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Merc Healer nerf 1.2


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Yes for normaly mode u could get away with a merc healer, but after the patch goes live Merc healers will be incapable of competing in Nightmare Operations, doesnt matter how good of a player you are, those fights will require some spamming and soon as you spam for 15 seconds with the new patch notes you will overheat blow your CD's and be back to being useless rapid shotting till your tank is dead lol


I love the class to but BW are literally ruling us out of content with 1.2

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Once more, these patch notes are not set in stone, and the Dev's will likely change some of it. It will be based on the Test servers results, not the amount of people Q.Q'ing over their nerf. Personally, I don't think you can tell what this nerf will or will not do until it's in effect. Do "the math" all you like, it will play out unpredictably in real time.


^_^ Also, take a look at every class forum recieving a nerf, everyone thinks they got nerfed the heaviest and that they're class is going to be useless.

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Yes for normaly mode u could get away with a merc healer, but after the patch goes live Merc healers will be incapable of competing in Nightmare Operations, doesnt matter how good of a player you are, those fights will require some spamming and soon as you spam for 15 seconds with the new patch notes you will overheat blow your CD's and be back to being useless rapid shotting till your tank is dead lol


I love the class to but BW are literally ruling us out of content with 1.2


I disagree with you on this. From what I have seen so far we are perfectly capable of maintaining heat. It's a matter of prioritizing abilities correctly and avoiding overhealing. My personal experience with 16 man nightmare modes on live is that maintaining heat is fairly easy, but this may not be the case for everyone.

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I doubt any 8 man operation group using dual healing commandos/mercs will be able to beat jarg and sorno or SOA on nightmare if all of these ammo/heat efficiency nerfs go live.


O wait im one of 2 healing commando's in my op. Im screwed :(

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I doubt any 8 man operation group using dual healing commandos/mercs will be able to beat jarg and sorno or SOA on nightmare if all of these ammo/heat efficiency nerfs go live.


O wait im one of 2 healing commando's in my op. Im screwed :(

Soa tbh isn't a healing check fight at all, should be plenty doable even with the bad nerfs. Jarg n Sorno with 2 mercs with current pts changes? ... Beyond insanely hard at the least, may actually be undoable, remains to be seen.

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I tried the healing changes yesterday, and it is indeed a challenge to keep your group topped off and maintain heat. You will be weaving in rapid shots after every heal or you'll be doing a lot of standing around waiting for heat to drop. Kolto Shell doesn't seem to be worth it unless you're at 0 heat. I used to refresh it as soon as I got a tank topped off. Doing a Healing Scan>Rapid Scan>Kolto Shell will now put you over 40 heat.
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I disagree with you on this. From what I have seen so far we are perfectly capable of maintaining heat. It's a matter of prioritizing abilities correctly and avoiding overhealing. My personal experience with 16 man nightmare modes on live is that maintaining heat is fairly easy, but this may not be the case for everyone.


Keegan will this still be the case with 1.2 ? that's what has everybody worried, not present live servers. We can heal everything on live servers.

Edited by Giobiwan
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Maintaining heat will never be "hard", since it just is a change of pace of resource costing vs free abilities.


Healing output _while_ maintaining heat however is the relevant factor, will it be big enough to maintain people alive during content? Based on PTS Jarg & Sorno and a guild having to switch to hard mode from NM, the answer seems to be "no".


But even IF healing output is enough, the worst part is this:


If maintaining heat results in excessive boring stupid whack-a-mole free-shots ability usage thus that it is boring as heck, the mechanics of the class will be made

a) less skill requiring

b) less rewarding for that skills


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Maintaining heat will never be "hard", since it just is a change of pace of resource costing vs free abilities.


Healing output _while_ maintaining heat however is the relevant factor, will it be big enough to maintain people alive during content? Based on PTS Jarg & Sorno and a guild having to switch to hard mode from NM, the answer seems to be "no".


But even IF healing output is enough, the worst part is this:


If maintaining heat results in excessive boring stupid whack-a-mole free-shots ability usage thus that it is boring as heck, the mechanics of the class will be made

a) less skill requiring

b) less rewarding for that skills




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No one has mentioned the worst aspect of these nerfs yet...


My guild already hates how rediculously annoying Rapid Shots is.


With these patch notes, I get to use it 4 times as much.


Even if I am still able to keep up in nightmare mode, they might just ditch me for a sorc who's heals don't irritate the piss out of everyone.

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I don't really do much PVE on my toon, but from the limited hard modes that I did, heat management was a joke. I rarely ever had to blow a cooldown, and when I did it was because we had been chain pulling for the last 20 mins.... so from that perspective I think some of these nerfs are warrented.


But as someone who pvp's 95% of the time, these changes seem like an utter disaster in the making. From a pvp perspective, I have never, nor will I ever spec into kolto shell. It is useless, ~300 heal every 3 seconds is a joke when you are being focused with burst damage. Not overheating was already difficult enough when you constantly have 3 people on you, now it will be impossible.


Whats next, going to take away our immunity to interupts when we have energy shield up? How about you do something for our class that is actually useful, like not making us waste a talent point to make our only useful ability truly useful. How about you make kolto shell not terrible by getting rid of the charges and making it an absorb like sorcs, or how about you give us some form of useful utility in huttball, since that is the wz i get 8 times out of 10.

Edited by ianthemannn
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I don't really do much PVE on my toon, but from the limited hard modes that I did, heat management was a joke. I rarely ever had to blow a cooldown, and when I did it was because we had been chain pulling for the last 20 mins.... so from that perspective I think some of these nerfs are warrented.


But as someone who pvp's 95% of the time, these changes seem like an utter disaster in the making. From a pvp perspective, I have never, nor will I ever spec into kolto shell. It is useless, ~300 heal every 3 seconds is a joke when you are being focused with burst damage. Not overheating was already difficult enough when you constantly have 3 people on you, now it will be impossible.


Whats next, going to take away our immunity to interupts when we have energy shield up? How about you do something for our class that is actually useful, like not making us waste a talent point to make our only useful ability truly useful. How about you make kolto shell not terrible by getting rid of the charges and making it an absorb like sorcs, or how about you give us some form of useful utility in huttball, since that is the wz i get 8 times out of 10.


Hammer just met the nail.

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I don't really do much PVE on my toon, but from the limited hard modes that I did, heat management was a joke. I rarely ever had to blow a cooldown, and when I did it was because we had been chain pulling for the last 20 mins.... so from that perspective I think some of these nerfs are warrented.


But as someone who pvp's 95% of the time, these changes seem like an utter disaster in the making. From a pvp perspective, I have never, nor will I ever spec into kolto shell. It is useless, ~300 heal every 3 seconds is a joke when you are being focused with burst damage. Not overheating was already difficult enough when you constantly have 3 people on you, now it will be impossible.


Whats next, going to take away our immunity to interupts when we have energy shield up? How about you do something for our class that is actually useful, like not making us waste a talent point to make our only useful ability truly useful. How about you make kolto shell not terrible by getting rid of the charges and making it an absorb like sorcs, or how about you give us some form of useful utility in huttball, since that is the wz i get 8 times out of 10.




This is one aspect I feel is being ignored. These nerfs have been analyzed from the pve perspective again and again. While still viable in pve to some extent in 16 mans, Merc healers will no longer be COMPETITIVE. Therefore, most groups/guilds will just bring more sorc and or op healers to raids.


The pvp aspect of these changes I find quite disturbing. While remaining viable in pve these changes kill the class for pvp. So for all those Merc healers that played WZ after WZ to gain War Hero rank and be the best possible player they can be for rated warzones, the answer is a crystal clear go f*&@ yourselves. I am not a person who quites over nerfs. I survived Season 5 on my resto druid so I want to try and do the same here, but after doing some testing on the pts I have found that these changes are a monumental disaster.


I am really shocked they haven't dialed these back yet. Having been able to test these changes it's clear that the class is severely gimped now as a result. I was hoping they would make a few tweaks and dial the changes back a bit, but in a current interview with Georg Zoeller (Lead Combat Designer) he states, "Sometimes it’s hard to hear this, but the change to healers you’re referring to was, quite simply, a result of them being too good." His full interview can be found at http://torwars.com/2012/03/24/swtor-community-qa-healing-nerfs-holonet-timeline-looping-music-and-corso-smackdown/. This interview pretty much sums up the current thinking at BW concerning healing. Its too good. Nerf it into the ground. The PTS testing shows the changes are too severe? We don't care do it anyway, it's our game we can do whatever we want.


I love my Merc healer. I will go to any length to adapt and make it work. Nevertheless, I have already been asked by my healing officer and GM to reroll. I really do not want to do this, but after the testing I am really not sure I have any choice.

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Just waiting for the next 'new' patch not on the PTS...


* We've discovered out that healing is still to potent in end game instances, so we're expanding our healing kit changes to all healing abilities. You can only heal once per fight now. ( This change only affects bounty hunters and troopers. )


In all honesty, though, I've played on the PTS and have come to the conclusion that there is absolutely NO reason for a BH to heal on a raid when there's a Sorc available. They do everything we do, but better and for longer. They may of hit the sorc's with the nerfbat, true...


But Bodyguards? They've tied us up, gelded us with a rusty spoon, fried up the remnants in saturated fat and MSG, and are now trying to make us eat the results while telling us that, "It's good for you."


Yes, it's THAT bad. Which is why I'm leveling up a glowstick user right now. Too bad, I actually enjoyed BH healing.

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But Bodyguards? They've tied us up, gelded us with a rusty spoon, fried up the remnants in saturated fat and MSG, and are now trying to make us eat the results while telling us that, "It's good for you."

Hey, I object to that! Make that fried up in full-of-trans-fats cheap refined veggie fat shortening, and I'd sign that ... ;)


Natural sat fats are goood, mmmmmmm. :)

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Just waiting for the next 'new' patch not on the PTS...


* We've discovered out that healing is still to potent in end game instances, so we're expanding our healing kit changes to all healing abilities. You can only heal once per fight now. ( This change only affects bounty hunters and troopers. )


In all honesty, though, I've played on the PTS and have come to the conclusion that there is absolutely NO reason for a BH to heal on a raid when there's a Sorc available. They do everything we do, but better and for longer. They may of hit the sorc's with the nerfbat, true...


But Bodyguards? They've tied us up, gelded us with a rusty spoon, fried up the remnants in saturated fat and MSG, and are now trying to make us eat the results while telling us that, "It's good for you."


Yes, it's THAT bad. Which is why I'm leveling up a glowstick user right now. Too bad, I actually enjoyed BH healing.


Yeah, I too enjoyed BH healing, but I guess I'll raise a sorc now. I hate to repeat that story though given that I already levelled an assassin :(

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Yeah, I too enjoyed BH healing, but I guess I'll raise a sorc now. I hate to repeat that story though given that I already levelled an assassin :(



You know, every single MMO that has ever come out has had its bumps and uphill struggles when it comes to healing. Every class has gotten buffed and nerfed over and over again. People have complained time and time again about it, threatened to quit, get their friends to quit... etc.


When it all comes down to it, the changes don't make us a strong raid healer... heaven forbid Sorcs get to keep their raid healing niche. We are strong tank healers, we will remain so. And if you enjoy healing as a BH, learn to play with the changes and get used to them. I've watched BH's healing on the PTR having little to no difficulty doing it. People keep thinking its the be all end all and their class is being nerfed because 4 months into the game BW is trying to balance things.


Try it out for yourself, play with the changes, because I promise you there isn't a single sorc out there who isn't going to have issues now that their free anytime-I-want-to-regen consumption is gone.

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You know, every single MMO that has ever come out has had its bumps and uphill struggles when it comes to healing. Every class has gotten buffed and nerfed over and over again. People have complained time and time again about it, threatened to quit, get their friends to quit... etc.


When it all comes down to it, the changes don't make us a strong raid healer... heaven forbid Sorcs get to keep their raid healing niche. We are strong tank healers, we will remain so. And if you enjoy healing as a BH, learn to play with the changes and get used to them. I've watched BH's healing on the PTR having little to no difficulty doing it. People keep thinking its the be all end all and their class is being nerfed because 4 months into the game BW is trying to balance things.


Try it out for yourself, play with the changes, because I promise you there isn't a single sorc out there who isn't going to have issues now that their free anytime-I-want-to-regen consumption is gone.



Telling us to suck it up is really in bad taste; these nerfs absolutely kill PVP Merc Healers while PVE variety will probably be fine in the long run. It's as if BW is telling us to enjoy watching our team mates die because they'll be goddamn if we're going to heal them for more than 20 seconds.

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I agree, I dread fighting merc/trooper healers in wz there way too powerfull


Way too powerful would be correct if we could put out any sort of threatening DPS but we can't we just heal efficiently and have heavy armor, learn to play your class better and manage your interrupts better.

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Telling us to suck it up is really in bad taste; these nerfs absolutely kill PVP Merc Healers while PVE variety will probably be fine in the long run. It's as if BW is telling us to enjoy watching our team mates die because they'll be gosh darn if we're going to heal them for more than 20 seconds.



In full BM gear, without guard on me, I can currently sit there healing with up to 5 people on me right now. If you honestly think that's ok and doesn't require any kind of change what-so-ever, then well I'm sorry. It does. Yes, I love being unkillable in pvp, doesn't mean its as intended.


As far as my saying "suck it up", I didn't. I said try the changes out for yourself, get used to them and learn to work around them. I said this because complaining about it or threatening to unsub is not going to magically make BW change its mind. The changes are going through and we have to learn to accept that. People who are going to shelf their mercs or quit playing without at least testing the changes are not only selling BW short, they're selling themselves short as well.

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