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Arsenal Mercenaries nerfed to the ground with 1.2 update.


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Arsenal mercenaries already don't have much mobility in raids. By increasing the cast time it destroys our ability to damage. We need to keep 5 stacks of heat signatures which requires 3 tracer missiles to do any damage. An easy fix would just be the 10% damage reduction without the decrease in cast-time.
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Yeah I did a full read through and I don't see how mercs are being nerfed at all. As said above, muzzle fluting makes the cast time 1.5, so absolutely nothing changes other than maybe being able to work in a few other skills here and there. Your dps will not change, and I'm surprised that they claimed to change merc's play style, yet essentially kept it very similar.
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Yeah I did a full read through and I don't see how mercs are being nerfed at all. As said above, muzzle fluting makes the cast time 1.5, so absolutely nothing changes other than maybe being able to work in a few other skills here and there. Your dps will not change, and I'm surprised that they claimed to change merc's play style, yet essentially kept it very similar.


not sure if trolling or just silly

10%tm nerf is not a big deal, its the nerf to knocback cooldown one of mercs"ohs***" button and nerf to power barrier which reduced incoming damage by 10% now reduced to 5%.

so overall slight dps decrease, still interruptable, now easier to kill.

post 1.2 merc/commando = free kill, just interrupt tracer, since knocback is on longer cooldown you can kill them easily now.

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I'm not really crazy about what I read about 1.2 arsenal mercs.


Their intention was clearly not to nerf the class, but to keep it around the same effectiveness but through having to use more abilities. Upon reading about it initially I figured it'd be a buff to good players, since maintaining the same effectiveness while being less tied to a cast bar could only be a good thing.


It doesn't seem like they achieved what they set out to do with the class though. Needs more work.

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post 1.2 merc/commando = free kill, just interrupt tracer, since knocback is on longer cooldown you can kill them easily now.


Mercs are the easiest dps class to kill prior to 1.2, so I don't see how that changes after 1.2. I'm just saying that all the QQ about their dps getting stomped into the ground is a bit overblown. Left alone they will still wreck people.... focused and they will get destroyed. Nothing has changed.

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Mercs are the easiest dps class to kill prior to 1.2, so I don't see how that changes after 1.2. I'm just saying that all the QQ about their dps getting stomped into the ground is a bit overblown. Left alone they will still wreck people.... focused and they will get destroyed. Nothing has changed.


you're underestimating the changes to defensive abilties like knockback/power barrier. they help me survive fights, i could care less about damage. now its gonna be much harder to live longer thanks to nerfs. you're right nothing has changed, they promised to changed tm spamming problem. people will still spam TM

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you're underestimating the changes to defensive abilties like knockback/power barrier. they help me survive fights, i could care less about damage. now its gonna be much harder to live longer thanks to nerfs. you're right nothing has changed, they promised to changed tm spamming problem. people will still spam TM


I understand the slight Tracer Missile damage reduction. The thing I don't understand is that developers were interviewed and specifically questioned about this spec, and their answer was that they would be altering the build so people wouldn't need to rely on Tracer Missile so much. But they didn't do that at all, Tracer Missile will be used just as often as before, the functionality of the build wasn't changed in the least.

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I understand the slight Tracer Missile damage reduction. The thing I don't understand is that developers were interviewed and specifically questioned about this spec, and their answer was that they would be altering the build so people wouldn't need to rely on Tracer Missile so much. But they didn't do that at all, Tracer Missile will be used just as often as before, the functionality of the build wasn't changed in the least.


no we'll be using easily interruptable 3sec attacks like full auto, i can't believe how much diversity has been added to the rotation.




like i said damage doesn't matter, it won't be effected that much. survivability down the drain, we'll just be a free kill.

Edited by Turn-XGundam
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As someone who retired gunnery for a class with interupt I have to say the change is a joke...sometimes I feel bad because I love the class but it's just SO easy to clamp them down and nullify them sometimes I won't even DPS them during huttball just constantly interupt.
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I understand the slight Tracer Missile damage reduction. The thing I don't understand is that developers were interviewed and specifically questioned about this spec, and their answer was that they would be altering the build so people wouldn't need to rely on Tracer Missile so much. But they didn't do that at all, Tracer Missile will be used just as often as before, the functionality of the build wasn't changed in the least.


That's what i didn't get either they talked about changing the need for tracer missile and making the class use more abilities yet they changed nothing about how the class was built around the tracer missile dynamic of heat Signatures.


All i can tell is that they reduced the heat cost but removed the reduction from fluting but fluting brought back the cast time down to where it was and they reduced the damage of TM and increased the capstone damage. as far as i can tell nothing changed in needing 3 TM's to get a heat signature debuff and 5 TM's for full rail shot potential.


Instead of fixing the problem of "spamming 1 ability" they make that ability do less damage but still keep it's role vital to the class.... that doesn't change the problem they said they wanted to fix.

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On the one hand, this ties yet another class's survivability even more closely to a healer and/or guard and/or CCer. On the other hand, it's always been this way for most melee.


This game's pvp really isn't solo player friendly and the upcoming changes are going to make it even less so.


Advice: Hate to say it, but go premade or go play something else.

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Mercs are the easiest dps class to kill prior to 1.2, so I don't see how that changes after 1.2. I'm just saying that all the QQ about their dps getting stomped into the ground is a bit overblown. Left alone they will still wreck people.... focused and they will get destroyed. Nothing has changed.


Yea, we are already on the bottom of the pecking order when it comes to easy kill. Now we are still at the bottom, just even further down. So basically nothing has changed.


Our only defense, KB gets nerfed to ingding, we also take 5% more damage, and do 10% less with that fkin ability we STILL have to spam after patch, we just do 10% less damage with it. Our best AoE ability, mortar volley, is also made next to useless, as it will be ridiculously easy to get out of now, that we max can hope to hit with one of the three rounds.


Medic got nerfed so hard that it will be unplayable after patch, so thats not really an option either. assault has always been meh, but will be even more so after patch with the nerf. If this patch actually hit, commandos are dead.


2 of the commandos i know unsubbed, the last one just rerolled.

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On the one hand, this ties yet another class's survivability even more closely to a healer and/or guard and/or CCer. On the other hand, it's always been this way for most melee.


This game's pvp really isn't solo player friendly and the upcoming changes are going to make it even less so.


Advice: Hate to say it, but go premade or go play something else.

You keep bringing up its not a 1v1 game but then again, is it a 2v2 game? Cause two marauders would still annihilate two commandos. Is it a 3v3 game? Cause 3 marauders would still annihilate 3 commandos.


Bottom line is, its not hard to see which classes is better? Using the "not 1v1 excuse is simply not valid as long as one class completely can shut down another and kill it with hardly taking damage at all. This has nothing to do with skill, its just design. Commandos have no utility, and are way too easily countered. 1.2 will just make this problem even worse. Lower survivability, less damage, and even less utility than we already had.

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You can call it fake-casting too, and compare it to the pump fake in basketball!


The main thing is to do it when they NEED that interrupt, and not all the time, just be tricksy with it!

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It seems that DPS Commando will be using mostly Full Auto now, and with only old-style spamming when they have full ammo (because, I think, it will take a full bar to use 3 Grav Rounds and the follow-ups).


I get the impression that it's not going to be worth speccing the tree, really, and that we could start seeing Assault Specialist commando orphans.

Edited by svartalfimposter
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not sure if trolling or just silly

10%tm nerf is not a big deal, its the nerf to knocback cooldown one of mercs"ohs***" button and nerf to power barrier which reduced incoming damage by 10% now reduced to 5%.

so overall slight dps decrease, still interruptable, now easier to kill.

post 1.2 merc/commando = free kill, just interrupt tracer, since knocback is on longer cooldown you can kill them easily now.


you guys are easy kills as it is... you act like commandos are good or something.

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A Buff for PVE and a Nerf for PVP


nope. a buff for both. the cast time and resource cost will not change, since you should already have Muzzle Fluting in your spec currently.


heatseaker missiles, which is an instant ability, is getting a damage increase. barrage, the proc for reseting unload's cooldown, is getting a significant increase in proc chance.


the only thing getting nerfed is the damage to tracer missile. 10% isnt going to do a whole lot, you will see 2.5k-3k crits instead of 3k-3.5k crits that are easily obtainable now.


if you keep your tunnel vision for tracer missile, yeah its a slight nerf. if you learn your other abilities, its a very nice buff.

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