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1.2 Marauder PvP-Gear (i can haz sreens?)


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My face while seeing those sets




On a more serious note. I do appreciate the cape even if the rest of the armor looks like some sort of power ranger's villain...atleast we got a cape.

Edited by atreyuz
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well..I guess I won't have any issues pulling out the mods and putting them in a trenchcoat..


Those armor sets are dog ugly...really, that is some straight up ugly artwork..who hired the artists that deisgned those??

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*** is with the knight helm rofl


I was thinking the same thing XD


If you look at like closely, it resembles a bug with a derpy smile, wearing a shirt with an elaborated high neck.


What's seen cannot be unseen :D

Edited by Vetril
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I dunno those BW guys always **** it up when it comes to my armor. Had a Sent bfor and their PvP armor is probably (even after I've seen the new sets) the most FKN UGLY (WANNABE IRON MAN SAMURAI) BS in the entire game and I had zero motivation to continue playing this character after I saw it the 1st time. So I rerolled Mara and now I get this... luckily we'll be able to put the mods in the BM set lol... Edited by DynamiCtagez
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i'm with u there i love i plan on getting this set and using it as a pve set just rip all the mods out of it


id go the other way around, i like the pve set more


however, i dont pve, so i guess im stuck with the pvp set

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