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Operative or Sniper?


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Hi guys,


You've probably had a few threads like this, but would like to get your view on this from my playstyle point of view.


I've just deleted my Jedi Shadow and Trooper toons. (My Shadow was my main and I just couldn't get into the class story or the gear look).


I'm planning on rolling an Assassin and want to role an IA, but I'm torn about which AC to use and so I'm wondering if you guys could help me out.


I love stealth classes, which is why I'm rolling Assassin, however I did enjoy pwning mobs from range with my Trooper. Due to my play-time etc, my primary means to access endgame gear will be through PvP.


So my question is, which IA AC would you recommend?


Is Sniper viable for PvP. If so, is it a stand and shoot style or can you snipe and be mobile at the same time? Or given my playstyle preferences, is Operative the way to go? (Possibly with Stealth/Healing build)?


Thanks for any help you can give.

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I'd say play with what you're comfortable with. Coming from a lvl 50 Operative and a lvl 50 Gunslinger (Basically Gunslinger=Sniper) Gunslinger is really immobile while he's fighting, but for me at least he hits like a truck. And it makes him really good in pvp and pve alike.


Now the Operative (With the nerf coming up idk if i can say this for much longer) but it is also very good for pve and pvp. And to me it has alot more utility than the Gunslinger/Sniper, since I can be really mobile, and heal myself every now and then. CC's are also a good thing for pve. Which the Gunslinger/Sniper lack IMO.


Hope that gave you some insight. Have fun.

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Hi guys,


I've just deleted my Jedi Shadow and Trooper toons. (My Shadow was my main and I just couldn't get into the class story or the gear look).



Why did you delete your Republic toons? You know you can have both factions on the *same* server.


Considering the current state of operatives and the proposed 1.2 changes...I could not, in good faith, recommend this class to any of my friends if today/tomorrow they decided to play.


It is an investment (ie end game PvE/PvP) that simply won't pay off and that's bad for business in the fun department.

Edited by phistonation
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Snipers are a lot of fun to play. Operatives.. are just a bit OP, and from what I'm seeing, they're getting hit pretty hard with the nerf bat. I'd wait till the dust settles to try an agent, period. Otherwise the class is going to change on you right as soon as you get used to how they play.
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Why did you delete your Republic toons? You know you can have both factions on the *same* server.


Yeah, only just remembered that after I deleted them. :( Never mind.


Anyway, thanks for the tips. I might spend a bit of time levelling up my Assassin (with maybe taking the IA to lvl 10) and wait and see how the Op nerf works out before I decide totally, although Sniper might be an idea for just PvE and crafting/gathering while I gear up my Assassin via PvP.

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Remember both share a 3rd tree.


Do you enjoy healing? If you'd like to opt for healing, you have to pick operative.


As operative (concealment) I can solo everything from 3-4 levels above me. I'm almost always the lowest level when I arrive, and I manage to do my class quests. Sometimes I die, usually due to my stupidity (rotation mistake, CD error, ninja pull, etc). I really love playing my op, and since I overagro tanks easily (even much above my level) I can understand my class needs a nerf.


My only other character was a jedi sage healer. I was able to heal instances 3-4 levels above me too, but the soloing was a little bit tougher than on my operative.


If you enjoy (sub) rogue in WoW, you will love concealment.


If you enjoy stealth sniper missions in FPS then... hmm that was my original plan but there is no such thing in SWTOR, there is sniping but not stealth sniping.


You can also just try them out both. I plan on making a "sniper" on republic side (for that class story, and to try out sniper).


Good luck making your choice :)

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go assassin.

operatives are getting nerfed again, which im sad to say.

and sniper is meh. i have a lvl 50 sniper and i can say other classes like mara and mercs do out dps me when im better gear.


so either go Assassin or Mara. both arent getting hurt in 1.2 lol

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Seems like my current plan to just concentrate on levelling my Assassin is the best idea at the moment.


That way I can wait and see how Operative dps etc works out or when I hit 50 I can roll a Retataki Sith Marauder.

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Don't look at all the naysayers. Sniper is perfect for you since it will never be a FOTM class which means a much more stable gaming experience. You will be able to have a lot of fun in PVE and PVP if you will simply follow this mindset:

1. Sniper is a support class.

2. Sniper is a team player.


Everytime you get bursted down from 35 meters while you are busy with someone else it is because of a sniper. Everytime you see dozens of raghouls dropped in an instant by an orbital strike in Kaon under Siege flashpoint, it's because of a sniper.



Trust me, they are not done with nerfing / adjusting / overhauling Assassins and Marauders. You will find yourself coming to forums over and over again cursing everything.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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I don't know if it's just me, but operatives feel like they fit into the "agent" story more nicely. Although, after reaching level 47 on my op, I'm sick of dying over and over again due to the poor companion tanks/agents dps. Op healing is also terrible when comparing to merc or sorc. I mainly play mine because I love the story. So I'd probably suggest sniper if you're looking for an easier option.
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Don't look at all the naysayers. Sniper is perfect for you since it will never be a FOTM class which means a much more stable gaming experience. You will be able to have a lot of fun in PVE and PVP if you will simply follow this mindset:

1. Sniper is a support class.

2. Sniper is a team player.


Everytime you get bursted down from 35 meters while you are busy with someone else it is because of a sniper. Everytime you see dozens of raghouls dropped in an instant by an orbital strike in Kaon under Siege flashpoint, it's because of a sniper.



Trust me, they are not done with nerfing / adjusting / overhauling Assassins and Marauders. You will find yourself coming to forums over and over again cursing everything.


See this is what I hate about the Sniper, you are just another average solider. You are not a Hero, you are the peon that supports the Heros in this game.

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I don't know if it's just me, but operatives feel like they fit into the "agent" story more nicely. Although, after reaching level 47 on my op, I'm sick of dying over and over again due to the poor companion tanks/agents dps. Op healing is also terrible when comparing to merc or sorc. I mainly play mine because I love the story. So I'd probably suggest sniper if you're looking for an easier option.
Use Lokin in healer mode. Gear him up (mine has l40 PvP). If you're concealment then you have 3 ways to get behind enemy: flashbang, debilitate, and carbonite. All 3 allow you to heal yourself at least once while you have CCed.


I did Hoth class quest at l35/l36, left Hoth at l39. I completed Voss at l44, Corellia then at completed at l47. Tried Ilum quests at l48 and it was tough (harder than class quest which I found rather easy) yet doable though not worth my time (I just went some more PvP to get champion bags).


The problem with SCORPIO I found is the head (sensor unit). Mine still doesn't have one which is a huge stat loss; Kaliyo OTOH can get complete l40 gearset from PvP badges. Also, while you can disable AoE abilities from your pets at least you are sure your healer, Lokin, won't break CC; you actually break his. Lokin will also get aggro, but that is OK he can take some hits and a rifle shot takes it away.


In short, as the evidence suggests I had no issue whatsoever soloing anything as op (concealment), in fact it was easier than my sage (speced as healer) and the class quest was also easier (but more fun IMO).

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See this is what I hate about the Sniper, you are just another average solider. You are not a Hero, you are the peon that supports the Heros in this game.


well, Arnold Scharzenegger is fun to a certain point. But there comes a moment, when you want to feel weak but nasty. Like haha! Get this! You thought you were safe! No you were not! :D

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The problem with SCORPIO I found is the head (sensor unit). Mine still doesn't have one which is a huge stat loss;


You can purchase a modable one at the Equipment commendation vendor from either Belsavis or Voss (can't remember what one). Other option is to ask your (extremely generous and) friendly cybertech to RE a purple one for you.

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Play your 'sin well rounded and you can often be an off tank in PVE, you do great DPS and have a glow stick.


operatives are up in the sky right now with the current patch notes on PTS for the 1.2 patch.


Or play a sniper if you dont mind the lack of mobility.

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If you plan on doing end game PVP, for what that's worth- stick with assasin- They have more utility and will be required in Pre-made rated war zone groups.

If you are OP or Sniper you have almost zero chance of getting into your guilds rated war zone team, because you lack some of the necessary skills for optimum PVP 8 man team.


Let me make this clear, I'm not saying op and sniper doesn't have roles in those groups, I'm saying Sorc or Assasin can do everything better plus they have an instant knockback and either pull enemy or pull friend ability.

When they announced rated war zones with 8 man queing, I stopped playing my level 50's(Op concealment , Op healer and Sniper) and rolled an asassin, because I didn't want to be stuck solo queueing or PUG in rated warzones. A PUG will have almost no chance to beat an 8 man team. (my guess is 5%) Why put yourself through that.

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For me the operative was the right choice. It's got lots of buttons and you can assist rather well (considering the amount of dmg you can dish out, it's pretty cool to also heal "a little") and I haven't died in PvE since I got Cloaking Screen and Lokin. I remember being in a cave at level 40ish and thinking "man, these mobs take forever!" and then realizing that those werent strong but elite mobs that far down the caves. XD


BUT... with ne next patch and the additional cooldown on backstab operative is going to feel horribly clunky. Overload Shots or even Rifle Shots inc... in Melee Range. Now if Overload Shot wouln't cost that much energy, but rather something around 10 (matchin en/dmg relation) that would work, but that's not going to happen.


So, I guess it's going to take a looooooong time of 'wait for cooldown'-gameplay until the OP gets a change. (imho, they should just add 'reduce cost of overload shot by 3.5/7' to the Surgical Strikes Talent - making it a decent filler and being available soon enough.)




I do think I fully understand the kind of character you want to play. And right now, the Operative is definately one of the most FUN ways to play: lots of skills (at least at 40+) and moving and stealthing and backstabbing and controlling and helping. And a rather cool storyline, in my opinion. Scoundrel for more lol attitude in dialogues, though. ;)


Come 1.2 the "no gapcloser melee" will also suck in dps-skill-rotation. So... if you can love a character for several months until it gets fixed. Try one.

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