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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 Hard Mode loot. Why raid when you can just run dailies?

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Also, stop pretending like raiding in this game is hard. It isn't. At all.


Anyone looking for a PVE raiding challenge is playing WoW, or tried this and went back to WoW. PVE in this game is laughably easy, stop kidding yourself.

Edited by Trineda
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i kinda wonder, has Eldercouncil ever received positive results from pulling the "my RL score is better than your RL score card"?..


the bottom line is that while it is technically POSSIBLE to get the same loot, it requires considerably more time to do so via dailies, and thus, they have put in the requisite effort.

Edited by Trineda
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so you are saying everyone who dosent have the time to spend 3-4 hours a day who have Jobs and families are jealous and not any good. Hmm i rather have money in my account to buy car's, houses, computer games etc then be poor. Before you label someone how about you go look in the mirror and evaluate yourself.


Everyone has different times they can play, your response is that of a 12 year old who is still leeching off your parents, who hasent even experianced real life, living away from home, with a job, paying bills, spending time with a gf, spending time with your kids looking after them, having to deal with wife agro etc.


Grow up some more, get 10 more years on your age then come comment after you have your own family, kids, wife, bills and a job.


Done, I have wife/family/good job/big house. I raid casually. I would not expect to get raid gear for solo content because I don't have enough time to play.


I raid like 2 nights a week for 1.5 to 2 hours at a time. I would not call that 3-4 hours a day. Raids do not take 3-4 hours, you can easily complete 1 HM op a night in about 1.5 to 2 hours.

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Of course they will. That isnt the point, the point is raiding should = raid gear. Yet they keep adding ways for casuals to get it therefor making it easier for hardcore raiders to get it. It should not even be available without doing raid content.


It's like me saying that I want solo WZ's where I just fight NPC's so I can get PvP gear without PvPing because I dont have enough time to finish a WZ.



LOL if you are a real raider you should of realized, most raiders dont log on unless its a raid day. Its not even a problem, all your doing is being prejudice against casual players. Did one take gear from you in a raid then stop logging in?


So you are worried that people who dont raid who spend months to get 1 piece of gear over raiders who have to spend weeks to get gear. I dont see the issue, they work hard every day to get 1 piece, raiders work 2 days to 3 days to get 1-3 pieces, a title , mount drops and server first.

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Done, I have wife/family/good job/big house. I raid casually. I would not expect to get raid gear for solo content because I don't have enough time to play.


I raid like 2 nights a week for 1.5 to 2 hours at a time. I would not call that 3-4 hours a day. Raids do not take 3-4 hours, you can easily complete 1 HM op a night in about 1.5 to 2 hours.


We are refering to patch 1.2,

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LOL if you are a real raider you should of realized, most raiders dont log on unless its a raid day. Its not even a problem, all your doing is being prejudice against casual players. Did one take gear from you in a raid then stop logging in?


So you are worried that people who dont raid who spend months to get 1 piece of gear over raiders who have to spend weeks to get gear. I dont see the issue, they work hard every day to get 1 piece, raiders work 2 days to 3 days to get 1-3 pieces, a title , mount drops and server first.


I'm not that worried about it. It just does not make sense to allow people that do not raid to get raid gear.


I would not care if someone ninjad my raid gear, I will have another chance at it at some point. I log in for raids and that is it at this point.


Does no one believe that raiders should be allowed something that they spent a lot of time working for. If you worked for 3 months straight at your job every day really hard on a project coordinating a number of other people to complete an objective, putting in 60+ hours a week and when you were done you were given a raise and a gold watch. Then a week later another guy at work gets the same thing for just showing up to work for 2-3 hours a day.


Would you be happy for him or would you feel like you got shafted out of something you worked hard for.

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I'm not that worried about it. It just does not make sense to allow people that do not raid to get raid gear.


I would not care if someone ninjad my raid gear, I will have another chance at it at some point. I log in for raids and that is it at this point.


Does no one believe that raiders should be allowed something that they spent a lot of time working for. If you worked for 3 months straight at your job every day really hard on a project coordinating a number of other people to complete an objective, putting in 60+ hours a week and when you were done you were given a raise and a gold watch. Then a week later another guy at work gets the same thing for just showing up to work for 2-3 hours a day.


Would you be happy for him or would you feel like you got shafted out of something you worked hard for.



And when a non raider spends months to get enough commasdations to get some gear, just spend more time then a raider, and days.

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I'm not that worried about it. It just does not make sense to allow people that do not raid to get raid gear.


I would not care if someone ninjad my raid gear, I will have another chance at it at some point. I log in for raids and that is it at this point.


Does no one believe that raiders should be allowed something that they spent a lot of time working for. If you worked for 3 months straight at your job every day really hard on a project coordinating a number of other people to complete an objective, putting in 60+ hours a week and when you were done you were given a raise and a gold watch. Then a week later another guy at work gets the same thing for just showing up to work for 2-3 hours a day.


Would you be happy for him or would you feel like you got shafted out of something you worked hard for.

the people who worked 3 month straight for 60+ hours a week do it not for the gold watch, but for the satisfaction of doing it first.


if you are only interested in the gold watch, i suggest you pursue the 2nd route, and just show up 2-3 hours a day.

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Can someone explain to me why non raiders want raid gear? There is no accomplishment involved you just get it to get it? The point is raid gear is like a trophy to some raiders, they spent the time putting the groups together and coordinating those people to complete an objective. What purpose does it server for non raiders to get it?
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Can someone explain to me why non raiders want raid gear? There is no accomplishment involved you just get it to get it? The point is raid gear is like a trophy to some raiders, they spent the time putting the groups together and coordinating those people to complete an objective. What purpose does it server for non raiders to get it?

why would anyone want a mile tracker on the treadmill. they could run and run and run and it wouldn't really matter.


gear is the only real metric of achievement in this game.

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why would anyone want a mile tracker on the treadmill. they could run and run and run and it wouldn't really matter.


gear is the only real metric of achievement in this game.


But if you are not achieving anything to get it what is the point?

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not everyone wants to race, some just like to run.


not everyone wants to raid, some just like to play.


I guess I will just agree to disagree with this, but for some raiders it really ruins the idea of progression.


I raid first because it is fun


I also raid because I like the idea of working with others toward an objective to get something unique to that purpose because we were able to do something that many others are not willing/able to do.

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But if you are not achieving anything to get it what is the point?


They put in a massive amount of time and they deserve to be rewarded for it. I will be full the tier beyond what black hole comms offer before ANYONE gets even half way geared from running dailies, and most other competant raiders will too.


Why does people being able to slowly, almost catch up in gear affect you guys so much? Is it because you are in actuality, horrible raiders with a bad attitude that wants to be better than someone, and since you can't be better than a real raider you need to have superior gear on the fleet to epeen preen?

Edited by Remulan
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I guess I will just agree to disagree with this, but for some raiders it really ruins the idea of progression.


I raid first because it is fun


I also raid because I like the idea of working with others toward an objective to get something unique to that purpose because we were able to do something that many others are not willing/able to do.

  1. if someone else has the same loot as you, does it make your personal achievement less rewarding? - do you walk around fleet, and everytime you see someone with rakata gear, do you feel worse about your own achievements? if so, MMO may not be for you.
  2. "something that many others are not willing/able to do" - are you willing / able to wait, weeks on end, playing only 30 minutes a day, in order to get loot?
    try to gain some perspective. some people have time constraints, work, kids, social obligations, whatever. they may still want more out of the game than just quests, and this provides a means.


bottom line is, if OTHER people's enjoyment of the game differs from yours, and you can not accept that, and not only that, if their difference in enjoyment actively TAKES AWAY your enjoyment of the game, you really should re-evaluate if MMOs are right for you.

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Can someone explain to me why non raiders want raid gear? There is no accomplishment involved you just get it to get it? The point is raid gear is like a trophy to some raiders, they spent the time putting the groups together and coordinating those people to complete an objective. What purpose does it server for non raiders to get it?


Are raiders really self centered people?, ITs not just raiders and non raiders, there are also people in guilds who are used as a sub eg: Core raider cant make it, would you take a undergeared person in their place or a guildy whos been keeping up with raid gear via weekly quests from Corellia.


Raiders are not the world, Raid gear helps everyone who enjoys PvE which is alot of Swtor world. Gear helps those who solo daily group quests, people who farm monsters to skin for crafting etc, Hardmode Flashpoints etc.

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according to another post I saw somewhere, i'll try to find it, you can only get black hole comms from one weekly quest in the new daily area and story mode of the new operation as well as nightmare karagga's palace. The actual daily quests on Corellia still give you daily comms. Then Hard mode EC gives you tokens for Campaign gear.
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according to another post I saw somewhere, i'll try to find it, you can only get black hole comms from one weekly quest in the new daily area and story mode of the new operation as well as nightmare karagga's palace. The actual daily quests on Corellia still give you daily comms. Then Hard mode EC gives you tokens for Campaign gear.



200 daily comms can get you Relics that are better quality then the ones you get from Nightmare mode Ops, in EV and Karagga.

The Weekly Corellia quest gives 6 Black hole Comms, the rest of the dailies only give 1 Daily Comms and 7.8K credits, Group 4+ gives 2 Daily Comms and i think it was 11K Credits.


The new Heroic 4 is made so it cannot be soloed like Belsavis ones by shadows etc.

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They put in a massive amount of time and they deserve to be rewarded for it. I will be full the tier beyond what black hole comms offer before ANYONE gets even half way geared from running dailies, and most other competant raiders will too.


Why does people being able to slowly, almost catch up in gear affect you guys so much? Is it because you are in actuality, horrible raiders with a bad attitude that wants to be better than someone, and since you can't be better than a real raider you need to have superior gear on the fleet to epeen preen?




Unless you have raided with the person etc then you cant make guess work about them and if they are good or bad raider. I would have to say you are a terrible raider and have a bad attitude. Your post just proves it.

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1.2 PvE Gear:


"Campaign" hard Raid Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)

"Blackhole" Corellia Commendation Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)


Whats the point of raiding in SWTOR when I can just run some faceroll dailies and get "hard mode" raid gear. :rolleyes:


Raiding in this game keeps getting worse not better. GW2 out yet? :rak_eek:


... you realize GW2 is doing away entirely with gear dependencies right? Did you even touch GW? The gear in that game was entirely cosmetic- and it's little different in GW2.



That aside- I dunno, fun? Have you ever thought of doing what you enjoy in an mmo? If you don't like operations enough to do them- then don't! Gear or not.

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The raiders will be geared in a month and the non raiders will be doing dailies for 4-6 months before they have a full set. From the perspective of a raider, I have no problem with that lol....besides, Ill be wearing NM gear eventually which will be top tier and non raiders will not be able to get it. So whats the problem?
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