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1.2 Hard Mode loot. Why raid when you can just run dailies?

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First I dont mind a system that will not leave casuals behind or help them get up to hard mode level. I stated back in what I would do to change it. My system would help casuals get geared up faster AS LONG AS THEY DOWNED THE BOSS for the gear they are getting. Via a Token with the DCs.


Second the reason why Raiders have a problem with gear welfare is this, we put the effort to be ready to raid on a consistent bases. that means, we run dailies to make sure we have credits or find ways to make credits. We Make sure we are there with buffs and stims. We watch boss fights and learn our role. We do what is needed to down the content to earn the gear, people who do not raid never earn that gear. Doing dailies are not the same as raiding with 7/15 other people who could cause the raid not to down the boss. Doing dailies you have only 1 person to blame yourself, its not the same as counting on a healer to pull their weight or a tank knowing how to position the boss. Sorry the effort required is much different and you do not have full control over the situation in a raid as you do solo.


Again people who want a Alternative way to gear up that are willing to raid and will down a boss should be given tokens to help them buy gear faster with their dailies that they do. No problem there.


I disagree. I'm a raider and I cringed last night when I seen we had a new recruit. I thought it was going to mean that we couldn't try hardmode and was going to have to run normal mode to get them some gear first.


I'd rather the gear was given in various means in the game so come raid night, gear isn't an issue and we can work on accomplishing things as a team.

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And I love how people like you have a Lack of reasoning. Makes people who have some deductive reasoning and logic look like gods. Which in some cases we really are because well we understand that 2+2=4 you people still think 2+2=10.


Simple Logic


If you Raid and Down the Content you get Raid gear


If you dont Raid there for you do not down the content and you don't get raid gear


If you solo you should get solo gear


If you dont join a bowling team and bowl you never have a chance at winning a bowling trophy


All simple Logic too me, but you seem to not be able to grasp the concept.


A bowling trophy is only useful to a bowler.


Raid gear is useful in all PvE aspects of the game, be it farming credits through dailies to burning down other herioc quests and stuff for future moddable gear drops and codex entries. The only way to make your analogy work is if raid gear was useless outside of a raid zone - which a bowling trophy is to anyone not interested in bowling.

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So we as raiders are partially to blame, i am not saying you or myself specifically, but raiders in general.


Raiders are solely to blame. They (we) require such a large carrot to entice us to raid, that it upsets the rest of the game. To catch everyone else up and keep a large enough pool of players "raid ready", badge systems had to be implemented else raiding would have died a long time ago.


I suppose no one else remembers just how difficult it was to recruit well geared players back in EQ1 and WoW vanilla? Most of the time in those days, recruiting well geared players meant poaching them from another guild (a rude thing to do) or recruiting lesser geared players and running them through crap raids to get their gear caught up. The problem with this was you were lucky if veteran raiders showed up to help gear them out. The veteran raiders didn't want to raid content they had already done until their ears bled - sometimes this meant they just didn't log on, they left for another guild (poached) or quit the game. This ended up being a vicious circle of recruiting until some guilds fell apart under the weight of losing progression.

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Yes I say people are crazy for paying a sub just to Solo in an MMO because I dont understand that logic. I can Buy a Single Player game and get everything for $30 to $50, where as a year sub is $180. I play MMOs to hang with friends, I personally would never pay a sub for a single player game.


If there was a solo, non-sub version of SWTOR released at the same time as the SWTOR MMO, the solo version would probably have a sold more copies.


But there is no solo version, so people who solo play the MMO version instead because they have no choice.

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1.2 PvE Gear:


"Campaign" hard Raid Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)

"Blackhole" Corellia Commendation Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)


Whats the point of raiding in SWTOR when I can just run some faceroll dailies and get "hard mode" raid gear. :rolleyes:


Raiding in this game keeps getting worse not better. GW2 out yet? :rak_eek:


the point of raiding is that not everyone raids just to get gear

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1.2 PvE Gear:


"Campaign" hard Raid Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)

"Blackhole" Corellia Commendation Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)


Whats the point of raiding in SWTOR when I can just run some faceroll dailies and get "hard mode" raid gear. :rolleyes:


Raiding in this game keeps getting worse not better. GW2 out yet? :rak_eek:


You know GW2 will not have raiding in the classic sense?

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Yeah I would totally rather grind mindless dailies for a week to get one piece of gear than run a cool new operation while earning that gear just for doing it. Picking up venom glands off Belsavis mobs like I've been doing for months is definitely really interesting compared to killing an AT-AT with a bunch of my friends.


Basically all you're admitting is that you don't play this game for fun, you only play it to press the lever and get your food pellet.


People take the route of least resistance. Doing what you say takes getting up a group of people at the same time that are good at there classes. I can do that once every 2 weeks. My Guild raids once a week, and I have life issues for half of them.


Now, do I support daillies for endgame gear? Not really. But you can only play the game that is given you. So I will run them.

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By completing all dailies at least once a week you will earn 6 black hole commendations. It will take you about 2 and a half months to get one piece of gear.


Please try to read about the changes they actually are putting in the game before you go all ******* crazy.


I know reading comprehension and critical thinking are at an all time low on this board... **** I think I just need to stop coming here, it hurts my *********** brain to read the bs that is constantly spouted off.

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All of the "You don't deserve the best gear, only we do" post, sound like a bunch of selfish children. If you raid to get gear, why do you care if its obtainable solo? If you don't want to get the gear that way by soloing then don't do it. Edited by -Ransome-
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I'm happy because as an avid PvP'er I always get to hear to I don't have the right gear, this has ultimately excluded me from ops/raiding since I don't have an active guild of my own to roll with. Now I'm given a chance to, solo, get some decent stuff which in the end might open a door to other PvE activities. It may take a while but it's atleast something. Edited by MidichIorian
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Most of these posts assume that people don't want to raid and therefore should not be allowed to get raid gear. This is not always the case, some people have lives and simply don't have time to raid, and some people are not in active guilds and don't get the opportunity. its wrong to deny those people a way of obtaining high level gear and any mmorpg worth it's salt will devise a way where people can do it on a casual basis. Nothing is given to them they still have to earn it by doing dailies when they can, and I know from personal experience dailies can seem more work than raiding. Anyway as it stands this is all by the by since you can only obtain 6 blackhole commendations a week it would take far to long to get a full set of gear, upto a year and a half which is ridiculous by any stretch of the imagination. Edited by Flain
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I don't understand how people can be arguing that doing dailies for raid gear makes sense. It takes all the progression out of raiding and turns it into just some optional thing you can do, like fighting world bosses or getting the +10 datacron.

All that will happen is people will get max pve gear and then have nothing to do. Why raid? It's more difficult, time consuming, and doable less often than dailies.

It's basically handing gear to you...


Stack solo gear with PRESENCE end of.



Presence opens up the door for actual solo gear.

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I don't understand how people can be arguing that doing dailies for raid gear makes sense. It takes all the progression out of raiding and turns it into just some optional thing you can do, like fighting world bosses or getting the +10 datacron.

All that will happen is people will get max pve gear and then have nothing to do. Why raid? It's more difficult, time consuming, and doable less often than dailies.

It's basically handing gear to you...





Presence opens up the door for actual solo gear.


I would argue that it makes perfect sense to do dailies for raid gear equivalent gear.


The Daily gear doesn't have set bonus.


Raid Gear does.


You can only get like 15 commendations a day from doing all the new dailies. The ears and the 2 implants cost 30 each. The Bracers and the belts cost around 60. The other pieces cost between 120 and 90.


By the time you farm all of your gear, which wont be as good as Raid Gear, Raiders will already have the they need.


Blackhole Commendations armor is the new entree point armor for Operations going forward. The creation of the set is necessary in order for new players to get into the new raids faster.


Even with the new Armor Set, to get into the new operation with a fresh 50. You can do Dailies on Corellia. Hard Mode Flashpoint Dailies, and tier 1 Operations to begin gearing out your character so that you can do Tier 2 Operations. Doing all three of these things will still take you a few weeks to get you ready for


Stacking Daily gear with presence isn't a necessary solution. They would need to change the mechanics of how presence worked to make that a viable option. Presence in addition to making your companion stronger, would also need to make you stronger. And it would have to be programmed in such a way to only make you stronger when your with your companion.

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Not all people like raids. not all people like daily quests. this offers top end gear for all people. should only daily comm grinders get top end gear? should only raiders get top end statted gear? if you answered yes to one of those questions, you are wrong.
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you had to know this was coming .. right around the time the 1000th complaint .. about the easiest raid content outside of hello kitty online .. rolled across the forum.


hopefully the entitlement era is complete and we can move on.


of course I would have thought it was over right around the time when farming 5 mans got you raid gear .. so I'm guessing the groundhog still sees a shadow.

Edited by azmundai
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I don't understand how people can be arguing that doing dailies for raid gear makes sense. It takes all the progression out of raiding and turns it into just some optional thing you can do, like fighting world bosses or getting the +10 datacron.

All that will happen is people will get max pve gear and then have nothing to do. Why raid? It's more difficult, time consuming, and doable less often than dailies.

It's basically handing gear to you...



In an ideal situation the two paths would be balanced for how much effort is required so that one isn't super easy compared to the other. With that in mind the answer to your question of why would people raid is because they find raiding fun. As opposed to they tolerate raiding, barely, because it's the only way to get gear.


It also means that the people who won't/can't raid don't reach level cap and have nothing to do.


I'm also not sure how doing dailies for hours day in day out for week plus to get a single piece equals "handing the gear to you" and doing two raids in 2-3 hours getting 40 pieces of raid gear to split amoing 8 people is not. Even if you only count the 20 Rakata it's still 2.5 pieces per person. So roughly a piece per hour as compared to a piece every 20 hours solo. Yeah, random drops makes that piece per hour average higher but no where near the 20 for solo.

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I Like This Idea, Doing Dailies For Some good End Game Gear. This Whole Raiding Is The Only Way To Get Gear Is Kinda Childish, Why Do I Play This Game Its To Kill Stuff With My Friends/Guildies, Do I Have 8 Or 16 Friends/Guildies On All The Time No I Hardly See Past 10 On At One Time. This Gives Me A Chance To Get Gear By Grinding For Weeks Just to Get Couple Pieces Of Better Armor. Some Of You Might Have Kittens When You Read This, But I Come From SWG Where There Wasnt Any Raiding,We Just Roamed Around Killing Stuff To Get Junk Loot To Craft Our 35's Which Was Fun Cuz We Didnt Have To Follow The Leetest Mindset Of "Omgz I R Has To Raid". This Is Why I Thik The Dailies Are Cool Idea, And Now I Can Get Some Gear Which Makes Me Viable To Try And Run HM/NiM For FUN.
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Always thought it was odd that "elites"who demand a challenging game play,insist on implementing a system that only gives them the gear that ultimately makes the game less challenging when finally aquired,and hinders the other players"casuals" who do not want that much of a challenge,but instead just want an easy and fun game experience from having any viable way to aquire gear that would make the game more enjoyable for them.
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Always thought it was odd that "elites"who demand a challenging game play,insist on implementing a system that only gives them the gear that ultimately makes the game less challenging when finally aquired,and hinders the other players"casuals" who do not want that much of a challenge,but instead just want an easy and fun game experience from having any viable way to aquire gear that would make the game more enjoyable for them.


The "elites" aren't behind those decisions, it is in the developer interest to provide that to them. A "challenge" without a carrot will only last you 3 maybe 4 raid lock outs. At which point you get bored, unsub until next raid content patch and go play something else.


They want to keep them in the game, so they get a carrot through different challenges in pve that give rewards. You don't need full raid gear to enjoy the game outside of pve. In fact, you can do so in full greens. Even pvp.

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