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I didn't want to spam Grav Round, it was just the best.


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So yeah, I'm totally happy for 1.2




I have reason to use the variety of abilities we have. Thank you Bioware for bringing fun to the class.


Splain this new "variety" you speak of...I'm still looking for a reason to dust off my mando and 1.2 hasnt shown me anything other than I'll spam slightly more FA.

Edited by Zekeiele
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Thanks to NaughyBoy for pointing this out to me...


The biggest changes will be the 10% increase to Demo Round and the change to Curtain of Fire. Yes, you will be using Full Auto more, but that isn't a bad thing. I agree with the OP, and I look forward to the new changes.


Again what changes...commando hasn't changed at all..well maybe the 1 button wonders will have less success but for anyone with even a minute amount of skill nothing has changed...for PVE your rotation will have FA replace GR every once in a while and for PVP your feet are still welded to the floor.

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Sorry, I edited my post to reflect the fact that I was only stating things that everyone already knew.


Maybe it is all about learning the class to a better standard and I think the changes will actually make you do that, or not be viable. For those that feel like there is no change, then keep on doing what you are doing, but I think it will help me be a more well rounded player.

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Sorry, I edited my post to reflect the fact that I was only stating things that everyone already knew.


Maybe it is all about learning the class to a better standard and I think the changes will actually make you do that, or not be viable. For those that feel like there is no change, then keep on doing what you are doing, but I think it will help me be a more well rounded player.


Well I hope you enjoy it a ton...I guess you guys must PVE a lot and if I did that I would certainly be fine with the "changes" your DPS won't suffer a bit and if you ARE PVPing in the sub 50 Brackett then you won't notice much of a change there either.. but if/when you PVP with the "big boys" you will either respec heals or retire or be carried by your buddies..as someone who jumped the fence to see if I just sucked or if the competition was just that much better let me tell you....it's neither.. the amount of skill it takes to shut down gunnery as a melee is negligible....interrupting a 1.5 or 3 second channel is *yawn* *tap*...if your lucky maybe they get bored and move on to somebody else.

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So yeah, I'm totally happy for 1.2




I have reason to use the variety of abilities we have. Thank you Bioware for bringing fun to the class.


Spamming grav round was never the best to begin with!

Now its just worse than it was before to spam it which is good if it convinces bad players to finally use the correct rotation.

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I am not sure why you guys are "perfectly happy" with this.

We might keep aboutt he same dmg as we did, but we got a 5 sec longer cd on AOE knockback, 5% more dmg taken due to nerfed charged barrier, 3% less crit due to nerfed Field training and less radius on Mortar Volley.


So beside the fact that you get to press FA more often and got better/faster animation on Mortar and FA, what are the positive things that makes you perfectly happy with this?

We ARE getting nerfed, and we werent a strong class to begin with (when playing against opponents that actually know how to counter you).

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Ya, I want to buck the system, I'm gonna waste resources on Explosive Round just so I don't "feel bad" about using Grav Round...


If you sit there and spam GR you're not paying attention to any rotation and that's bad. GR is in Gunnery for a reason and TBH, my GR hits hard with the gear I'm wearing, if yours doesn't, maybe yours is broken? I'm really really really really happy they're nerfing GR though, so now I can finally use Pulse Cannon alot more, it's so good...

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Thats what p***** me off the most. BW said they would make our rotation more engaging and hinted at adding more abilitys to it.


We didnt get that at all we got the exact same abilitys, with one of them being used on proc more. So it was for nothing.

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Yeah rotation isn't really going to change since I was already using Demo round, HiB, and Full Auto as available. So basically we're losing the 10% dmg which does add up over a longer fight. Course maybe the stat rebalancing will make it a moot point? Who knows?
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Yeah rotation isn't really going to change since I was already using Demo round, HiB, and Full Auto as available. So basically we're losing the 10% dmg which does add up over a longer fight. Course maybe the stat rebalancing will make it a moot point? Who knows?


basically how i feel.

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So yeah, I'm totally happy for 1.2




I have reason to use the variety of abilities we have. Thank you Bioware for bringing fun to the class.


You still spam grav round it just does less damage and takes longer to cast now.

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Greetings Troopers,


We understand that Troopers have a lot to discuss about the upcoming changes announced for Patch 1.2. There are already a few conversations going on, so you may want to join one of these discussions:


Trooper Commando Forum

1.2 Grav round Changes


PTS Forum

Feedback on 1.2 Commando (Gunnery) changes (nerfs)

Combat Medic

Prototype Particle Accelerator/Ionic Accelerator Change (powertech/vanguard)


Here's what Principal Lead Combat Designer Georg Zoeller had to say about how patch notes, player experience, and data gathered from testing work together to improve the game for everyone:


Thank you for actually testing things in the game before posting. It's feedback from people like you we are interested in.


Games are not balanced on paper and actual gameplay impact of changes is not easily determined from patch notes, especially when so much of the surrounding game logic has been modified.


It is impossible to capture every element of change in patch notes, and it's even more impossible to prevent people from reacting to patch notes without taking the time to actually test.


We will be monitoring the game data coming from PTS, as well as guild feedback and constructive feedback based on gameplay on PTS and make adjustments and changes for the PTS period of the patch and beyond where necessary.


We hope this sheds a little light on play testing.


This thread will now be closed. We encourage you to join one of the conversations above or check out the Public Test Server forums. Thank you for your feedback!



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