having tunnel vision. It's more a l2p issue than an exploit.

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Half the classes in the game can do it, so I tend to disagree with this.


To speed-jump the gap, just SI/JC AFAIK. And most of us can do it reliably (75%+ success rate).



Difficult not really, you know how many times I have done it and had people just standing there running around while I planted? They just arent being spatially aware. I have followed the other team jumping the gap countless times to counter them doing it.


That's only part of it.



It's terribly easy to cheese most teams with the right group comp & a slight bit of co-ordination in a partial premade. Most of the time we have 2-3 people across (planting bombs) on door #2 when 7-8 of the defenders are still stuck, alive (yes, we intentionally keep the enemy alive) on "our" side. About 25% of the time we get a free run/plant on door #3.


That is what's difficult to counter. Not impossible, but it takes an inordinate amount of forethought to counter what amounts to a gimmick.




Now hey, I'll abuse it as long as it's there (just like I abused solo lol-dotting 3-4 people near a door/node in VS/Alderaan before dot interrupts were removed). But I'm the first to admit it's something that needs to be re-evaluated because it's way too each to cheese the average player with.



(edit: correction)

Edited by jdi_knght
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Have you tried it? Its freaking hard. I fall down 9 in 10 attempts (I guess it is a mixture of my bad ping and because I never liked jump&run games, or am very hadicapped movment wise). And the ONE time I get over you could stop me from planting, but you guys never do. (never ever was I stopped, ever)

Had plants during which at least five imps were standing on the ramp before their spawn point looking over to the other side, never moving to intercept or defuse. Sometimes people stand ontop of the balcony you run under if the jump works, and they just stand there, probably writing witty comments about cheating reps.

Edited by Karenai
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Bioware, when are you going to fix the exploit in Voidstar? Jumping the gap when the walls are still up is crap.


It's not an exploit, and my Shadow hits the middle quick to either attempt the jump or Force Pull a jumper back across.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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1. Get frustrated with game mechanic

2. Declare it is an exploit, when it's clearly not

3. Make thread addressing when "exploit" will be fixed to try and draw attention away from having no reason to call it an exploit.

4. ???

5. Profit.

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1. Get frustrated with game mechanic

2. Declare it is an exploit, when it's clearly not

3. Make thread addressing when "exploit" will be fixed to try and draw attention away from having no reason to call it an exploit.

4. ???

5. Profit.


Butt hurt?


I'll be sure to jump the gap from now on with my Assassin.

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the only exploit in voidstar that needs to be fixed is the ability to shove yourself into the locked doors and plant/defuse without being visible or attackable.


when will THAT get fixed?


I've only had that happen when an enemy knockback put me in a door. I usually wind up charging out at someone to get out of it.


I've never wound up in the door as a result of my own ability.

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Nothing makes me feel more like a jerk by thinking I'm a really smooth customer jumping the gap while the enemy is there trying to defend the nodes, getting a perfect jump off...then being force pull/grappled back.


Especially when someone knocks me off the ledge afterwards.


Ditto for screwing up the jump when 5 enemy players are there to see that you missed, especially if you get one of those fails where you walk right off the ledge because you tried to get too close before hitting spacebar. I KNOW THEY'RE LAUGHING AND IT ISN'T FUNNY DAMN IT!



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