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An appalling tragedy! BW, please never let this happen again!!!


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devs are too busy hiding from the forum complains, ignoring the community, and pretending this epic fail of EGA and massive server queues arent their problem.



they wil get back at you once everything has been successfully swept under the rug



I guess you missed something. Incase you don't know these game companies do pay alot of attention to their forums. It's not your game. It is made by them and if they do something to the game its for a reason you probably dont understand their logic in it. and most likely they dont understand our logic either. but if you spent seven years of your life making just one game fixing bug after bug of coding trust me its easier said then done my friend. These guys do pay attention. especially when they have a good reputation for listening to their fans.

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BW appropriately added knockback into many of the combat moves. This is fitting with the SW universe we've seen. BW even highlighted this in an old promo vid, showing a Jedi knocking thugs off a sail barge.



However, did no one at BW ever forsee that such a TRAVESTY could occur???



There are so many easy ways to fix this.

- Have any such loot automatically go into one's inventory.

- Have the loot 'pulled' from any falling bodies, remaining on the ledge where it can be looted.

- Hell, do like Fallen Earth, and send us an email with the item attached, as a "lost and found."




It would have been my 2nd unique Purple. yeargh




ps. I don't suppose a dev has a few minutes to look through the records and send me whatever Purple item that was? :(



EDIT: I was so overwhelmed with panic, I immediately lept off the ledge when this happened, just to make sure maybe I could live on the ledge, loot the purple, then jump off and die. Nope.





There is an auto loot option in the options of the game...wonder if that would work...:rolleyes:

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It is a travesty, but, at the same time as the devs said during beta they really don't listen to the testers because their in-house testers are better. Had they listened to the Beta testers they would have caught that kind of thing and you would have gotten your loot.
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I guess you missed something. Incase you don't know these game companies do pay alot of attention to their forums. It's not your game. It is made by them and if they do something to the game its for a reason you probably dont understand their logic in it. and most likely they dont understand our logic either. but if you spent seven years of your life making just one game fixing bug after bug of coding trust me its easier said then done my friend. These guys do pay attention. especially when they have a good reputation for listening to their fans.




Ahh but you must not have been around in beta and active on those forums and saw what was said about the testers and how much they listen to and value the beta testers input. Whether it's hard to do or not is irrelevent when there is a new build every month. And yes this build is basicaly the same build in the last beta weekend, which was a step backwards.

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find nearby enemy... kite them to the very edge of the ledge... kill them, use aoe loot and you might get the purple...


Since this thread I turned on auto-loot and noticed it still has a somewhat limited distance range. Almost certain that NPC corpse was too far down.


Otherwise you're right, that would be a decent strategy to try and get that loot!



Well, time to log back in and see if the PvP tag has been removed, since I have no idea how to remove it (happened by wandering into a PvP zone on Tantooine.) :(



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Sweet irony, I just got a third (or I guess, second) PURPLE item.



BTW, my last purple, Boots, lasted from lvl 16-26. Got them towards the end of Dromand Kaas, wore them through Balmorra, Nar Shaada, and into Tatooine. Didn't out-level them fast at all.





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Right click on your portrait


I tried that, to no avail. More details in this post.






Interestingly, I was in a large temple (no spoilers) on Tatooine, a Republic Commando was there, and was not tagged (I don't think).


A few minutes later, he saw me fighting a mob, unloading my big attacks, he must have quickly toggled on his PvP, then attacked me. I still damn-near killed him. (I didn't think you could do that -- quickly toggle on and surprise attack someone already fighting someone else?)


Rezz'd myself, caught up to him in the next room, and laid about 10 Tracer Missiles into him, LMAO! Last I saw, after he rezz'd, he was standing up on a pile of rocks, not engaging, just waiting for me to leave; I'll bet his PvP toggle was then stuck to 'On' also, HA HA!





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BW appropriately added knockback into many of the combat moves. This is fitting with the SW universe we've seen. BW even highlighted this in an old promo vid, showing a Jedi knocking thugs off a sail barge.



However, did no one at BW ever forsee that such a TRAVESTY could occur???



There are so many easy ways to fix this.

- Have any such loot automatically go into one's inventory.

- Have the loot 'pulled' from any falling bodies, remaining on the ledge where it can be looted.

- Hell, do like Fallen Earth, and send us an email with the item attached, as a "lost and found."




It would have been my 2nd unique Purple. yeargh




ps. I don't suppose a dev has a few minutes to look through the records and send me whatever Purple item that was? :(



EDIT: I was so overwhelmed with panic, I immediately lept off the ledge when this happened, just to make sure maybe I could live on the ledge, loot the purple, then jump off and die. Nope.






try and be less emotional next time you post, people might actually read what you say and take you serious

Edited by Shokurai
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If you choose the "easy kill" way, you'll have to be prepared to lose the loot...


Thats just the way it is.


If anything, easy kills knocked to places that can't be reached should always drop purples...just so you have to think and ponder what you missed.

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BW appropriately added knockback into many of the combat moves. This is fitting with the SW universe we've seen. BW even highlighted this in an old promo vid, showing a Jedi knocking thugs off a sail barge.



However, did no one at BW ever forsee that such a TRAVESTY could occur???



There are so many easy ways to fix this.

- Have any such loot automatically go into one's inventory.

- Have the loot 'pulled' from any falling bodies, remaining on the ledge where it can be looted.

- Hell, do like Fallen Earth, and send us an email with the item attached, as a "lost and found."




It would have been my 2nd unique Purple. yeargh




ps. I don't suppose a dev has a few minutes to look through the records and send me whatever Purple item that was? :(



EDIT: I was so overwhelmed with panic, I immediately lept off the ledge when this happened, just to make sure maybe I could live on the ledge, loot the purple, then jump off and die. Nope.





Ouch. That sucks man. Like holding a glass of scotch in front of an alcoholic's nose and telling him he can't have even a sip.

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