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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 Hard Mode loot. Why raid when you can just run dailies?

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Basically I am countering his point that being a raider "requires a ton of time" This statement is so faults that its wrong that he even said it. 5 hours a week is not a ton of time, raiding 5 days a week from 8pm til 4am is a ton of time. (Old School Raiding) which does not exist anymore.



Anyways this whole argument is a moot point now. People will now be able to BUY raid level gear off the GTN.


Are. you. serious?


People can buy the moddable piece from the GTN - it will not include the armoring, mod, or enhancement. You'll have to raid to get, craft or buy those.


This is so people that like the way a specific tier of raid gear looks, can continue to make their character look that way. For example, I think the T2 eliminator chestguard looks pretty nice - certainly a lot better than 95% of the rest of chest slots out there. I will probably be changing that into a moddable piece after 1.2.

Edited by Raeln
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If Bioware does there were people can just go do quest for Raid Gear people will quit. I know once my guild read this they all made the choice that they will cancel subscriptions. Thats over 60 people right now, I also spoke a handful other raiding guilds a few that are near member cap. All their members too were debating to cancel their subs.


People that came here to RAID do not care to see people who DO NOT RAID in RAID GEAR. Go Raid if you want the gear its that simple.


If you want SOLO gear ask for Gear that is purple Has Endurance, your Primary Stat, and Presence. You do not need any other stats like Crit, or Hit, or any other stat that makes you better. Have 10000 Presence that makes your companion better, I do not care. You do not need to be top DPS, or Healer, or Tank you are not playing with other people.


People raid to make themselves better with gear and as a player. This is not done SOLO. Solo Players can cry all they want about wanting RAID GEAR, they do not deserve it and have not earned it by SOLO Content. Its RAID GEAR for a reason. PEOPLE RAID FOR IT, NOT SOLO!


Wow. Ok, so while this guy goes and breathes into a bag for a little while, I think the rest of us can see the solution: let's call it SOLO HM GEAR, not RAID GEAR. Leave everything else about it the same, and this guy can avoid having another aneurysm. Sound good to all? I mean, that way it won't be called raid gear, and so, the raider reasoning won't apply! :D

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Wow. Ok, so while this guy goes and breathes into a bag for a little while, I think the rest of us can see the solution: let's call it SOLO HM GEAR, not RAID GEAR. Leave everything else about it the same, and this guy can avoid having another aneurysm. Sound good to all? I mean, that way it won't be called raid gear, and so, the raider reasoning won't apply! :D


I think the point that I have illustrated, and in my mind that Gavin confirmed - albeit not willingly, is that raid accomplishments are better rewarded by titles and trophies vs gear alone.


As others have pointed out - the amount of time it would take to acquire a full set of 146 gear via dailies, is not viable for guilds that are interested in progressing through content while it remains cutting edge "End Game". Rading in a scheduled fashion as a guild is still and always will be the FASTEST way to gear up and progress. So allowing another means of obtaining 146 gear is absolutley the right thing to do for the casual player that doesn't want to committ.


Coupled with the fact that Gavin has said not clearing HM modes for the simple reason that the last 2 peices of gear aren't worth the learning curve, or the time invested, makes an even louder point.


So it is worth it to grind away the same raid material on normal mode, that isnt very difficult, and maintain a serious level of superiority PvE gear wise, because you like to hampster wheel grind average skill level material with either 7 or 15 other people?


Doesn't make sense. You want far superior gear for average feats.

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Are. you. serious?


People can buy the moddable piece from the GTN - it will not include the armoring, mod, or enhancement. You'll have to raid to get, craft or buy those.


This is so people that like the way a specific tier of raid gear looks, can continue to make their character look that way. For example, I think the T2 eliminator chestguard looks pretty nice - certainly a lot better than 95% of the rest of chest slots out there. I will probably be changing that into a moddable piece after 1.2.



Arnathis: Can we please get an in-depth explanation of how gearing is going to work in Game Update 1.2? I understand that you can reverse engineer the gear and possibly learn the schematic but is that for everyone or just the people with the appropriate Crew Skills? Will this apply to the tier sets as well?


Georg Zoeller (Lead Combat Designer): This is a very broad question, but I’ll try to answer as comprehensively as possible, as the system is rather complex.


First off, in an ‘under the hood’ change to the game, end game items have more stat variety, allowing for significantly improved item customization for players that like to fine tune their stats.


The most important change for gear in Game Update 1.2 is that all previously modifiable purple gear has all their mods exposed, including the so called ‘base mod’ (Armoring, hilt, barrel). These can be freely moved into any empty (orange) appearance shell, giving you a lot more choices in your character’s appearance.


New end game gear (e.g. “Campaign Gear”) introduced with the Game Update has the added benefit that it keeps information about its set bonus on the armoring – but comes with the limitation that the extracted armoring can only be moved into an item of the same slot type (chest to chest, boot to boot, etc.). The reason for this ‘Bind to Slot’ behavior on armoring is that we do not want players to farm the initial boss of an Operation as the easiest way to obtain a full set of end game mods.


This means you can now take any custom (orange) appearance and imbue it with all the benefits of your end game set. As an added progression option, you can also acquire a critical crafted orange item with additional augment slots for even better stats.


Reverse Engineering has also received considerable improvements with Game Update 1.2.


For one, when attempting to reverse engineer an item (for which you indeed need the appropriate profession) you will now be able to see in the item tooltip what your chance to successfully reverse engineer a new schematic is (or if such a chance exists at all).


Many of the new end game items (and end game items going forward) can be reverse engineered to learn schematics based on the original item:


Reverse engineering an item with mods leads to empty orange equivalents of the end game items. This can be done after the mods are extracted and used in a different item!

The item you learn to create is commonly Bind on Equip, as we want to encourage a more lively market on the Galactic Trade Network.

Many different mods can now be reverse engineered which will grant you a schematic to craft that mod. (This is not possible on armoring that carry a set bonus.)

Reverse engineering non-modded items usually leads to a schematic for an equivalent item.

Reverse engineering an end game item also provides materials needed to craft these items. Operations materials are also Bind on Equip now, creating a more diverse market.

A crafting critical on these schematics will usually lead to an augment slot. For item mods, it results in an extra item.


Effectively, this means you can sell nearly full end game items (including augment slots on a critical success) one component at a time. However, doing so requires a significant upfront investment, it’s certainly not easy. This also means every profession now benefits from Reverse Engineering and can trade items.


If you read this, especially the last part


Effectively, this means you can sell nearly full end game items (including augment slots on a critical success) one component at a time. However, doing so requires a significant upfront investment, it’s certainly not easy. This also means every profession now benefits from Reverse Engineering and can trade items.

And This part

New end game gear (e.g. “Campaign Gear”) introduced with the Game Update has the added benefit that it keeps information about its set bonus on the armoring – but comes with the limitation that the extracted armoring can only be moved into an item of the same slot type (chest to chest, boot to boot, etc.). The reason for this ‘Bind to Slot’ behavior on armoring is that we do not want players to farm the initial boss of an Operation as the easiest way to obtain a full set of end game mods.


This means you can now take any custom (orange) appearance and imbue it with all the benefits of your end game set. As an added progression option, you can also acquire a critical crafted orange item with additional augment slots for even better stats.


You will see that my Comment of


Anyways this whole argument is a moot point now. People will now be able to BUY raid level gear off the GTN.


Is the correct Statement.


Yea You have to get all the parts, however you can BUY them off the GTN and make full Tier gear, regardless of weather you raid or do not raid.


This is why I am not responding to chewpaco or Jai_Thran_Kuro, it is a waste of time, energy and it holds no value.

Edited by Gavin_Darkl
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When you extract an armoring mod on your bound raid gear, it makes the mod bound to you as well. You will NOT be able to buy raid gear w/set bonuses on the GTN unless said raid gear is able to be crafted by REing the drops for the recipe.
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When you extract an armoring mod on your bound raid gear, it makes the mod bound to you as well. You will NOT be able to buy raid gear w/set bonuses on the GTN unless said raid gear is able to be crafted by REing the drops for the recipe.


You can. You can RE the Gear, you can RE the mods. Then you can make them and sell them.

"Many different mods can now be reverse engineered which will grant you a schematic to craft that mod. (This is not possible on armoring that carry a set bonus.)

New end game gear (e.g. “Campaign Gear”) introduced with the Game Update has the added benefit that it keeps information about its set bonus on the armoring – but comes with the limitation that the extracted armoring can only be moved into an item of the same slot type (chest to chest, boot to boot, etc.).


You are correct, however you can move the mods from Tier gear to Orange gear and keep the set bonus.

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Please clarify.


Is the gear available from dailies the highest of the new level(s) of gear?


Is all the gear available, or is it just a few pieces (rakata ear and implants are currently available from dailies)?


Edit: One more question. If all pieces are available, do they include the "set bonus", or is it like the current energized/exotech gear with the same stats but no bonus?


Thats the differance the Black Hole set you get from Black hole coms witch you can get from dailys I think only a few a day would take you weeks to get 1 piece. It has NO set bonuses. So raid gear is still better, but now when you just have ****** luck on that last piece you just cant get to drop you can buy a black hole piece to wear and get the stats untill your raid piece finally drops.

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If you read this, especially the last part



And This part



You will see that my Comment of




Is the correct Statement.


Yea You have to get all the parts, however you can BUY them off the GTN and make full Tier gear, regardless of weather you raid or do not raid.


This is why I am not responding to chewpaco or Jai_Thran_Kuro, it is a waste of time, energy and it holds no value.


You cannot buy or make the armoring that contains the set bonus. You may be able to buy or make the mod and enhancement once someone is able to pull the mod/enhancement out of raid gear -but my understanding is that the actual armoring/hilt that gives raid gear it's itemlevel and provides the set bonus is not reverse engineer'able.


Yes, you can buy moddable versions of raid/PvP gear from the GTN.


Yes, you can buy remanufactured versions of mods and enhancements from raid dropped gear.


No, you cannot duplicate the itemlevel of raid/PvP gear without doing the content. You'll need to acquire the actual raid drop to be able to get the armoring that gives you the set bonus.

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No people who solo should get solo gear not raid gear. If they do not wish to raid why do they need that raid gear? Presence gear can be used to make true solo content where if a person's companion is not buffed for tanking, healing or DPSing you can not finish the encounter.


If Casual raiders want to augment there gear fine, they still should need to down a raid boss for a boss kill token that allows them to buy a piece of gear. So the few people who can not raid as often as others can keep up or get geared quickly from raiding a handful of times.


The problem is we are allowing Developers to take an easy way out by not creating a true Solo content/Gear system plus a casual raid gear up system. If this was done the only people that would be against it are people who can not make a logical argument.


My argument is this in a nut shell.


A - Casual Raiders given a way to gear up quicker then current however it still revolves around killing a raid boss. This can be useful because if Jacko can down 4 bosses with his guild one night and has enough daily commendations with the 4 Raid Boss kill tokens he could pick up 4 pieces.


B - Solo Players Given Gear that makes them better when it comes to Solo Content. This allows true Solo content to be developed, and solo players will be very happy. Yes the solo gear sucks for raiding and yes raid gear for the most part should suck for Solo content. Solo content T3 Boss Ikillyou should own a Raid geared T3 player because how a companion should be used and required. However A T1 Solo Boss named Isuck vs a T3 raid geared person should go down hard.


Again I am giving people what they want WITHOUT giving the gear out. You are Earning your gear.


I think this is a horrible idea...3 sets of gear depending on what you want to do?


So to enjoy everything the game offers - solo content, raid content, pvp content - I now need 3 seperate sets of armors just for the content.


I am a casual player, and what you elitist raiders tend to forget is that most "Casual" players are not casual by choice. I am married with 2 children, I work full time and my wife works part time & school full time.


I cannot commit to a raid guild, I would love to! I'd never make the cut, if my wife demands my attention on Friday night - I can't tell her sorry hun i've got a raid to go to (well maybe a few times, but i'd be pushing my luck after awhile).


If you think casual players are like YAY! I don't have to raid I can just do dailies over and over that is entirely more time consuming and less enjoyable you are incorrect. In fact i'll probably get burned out with this method before completing an entire raid set as is.


At the same time I don't want to spend all that time doing solo/dailies for gear that only makes me a stronger solo player...that is just silly. What if my wife takes the kids out for the day, zomg free game day I want to try to join a raid...oh wait i've only got this silly solo gear i've been working on for 6months tehehe nevermind.


This is just 1 example of reality, other people have more time to commit and less responsibilities...and at times I envy you people. I also enjoy pvping, again I've already got to collect seperate sets for pvp/pve - adding yet another set to solo is just not a good idea.


Also, raid gear not being good for solo pve content? It goes both ways, if I can down the hardest bosses in game yet my gear is a let down for solo PVE content? That makes no sense to me...

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You can. You can RE the Gear, you can RE the mods. Then you can make them and sell them.


Taken from GZ's quote that you plastered in the thread:


"Many different mods can now be reverse engineered which will grant you a schematic to craft that mod. (This is not possible on armoring that carry a set bonus.)"


You cannot reverse engineer the armoring mod that carries a set bonus.


This means you cannot buy the armoring mod/hilt that makes the item have a raid level itemlevel (rating 140, 146, etc) from the GTN because they are not reverse engineer'able.


After 1.2, the raid exclusive loot will be the armoring mod - the piece which carries the set bonus.


You are correct, however you can move the mods from Tier gear to Orange gear and keep the set bonus.


Yes, but you must be present in the raid and win the token to get the gear to pull the armoring mod with the set bonus out of first.

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I think this is a horrible idea...3 sets of gear depending on what you want to do?


So to enjoy everything the game offers - solo content, raid content, pvp content - I now need 3 seperate sets of armors just for the content.


I am a casual player, and what you elitist raiders tend to forget is that most "Casual" players are not casual by choice. I am married with 2 children, I work full time and my wife works part time & school full time.


I cannot commit to a raid guild, I would love to! I'd never make the cut, if my wife demands my attention on Friday night - I can't tell her sorry hun i've got a raid to go to (well maybe a few times, but i'd be pushing my luck after awhile).


If you think casual players are like YAY! I don't have to raid I can just do dailies over and over that is entirely more time consuming and less enjoyable you are incorrect. In fact i'll probably get burned out with this method before completing an entire raid set as is.


At the same time I don't want to spend all that time doing solo/dailies for gear that only makes me a stronger solo player...that is just silly. What if my wife takes the kids out for the day, zomg free game day I want to try to join a raid...oh wait i've only got this silly solo gear i've been working on for 6months tehehe nevermind.


This is just 1 example of reality, other people have more time to commit and less responsibilities...and at times I envy you people. I also enjoy pvping, again I've already got to collect seperate sets for pvp/pve - adding yet another set to solo is just not a good idea.


Also, raid gear not being good for solo pve content? It goes both ways, if I can down the hardest bosses in game yet my gear is a let down for solo PVE content? That makes no sense to me...


Very good points.


Another way that BW could solve this problem if Raiders are so intent on having vastly superior gear, since it should only be available from a raid:


Add an item slot that is STRICTLY a resist slot. The only time you will face an encounter that requires say a UNIVERSAL RESIST, is within a riad. Have an encounter specific debuff going off the entire time you are engaged in the encounter, and if you can't meet the resist check, then you suffer too much damage.


This item would be useless in PvP. It would be useless in PvE content, outside of the raid zone. The only way you could acquire these progressive resist items is through defeating bosses in raids. It allows for meaningful progression - instead of hampster wheel grind. It works as a Key/Flagging system.


Gavin wouldn't like this though. When he uploads his dps data with another player that has exact stats, from gear acquired in a different way, he might be "out performed", and exposed that a casual player that doesn't raid all that much, may in fact be more situationally aware, quicker with his dps/heal rotations, and quite possibly a "better player"


It eliminates hampster wheel grinding raiders from out performing casuals based on gear alone.


It allows for the accomplishment of defeating a Boss to stand on its' own merrit, and a meaningful step of progression based raiding.

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1.2 PvE Gear:


"Campaign" hard Raid Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)

"Blackhole" Corellia Commendation Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)


Whats the point of raiding in SWTOR when I can just run some faceroll dailies and get "hard mode" raid gear. :rolleyes:


Raiding in this game keeps getting worse not better. GW2 out yet? :rak_eek:


I didnt bother reading the other 46.9 pages, but you get daily comms from the Corellia dailies, not BH comms.

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well gavin at 37 loss subs for swtor from casuals so far just from me. 4 returns of game from last weekend till today from new players i almost got to join had them buy diablo 3. 1 return of horrible swtor mouse and keypad. so i almost got your 60 accounts in about a week just talking to people that where not in raid guilds. so enjoy.
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Ok guys lets explain something 1st.


In this game we have stat called PRESENCE? Right?


And what does Presence do? Buffs COMPANIONS Right?


So let solo gear from dailies give daily commendetation that gives 80% of Raid gear stats (Aim etc) and XY amount of presence so those who ONLY PvE solo content would have worse gear than those who do raid content.


This WOULD achieve multiple things.


1. Solo players will advance gear

2. Raid gear would be ''show off'' and statement that ''You COMPLETED some part of content''

3. Raiders are ''happy'' or happier atleast


Why do we have presence then if not for such usage. Presence is a freaking SOLO stat.... or duo at most...


Leave raid gear for raiders and people who do group content and give solo players presence gear for their trigger happy solo playing with companions.

Edited by Alcarinn
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This WOULD achieve multiple things.


1. Solo players will advance gear

2. Raid gear would be ''show off'' and statement that ''You COMPLETED some part of content''

3. Raiders are ''happy'' or happier atleast



What it doesn't achieve is:


1 - Giving players multiple paths to the same destination allowing players to freely move back and forth between those paths. I.E. I can't raid for the next month due to RL stuff. But I would like to stay up to date gear wise with my guild mates. So a month from now when I can raid I don't have any raid gear. Same goes for alts. I wouldn't mind having my alt raid ready so if needed I can bring him in to a raid. etc.


2 - Balance between the playstyles. Your solution treats raiders as something special while soloiers get gear that at 80% is probably worse than 50 greens.


3- Happiness for everyone. Your solution is all about making raiders happy. That's not a solution.

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What it doesn't achieve is:


1 - Giving players multiple paths to the same destination allowing players to freely move back and forth between those paths. I.E. I can't raid for the next month due to RL stuff. But I would like to stay up to date gear wise with my guild mates. So a month from now when I can raid I don't have any raid gear. Same goes for alts. I wouldn't mind having my alt raid ready so if needed I can bring him in to a raid. etc.


2 - Balance between the playstyles. Your solution treats raiders as something special while soloiers get gear that at 80% is probably worse than 50 greens.


3- Happiness for everyone. Your solution is all about making raiders happy. That's not a solution.


So tell me do you/we have multiple paths to lvl at lvl 1? Or do we all have to kill mobs do quests?


You cant should not have multiple paths always.... there should be UNIQUE things per path of progression for every path people choose and it needs to be big enough so people go for it.


Its not the same if you climb Mount Everest or go infront picture of Mount Everest... We cant say they should both end with same results aka you being on the Mount Everest...


This is wrong thinking!

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So tell me do you/we have multiple paths to lvl at lvl 1? Or do we all have to kill mobs do quests?


Yes, we do.


We can solo, we can group, we can do quests, we can just kill mobs. By level 10 we add PvP and instances that are optional as well.


You cant should not have multiple paths always.... there should be UNIQUE things per path of progression for every path people choose and it needs to be big enough so people go for it.


I can deal with "UNIQUE". The problem starts when "UNIQUE" means raiders get the best gear.


Its not the same if you climb Mount Everest or go infront picture of Mount Everest... We cant say they should both end with same results aka you being on the Mount Everest...


Ah yes, the raiders do epic amounts of "work" and therefore "earn" the gear while soloing is easymode welfare gear argument.


However, in this case the soloiers are putting in far more effort.


But back to your analogy, there is two main routes up Mt Everest. The north ridge or southeast ridge. Taking either path is worthy of the same reward.


The "wrong thinking!" is that raiders are somehow special.

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Yes, we do.


We can solo, we can group, we can do quests, we can just kill mobs. By level 10 we add PvP and instances that are optional as well.


YES exactly, you can JUST kill mobs but that wont give you THE SAME gear as finishing quest will is that right?


I can deal with "UNIQUE". The problem starts when "UNIQUE" means raiders get the best gear.


It should be the best gear for raiding in the 1st place... if best gear for raiding means best gear for PvE thi is not my fault... they can put so much presence on so Companions will make you more powerful than people in Raider gear and companion




Raider geared + Raider geared Companion is less power than Presence geared player and presence geared companion


See how simple it is?


Ah yes, the raiders do epic amounts of "work" and therefore "earn" the gear while soloing is easymode welfare gear argument.


However, in this case the soloiers are putting in far more effort.


No you dont put in more effort... by plain logic harder thing is what less peopel can achieve is that right?


Thats the bottom line in general while it never applies to 100% of achievements it surely applies to this one...


If raiding would be less ''hard'' work everyone would do it but many simple cannot afford time and coordination and organisation to achieve this thus it is ''hard'' for them neverminding the reasons the bottom line is they CANNOT achieve it


Soloers put ZERO effort... i soloed all my time on my 1st server 1-50 excluding 2 flashpoints and 1 heroic on tattoine and there was 0 effort everything is so easy in this game it hurts me to play it.


The only thing soloer puts in is time and even then the time is by his choosing and is not coordinated with noone but himself and his life where raiders need to coordinate with alot of things.


But back to your analogy, there is two main routes up Mt Everest. The north ridge or southeast ridge. Taking either path is worthy of the same reward.


It is worthy, but if 2 people will go the same time 1 goes the ''easy'' way other the hard one who will get praised more?


The "wrong thinking!" is that raiders are somehow special.


The wrong thinking is that soloers are somehow worth the same as those who group and coordinate themselves with relatively high amount of other players.


There should be the difference... If you can coordinate your gameplay to overcome content that requires you to fix your life around it you should get higher rewards...


Problem is because ''soloers'' or casuals or whatever you want think they shouldnt SACRIFICE ANYTHING tand get WHAT those who would SACRIFICE something get.


Thats the problem... If you have familly kids ok have them someone chose to dedicate life to a game why shouldnt he have more and better gear ingame than you?

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YES exactly, you can JUST kill mobs but that wont give you THE SAME gear as finishing quest will is that right?


You can get the same gear or better since gear drops from mobs. Plus you get the same quest rewards whether you solo them or group up for them. This despite the fact that doing them in a group is easier.


It should be the best gear for raiding in the 1st place... if best gear for raiding means best gear for PvE thi is not my fault... they can put so much presence on so Companions will make you more powerful than people in Raider gear and companion


So you would be good with gear that suffered an -80% penalty if used outside of raids then?



No you dont put in more effort... by plain logic harder thing is what less peopel can achieve is that right?



We complete both hard mode raids in under 3 hours. Netting us an average of 3 pieces of rakata gear each. By comparison it takes a week of dailies to earn a single rakata piece.



Soloers put ZERO effort... i soloed all my time on my 1st server 1-50 excluding 2 flashpoints and 1 heroic on tattoine and there was 0 effort everything is so easy in this game it hurts me to play it.


We aren't talking about soloing from level 1 to 50. We are talking about end game soloing that can be made every bit as hard as raiding. Plus it takes the same amount of effort to solo as raid. You need to log in, spend time in front of a computer, and push buttons.


It is worthy, but if 2 people will go the same time 1 goes the ''easy'' way other the hard one who will get praised more?


That's the sad part, some raiders actually think people praise them....


Problem is because ''soloers'' or casuals or whatever you want think they shouldnt SACRIFICE ANYTHING tand get WHAT those who would SACRIFICE something get.


****! sacrifice? Seriously? It's a game. What sacrifice are you putting into raiding? Seriously?


Thats the problem... If you have familly kids ok have them someone chose to dedicate life to a game why shouldnt he have more and better gear ingame than you?


Wow, simply, wow.

Edited by krinaman
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Thats the problem... If you have familly kids ok have them someone chose to dedicate life to a game why shouldnt he have more and better gear ingame than you?


Don't worry, when Legacy comes out you can be your own family AND kids! Plus with the rise of internet shopping and food delivery, we never need to go outside again!



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This is actually meant WAY back for the original poster, since I don't want to read 75 pages worth of text to see if someone else mentioned this.


The black hole gear that is comm specific, appears to only be for armor pieces. the weapons are still token drops. So, there will still be some effort to get the stats you want in terms of damage output. The tokens may drop in the black hole district, but maybe not. The other is, we do not yet know exactly HOW difficult the fights will be in this new region.


I have a character on the pts, but there aren't even lvl 10 yet.

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You can get the same gear or better since gear drops from mobs. Plus you get the same quest rewards whether you solo them or group up for them. This despite the fact that doing them in a group is easier.


See wrong you CANNOT get the same gear if you ONLY kill mobs because there are QUEST SPECIFIC REWARDS like that orange weapon from trooper quest around lvl 10...


So you would be good with gear that suffered an -80% penalty if used outside of raids then?


80%? Thats a bit overkill i said outside solo gear should have 80% of raid gear stats so thats 20% lower...


Well raid gear already with presence fixed would have less power outside of raids because if presence would buff your companion and your dmg is combined so for example


Raid geared player + raid geared companion = 1000+1000 dps

Presence geared players + presence geared companion = 800+1500 dps...


See the catch?


We complete both hard mode raids in under 3 hours. Netting us an average of 3 pieces of rakata gear each. By comparison it takes a week of dailies to earn a single rakata piece.


That is the problem of this game overall it awards everything too easy !!!


We aren't talking about soloing from level 1 to 50. We are talking about end game soloing that can be made every bit as hard as raiding. Plus it takes the same amount of effort to solo as raid. You need to log in, spend time in front of a computer, and push buttons.


Its impossible to put into your HEAD that if 16 players play together the POSSIBILITIES for ERROR are WAY HIGHER than if 1 player plays SOLO...


I cant be bothered to explain but if you can think youll figure it out easily


That's the sad part, some raiders actually think people praise them....


The sad part is that people think if they pay 15 bucks a month deserve 100% as someone who pays 15bucks but plays more and is more skilled.


****! sacrifice? Seriously? It's a game. What sacrifice are you putting into raiding? Seriously?




Seriously you sacrifice YOUR TIME? Ever heared that you CANNOT BUY MORE TIME ON EARTH?


Whever you choose to play the game you SACRIFICE time, and some people CANNOT SACRIFICE so much time cos they have kids famillies etc, OTHER CAN ? SHOCKING RIGHT?


So if you raid every day FOR EXAMPLE which should be the case for true dedicated raiders and players who focus you SHOULD get more but this game is flawed in endgame from the start!


Wow, simply, wow.


Yep i get the same feeling when i read your post thinking you are so important because you THINK you dont sacrifice anything for this game but deserve it all.





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I dont really see the problem.

Just let the "casuals", "Solo PVE Player" get raidgear.


Good Gear != Good Player.

If he has no situational awareness, I'll kick him.

If his DPS are to low, I'll kick him.


We "topraiders" have something the casuals can't get.

Titles :-)

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I dont really see the problem.

Just let the "casuals", "Solo PVE Player" get raidgear.


Good Gear != Good Player.

If he has no situational awareness, I'll kick him.

If his DPS are to low, I'll kick him.


We "topraiders" have something the casuals can't get.

Titles :-)


The problem is in this game as overall..


They dont want us to see other peoples dmg and want us all to have the same gear... it makes raiding painful if either of these 2 are not available.

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The problem is in this game as overall..


They dont want us to see other peoples dmg and want us all to have the same gear... it makes raiding painful if either of these 2 are not available.


The combatlog is coming with 1.2 and i have seen a working realtime DPS Meter on this forum... so one of this problems is solved.

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